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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

John Kerry in answer to question that why just 5 years of arms embargo:

"this is very important, the United Nations Resolution 1929, which is the resolution that basically brings us here and set in motion the sanctions, says specifically that if Iran comes to negotiate – not even get a deal, but comes to negotiate – sanctions would be lifted. We’re not doing that with respect to the arms embargo, even though not only have they come to the negotiation, they have in fact negotiated a deal."


So if 2231 resolution is voided, then based on the 1929 resolution, Iran's arms embargo is already over, this is the answer to the traitors whose newest excuse for staying in the deal is arms embargo.

The point is less about the weapons embargo and is more about how feasible a JCPOA with the U.S. on the outside fighting it truly is! If post October 2020 even Russian and Chinese defense companies get pushed around and prevented to transfer weapons to Iran then all the so called carrots in the JCPOA are all arbitrary political gesturing with fictional dividends for Iran and there is no point in holding back Iran's nuclear capabilities hell there wouldn't be much point in remaining within the NPT and not developing Nukes because Iran is not the aggressor here and is only reacting to how it's being treated by another nuclear power.

The real question is why since the U.S. has left the JCPOA and become more aggressive, the Rohani administration has failed to properly respond in any meaningful way while still abiding by the JCPOA.
And Iran doesn't need to break the JCPOA to respond because Iran can respond by making it's Space Program far more aggressive, Iran can respond by increasing it's defense budget and funding large sums in duel use tech,.... Iran can respond by building 20 new UCAV basses off Iran's coastlines each equipped with a significant number of armed UCAV's with a far more aggressive UCAV program,.... But now with all the flooding we have the Rohani administration is going to have yet another excuse not to properly respond and invest in the military industry and space program.

The truth is a month or two after the U.S. left the JCPOA Iran should have responded by having at least 1 Simorgh SLV launch a month until the Simorgh was perfected with multipole successful launches while working on a far more powerful SLV and by today they should have been testing far more capable SLV's hell they could have clustered 3 1st stage Simorgh boosters together to allow for a bigger more powerful 2nd stage.....
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The point is less about the weapons embargo and is more about how feasible a JCPOA with the U.S. on the outside fighting it truly is! If post October 2020 even Russian and Chinese defense companies get pushed around and prevented to transfer weapons to Iran then all the so called carrots in the JCPOA are all arbitrary political gesturing with fictional dividends for Iran and there is no point in holding back Iran's nuclear capabilities hell there wouldn't be much point in remaining within the NPT and not developing Nukes because Iran is not the aggressor hear and is only reacting to how it's being treated by another nuclear power.

The real question is why since the U.S. has left the JCPOA and become more aggressive, the Rohani administration has failed to properly respond in any meaningful way while still abiding by the JCPOA.
And Iran doesn't need to break the JCPOA to respond because Iran can respond by making it's Space Program far more aggressive, Iran can respond by increasing it's defense budget and funding large sums in duel use tech,.... Iran can respond by building 20 new UCAV basses off Iran's coastlines each equipped with a significant number of armed UCAV's with a far more aggressive UCAV program,.... But now with all the flooding we have the Rohani administration is going to have yet another excuse not to properly respond and invest in the military industry and space program.

The truth is a month or two after the U.S. left the JCPOA Iran should have responded by having at least 1 Simorgh SLV launch a month until the Simorgh was perfected with multipole successful launches while working on a far more powerful SLV and by today they should have been testing far more capable SLV's hell they could have clustered 3 1st stage Simorgh boosters together to allow for a bigger more powerful 2nd stage.....
I never thought I`d say this,but on this occasion at least I fully agree with everything you`ve said in this post:enjoy:
Rouhanis policies of appeasement and inaction were quite disastrous and likely only served to encourage the belief in the west that iran was too intimidated to respond to the threats and acts of economic warfare against it.
The point is less about the weapons embargo and is more about how feasible a JCPOA with the U.S. on the outside fighting it truly is! If post October 2020 even Russian and Chinese defense companies get pushed around and prevented to transfer weapons to Iran then all the so called carrots in the JCPOA are all arbitrary political gesturing with fictional dividends for Iran and there is no point in holding back Iran's nuclear capabilities hell there wouldn't be much point in remaining within the NPT and not developing Nukes because Iran is not the aggressor here and is only reacting to how it's being treated by another nuclear power.

