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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Van'da PKK gerginliği

VAN’ın Başkale İlçesi kırsalında 1 PKK’lının öldürüldüğününün ileri sürülmesi, ilçeyi karıştırdı. Van-Hakkari Karayolu'nda toplanan bir grup PKK yandaşı ateş yakarak yolu trafiğe kapattı. Başkale Devlet Hastanesi yakınında Emniyete ait sivil plakalı minibüsten indirdiği polis memurunu tartaklayan göstericiler, aracı da ateşe verdi. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı'nın akşam saatlerinde yaptığı açıklamada Türkiye-İran sınırında bulunan PKK'lının İran askerleri tarafından vurulduğu belirtildi.
Başkale’nin Iran sınırında bulunan Esenyamaç Köyü Sualtı Mezrasında sabaha karşı bir grup PKK’lı ile asker arasında çatışma çıktığı ve bu çatışmada öldüğü ileri sürülen bir PKK’lının cesedi, Başkale Devlet Hastanesi’ne getirildi. Bunun ardından bir grup PKK yandaşı, ilçe merkezinde eylem yapmaya başladı. Kepenklerin kapalı olduğu ilçede, göstericiler, Van-Hakkari Karayolu'nda barikat kurararak ateş yaktı.

Bunu üzerine bölgeye çok sayıda polis sevk edildi. Göstericeler, hastanenin yakınında bulunan emniyete ait bir minibüste bulunan sivil polis memurunu ise tartaklayarak araçtan çıkardı. Polis memuru güçlükle PKK yandaşlarının elinden kurtulup olay yerinden uzaklaşırken, minibüs ise göstericiler tarafından ateşe verildi.

Van'da PKK gerginliği - Hürriyet GÜNDEM

Turkish teenager taken by PKK terrorists rescued
08 June 2014 00:03 (Last updated 08 June 2014 00:04)

Returned to her family through a security operation in Turkey's southeast, 16-year-old says spent 20 days in the mountains and was given weapons training, calls on other children to come back home


A 16-year-old girl who was kidnapped by the outlawed PKK terrorist organization last month has been rescued by security forces in Turkey's Yuksekova district in the southeastern extremity.

S.B., whose name is kept secret for security reasons, was reunited with her family after she stayed 20 days in the mountainous regions near the border with Iraq and received weapons training from the PKK.

S.B. told the Anadolu Agency that she and other youths were deeply affected by the terrorist group’s propaganda. She said they were not taken by force but it was “not of our own accord, either.”

“We were told that we would go up to Iraq’s north. We were aware that we would be taken to mountains but there was nothing we could do,” she said.

She said that the young group were promised “law enforcement-type jobs” after the terrorist organization reached its separatist goals in Turkey’s southeast.

S.B. called on other children in the mountains to get back to their families. “There is really no life in the mountain,” she said.

In late May, the families of children who were abducted in April began a sit-in protest to seek help in securing their release. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on pro-Kurdish opposition parties to find and bring back the children.

Turkey began a ‘solution process’ early last year, a ceasefire between the Turkish government and PKK terrorist organization aimed at better addressing the needs and demands of the Kurdish people.

Children ‘regret going away’

S.B. said children who went with PKK militants regretted their decision.

"I was in the mountains for 20 days. I am so happy right now and all I want is peace. I know the other children going away are also very regretful," she said.

After meeting their daughters, S.B.’s family visited other families in a sit-in protest outside Diyarbakir municipality building.

S.B.’s mother, not letting go of her daughter’s hand throughout the interview, called on government officials and pro-Kurdish figures to “bring peace” to the region.

"I want them to bring peace. And I believe our brothers and sisters in the mountains are also waiting for peace," she said.

Late legendary South African leader Nelson Mandela's lawyer, Essa Moosa, was also in Diyarbakir on Saturday to visit the families.

"All of these children will certainly be back once the solution process becomes successful," said Moosa, adding that his team is holding talks with all political sides in Turkey to speed up the solution process.

The terrorist PKK organization conducted a violent campaign against the Turkish state for nearly four decades. But after talks with the government, a ceasefire was declared in March 2013.

The PKK, active in Turkey’s southeast -- where the Kurdish population is centered -- and Iraq’s north, is considered a terrorist organization by the Turkish government, as well as by the U.S., the EU and other governments, and international organizations such as NATO.

