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The Filth in Erdogan's Closet


Dec 7, 2008
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While the government tries to shout down the opposition, it has done little to restore its own credibility. The compromised ministers weren’t the initial targets; rather, it was the officers involved in the investigation who lost their jobs first. A reported 400 officers have been removed from their posts or reassigned. To choke off the steady trickle of embarrassing leaks, the Interior Ministry has banned reporters from police stations. Procedures have been changed so that the police cannot assist the public prosecutor without first informing their superiors — even if it is the superior who stands accused.

Absolute power corrupting absolutely tells only part of the Turkish story. Corruption and institutionalized greed can become a powerful engine pushing a government over the edge into absolutism. It’s happening to a government that came to power 11 years ago promising to be the new broom that would sweep Turkish politics clean.


Islamists found out to be corrupt and vicious. What are the chances.
The lousy west and Israel made Ergdogan make all that corruption. :omghaha:

Islamist lying bigots would come up with any excuse. Its anyone but themselves that is wrong. :crazy:
Western media trashing anyone who dares to criticize Israel.
What are the chances?

come on now... there are moments in you I think to be intelligent and then you go say this utter nonsense above and sound like a paranoid conspiracist. NY Times or Isreal have nothing to do with what this guys has done...

why in the world would you want to defend a corrupt, authoritarian fella like this?
come on now... there are moments in you I think to be intelligent and then you go say this utter nonsense above and sound like a paranoid conspiracist. NY Times or Isreal have nothing to do with what this guys has done...

why in the world would you want to defend a corrupt, authoritarian fella like this?

This is not about Erdogan at all. Yes, he has exceeded power, like all politicians do. If you think the Western media gives a damn about the well being of ordinary Turks, you are wrong.

The Western media turned on Turkey (Armenian genocide, etc.) as soon as Turkey/Israel relations soured.
Ergdogan issue is much bigger than just Turkey-Israel relationship.

He want to get away Turkey from NATO to Russia.

As Ergdogan said, everything started from the Western source, that he is not that clean.

It's a coup from the West, using Turkey internal force, so it look like a domestic affair.
This is not about Erdogan at all. Yes, he has exceeded power, like all politicians do. If you think the Western media gives a damn about the well being of ordinary Turks, you are wrong.

The Western media turned on Turkey (Armenian genocide, etc.) as soon as Turkey/Israel relations soured.

Western media especially the likes of NYtimes is not a stooge of the govt. You have a fundamental misunderstanding or ignorance when it comes to them. Sure there are media sources that are bais... but large media houses like NYtimes ????

come on now- if you are even a casual reader of the NY times, you would know that they have had daming articles about the US government, put unfavorable articles busting the US govt on many things- forced legislation changes because of the secrets they have brought to light. And there are many news organizations like NYtimes in west that are the pinnacle of journalism.

you chose to have knee jerk reaction to post and I still can't understand this fixation with Israel . NY times has written many articles daming Israel stances on many issues. Mostly fair and some debatable
And where did I claim that the media is a stooge of the government?

You need to read what I write rather than what you imagine.

did I imagine this ? US govt has a pro israeli stance is an established fact. what exactly do you now want to twist your words below to mean? western media is an israeli cabal ? you are wrong and you had knee jerk reaction.

Western media trashing anyone who dares to criticize Israel.
What are the chances?
did I imagine this ? US govt has a pro israeli stance is an established fact. what exactly do you now want to twist your words below to mean? western media is an israeli cabal ? you are wrong and you had knee jerk reaction.

As usual you've got it backwards.

US govt. has a pro-Israeli stance because the pro-Israeli lobby is effective.
The same lobby has a huge influence on the western media.

The source of the anti-Turkey campaign is the pro-Israeli lobby (in its various forms), not the US government.

I previously provided you with academic and media references about the Israeli lobby, especially in the US. I know you are willfully blind to that, so I won't waste any time.
As usual you've got it backwards.

US govt. has a pro-Israeli stance because the pro-Israeli lobby is effective.
The same lobby has a huge influence on the western media.

The source of the anti-Turkey campaign is the pro-Israeli lobby (in its various forms), not the US government.

This is true, various powerful Jewish organizations here...especially at time of flotilla were bashing turkey and conducting a massive media campaign against turkey just for that reason.

Then politicians were also saying ridiculous things at presidential debates if you remember rick perry...
As usual you've got it backwards.

US govt. has a pro-Israeli stance because the pro-Israeli lobby is effective.
The same lobby has a huge influence on the western media.

The source of the anti-Turkey campaign is the pro-Israeli lobby (in its various forms), not the US government.

I previously provided you with academic and media references about the Israeli lobby, especially in the US. I know you are willfully blind to that, so I won't waste any time.

your fixation with this stuff without knowledge about how we balance that relationship is just you. even today we are going ahead with the Iran deal , your imaginary "power" of israeli lobby over us notwithstanding
your fixation with this stuff without knowledge about how we balance that relationship is just you. even today we are going ahead with the Iran deal , your imaginary "power" of israeli lobby over us notwithstanding

I never said the control is 100%.

The Iranian deal is being pushed primarily by the Executive branch because, as a second term President, Obama doesn't have re-election worries. Congress is still doing its best to push the Israeli concerns.

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