The real question is why since the U.S. has left the JCPOA and become more aggressive, the Rohani administration has failed to properly respond in any meaningful way while still abiding by the JCPOA.
And Iran doesn't need to break the JCPOA to respond because Iran can respond by making it's Space Program far more aggressive, Iran can respond by increasing it's defense budget and funding large sums in duel use tech,.... Iran can respond by building 20 new UCAV basses off Iran's coastlines each equipped with a significant number of armed UCAV's with a far more aggressive UCAV program,.... But now with all the flooding we have the Rohani administration is going to have yet another excuse not to properly respond and invest in the military industry and space program.

The truth is a month or two after the U.S. left the JCPOA Iran should have responded by having at least 1 Simorgh SLV launch a month until the Simorgh was perfected with multipole successful launches while working on a far more powerful SLV and by today they should have been testing far more capable SLV's hell they could have clustered 3 1st stage Simorgh boosters together to allow for a bigger more powerful 2nd stage.....
It's you who don't get it, I don't give a f@ck about arms embargo, I'm against importing any arms, even if there was no limitations.

JCPOA was, is, and will be pure harm for Iran's advancement (as it has been so far) , there are plenty of rights which traitors gave up in this deal, R&D rights in some critical science fields which we will need in future, and since we have already paid the price, there is absolutly no reason to accept any limitation. If we violate the deal today, it's other parties' fault, but future will be different.

Obama once mentioned that sanctions were loosing their effect, it's true, it's the natural process of any sanction, cause it's not just Iran which is sanctioned, S Korea (as an example) which looses it's market has been sanctioned too, S Korea which can't buy our oil is sanctioned too, so gradually everyone tries to bypass the sanctions.
Yet, when you create a false hope for the end of sanctions (once U.S/ once Europe, once China and russia), that process interrupts, this is exactly what happened to Iran's economy during Rouhani's presidency, due to this false hope, Rouhani lost plenty of our oil customers during his first year (when oil was still above $100).

It's evident that not responding to your enemies will encourage them for more hostility cause they don't feel any cost,
so in answer to your question that why Rouhani didn't respond, I give you to options:

1.Rouhani and Zarif are dead brain zomies (I apologize Zombies for thtis comparison, they are not that stupid!)

2.Rouhani and Zarif are traitors.
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It's you who don't get it, I don't give a f@ck about arms embargo, I'm against importing any arms, even if there was no limitations.

JCPOA was, is, and will be pure harm for Iran's advancement (as it has been so far) , there are plenty of rights which traitors gave up in this deal, R&D rights in some critical science fields which we will need in future, and since we have already paid the price, there is absolutly no reason to accept any limitation. If we violate the deal today, it's other parties' fault, but future will be different.

Obama once mentioned that sanctions were loosing their effect, it's true, it's the natural process of any sanction, cause it's not just Iran which is sanctioned, S Korea (as an example) which looses it's market has been sanctioned too, S Korea which can't buy our oil is sanctioned too, so gradually everyone tries to bypass the sanctions.
Yet, when you create a false hope for the end of sanctions (once U.S/ once Europe, once China and russia), that process interrupts, this is exactly what happened to Iran's economy during Rouhani's presidency, due to this false hope, Rouhani lost plenty of our oil customers during his first year (when oil was still above $100).

It's evident that not responding to your enemies will encourage them for more hostility cause they don't feel any cost,
so in answer to your question that why Rouhani didn't respond, I give you to options:

1.Rouhani and Zarif are dead brain zomies (I apologize Zombies for thtis comparison, they are not that stupid!)

