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Pouring scorn on China-Russia engagement foolish
Source:Global Times Published: 2014-12-19

Since the value of Ruble has slumped, the Sino-Russia relationship has been targeted. According to a Chinese commentator, the currency swap agreement worth 150 billion yuan ($24.4 billion), signed between the central banks of both sides in October, is tantamount to "directly offering money to Russia." The claim has been widely spread, leaving an impression that China is being dragged down by Russia.

However, some economists refuted the argument. The currency swap agreement is not like handing over money, rather it regulates the total currency exchange between the two sides. Only when real transactions are processed, a debtor-creditor relationship will be formed based on real-time exchange rate.

The economic commentator made a simple mistake, but drew a certain number of followers. Although mainstream Chinese society has reached a consensus over the importance of developing the China-Russia comprehensive strategic collaborative partnership, there is still opposition against Sino-Russian proximity, mainly from pro-Western forces, who look down upon Russia, and a few who are ignorant of international politics.

It is silly if Chinese society scorn the Beijing-Moscow engagement. Facing heightened pressure from the US, China and Russia are very precious strategic partners to each other. There are also absurd propositions suggesting that the China-US friendship should replace China-Russia ties. If the China-Russia relationship collapses, the US will only become tougher on China. A good but unallied China-Russia relationship in fact plays an important role in stabilizing relations between Beijing and Washington.

China won't be on the losing side in the China-Russia bilateral relation. The reason why the two countries have moved closer is because they can mutually benefit from the proximity. It's a hysterical bias to claim that China is wooing Putin at the cost of its own interests.

Russia suffers the heaviest loss from the devaluation of the ruble, as it directly deals a heavy blow to the Russian economy. From the global perspective, China has benefited more from the tripartite relations than the Western countries, in which Russia and the West are locked into a standoff while Beijing and Moscow have further advanced cooperation.

The ruble slump will bog down the China-Russian economic cooperation in the short-term, disturbing bilateral trade. It is important that China respects Russia, never fishing in Russia's troubled waters. When either of the two countries faces a grave crisis, it means the bilateral partnership is facing a test. Russia and Putin are far from a dead end. Few Westerners are confident that they can crush Russia. Those who want to urge China to take advantage of the Russian crisis are throwing away the bilateral partnership.
I just don't understand why you Vietnamese hate Russia. Wasn't Russia your former supporter and donor? Vietnamese are good at betraying its old friends.

Back to the topic, China will and is able to help Russia.
you don´t get it. everybody knows your help comes with political costs. you used to play dirty tricks. for instance,

you helped north vietnam during the war. as price, you demanded north vietnam leadership to abandon the bond to the soviet union. as your viet comrades refused, you stopped all supports and declared war against vietnam.

another example, you "helped" cambodia to massacre their own population, and when we intervened you invaded vietnam and killed our people. I bet if you help russia now, you will ask the russians to stop weapons delivering to vietnam. or russia support for your stance in the south china sea. correct?

No, russia will survive without your "help". they should be careful in dealing with china.
Here i remember someguy told me, he waiting for China collapsing ... LOL after China Game Over, neither money nor rich to ur family & nation, it's a Middle-East 2.0 to whole Far East nations.

Our generations will living in a new Far East full of Violence/ Regional War/ Religious slaughter, as a slaver forever, this's just a game rule early planed by non-Asian. :coffee: Here most nations under developing, if China collapsed no doubt a unstable region is the biggest enemy for development, and u didn't have enough oil as rich as Saudi.

It's better for China to keep strong. ;)
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you don´t get it. everybody knows your help comes with political costs. you used to play dirty tricks. for instance,

you helped north vietnam during the war. as price, you demanded north vietnam leadership to abandon the bond to the soviet union. as your viet comrades refused, you stopped all supports and declared war against vietnam.

another example, you "helped" cambodia to massacre their own population, and when we intervened you invaded vietnam and killed our people. I bet if you help russia now, you will ask the russians to stop weapons delivering to vietnam. or russia support for your stance in the south china sea. correct?