Turkish teenager taken by PKK terrorists rescued Anadolu Agency
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Those who think PKK will abandon arms without democracy are ‘dreamers,’ says senior member


Cemil Bayık, the co-chair of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), argued that the Kurds needed 'defense forces' to fight against radical Islamists in Syria. DHa Photo

Those who think the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) will withdraw from armed struggle before the Kurdish people live in a “free and democratic” society are “dreamers,” a founding member of the organization has said, amid a fresh push from the government to revive the stalled peace process.

Cemil Bayık, who is also the co-chair of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), the PKK’s urban wing, also accused Turkey of supporting Islamist groups fighting with Kurds in Rojava, referring to the Kurdish-populated parts of northern Syria.

“Turkey has not only adopted an anti-democratic policy within the country. It also supports despots and gangs abroad. Instead of helping democratic forces in Rojava and Kobane, Turkey lends its supports to armed gangs [fighting against] the Kurds … This is why the Kurds will keep their legitimate defense force, and even look to reinforce it. Therefore, nobody should expect the PKK to lay down their arms before the Kurds live in a free and democratic society,” Bayık said in an interview with Kurdish daily Azadiya Welat on July 10.

Touching on the latest Islamic State (IS) militants’ offensive in Kobane, Bayık said Kurds in Syria had no alternative but to fight and defend themselves.

“Those who recently said the time for armed struggle has passed and the time to lay down arms has come should take a good look at the Middle East and Rojava. They have to see that without a legitimate defense force, the Kurds would drown in a spoon full of water,” he said.

His statement comes as a new and relatively more ambitious government bill is debated at Parliament.

The law would allow the government to take all of the necessary measures it needs to move the talks forward, including steps to grant amnesty to Kurdish militants who lay down arms, as well as legal immunity to officials involved in talks with the PKK.

Those who think PKK will abandon arms without democracy are ‘dreamers,’ says senior member - LOCAL
The terrorist talks about democracy, fight against islamist terrorism, freedom, and policies that cover Turkey, Iran Iraq and syria.

At the same time their beloved Peşmerge seeks for help of USA.

It seems they see themselves in a giants mirror.
19.07.2014 18:31
Uzman çavuş vuruldu, ilçe karıştı

HAKKARİ'nin Yüksekova İlçesi'nde yolda yürüyen bir uzman çavuş, caddede çıkan arbede sırasında tabancayla yaralandı. Kimliği açıklanmayan uzman çavuş Yüksekova Devlet Hastanesi'nde tedavi altına alınırken, olayın yerinde toplanan grup ile güvenlik güçleri arasında olay çıktı, ilçe merkezinde esnaf kepenk kapattı.
Olay, bugün saat 15.00'de Cengiz Topel Caddesi'nde meydana geldi. Sivil giyimli olduğu belirtilen bir uzman çavuş caddede yürürken, kendisine tepki gösteren kişilerle tartıştı. Görgü tanılarının anlattığına göre tartışma bir anda arbedeye dönüştü ve silahla vurulan uzman çavuş, yaralı haliyle oradan uzaklaşmaya çalışırken 50 metre ilerde yere düştü.

Çevrede bulunan bir grup, uzman çavuşu düştüğü yerden kaldırıp, yakındaki emniyet aracına kadar götürüp polislere teslim etti. Uzman çavuş, buradan çağrılan ambulansla Yüksekova Devlet Hastanesi'ne götürülerek tedaviye alındı.


Uzman çavuşun yaralandığı olay yerine sevk edilen polisler burada çalışma yaparken, çevrede toplananlar tepki gösterdi. Caddede toplananların sayısı artınca gerginlik tırmandı ve polisler grubun dağılmasını istedi. Grup buna uymayınca, polis gaz bombası ve plastik mermi kullandı.

Kalabalık dağıtılırken, esnaf da olay nedeniyle işyerlerini kapattı.


Vali Yakup Canbolat olayla ilgili yaptığı açıklamada, "İlçe merkezinde bir arbede yaşanmış. Bu arbede sırasında da uzman çavuş arkadaşımız yaralanmış. Yaralı uzman çavuş tedavi altında. Arbede sırasında uzman çavuşun silahını da almaya çalışmışlar. Bu sırada da yaralanmış. Güvenlik güçleri, olayın nedenini araştırıyor" dedi.