2.Rouhani and Zarif are traitors.

Zarif doesn't make policy his job it to follow the policies set forth by Rohani under the guidelines and limitations set by Iran's supreme Leader. And his job is Iran's Global Image, Diplomatic Relations between Iran and other countries and bargaining the best diplomatic deals and treaties for Iran under policies and redlines set forth by others.
And he may be able to advise the President and supreme leader on various policies but at the end of the day the decisions isn't his to make.
And how limited his powers are became quite evident when for whatever reason he was kept out of the meetings directly related to foreign policy during Assad's trip to Iran.
And I would say Zarif has done a pretty good job at addressing Iran's Global image.

And with the IRGC being labeled as a Terrorist Organization and sanctioned accordingly by the U.S. tell me why hasn't the IRGC been ordered to start it's own SLV program as a response? That's a decision that's up to Iran's Commander in Chief not Iran's President. At the end of the day the IRGC is far better equipped to start it's own SLV program than any other organization in Iran and if it was up to the IRGC Iran would have been far past the Simorgh SLV years ago.

And as for Sanctions under Obama administration the only reason the Sanctions by U.S. standards was losing its effect is because under sanctions Iran's enrichment activities had gone from a few hundred centrifuges to almost 20,000 with a breakout capabilities of weeks with a facility that could hold tens of thousands of more centrifuges at Natanz alone and another facility that was so deep underground that it couldn't be harmed with Iran going full speed at both facilities and that's why they say sanctions was loosing it's effect where as today we haven't responded to U.S. sanctions properly for them to loos their effects by their standards and their cost benefit analysis.
And using N.Korea as an example that sanction don't have an effect in the long run and we can adapt is absurd because N.Korea today has a GDP of well under $20 Billion USD with a population of +25 Million PPL (That's an average of less than $800USD a year for every N.Korean) so using them as an example of a working model is absurd! And Oil revenues only make up ~30% of Iran's government budget and only 10% of our GDP so they are not enough to make a difference for Iran. And you have to realize that the N.Korea responded to U.S. sanctions by building ICBM's & Nukes that can directly threaten U.S. soil with Nuclear Weapons.

And when U.S. sanctions Iran and Iran doesn't respond then why would their sanctions loose their usefulness in their cost benefit annalists?
Maximum Pressure on Iran Still Isn’t Working

Almost a year after President Trump reneged on U.S. commitments in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the Iran nuclear deal, there is not the slightest sign that this move is achieving the declared objective of Iran crawling back to the negotiating table to negotiate a “better deal.” Tehran instead has been exuding perseverance and hardline resistance. The most recent high-level Iranian statement, a speech by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei marking the Persian new year, was full of recalcitrance. Khamenei’s themes included self-sufficiency and boosting Iran’s defense capabilities.

It is not surprising that determined opponents of the JCPOA—the most vocal of whom are determined opponents of any agreement with Iran—have been trying hard to spin this situation to make it look as if something positive is being accomplished. Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, for example, suggests that the new year’s speech was “not the confident Khamenei of days past” and that the speech indicated that “the Trump administration has had considerable success convincing Khamenei that the pressure will continue, and that Iran cannot count on outlasting U.S. hostility.”

It also is not surprising that when The New York Times ran a story by Ben Hubbard, reporting from Beirut, about the financial strains that Hezbollah and other Iranian clients are feeling, columnist Bret Stephens jumped into action. “Heavens to Betsy,” Stephens exclaimed in a column in the next day’s Times, arguing that this must mean President Barack Obama was wrong when he said sanctions relief “wouldn’t make much difference in terms of Iran’s capacity to make mischief in the Middle East.”

