No he is very cool and factual, he says he phones from Monzelfeld. He Claims that his Name is APO APOYU siken ( APO - F--cker of APO). He protetsts against the Website and says that Türkiye fights terrorists and not legal WORKERS PARTY. He asks , did you see a Party with Kalasnikovs killing People ?
Icecold atmospere in the STUDIO.
Moderator ask KURDIS woman KOC , do you want to answer ?
She is paralyzed and can say nothing !
I hope he wasn't intercepted; otherwise German Secret Service will make him a TARGET for PKK.
BUT he seems clever ! Phoned over different VOIP nodes
A PKK fighter riding on a donkey and targeted from Weapon Control Station !
Headline says IS, but he would have been killed with one SHOT. PKK is their allies and so they tolerate
SOME other bastards identified :
Jordan Matson, Jeremy Dale Woodard, Travis James Jones
RIP bros.
BBC- FARSI announced that PJAK killed 31 Iranian Security Forces this Week !
In Kermansah Region 11 (including a Revolution Guard Commander)
and a Police Station at Merivan 20
PKK İran'da da kendini gösterdi !