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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Erdogan: “We conducted our first operation with 20 fighter jets and struck 10 significant points in Mt. Qandil area,” Erdogan said, adding: “In our second operation, we dealt with their leaders' team when they were at a meeting in Mt. Qandil area.” "Kandil'de 10 önemli noktayı vurduk. İkincisinde yine bir operasyon ve toplantı halinde Kandil'deki lider takımını hallettik."

Lets wait for confirmation. If its not true he is a honorless bitch using the operation for a political profit. If its true I will declare a point of view that he fixed what he ruined.
Is this TEM anti terror operation.
Its by far not everything, ypg still holds the largest chunks of the land they have grabbed from Arabs and Turkmens.
Afrin and Manbij are tiny compared to rest.

Compare to Kurdish settlements with ypg held territories.



In terms of population and areas of value they don't hold much though:

Raqqa is now flattened so the only area with significant population and value the YPG has left is Deir Ezzor, and Assad and Iran definitely will not accept YPG keeping that - they were unable to take it back militarily so now they're fomenting insurrection there. Poetic irony that the YPG now has to deal with a rebellion :azn:
In terms of population and areas of value they don't hold much though:

Raqqa is now flattened so the only area with significant population and value the YPG has left is Deir Ezzor, and Assad and Iran definitely will not accept YPG keeping that - they were unable to take it back militarily so now they're fomenting insurrection there. Poetic irony that the YPG now has to deal with a rebellion :azn:
Who cares about population when they grabbed the oil fields.

Erdogan: “We conducted our first operation with 20 fighter jets and struck 10 significant points in Mt. Qandil area,” Erdogan said, adding: “In our second operation, we dealt with their leaders' team when they were at a meeting in Mt. Qandil area.” "Kandil'de 10 önemli noktayı vurduk. İkincisinde yine bir operasyon ve toplantı halinde Kandil'deki lider takımını hallettik."

Lets wait for confirmation. If its not true he is a honorless bitch using the operation for a political profit. If its true I will declare a point of view that he fixed what he ruined.

Does PKK listen to HDP? Or acts separate?

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