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The enemy and Pakistan Army

My comment was intended to take a jab at your English, rather than your father, but I wasn't certain you understood that.

So I just wanted to apologize in advance. No hard feelings.

No, no, I quite understand. The jab at my English was quite funny, too; I did mention that I smiled.

Perhaps to normalise things a bit, I should write a short, 20,000 word comment on Developereo's last post :whistle:
No, no, I quite understand. The jab at my English was quite funny, too; I did mention that I smiled.

Perhaps to normalise things a bit, I should write a short, 20,000 word comment on Developereo's last post :whistle:

I think that would be best.
No, no, I quite understand. The jab at my English was quite funny, too; I did mention that I smiled.

Perhaps to normalise things a bit, I should write a short, 20,000 word comment on Developereo's last post :whistle:

You will respond to Developer, but you forgot someone you kept on wait and watch long before that.

The things we have to accept today in the name of normalizing relations with our neighbors .......
You will respond to Developer, but you forgot someone you kept on wait and watch long before that.

The things we have to accept today in the name of normalizing relations with our neighbors .......

I was too rattled to think straight. Need time to recover. I've been loosening the knots in my muscles watching an Iranian play with his food. Hilarious.
So the China model over Democracy then?

How has a China model worked where other dictatorships and the USSR model failed?

I'm derailing the thread. Sorry.

Back to bad India.

No. A strong leadership with a well educated population. I emphasize educated and not literate.
This is better than having a dictatorship. We are slowly moving towards the latter. The latter will force the former to come out.
3-4 decades more.
well this was a thread about pakistans enemy ...RIGHT!!!!

well to me pakistanies are there biggest enemies dont take me wrong but thats what i learned after so much time on social media

but to catagotries there biggest enemy is there (well they think) there Feudals + ARMY (As almosta all the officers in Pakistan army from the very start to this day are basically feudals)

They crated a bogie of india from the day one by attacking Kashmir in 1947 which according to many pakistanies and Indians politicians would had gone to pakistan sooner than later but deu to short sighted ness and greed the army dint gave things some time to sttel down and all your history of the last 65 years was wasted to correct that mistake and i guess u still dont know what is best for you

well as for india pakistan just has a newsence value and thats it
we indians dont care much pakistan does or what and its publik in general thinks of us but as the say its better to be safe than to be sorry as a idiot naighbour is far more irratikk and potentially harm full than a intelligent bully of the are hope my comments are not taken in bad taste
i think you will find the idea of Brahman to be the first concept of the one singular God :)

I think we are as old, if not older than you guys. Agree to disagree.

Maybe not the Zend Avesta of Zorastrianism per se, but the Gathas definitely.
I think we are as old, if not older than you guys. Agree to disagree.

Maybe not the Zend Avesta of Zorastrianism per se, but the Gathas definitely.

Does Avestan word Gatha means same as Sanskrit word Gatha.
Does Avestan word Gatha means same as Sanskrit word Gatha.

The GÂTHÂS are Mâñthras, thought-provokers.

They consist of 17 songs/mantras/hymns/psalms and have a total of 241 stanzas. Each stanza is a thought-provoker in a chain of thought-provocation. It is like a pearl in a cord of song, and each cord of song is a part of a necklace of the "divân," complete poetic works of Zarathushtra Spitâma (Persian "Zartosht," English "Zoroaster") .

The divan is called the GATHAS, meaning "Sublime Songs." along with their Supplements -- the "Stot Yasn" – plus the extant "thought-provokers" in the Later Avesta.

When written in English, the transliteration (and pronunciation) is simple. Â and â are as "a" in "father," Ê and ê as "ay" in "day," Î and î as "ee" in "bee," Û and û as "u" in "rule," Ô and ô as longer than "o" in "go", Ñ and ñ as the silent nasal "n" in "dent," c as "ch" in "church," zh as "s" in "vision," gh as a harsh guttural "gh" heard in French "r," and x as a harsh guttural "kh" heard in Scottish "loch." It would not matter much if one cannot pronounce as good as one should. It is meaning the stanza carries which is of high importance.

USHTÂ te! (May the Awakening of a Radiant Dawn be upon you)
I think we are as old, if not older than you guys. Agree to disagree.

Maybe not the Zend Avesta of Zorastrianism per se, but the Gathas definitely.

Strictly speaking, this is a case of poor publicity.

The concept of Brahman was a late-ish Vedic concept, and it is possible - to put things with the utmost trepidation - that the concept of the prophet Zarathustra was a couple of centuries earlier. That is, if you go by the AIT, and it is completely negated by the OOI theory.

Must rush.
Strictly speaking, this is a case of poor publicity.

The concept of Brahman was a late-ish Vedic concept, and it is possible - to put things with the utmost trepidation - that the concept of the prophet Zarathustra was a couple of centuries earlier. That is, if you go by the AIT, and it is completely negated by the OOI theory.

Must rush.

Well, as a Zoroastrian, I believe the the OOI "theory" is hogwash.

With zero trepidation.
I think we are as old, if not older than you guys. Agree to disagree.

Maybe not the Zend Avesta of Zorastrianism per se, but the Gathas definitely.

But the problem is you cant pinpoint when Hinduism evolved or out of what it evolved.
But the problem is you can pinpoint when Hinduism evolved or out of what it evolved.

That is a problem for whom?

I cannot pinpoint the same for Mazdayasnism, Zoroastrianism, or Mithraism.
Strictly speaking, this is a case of poor publicity.

The concept of Brahman was a late-ish Vedic concept, and it is possible - to put things with the utmost trepidation - that the concept of the prophet Zarathustra was a couple of centuries earlier. That is, if you go by the AIT, and it is completely negated by the OOI theory.

Must rush.

AIT is bogus and so is OOI each with their own vested political interest.

And there is no point in trying to pin down the origins of Hinduism to Vedic culture. I believe its a multiple inheritance with the Vedic culture being just one of the sources and not a single inheritance.

That is a problem for whom?

I cannot pinpoint the same for Mazdayasnism, Zoroastrianism, or Mithraism.

Problem for who wants to compare which is older. And there are just too many loose ends out there. For eg. Dwarka.

Actually that previous post was supposed to say "can't pinpoint".
Problem for who wants to compare which is older.

But if you can pinpoint a start point for Hinduism, and I cannot for Zoroastrianism, it means Zoroastrianism is older.

P.S. Ah ok, you cannot pinpoint either.

I'm ok with conceding you are probably as old.

Are you?
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