Anyone, feel free to provide a summary of the events in English, or I'll do it later on when I've have woken up...
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PKK disarmament not far away, deputy PM says

The outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) may soon lay down its arms, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Beşir Atalay has said, signaling more steps in efforts to find a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue.

“Personally, I do not see [disarmament] as being very far away. I am both very hopeful and I don’t see it as being too far away,” Atalay said in a televised interview on July 24, saying the country was “now on quite a safe path.”

“This code is binding for both sides, so no one can generate excuses,” he added, in reference to a bill approved in Parliament last week. The code essentially grants legal immunity to state officials involved in the peace process.

“The people of the region will not return to violence, so we will take further steps,” Atalay said, adding that state institutions other than the National Intelligence Service (MİT) would play a role in talks to find a peaceful solution to the problem.

“The Undersecretariat of Public Order and Security has been founded for these issues. We have handed the coordination of the issue to them. They will also take roles in the talks,” he said.

A new process that will exceed the contribution of security units and in which politicians and other bodies will become more active has begun, Atalay said, also claiming that "some circles" were not in favor of the resolution process and were giving “wrong messages” in traditional and social media.

Speaking on July 22, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan denied that he had "made concessions" during the ongoing process to find a solution to the Kurdish problem, while addressing the relatives of fallen soldiers at an iftar dinner in Ankara.

“We have made significant progress in the resolution process so far. We have not had any fallen soldiers recently as a result. I want to emphasize this once again: No concessions have been made in any way. We have never shaken hands with the leader of the terror [a phrase widely used for Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party] or terrorists, unlike how some politicians have claimed,” Erdoğan said.

Yeah right that they will abandon their weapons - they have just acquired even more weaponry due to the crisis in Syria.

And ladies and gentlemen, here it comes: the terrorists now possesses SA-8 Gecko/9K33 Osa
PKK ilk defa Türk helikopterine güdümlü füze kitlemesi yaptı!

27 Mayıs günü Tunceli Ali Boğazı mevkiine keşif için savcı götüren iki Sikorsky S-70 ve bir AH-1W Super Cobra tipi helikoptere PKK'nın Suriye’den ele geçirdiği iddia edilen SA-8 füzesi kilitlediği iddia edildi!

PKK'nın Suriye’de ele geçirdiği ve Türkiye'ye soktuğu iddia edilen füzeler, istihbarat raporlarına girdi. Yeniçağ Gazetesi’nden Ahmet Takan’ın haberine göre, bu tehditlerden birisinin 27 Mayıs 2014 günü Tunceli'de yaşandı. Ali Boğazı mevkiine keşif için savcı götüren iki Sikorsky S-70 ve bir AH-1W Super Cobra tipi helikopterimize füze kilitlendi. Helikopter pilotları "kaçış menevrası" yapıp, yanlışlık olup olmadığını test için aynı bölgede bir kez daha uçtu. Füzelerin TSK'ya ait taarruz helikopterlerine yeniden kilitlenip, Rus menşeli SA-8 ikaz sinyali alması ve silah sistemlerini etkilemesi, PKK'nın elindeki füzeleri Türkiye'ye soktuğunu ortaya çıkardı. Genelkurmay Başkanı Necdet Özel'le yaptığı röportajın ardından Özel'in istifa edeceği iddiaları gündeme gelen Yeniçağ gazetesi yazarı Ahmet Takan, köşesinde "PKK bugüne kadar ilk kez TSK'ya ait helikopterlere füze kilitledi" diye yazdı. İşte Takan'ın yazısının ilgili bölümü:

"Güvenilir kaynaklardan edindiğim bilgiye göre, terör örgütü PKK, kurulduğu günden bugüne ilk kez, TSK'ya ait helikopterlere füze kilitlediği ortaya çıktı. Suriye'de başlayan iç savaşla birlikte güvenlik birimlerinin, PKK'nın hava savunma sistemi, karadan havaya füzeler temin ettiği istihbaratı da böylece doğrulanmış oldu. Hatırlanacağı üzere, Suriye'de iç savaş başlamasıyla birlikte güvenlik birimlerine PKK'nın karadan havaya füzeler temin ettiği yönünde istihbarat geliyordu.

