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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

You are just pervert, you are kidnaping little male child and raping.... then send back them to villages, sometimes you are kidnaping for make them terrorists then you are asking why Kurdish mothers want back their childreen.... you are just pervert terrorists..... We know you very well so you cant change your real face by sending innocent messages to foreign people....

and we know you that you are extension of ASALA (Armenian terrorists group), you just changed your name as PKK 30 years ago for use Kurdish people for your plans.

Forget your big Armenia project....

The post is so stupid I don't even know where to begin. But what's the point of putting some sense into you, you have been brainwashed since you learned to talk.
All agree with Al Kurdi so he will quit spraying shit all over the thread and save yourself the headache, take advice from the Safavid.
The thread is about combat operations in south east Turkey not about other history of azeris and Kurds. If you guys want you can open a seperate thread.
I let you guys clear up some issues but we cant get off topic here.

Guys I know we already have a thread running for media regarding TSK but I wanted to open a thread for the pictures videos relating with operations occured before for over 30-years. From air strikes in Iraq to thunder operations, from AH-1Ws to the Infantry at borders, from our brave pilots to our dedicated servicemen. All photos taken during counter-terrorism operations will be shared here. and also discussions regarding TSK's counter terrorism doctrine, government's policy on PKK as well as possible solutions. We may also honor our COIN fallen here.
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The thread is about combat operations in south east Turkey not about other history of azeris and Kurds. If you guys want you can open a seperate thread.
I let you guys clear up some issues but we cant get off topic here.
OK, we would try not to go off-topic anymore.
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you were never asked to build those dams, that forced tens of thousands of Kurds to flee, like what you're doing to Hasankeyf, destroying Kurdish historical places.

If we didn't this time it would be "state doesn't builds anything here :("

Hasankeyf isn't even a Kurdish site, as even the wiki states it was predominantly Arab and Armenian, like any other historical settlement in today's Kurdish majority areas, urban population in those areas were mainly Armenian, Assyrian and partially Arab and Turkish, most of main settlements in the region has mostly Armenian, Assyrian or Greek(Roman era) names, most of historical heritage in the region is remained from these peoples as well, originally Kurds only had presence in Şırnak/Hakkari and parts of surrounding regions, they spreaded to their current borders after Arab and Turkic invasions, following the path they opened.
you were never asked to build those dams, that forced tens of thousands of Kurds to flee, like what you're doing to Hasankeyf, destroying Kurdish historical places.

you need that dam and water so dont talk shit. Like that dam kurds are using electricity and water. You dont pay the bill in the east so what are you talking about?

for shits like al kurdi....

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If we didn't this time it would be "state doesn't builds anything here :("

Hasankeyf isn't even a Kurdish site, as even the wiki states it was predominantly Arab and Armenian, like any other historical settlement in today's Kurdish majority areas, urban population in those areas were mainly Armenian, Assyrian and partially Arab and Turkish, most of main settlements in the region has mostly Armenian, Assyrian or Greek(Roman era) names, most of historical heritage in the region is remained from these peoples as well, originally Kurds only had presence in Şırnak/Hakkari and parts of surrounding regions, they spreaded to their current borders after Arab and Turkic invasions, following the path they opened.

The Kurdish Ayyubids built the Old Tigris Bridge, the Small Palace and the Great Palace in Hasankeyf
Hurrians are just as much our ancestors as the Iranic tribes such as Alanians and Medes. We're a mix of them both but the difference between us and the Persians is that they mixed with the Elamites. And the Median Empire streched far into Anatolia, the Armenian kingdom was far up north at that time around Caucasus. But they are of course more closely related to them. The proof of this is our culture and genetics. The name Barzan for example is a name of a Hurrian god.

In same logic I guess I can claim the heritage of old Anatolian civilizations as mine since I'm living in the same land ?

Now what was the argument of mine ? I said most of historical sites of "Kurdish" region are of Armenian, Assyrian, Roman, Arab, partially Turkish origin with little Kurdish contribution, where was the Kurds at that time ? your natural borders were Zagros mountains, before Arab and Turkish invasions of Anatolia you were only around the Northern edges of Zagros mountains, around Şırnak and Hakkari and may be southern edges of surrounding regions.

Claiming Ayyubid heritage is no different then me claiming Ghaznavid heritage(I know some people do it), both are ridiculous, just because leader of the state happened to have Turkish or Kurdish ethnic background doesn't automatically means we can claim their heritage, in both states other then the ethnic background of leaders there was nothing Turkish or Kurdish, Salahaddin Ayyubi was basically reflecting the character of a statesmen of his age, official languages were either Arabic or Persian, while Turkic is sometimes daily spoken in military and partly court, literature , architecture, state order were all derivered from them.
My dear kurdish friend

dont know guess its time for all of us to be a bit realistic and the crude fact is eventhough kurds are here in ME for quite a long time they never had a (real )state i.e they never managed to have a political entity which resembels a state or whatso ever. just for the sake of a coparison we Turks are origanaly coming from central asia so we are not native. But in less than 1000 years Turks establised two empires and a republic... just in asia minor. unfortunatly ıt seems kurds as a community lack the necessary historical, cultural and social infrstructure which is requried to own a state. ıf they had they would have establised their state or what so ever long ago. a tribal community living in a feodal age .thls is what you are... AND please dont putting the blame on us!
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PKK'nın kapattığı Diyarbakır-Bingöl karayolunu açmaya çalışan jandarmaya ateş açılması sonucu 1'i ağır 3 asker yaralandı. Yaralı askerlerden biri Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nde tedavi altına alındı.

