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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

If thats true then by doing such things, they are waisting there valuable time in something that makes you feel good but dont forget terror has only one face applicable for both Pak and India
hahaha we give the people of Azad Kashmir their freedom, no one sends troops into Azad Kashmir and forces them to do anything. Pakistan is not like India, and I'm glad the people of Azad Kashmir are making Indians worry :yahoo:

If thats true then by doing such things, they are wasting there valuable time in something that can make you feel good but dont forget terror has only one face applicable for both Pak and India
US adopts Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir

<>i* Burns asks India to understand Pakistan’s problems
* Pushes Pakistan over Mumbai attacks

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: The US said on Thursday that it wants the Kashmir issue resolved in line with the aspirations of the people of Kashmir – a statement that reflects Pakistan’s stance on the long-standing dispute.

Addressing a press conference after meeting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns – on a three-day visit to India – stunned reporters by saying that the Kashmir issue had to be settled in line with the aspirations of Kashmiris. “It remains our view that a resolution of that issue has to take into account wishes of the Kashmiri people,” he said.

Burns said the US would continue to push the Pakistani government to act against terrorists, as “they are source of instability for the entire world”.

However, Burns also asked New Delhi not to underestimate the seriousness of and difficulties faced by Islamabad in its effort to contain extremists and terrorists.

While Burns emphasised the need for Indo-Pak dialogue, he indicated that the US would let the two countries work out things on their own. “The US has always welcomed dialogue ... but it is also obvious the pace and scope is something for the Indian and Pakistani leadership to decide. How and when to approach that dialogue is for them to decide,” he said.

Burns also asked the international community to help internally displaced Pakistanis, as the issue needed significant international response.

He also announced that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would visit India in the second half of July.

Burns said the US would continue to ask the Pakistani government to act immediately and effectively on Indian concerns to investigate and bring to justice the perpetrators of Mumbai terror attacks.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
No, i think Independent Kashmir is best option for Kashmiris.Both Azad as well as IOK should become Independent.

I dont think azad kashmir would be to eager to split from pakistan.......better for us to merge with pakistan and let the indians have jammu the rest can go Independent or have joint control.
I dont think azad kashmir would be to eager to split from pakistan.......better for us to merge with pakistan and let the indians have jammu the rest can go Independent or have joint control.

you live in pak occupied kashmir???
I am surprised how the Two Nation theory (validity of which is a seperate debate altogether and not related to this thread) is being bought about to resolve Kashmir. I am sure everyone would agree that Kashmiri seperatism was not a boiling issue until 90s and human rights abuses by the Indian army there. This is one of the reason why the local population never supported operation gibraltor and became the reason for its subsequent failure. Moreover, Kashmiris overwhelming (separatists included) prefer living together with Hindus and Buddhists in a single unified entity and this is shown time and time again in different opinion polls and political statements.

Anyways, what I wanted to contribute to this thread is some interesting material forwarded to me by a Kashmiri student(also happens to be a distant cousin of mine) who took part in a conflict resolution poll in 2008-2009 conducted by Colin Irwin a well known name in conflict resolution around the world and played an important part in the Irish peace process. What I believe is that majority of us likes to uphold is genuine interests of the Kashmiri people, be they muslims or non-muslims, Indians or Pakistanis. There are a significant few who would like to polarize the situation and prefer to look after their own interests (i.e. Indian or Pakistani) at the detriment of the Kashmirs but that need not be the case. and then with an open mind read through the reports.
Bear in mind that these interviews were conducted in the aftermath of Amarnath yatra controversy and the mumbai attacks so that would have influenced some of the responses.

The best thing I like about this report is how it has not only tried to identify the problems but presented solutions to the people to "vote" on. They have also took pains to diffenretiate between Hindu Muslim and Buddhist opinions as well as opinions between Kashmir Jammu and Ladakh, with another subset for PaK.

The methodology of how the poll was conducted and how statistical quality was maintained is also provided. I will not provide my own opinions but would prefer everyone to read these with an open mind.

Pakistan Administered Kashmir information included report IaK vs Pak

Full report focussing only on IaK

Regarding the US mandated plebiscite, it seems that the resolution allows for only two options: join India or Pakistan. Independance is not on the table. So this following through with the UN mandated plebeciste would not solve the problem apparently. I will post some exceprts of the report later on that are significant but here is some fromt he website

Peace polls, an effective approach in helping resolve conflict

Remarkably, when it came to the critical issues of the constitution the top priority (from a list of 29) was 'J and K should be a secular state' at 68% 'essential or desirable'. And although it will come as no surprise that 63% of Muslims in the Kashmir Valley reject the constitutional status quo of remaining with India as 'totally unacceptable' 69% of that same population also considered a merger with Pakistan to be 'totally unacceptable'. So a UN plebiscite that is limited to these two options (a priority for Muslims at 71% 'essential or desirable') can not solve the problem of Kashmir. The only way forward is negotiation and that is what the people want. Not the corrupt street politics of sectarian division and communal strife.
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I am surprised how the Two Nation theory (validity of which is a seperate debate altogether and not related to this thread) is being bought about to resolve Kashmir. I am sure everyone would agree that Kashmiri seperatism was not a boiling issue until 90s and human rights abuses by the Indian army there. This is one of the reason why the local population never supported operation gibraltor and became the reason for its subsequent failure. Moreover, Kashmiris overwhelming (separatists included) prefer living together with Hindus and Buddhists in a single unified entity and this is shown time and time again in different opinion polls and political statements.