Actually, Obama was right. The fallacy that Stephens, and others who defend the Trump administration’s re-imposition of nuclear sanctions, are promoting is that making life more difficult, costly, or painful for someone else somehow advances U.S. interests—at least if the U.S. government sufficiently hates whoever that someone else is. That would be true only if schadenfreude were a U.S. national interest, which it isn’t. Pain infliction serves U.S. interests only if it changes the targeted country’s behavior in a desired direction, by either limiting its capabilities or inducing it to change its policies. Regarding Iran over the past year, this is not happening.

It’s Not All About the Money

Most of Hubbard’s article—the part Stephens doesn’t mention—describes how and why Iran and its clients are not changing their policies and operations despite the financial pinch. The reporter notes that the client groups “are relatively inexpensive, remain ideologically committed to Iran’s agenda and can promote it through local politics in ways that the United States struggles to thwart.” Many of the groups “have income streams that give them some financial independence.” That certainly is true of Lebanese Hezbollah, which also benefits from having achieved broad acceptance as a political actor. Hubbard recalls how much pushback Secretary of State Mike Pompeo received on this point when he recently met with senior Lebanese officials. Foreign Minister Gibran Basil, standing next to Pompeo at a subsequent public appearance, said, “From our side, for sure, we reiterated that Hezbollah is a Lebanese party, not terrorist. Its deputies are elected by the Lebanese people with great popular support.”

The article mentions that, to the extent Iran is scaling back militia operations in Syria, this may be due less to financial reasons than to the fact that Iran’s ally Bashar al-Assad has largely won the war. In Iraq, financial stringency has led Iran not to curtail involvement but instead to seek stronger economic ties with its next-door neighbor. Militias that Iran sponsored “are now paid by the Iraq government, giving Iran leverage in Iraqi politics at little cost to itself.”

Hubbard quotes an anonymous Hezbollah fighter as saying that a financial pinch would not push members away from the organization. “You’re not in Hezbollah for the money,” he said. Something similar could be said about Iran in the Middle East. Iran’s activity in the region is shaped not by the money but instead by Tehran’s perception of what is in Iran’s security interests.

None of this should be surprising. Hubbard notes that “recent history suggests that financial pressure on Iran does not necessarily lead to military cutbacks.” As multiple independent studies have concluded, that also is true of the recent and not-so-recent history of Iran’s overall activity in the Middle East, including activity that the United States finds objectionable.

Continued Iranian Compliance with the JCPOA

Stephens tries to milk another supposed accomplishment out of the administration’s pressure campaign by pointing to the fact that Iran is still observing its obligations under the JCPOA despite the United States having reneged on its own commitments. While acknowledging that Iran outwaiting Trump has something to do with this, Stephens also says the Iranian compliance “suggests an edge of fear in Tehran’s calculations. The U.S. can still impose a great deal more pain on the Islamic Republic if it chooses to do so.”

Reflect first on the irony of an anti-JCPOA voice like Stephens pointing to Iran’s continued rigorous observance of its obligations under the JCPOA—the terms of which Stephens and other opponents have been excoriating for three years—as a supposed accomplishment of the Trump administration’s pressure campaign. Reflect further on how much Iran’s compliance with those obligations undermines opponents’ rhetoric about how Iran supposedly has been hell-bent on getting nuclear weapons, with the JCPOA just a way-station where it gets an economic fillip. If that really were Iran’s intention all along—and given that it is not now getting the fillip—Iran would have renounced the JCPOA as soon as the United States reneged.

Think also about what sort of diplomacy Stephens’s suggestion implies: that the way to get another state to stick to agreed terms is not to stick to them oneself but instead to renege and then to threaten something worse. That would be a bizarre brand of diplomacy, to put it mildly, and one that neither the United States nor anyone else could use to get much business done.