Alınan bilgiye göre, Diyarbakır-Bingöl karayolunda 8 gündür devam eden eylem nedeniyle kapalı olan yolu açmak için jandarma, Abalı bölgesine gitti. Yoldaki eylemcilerle müdahale eden askerler ile eylemciler arasında çatışma çıktı. Buradaki askerlere, PKK terör örgütünün gençlik yapılanması YDG-H tarafından el yapımı bombalar, havai fişekler ve molotoflar atıldı. Jandarma ise biber gazı atarak grubu dağıtmaya çalıştı. Bu sırada atılan bombaların parçaları bir askere isabet etti. Ayağından yaralanan asker hastaneye kaldırıldı. Yolun üzerinde eylemcileri bölgeden uzaklaştıran jandarmaya bölgenin dağlık alınandan uzun namlulu silahlarla ateş açıldı. Bu saldırıda ise biri göğsünden olmak üzere iki asker yaralandı. Yaralı askerler bölgeye çağrılan ambulans helikopterle hastaneye kaldırıldı.

Lice'de askere ateş açıldı: 3 asker yaralandı - Hürriyet GÜNDEM
Protest family apologises to BDP

One of the families holding a protest in Amed, claiming that their children had been abducted by the PKK and holding the BDP responsible, have issued an apology. Murat Çetiner, on behalf of the family, said: “We would like to apologise to the BDP and our people. We will no longer allow ourselves to be used in this way. We call on the government to find a solution and not ruin the peace process.”

The family held a press conference with HDP MP Nursel Aydoğan, who said there was a rise in the numbers of those joining the PKK on account of the failure of the government to state in detail how progress could be made in the peace process, adding: “instead of stepping up the search for a solution to the Kurdish question, some people are using the feelings of families to put pressure on the BDP and PKK.”

We blamed the wrong people

Murat Çetiner added: “Our children joined the guerrillas, and we reacted emotionally and put the blame in the wrong place. The reason our children went into the mountains was because the AKP government has played for time over the last year. We do not want any more young people to be killed. We say to the government: ‘don’t use our pain to implement plan B or C to bomb the mountains. Don't use our children as an excuse for more killings.’ The best thing you can do is ensure there is a democratic solution to the Kurdish question.”

Protest family apologises to BDP | ANF
Protest family apologises to BDP

One of the families holding a protest in Amed, claiming that their children had been abducted by the PKK and holding the BDP responsible, have issued an apology. Murat Çetiner, on behalf of the family, said: “We would like to apologise to the BDP and our people. We will no longer allow ourselves to be used in this way. We call on the government to find a solution and not ruin the peace process.”

The family held a press conference with HDP MP Nursel Aydoğan, who said there was a rise in the numbers of those joining the PKK on account of the failure of the government to state in detail how progress could be made in the peace process, adding: “instead of stepping up the search for a solution to the Kurdish question, some people are using the feelings of families to put pressure on the BDP and PKK.”

We blamed the wrong people

Murat Çetiner added: “Our children joined the guerrillas, and we reacted emotionally and put the blame in the wrong place. The reason our children went into the mountains was because the AKP government has played for time over the last year. We do not want any more young people to be killed. We say to the government: ‘don’t use our pain to implement plan B or C to bomb the mountains. Don't use our children as an excuse for more killings.’ The best thing you can do is ensure there is a democratic solution to the Kurdish question.”

Protest family apologises to BDP | ANF
Yeah right, blame the govt for every fart. If the govt brings those kids back, the govt will be blamed for hurting any pkk member in the process or for psychologically hurting those kids during the process. Is it so hard for this family to call the pkk for stopping such abductions too?
Protest family apologises to BDP

One of the families holding a protest in Amed, claiming that their children had been abducted by the PKK and holding the BDP responsible, have issued an apology. Murat Çetiner, on behalf of the family, said: “We would like to apologise to the BDP and our people. We will no longer allow ourselves to be used in this way. We call on the government to find a solution and not ruin the peace process.”

The family held a press conference with HDP MP Nursel Aydoğan, who said there was a rise in the numbers of those joining the PKK on account of the failure of the government to state in detail how progress could be made in the peace process, adding: “instead of stepping up the search for a solution to the Kurdish question, some people are using the feelings of families to put pressure on the BDP and PKK.”

We blamed the wrong people

Murat Çetiner added: “Our children joined the guerrillas, and we reacted emotionally and put the blame in the wrong place. The reason our children went into the mountains was because the AKP government has played for time over the last year. We do not want any more young people to be killed. We say to the government: ‘don’t use our pain to implement plan B or C to bomb the mountains. Don't use our children as an excuse for more killings.’ The best thing you can do is ensure there is a democratic solution to the Kurdish question.”