Anyways, what I wanted to contribute to this thread is some interesting material forwarded to me by a Kashmiri student(also happens to be a distant cousin) who took part in a conflict resolution poll in 2008-2009 conducted by Colin Irwin a well known name in conflict resolution around the world and played an important part in the Irish peace process. What I believe is that majority of us likes to uphold is genuine interests of the Kashmiri people, be they muslims or non-muslims, Indians or Pakistanis. There are a significant few who would like to polarize the situation and prefer to look after their own interests (i.e. Indian or Pakistani) at the detriment of the Kashmirs but that need not be the case. and then with an open mind read through the reports.
Bear in mind that these interviews were conducted in the aftermath of Amarnath yatra controversy and the mumbai attacks so that would have influenced some of the responses.

The best thing I like about this report is how it has not only tried to identify the problems but presented solutions to the people to "vote" on. They have also took pains to diffenretiate between Hindu Muslim and Buddhist opinions as well as opinions between Kashmir Jammu and Ladakh, with another subset for PaK.

The methodology of how the poll was conducted and how statistical quality was maintained is also provided. I will not provide my own opinions but would prefer everyone to read these with an open mind.

Pakistan Administered Kashmir information included report IaK vs Pak

Full report focussing only on IaK

Regarding the US mandated plebiscite, it seems that the resolution allows for only two options: join India or Pakistan. Independance is not on the table. So this following through with the UN mandated plebeciste would not solve the problem apparently. I will post some exceprts of the report later on that are significant but here is some fromt he website

Peace polls, an effective approach in helping resolve conflict

Can not open the first two documents......plz go to the link below and tell me if thats what your talikng about.

Future of Kashmir is peaceful co-existance and secular nature.I don't think the majority of kashmiris at present scenario prefer secularity of the region.that is where lies the problem.From 1990's Radical Teachings got Dominance in that Part of India.If Kashmir is in China or (....) ,The revolts would have got CRUSHED.Indians are good at heart that Our Government Still Spends Funds for the Lost Sheep.

Most Indians expect,as we are secular ,so they(others) also will be secular -which is Not So True elsewhere.India is still a good choice for kashmiris to live if they want to have a better future.India's Religious Majority-Hindus were and are Very Tolerant-which shall not be considered a weakness.
Can not open the first two documents......plz go to the link below and tell me if thats what your talikng about.


Not sure which post you were referring too. If you cannot open the documents from the direct links you can go directly to the website here and select Kashmir: http://www.peacepolls.org/. The reports are hyperlinked there. If needed I can upload the reports as well so that you can download it directly.

The reports has nothing to do with official GoI or GoP positions. Personally I hope both governments take a look at the grievances expressed in these reports and tackle these issues in order of importance to the Kashmiri people. Also I wanted to mention that adequate representation to Kashmiri pandits currently living in camps was also included so rest assured their overall representation is reflected in the report as well.

As mentioned earlier these were conducted in late 2008 early 2009 in Indian administered Kasmir and around march-april 2009 in Pakistan administered Kashmir. Five options were given to participants on how to "rate" their acceptance of a point.

These options ranged from Essential (This is absolutely necessary for me) to Desirable, Acceptable, Tolerable, and Unacceptable (The other end of the spectrum, this is absolutely unacceptable for me)
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Future of Kashmir is peaceful co-existance and secular nature.I don't think the majority of kashmiris at present scenario prefer secularity of the region.that is where lies the problem.
That is what YOU think, and what the right-wing elements on boths sides of the communal divide would love to be true but it is not. If you had gone through the link and reports that I posted earlier that presents what KASHMIRIS THINK, you will see overwhelmingly muslims (including in the valley) support a secular and pluralist society at around 70&#37; stating it as "essential" and what pandits to return to the valley.

From 1990's Radical Teachings got Dominance in that Part of India.If Kashmir is in China or (....) ,The revolts would have got CRUSHED.Indians are good at heart that Our Government Still Spends Funds for the Lost Sheep.

THAT my friend is the difference between us and the Chinese. The IA and more to an extent the CPRF; although doing a difficult job; abused human rights which was/is unacceptable. Indians cherish human rights and that is how GoI should solve this issue - through consensus and value for human rights.
@EjazR:If what you are telling is True(70&#37; kashmiris supporting secular..) ,then fine.
BUT - I don't think the truth can be altered.From 1990s to Present Scenario ,There is a great brain-wash happened(and Happening still) which prevents many kashmiri muslims to be in sync with National Stream.

But ,as you said ,I had my talks with few kashiris doing business in other parts of India.most of them are very friendly and Identifies as Indian.they are reluctant and seems not interested(not speaking at all!) at all on the issues of brain-washing by Mullahs.
Kashmir belongs To INDIA.. Funny Proof

An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly that made the world community smile.

A representative from India began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to tellyou something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whom Kashmir is named.

When he struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath.'

He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.

When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Pakistani had stolen them.'

The Pakistani representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Pakistanis weren't there then.'

The Indian representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.'

And they say Kashmir belongs to them...


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