No, russia will survive without your "help". they should be careful in dealing with china.
Vietnam refused to be with China and against Soviet Union. But you chose to be with Soviet Union and against China. What's the difference? China and Soviet Union broke up since 1969. You should make up your mind to stand with whom immediately. Why you decided to choose Soviet Union over China after the Vietnam civil war(1975)? Weren't you cheating on China?

China supported the Khmer Rouge. That's true. Should China be responsible for everything Khmer Rouge did? US ever supported Bin Laden. 11/9 was clearly not US idea.

Regarding China's help on Russia, there is no free lunch in the world.
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I've seen a lot of concern trolling on western media sites about how the China-Russia relationship will never come to fruition: because of Siberia, Cold War Sino-Soviet split, Russian fears of being a "resource appendage", etc. The more numerous these paid shills become and the flakier their arguments get, the more desperate and fearful that US appears to be of the burgeoning China-Russia relationship.
Recent case is the ISIS. West support Syria protest & Rebel force to against Syria government, then ISIS jumped out from Syria Rebel, took lands from Iraqi and Syria and threated more lands in Middle-East region.

If China collapsed, WAR also coming to Far East like today happened inside Iraqi and Syria, just think in a conflict region how to develop urself ?

China need a stable Russia, not a chaos north neighbour or foreign conflicts at the door of China. A smart government must be far-sighted ! :D
Politically Neutral, Economy deep cooperation.

this is not about friendship. Some members think Russia is all nice and all. They have stolen Chinese lands, threatened China at her most vulnerable times, supported india and even threatened to use nukes.

If Russia want Chinese help they need to give Chinese more in return in the form of engine tech, better deal on oil/gas and some land. I think and hope CPC will extend help once Russia is on her knees.
this is not about friendship. Some members think Russia is all nice and all. They have stolen Chinese lands, threatened China at her most vulnerable times, supported india and even threatened to use nukes.

If Russia want Chinese help they need to give Chinese more in return in the form of engine tech, better deal on oil/gas and some land. I think and hope CPC will extend help once Russia is on her knees.

What you said is somewhat correct
Russians have their own agenda on China
But they are not an imminent and ferocious danger, unlike the hegemony which is using all forces - media, cyber, allies, espionage, embargoes and sanctions, opinion polls, NGOs, movements and revolutions, proxies, hardwares, finance and trade .. to try to topple both of China and Russia
We have more in common on the long haul in territorial defense than USA
They may use India as a prawn; but the US is doing the same sellling weapons to India as well. If the Russian is not supplying hardware to the Indians, US will be happy to fill the shoes
So we should give the Russia more respect.
We all know how good the Indians are. So in this respect, relax buddy!:-)
Let them solve it out.I'm sure russian wouldn't give a sh!t if we have a limited war with Vietnam.We are not allies.Don't be naive and have some confidence.Pathetic.What did they do when we had some conflict in SCS?nothing,They still sell their weapons to Vietnam.
Russia is more like a fearless gangster,no need to bind ourselve with them.
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For now sitiation has stabilized.But attacks will continue.It is all out war(short of direct military confrontation for now) West against Russia(and rest of the BRICS and their allies).Such loss of value in such short time has absolutely nothing to do with sanctions or slow economy(Russian economy actually is moving ahead) and everything to do with market manupulation.LIBOR/FX/gold &silver ...every single market is rigged and manupulated by Western financial institutions.It is easy to hurt any currency when have control over the platforms and printing press.Btw 5th column in Russia is trying to create a panic-they spread the rumor Sberbank(one of the biggest banks in Russia) will stop servicing its own debit/credit issued cards.Interesting info-more than 2 years ago in september 2012 was a message Russian people and bussines need to prepare for a rate from 50-70 rubles per USD in the future.
For now sitiation has stabilized.But attacks will continue.It is all out war(short of direct military confrontation for now) West against Russia(and rest of the BRICS and their allies).Such loss of value in such short time has absolutely nothing to do with sanctions or slow economy(Russian economy actually is moving ahead) and everything to do with market manupulation.LIBOR/FX/gold &silver ...every single market is rigged and manupulated by Western financial institutions.It is easy to hurt any currency when have control over the platforms and printing press.Btw 5th column in Russia is trying to create a panic-they spread the rumor Sberbank(one of the biggest banks in Russia) will stop servicing its own debit/credit issued cards.Interesting info-more than 2 years ago in september 2012 was a message Russian people and bussines need to prepare for a rate from 50-70 rubles per USD in the future.