Gelelim şimdi bu vahim ötesi olayın meydana geliş şekline; Tunceli'nin Çemişgezek ilçesi Ali Boğazı bölgesinde mantar toplamaya giden 68 yaşındaki bir kişi uçurumdan düşerek hayatını kaybetti. Savcının bölgeye keşfe gitmesi için 27 Mayıs'ta 2 Sikorsky helikopter ve koruma amaçlı bir Kobra helikopter verildi. Ancak helikopterler bölgeye geldiklerinde füze kilitleme ikazı aldılar.

Pilotlar kaçış manevrası yaptı. Ardından bir yanlışlık olup olmadığını test için tekrar aynı bölgeden aynı irtifadan uçuş yapıldı. Füzeler aynı bölgede tekrar kilitlendi. Terör örgütünün, elindeki bu teknolojiyi hem tecrübe etmek hem de zamanı geldiğinde kullanmak için füzeleri helikopterlere kilitlediği değerlendirildi. Örgütün füzeleri, Rusya'nın silah desteği verdiği Suriye rejim ordusundan hibe olarak aldığı istihbaratı paylaşıldı. Bölgedeki uçakların tehdit altında olduğu bilgisi verildi.

Uzmanlara göre; TSK'ya ait taarruz helikopterlerinin Rus menşeli SA-8 füze ikaz sinyali alması, PKK'nın elindeki füzeleri Türkiye'ye soktuğunu da kanıtladı. Askeri istihbarat, PKK'nın Suriye'de elde ettiği SA-8 füzelerini Türkiye'ye aktardığı, füzeleri her an için kullanmayı planladığı yönünde rapor hazırladı.

PKK'nın elinde Cornet füzesi de var.. PKK'nın SA-8 füzelerinden daha önce, Rus yapımı Cornet füzesi elde ettiği de kaydedildi. Bu füzelerin bir tanksavar füzesi olmakla birlikte aynı zamanda helikopterleri vurmak amacıyla kullanılabileceği belirtildi.

Suriye'den sağlanan silahlı desteğin Türkiye'nin ulusal güvenliğine karşı oluşturduğu risklerden birisi de PKK'nın burada elde ettiği füze ve tank gibi ağır silahlar olarak değerlendiriliyor. Askeri teknoloji uzmanlarına göre terör örgütü PKK, bu silahlarla vuruş gücünü geliştirdi. PKK'nın eline geçen füze sistemleri daha büyük eylemler yapabilmesine imkân sağlayacak.

Ruslar tarafından geliştirilen SA-8 füzeleri, taşındığı tekerlekli-paletli platformlar sayesinde istenilen yere götürülebiliyor. 1S51M3-2 radar sistemine sahip SA-8 füzeleri, 30 kilometre geniş, 20 kilometre de etkili menzilde hedefini vuruyor. Saatte 1800 kilometre hıza çıkabilen füzeler, radar güdümü ile hedeflerini takip ediyor. Eğer havada çarpışma meydana gelmezse, füze kendini 25 saniye içinde patlatarak yok ediyor.
Her bir füzenin yaklaşık ağırlığı 190 kilogram. SA-8’ler, 19 kilogramlık harp başlığına sahip. 3 metre 10 santimetre uzunluğundaki füzelerden her bir kamyon toplam 6 adet taşıyor.

Kaynak: Yeniçağ Gazetesi (is this a reliable source?)

Summary of the article and the mentioned events in English:
  1. On 27th May 2014, two Sikorsky S-70 and an escorting AH-1W Super Cobra was locked-on by a unknown radar.
  2. The helicopters conducted an escape-maneuver in order to free themselves from the radar-lock.
  3. The helicopters then returned to the zone where they got locked-on to see whether if the threat persisted. Personally, I don't understand why they would do so, risking their lives just to figure out what it was that locked on them. Pure stupidity, if you ask me.
  4. Once again they got locked-on and what I believe was the on-board Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) once again warned the flight-crew and classified the threat as originating from a SA-8...
Intelligence tells that the PKK-terrorists was given the SA-8 from the Syrian army and then smuggled it into Turkey. The lock-on:s might been the terrorists testing the system and/or intentionally harassing the helicopters to portray their newly acquired strength. It's believed that they have acquired a lot of armaments from Syria.​
Yeah right that they will abandon their weapons - they have just acquired even more weaponry due to the crisis in Syria.

