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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

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Brother. You are the one who told us to defend and argue for our country here in this forum. I know that some things are going wrong. But it is the same in Europe. Turkish journalists arrested in Germany as spies, ethnic Turkish Police personal ( female and male) taken from service cause suspect of Turkish spies.Most , political active pro Turkish ethnic Turks are technical monitored. I don' t want to get in details.
son of a bitch YUH be, same of global leftits talk about UAV attacks;
go attack the USA m..fker Sezgin


Sagda PKK savunucusu Sevim Dagdelen

This guy made some more statements.

(From his twitter.)

He is giving their names, their occupation etc....

This incident shouldn't be swept under the rug. Government should state the names of the deads and prove that they are terrorists. If they were indeed civilians then state should take responsibility. Killing innocent locals will just make things worse. This incident should be solved.
. .
Hurşit, i blocked you long time ago. I quoted your post pure by luck.

It's not a honour for the mentioned inactive member.
I remember you had been banned for 6 months here.
You post everywhere in US, Chinese, Russian and German forums. Be happy.
I am not jealous for that.
I hope you are the real engineer for clima and environment sytems from Ankara,
you pretend to be.
Please try to contribute productive posts for TÜRKIYE and not hostility. Thx.
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This guy made some more statements.

(From his twitter.)

He is giving their names, their occupation etc....

This incident shouldn't be swept under the rug. Government should state the names of the deads and prove that they are terrorists. If they were indeed civilians then state should take responsibility. Killing innocent locals will just make things worse. This incident should be solved.

This statment is a bad joke.
First he claimed that they were killed by a heron (Point 4)
Then he says that they had been killed by a bayraktar. (Point 13)
The lies at point 1 and 12 are only embarrassing.

PKK scums give too much loss and therefore BND/CIA tries to protect these terrorists with fake news and false flag operation. They demanded that we have to stop the operations with UAV.
If that happens our Mehmetcik are defenseless in the mountains.

Sezgin Tanrikulu is a radical pan kurdish scum. His love for PKK and HDP is not a secret!
CHP must be purified from these terrorists.
This statment is a bad joke.
First he claimed that they were killed by a heron (Point 4)
Then he says that they had been killed by a bayraktar. (Point 13)
The lies at point 1 and 12 are only embarrassing.

PKK scums give too much loss and therefore BND/CIA tries to protect these terrorists with fake news and false flag operation. They demanded that we have to stop the operations with UAV.
If that happens our Mehmetcik are defenseless in the mountains.

Sezgin Tanrikulu is a radical pan kurdish scum. His love for PKK and HDP is not a secret!
CHP must be purified from these terrorists.

Terror and its global roots

Tarih Odası - for beginners

Araplar ile Müslümanların farkı :

Müslüman’lar ümmet’dir. Müslüman'lik Arap olmak anlamina gelmez !

Devletimizin büyük hatasi burada. Ezilmis Araplar, bizi örnek görürken ;
bizde bazi vizyonsuzlar (hainler) Araplasmayi, belki de yanilarak, ÖRNEK aldilar !

Araplar petrol tarlaları üzerinde oturan hain diktatörlerdir.
Arap’ca konuşan herkes Arap değildir.

İspanyolca konuşan ve hürriyetini mücadele ile kazanmış Güney-Orta Amerika ve Karayip insanları da İspanyolca konuşsalar da asla İspanyol olamazlar.

Fas, Mısır ve Lübnan/Suriye/Jordan - ( Büyük Filistin) geleneksel Türk ve Osmanlı düşmanıdır.

Tunus, Libya, Somali, Sudan, Mali ve hatta Moritanya Osmanlı dostu idiler ve öyle kaldılar.

AB ve ABD acaba neden Mali , Sudan ve adı yukarda geçen ülkelere her gün operasyon yapıyor ?

Pakistan’ın dostluğu bile inandırıcı değil,
Bengal (Kara tenli) müslümanlarını 2.nci sınıf değil, insan olarak bile kabul etmekte zorlanıyorlar ( Rohinga’lar).

Nerdesin kardes Pakistan ? Where is your voice brother nation ?