I totally agree with you, this is indeed the final struggle to keep themselves as the hegemon of the world and a unipolar world order. They can see where things are going with the BRICS and how the tide is slowly changing and its just a matter of time until the dollar is no longer the main global currency, in which case it will be a US collapse since they depend on that to keep living beyond their means as they have being doing until now.

The US will do whatever it takes to keep the status quo, they are going to get very nasty. They know that they need to take down / neutralize Russia and China. Russia is the softer, weaker target, so they start with Russia. If they succeed with Russia, China is next and it will be a nasty fight. That's why I keep telling the chinese here that if China is smart, they really need to give serious financial help to Russia without conditions, but most of them don't get it and only think about making profit from that.
For now sitiation has stabilized.But attacks will continue.It is all out war(short of direct military confrontation for now) West against Russia(and rest of the BRICS and their allies).Such loss of value in such short time has absolutely nothing to do with sanctions or slow economy(Russian economy actually is moving ahead) and everything to do with market manupulation.LIBOR/FX/gold &silver ...every single market is rigged and manupulated by Western financial institutions.It is easy to hurt any currency when have control over the platforms and printing press.Btw 5th column in Russia is trying to create a panic-they spread the rumor Sberbank(one of the biggest banks in Russia) will stop servicing its own debit/credit issued cards.Interesting info-more than 2 years ago in september 2012 was a message Russian people and bussines need to prepare for a rate from 50-70 rubles per USD in the future.

Do you think Putin will eventually take on the 5th column and hit them hard? Are they powerful enough to possibly beat Putin?
I totally agree with you, this is indeed the final struggle to keep themselves as the hegemon of the world and a unipolar world order. They can see where things are going with the BRICS and how the tide is slowly changing and its just a matter of time until the dollar is no longer the main global currency, in which case it will be a US collapse since they depend on that to keep living beyond their means as they have being doing until now.

The US will do whatever it takes to keep the status quo, they are going to get very nasty. They know that they need to take down / neutralize Russia and China. Russia is the softer, weaker target, so they start with Russia. If they succeed with Russia, China is next and it will be a nasty fight. That's why I keep telling the chinese here that if China is smart, they really need to give serious financial help to Russia without conditions, but most of them don't get it and only think about making profit from that.

The only way to help Russia is to build the Eurasian HSR.

The full economic integration between Russia and China will help Russia to get rid of the oil economy.
The only way to help Russia is to build the Eurasian HSR.

The full economic integration between Russia and China will help Russia to get rid of the oil economy.

We need an ad hoc solution now. If Putin fails in the next few months, then good night China.

Do you think Putin will eventually take on the 5th column and hit them hard? Are they powerful enough to possibly beat Putin?

I think Putin will wait a few more weeks. He has to be 100% sure that the absolute majority is fed up with the pro-transatlantic bunch. Once that situation arrives, the fifth colum will be once and forever be out of Russia.
We need an ad hoc solution now. If Putin fails in the next few months, then good night China.

Don't worry, Putin will last for few years for sure.

And just in few days ago, Li Keqiang and Medvedev had a meeting to discuss about the Eurasian HSR project.

And this project is going to massive, and it is surely going to revive Russia's manufacturing base.
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