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I think you are a Delusionist :secret:

Why Vladimir Putin only Invite Xi Jinping to Drink Vodka Together in His Birthday when G-20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia Yesterday? :china: Why not Indian? :-)

I think it has a deep meaning in China-Russia Relationship. :dirol:

Hitler also invited Russian premiers before Russian invasion of Nazis.
There are border disputes between India - china, china-russia.

There are concerns in both India and Russia regarding Chinese military build up.

Each country can act as a counter force to each other just like in 1971 just in case of chinese adventures.

Russia is more than happy to work with India in its former soviet union countries than with China.

Yes, there is India-Russia axis and then there is Russia - China economic cooperation particularly in defense sector, I mean Chinese copy the Russian defense toys and also take help of Russian scientists.

Border disputes with Russia has already been solved in case you didn't know. As Putin has said China and Russia share a strategic relationship unlike any other country.

Sino-Soviet border conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1991 Sino-Soviet Border Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lol Russia sells some toys to India to make money and suddenly they are an "axis"...
There is an easy solution. Stop buying from China. US, place your merchandise orders elsewhere in the world. That would bankrupt China.

At the moment Chinese buy as much US Treasury bonds as much US sends FDI to China. Take that FDI away from the Chinese and place it elsewhere.

With that said and done, Chinese would be bankrupted. Twenty million Chinese would be unemployed. A new revolution would be at hand.
There is no Russia - China axis
Russia has been trying very hard to mend its relationships in asia,including with Isreal.So this should not be a surprise.
But at the same time Russia is playing on all sides as it expands ties with both China and many of the countries along its periphery, including Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam and India. The moves appear to be aimed at giving Russia the ability to hedge against Chinese influence.
The two countries have now agreed to jointly build an oil refinery in China and continue nuclear cooperation(dont know why it rings a toc sin's ding inside my head).
The most recent example of this expansion of ties was Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s trip to Beijing to meet with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang as part of an annual meeting between the two heads of state.
It is extremely stupid to say if China join hand with Russia to bankrupt the US

Set aside if they can actually do it, in the next 50 years, if US is bankrupted, that would have meant the world 68% reserve currency becoming toilet paper overnight, if Chinese bankrupt the US, then they will bankrupt themselves in the process.

In reality, if Chinese and Russian up the game in Asia, US will simply move from an active protector to a passive supporter (ie by selling and arming the allies in SE Asia, US will make sure that before Russia and China up the game, SE Asia will become untenurable first. American is really not as dumb as many would think
If US is bankrupt, who is going to buy all the products around the world? Like it or not.. That is the biggest market in the world.. Once US is bankrupt, rest of the nations will follow..
WFB's Bill Gertz: We're in the middle of a hypersonic arms race with Russia and China
China and Russia may hold joint naval drill in the Mediterranean
Published time: January 19, 2014 03:09
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Russia and China have agreed to conduct a joint naval drill in the Mediterranean Sea, a Russian media report cites the Defense Ministry. The countries’ fleets are currently involved in an intl operation to escort the Syrian chemical weapons stockpile.

The Defense Ministry said on Sunday that group of Russian naval officers deployed onboard a heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Peter the Great" visited Chinese frigate Yancheng.

“On board the Chinese patrol ship, Russian sailors discussed with their foreign counterparts the possibility of joint tactical exercises in the Mediterranean Sea. Under the agreement, such exercises can be carried out in the near future in an effort to improve the level of operational compatibility between Russian and Chinese warships during joint operations in the eastern Mediterranean,”
the statement from the Ministry of Defense said.

The main aim of the joint naval exercise would be to increase the level of operational cooperation between the two navies designed to tackle terrorist threats and improve joint rescue operations at sea, the Ministry explained.

On January 7, both counties escorted the first consignment of Syrian chemical weapons materials that has left the country on a Danish ship. This became the first practical interaction between the Russian and the Chinese navies.

The Chinese Department of Defense noted that Captain Pyshklov, commanding officer of the Mediterranean Combat Group of the Russian Navy, praised the performance of the Yancheng during the escort operation, while his counterpart, Li Pengcheng spoke highly of the important role the Russian Navy played in the escort operation for the ships transporting Syria’s chemical weapons.

In July, Russia and China held a three-day joint naval military exercise. The “Naval Interaction-2013" in the open waters off the Port of Vladivostok became China’s largest overseas military exercises in terms of the number of troops deployed outside its territorial waters. Seven Chinese warships including four destroyers, two frigates and one comprehensive supply ship took part in the war games.

Both Russian and Chinese ships have polished their skills in joint air-defense and maritime replenishment. They have also practiced tackling submarine threats and tested their skills in joint escort and in rescuing a hijacked ship while shooting maritime targets.

Russia and China have regularly held joint naval drills since 2005 within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. However, “Naval Interaction-2013" was only the second exercise conducted outside the SCO: the first was held in April 2012.

In recent years, the Chinese navy has participated in a series of joint exercises in the Pacific and Indian oceans, while Chinese ground forces have taken part in land war games organized by the SCO.


China has never gone that far to do military exercise,that's very strange.
why not in south china sea ?

probably because the world's attention is fixated on the powder-keg that is the east mediterranean sea, what with the syria conflict and everything. the regional actors like syria, israel, lebanon, and turkey have shown to be completely incapable of managing their conflict, so great powers will have to step in and show the babies how to behave.
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