As I said before, in order to stop Irani missile speed boats in hundreds, the US will have to destroy the Port Base they use. Iran already has 1,500 high-speed missile boats. How many your helis can kill these high speed swirling boats? How many precision weapons a heli carries?You should know the fate of many Iraqi missile boats when being hunted by British Navy during the Gulf war. The Advent of precision Missiles like Brimstone or Hellfire Made small Missile boats less relevan and a typical ASW helicopter like Seahawk can carry 8 hellfire missiles in surface attack type mission, not to mention any large Navy had a complete Naval package among their fleets and they work in networking environment and not work as stand alone platform, and there is plethora of type of missiles to engage such fast attack boats from distances like Grifin missiles. Or if needed the destroyer can relay the data they gather into fleets of fighter aircraft in the area such as F-18 to engage the swarm boats from long range
By the way, in order to avoid missile firing from the boats the US helis will have to run at cruising speed and when a heli does so, it can no more target a missile at the changing Coordinates of a moving boat. So, the Helis will only be flying around without successfully firing at the fast moving missile boats. It may kill one or two, but all others will fire missiles at it.
I think Iranian missile boats are good deterrence to the US naval hegemony in the Persian Gulf.