And ladies and gentlemen, here it comes: the terrorists now possesses SA-8 Gecko/9K33 Osa

Summary of the article and the mentioned events in English:
  1. On 27th May 2014, two Sikorsky S-70 and an escorting AH-1W Super Cobra was locked-on by a unknown radar.
  2. The helicopters conducted an escape-maneuver in order to free themselves from the radar-lock.
  3. The helicopters then returned to the zone where they got locked-on to see whether if the threat persisted. Personally, I don't understand why they would do so, risking their lives just to figure out what it was that locked on them. Pure stupidity, if you ask me.
  4. Once again they got locked-on and what I believe was the on-board Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) once again warned the flight-crew and classified the threat as originating from a SA-8...
Intelligence tells that the PKK-terrorists was given the SA-8 from the Syrian army and then smuggled it into Turkey. The lock-on:s might been the terrorists testing the system and/or intentionally harassing the helicopters to portray their newly acquired strength. It's believed that they have acquired a lot of armaments from Syria.​
I have been warning about this for months. Who knows what other weaponry these monkeys have acquired but thats what happens when they are allowed to set up bases in syria unmolested.
Yeah right that they will abandon their weapons - they have just acquired even more weaponry due to the crisis in Syria.

And ladies and gentlemen, here it comes: the terrorists now possesses SA-8 Gecko/9K33 Osa

Summary of the article and the mentioned events in English:
  1. On 27th May 2014, two Sikorsky S-70 and an escorting AH-1W Super Cobra was locked-on by a unknown radar.
  2. The helicopters conducted an escape-maneuver in order to free themselves from the radar-lock.
  3. The helicopters then returned to the zone where they got locked-on to see whether if the threat persisted. Personally, I don't understand why they would do so, risking their lives just to figure out what it was that locked on them. Pure stupidity, if you ask me.
  4. Once again they got locked-on and what I believe was the on-board Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) once again warned the flight-crew and classified the threat as originating from a SA-8...
Intelligence tells that the PKK-terrorists was given the SA-8 from the Syrian army and then smuggled it into Turkey. The lock-on:s might been the terrorists testing the system and/or intentionally harassing the helicopters to portray their newly acquired strength. It's believed that they have acquired a lot of armaments from Syria.​

Looks like pure BS. Its not MANPADS, how are they supposed to operate those 18 tonnes heavy wheeled vehicles in mountains?

Edit: besides, why'd they want the TSK know that they possess any kind of SAM? If you somehow make that far with vehicle like Osa, in the mountains you'd be sitting ducks LOL it's up to one anti-radiation missile to blow you into pieces LOL
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I have been warning about this for months. Who knows what other weaponry these monkeys have acquired but thats what happens when they are allowed to set up bases in syria unmolested.
Looks like pure BS. Its not MANPAD, how are they supposed to operate those 18 tonnes heavy wheeled vehicles in mountains?
I hope it's BS. Actually, said system doesn't bother me as much as the probability, or should I say fact, that they have come across a lot of ammunition and medium to large caliber rifles - and perhaps even ATGM:s. It's a mountainous region, so they won't be able to roam around with said system, they can only use it in a pretty stationary matter. However, this renders it vulnerable and easy to take out. But ATGM:s on the other hand...
I hope it's BS. Actually, said system doesn't bother me as much as the probability, or should I say fact, that they have come across a lot of ammunition and medium to large caliber rifles - and perhaps even ATGM:s. It's a mountainous region, so they won't be able to roam around with said system, they can only use it in a pretty stationary matter. However, this renders it vulnerable and easy to take out. But ATGM:s on the other hand...

Yeah, ATGM may be a problem. Syrian army had all soviet/russian 9Mxxx and 9Kxxx series ATGMs in its inventory.
We must take a close look at the 2006 July war between Hezbollah and Israel, and yes, even the current events in Gaza as well.

Same suprises will await us in regards of them getting better equipment and training.

And, we will have problems from the inside. They will also cry about human rights, so the media will be all pro-bastards as always.

We're only just starting, many more will die before we wake up.

I don't worry too much about the flat Syrian border but those 50 cals, anti-material snipers, ATGMs will be a true pain in the *** in the mountain roads.

Not to mention increased knowledge in IED's.
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