Protest family apologises to BDP | ANF

Not only the terrorists kidnapped their children, but apparently also threatened the family those bastards...
My dear kurdish friend

dont know guess its time for all of us to be a bit realistic and the crude fact is eventhough kurds are here in ME for quite a long time they never had a (real )state i.e they never managed to have a political entity which resembels a state or whatso ever. just for the sake of a coparison we Turks are origanaly coming from central asia so we are not native. But in less than 1000 years Turks establised two empires and a republic... just in asia minor. unfortunatly ıt seems kurds as a community lack the necessary historical, cultural and social infrstructure which is requried to own a state. ıf they had they would have establised their state or what so ever long ago. a tribal community living in a feodal age .thls is what you are... AND please dont putting the blame on us!

Best comment so far :tup:
In same logic I guess I can claim the heritage of old Anatolian civilizations as mine since I'm living in the same land ?

Now what was the argument of mine ? I said most of historical sites of "Kurdish" region are of Armenian, Assyrian, Roman, Arab, partially Turkish origin with little Kurdish contribution, where was the Kurds at that time ? your natural borders were Zagros mountains, before Arab and Turkish invasions of Anatolia you were only around the Northern edges of Zagros mountains, around Şırnak and Hakkari and may be southern edges of surrounding regions.

Claiming Ayyubid heritage is no different then me claiming Ghaznavid heritage(I know some people do it), both are ridiculous, just because leader of the state happened to have Turkish or Kurdish ethnic background doesn't automatically means we can claim their heritage, in both states other then the ethnic background of leaders there was nothing Turkish or Kurdish, Salahaddin Ayyubi was basically reflecting the character of a statesmen of his age, official languages were either Arabic or Persian, while Turkic is sometimes daily spoken in military and partly court, literature , architecture, state order were all derivered from them.

No you can't because you share nothing with them either culturally or genetically. Well gentically you're a mix of many ethnicites so who knows.

Are you refering to
Although the dynasty was of Central Asian Turkic origin, it was thoroughly Persianized in terms of language, culture, literature, and habits,[12][13][14][15] and hence is regarded by some as a "Persian dynasty" rather than Turkic.
Well the Ayyubid Empire was an Islamic empire ruled by Kurds just at the Ottoman by Turks otherwise we can claim that Ottoman Empire was Arabic/Persian. Which is not the case. Actaully we can claim it, in fact especially me as a Kurd from Jordan. The majority of the Kurds in Jordan the Al-Kurdi are descendant from the Ayyubis. The Palestinian general council in Erbil said that 10% of all the Palestinians are descendant from Kurds from Ayyubid era, many of them have Al-Kurdi as last name.

You claim yourself that the Kurdish ancestral history doesn't extend west of Diyarbakir but look at this, why do they call it Mountain of the Kurds?
Kurd Mountain That was during Ayyubid era.

Why is there a castle called Hisn Al Akrad? Castle of the Kurds not far from Homs?

And please don't claim he was Turkish many of you do just to undermine anything Kurdish saying his brother or something had a Turksih name. Well his uncle's name who was his general, his name was Shêrkew/Shêrkuh which in Kurdish means mountain lion.

There are documents that claims that the Kurdish officers often ended up in fights with the Turkish Mameluk officers over disagreements.

But the core of our history lies in Zagros mountains and that we are mountainfolks I do not doubt. And that we are descendents of the natives of those mountains such as the different Hurrian groups like Lullubians, Manneans and Gutians.
But it isn't like we just settled in empty lands from people who had fled when we are talking about Syria and some parts of Turkey.

Ishak Pasha Palace which is far up north in Wan was built by Kurds during the 15th century so we do have our hsitorical places u know. We always lived there along different christian groups, traded with them and lived with them. They built churches, we built mosques.

My dear kurdish friend

dont know guess its time for all of us to be a bit realistic and the crude fact is eventhough kurds are here in ME for quite a long time they never had a (real )state i.e they never managed to have a political entity which resembels a state or whatso ever. just for the sake of a coparison we Turks are origanaly coming from central asia so we are not native. But in less than 1000 years Turks establised two empires and a republic... just in asia minor. unfortunatly ıt seems kurds as a community lack the necessary historical, cultural and social infrstructure which is requried to own a state. ıf they had they would have establised their state or what so ever long ago. a tribal community living in a feodal age .thls is what you are... AND please dont putting the blame on us!

A proper modern 20th century state, no we haven't. But we have the Median Empire and only at that were we united as tribes under one command. We have had hundreds of Kingdoms/Dynasties during the past thousand years but only a very few of them working togheter throughout history. Kurds have it very difficult working togheter, that's due to we are very selfish as people when it comes to one and another but not to outsiders, then we awlays share and work with them. So we know our abilities. And why the hell would we blame you for this?

Not only the terrorists kidnapped their children, but apparently also threatened the family those bastards...

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