EU : Rohinga are not at our agenda


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Interesting thing is all that scums are working or doing something with agriculture. Look to the place Hakkari, they are good with smuggler jobs. Well if you ask me if they are killed with smuggler work good for them, why would we watch out who is entering Turkey illegal way?

Interesting thing is all that scums are working or doing something with agriculture. Look to the place Hakkari, they are good with smuggler jobs. Well if you ask me if they are killed with smuggler work good for them, why would we watch out who is entering Turkey illegal way?

Happens for votes since decades


They are killers and rapists, war criminals ;

assasination of them is possible in war. USA has no mercy .
Why Türkiye has ?


60 rats since Monday neutralized

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Type in youtube "Gerilla tv herekol eyleminin görüntüleri 26 temmuz 2017" and "Gerilla Tv Şırnak Besta Deriyê Beroj Eylemi - 16 Ağustos 2017" and "Amed lice qiledar tepe eylemi 24 ağustos 2016" and just analize the videos. Can someone tell me how are they getting so close with that terrain? Can someone that completed military service explain me how are they able to pass by the soldiers that are responsible for watching the areas of responsibility? They are getting really really close and the soldiers cant even realize what is happening. What is wrong with that? Lets say they are very tired oh right then why the hell are they sending ones that cant keep up effective work. I am just freaking out while watching that footage. Its just unbelievable. So any one that served? If someone had some firefights it would be good to explain what are the reasons of so not effective surveillance and bad performance.
Type in youtube "Gerilla tv herekol eyleminin görüntüleri 26 temmuz 2017" and "Gerilla Tv Şırnak Besta Deriyê Beroj Eylemi - 16 Ağustos 2017" and "Amed lice qiledar tepe eylemi 24 ağustos 2016" and just analize the videos. Can someone tell me how are they getting so close with that terrain? Can someone that completed military service explain me how are they able to pass by the soldiers that are responsible for watching the areas of responsibility? They are getting really really close and the soldiers cant even realize what is happening. What is wrong with that? Lets say they are very tired oh right then why the hell are they sending ones that cant keep up effective work. I am just freaking out while watching that footage. Its just unbelievable. So any one that served? If someone had some firefights it would be good to explain what are the reasons of so not effective surveillance and bad performance.

videos talks themselves. whn you have to defend a point like these you need awareness all the time. if you dont you cant defend a point like this to these monkeys because they have drones thermals etc also they have time to wait and watch every move of our soldiers. Just sit and wait days for right time.

Wghat we need? We need stop drop our soldiers areas like this. If we gonna do we need more soldiers in near areas. they were surrounded before the attack start. Just put a damn Panic Button to send airforce asap.

Really sad videos that we have to see our soldiers lost there lives after 40 years experience in same areas and tactics.

check the http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/sirnakta-catisma-1-asker-sehit-40551510

you can see ATAK s bombed possible runways. BS! we need precision strikes not spread bullets.
videos talks themselves. whn you have to defend a point like these you need awareness all the time. if you dont you cant defend a point like this to these monkeys because they have drones thermals etc also they have time to wait and watch every move of our soldiers. Just sit and wait days for right time.

Wghat we need? We need stop drop our soldiers areas like this. If we gonna do we need more soldiers in near areas. they were surrounded before the attack start. Just put a damn Panic Button to send airforce asap.

Really sad videos that we have to see our soldiers lost there lives after 40 years experience in same areas and tactics.

check the http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/sirnakta-catisma-1-asker-sehit-40551510

you can see ATAK s bombed possible runways. BS! we need precision strikes not spread bullets.
I absolutely agree with everything that you said here. When I watch the videos I feel like a lot of empty area is there so if they maneuver even in small groups of 2-3 the terrain and the equipment they have there if they are scanning properly they can detect them. By taking the advantages of early warning they can act pretty effective when their attack preparations are in pre mature state giving them the time to call for air support and apply pressure until the air support arrive and they can even strike a critical blow depending on the situation.
Top Israeli general Maj. Gen. Yair Golan former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Israel and Israeli Northern Command: We need US support to fight Iran This is a fact, future wars, Iraqi Kurdidstan and it indepenent ,the PPK is not terrorist orgination17:00, bring Turkish Kurds togather will all other Kurds,

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