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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

You should explain it to our eastern NATO partner, and try to bring the affected states on your side. Tit for tat.
That is going to be difficult because they're security concern is mainly Russia. IMO as long as they have shared culture or language with Russia they will never be free of the security threat.

The same could be said about Taiwan. Keeping Chinese language will forever make them a target, and China isn't becoming any weaker.
A group of PKK terrorist organization member claimed responsibility for the fireworks factory explosion in Sakarya, where 4 people died and 97 workers were injured.
What is going on @ 00:04? Thermobaric warhead?
looks like some kind of bunker-buster bomb - pressuring air or detonation pressure out of the caves?

A group of PKK terrorist organization member claimed responsibility for the fireworks factory explosion in Sakarya, where 4 people died and 97 workers were injured.

tell us something new.. as if we didn't know who made that shit - these rats, France got nervous, their puppets are engaging

Turkish army is literally taking the fight to pkk rats!!!!

Once the terrorism problem is done. Turkey will now fully focus on defending its interests, building bases and protecting its sphere of influence.

I really fcking despise k*rds a lot.
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Shouldn’t MIT be installing street cameras and such for surveillance and such.

like in Bourne movies.There are a lot of excuses, and good reasons.
fucking Kurds at it again - cant fight soldiers, so they fight woods
This is really disturbing me , how can you generalise by saying kurds, it is pkk .
This is racism and today many different nationality persons including turks fighting in the pkk against us. Many kurds living in Turkey who love their country are fighting against pkk with us.
fucking Kurds at it again - cant fight soldiers, so they fight woods

There are much, much more Kurds fighting as professional soldiers in the Turkish army than in the PKK...
Can these people get a decreased sentence because they surrendered? It would incentivise more and more people to leave the PKK if that's the case.
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