“Tehran’s calculations” are unlikely to be anything like what Stephens suggests they are. The Trump administration, through both its actions and its rhetoric, has given Iranian leaders ample reason to conclude that the administration is determined to punish Iran as much as possible no matter what Iran does. Any hesitation within the administration not to push the sanctions pedal all the way to the metal appears to be a reaction not to Iranian restraint but instead to economic concerns about how elimination of waivers for importing Iranian oil would affect the world oil market and ultimately the price of gasoline at the pump.

Iranian Patience Not Unlimited

Iran’s continued compliance with the JCPOA despite U.S. reneging definitely involves an Iranian decision to outwait Trump. This is partly, but not solely, a matter of some Democratic presidential candidates, as Stephens correctly notes, stating their intention if elected to bring the United States back into compliance with the agreement. Iran is making its decisions about nuclear policy within a larger context in which not Iran, but instead the United States under Trump, is the isolated actor. It is not just Iran but all the non-U.S. parties to the JCPOA that are committed to its preservation. So is the larger world community, as expressed in the unanimously adopted United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231.

Iran may continue to outwait Trump, despite not getting the economic relief it bargained for, until the end of the current U.S. presidential term. Politics inside Tehran probably would make it impossible to wait any longer. This is where the 2020 U.S. presidential election comes into play. Former Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, when asked about this subject recently, replied, “My sense right now is that this Iranian regime would like to try and wait out the Trump administration. But if the president was elected to a second term, then their interest in doing that probably goes out the window.”

If that happens, the damage from the pressure campaign will not be limited to the consequences that Stephens ignores, such as how economic warfare against Iran has become economic warfare against Western allies and has contributed to the poisoning of U.S. relations with them. The damage will include a new Iranian nuclear crisis that was totally avoidable if only the administration had not embarked on its destructive course a year ago.
Zarif doesn't make policy his job it to follow the policies set forth by Rohani under the guidelines and limitations set by Iran's supreme Leader. And his job is Iran's Global Image, Diplomatic Relations between Iran and other countries and bargaining the best diplomatic deals and treaties for Iran under policies and redlines set forth by others.
And he may be able to advise the President and supreme leader on various policies but at the end of the day the decisions isn't his to make.
And how limited his powers are became quite evident when for whatever reason he was kept out of the meetings directly related to foreign policy during Assad's trip to Iran.
And I would say Zarif has done a pretty good job at addressing Iran's Global image.
Yes, Zarif (or Rouhani) doesn't make policy and his job was to follow the policies, yet, he betrayed and abused his authority by crossing the red lines set by supreme leader.
Khamenei didn't void the deal which his representative accepted, yet showed his disagreement by publicizing the violation of his red lines, by this, Khamenei exposed the Zarif's false testimony in Parliament that he has kept all of the leader's red lines.

Also Khameni defined several conditions for executing the deal and ordered Rouhani to implement these conditions, yet Rouhani betrayed again and violated all of leader's conditions.

This forced the supreme leader to despite all of his supports which he has given to all of governments, conservative or reformists, to express regret for letting these weak creatures to negotiate with U.S!

And yes I know, people who accuse Iran as a dictatorship want Khamenei to remove Rouhani!
They can go to hell as well!

Many believe that the dispute between Rouhani and Zarif is just a show to shift all of the blames to just Rouhani (and save the reformists for the next election), in reality we can't find any subject for their so called dispute as well, personally I don't give a f@ck about none of them or disputes, Rouhani and Zarif (and all of Reformists) can go to eternal hell and stay in different part of it!

And with the IRGC being labeled as a Terrorist Organization and sanctioned accordingly by the U.S. tell me why hasn't the IRGC been ordered to start it's own SLV program as a response? That's a decision that's up to Iran's Commander in Chief not Iran's President. At the end of the day the IRGC is far better equipped to start it's own SLV program than any other organization in Iran and if it was up to the IRGC Iran would have been far past the Simorgh SLV years ago.
Space agency and all of space activities are under president supervision. are you suggesting that our armed forces go viral?!

And as for Sanctions under Obama administration the only reason the Sanctions by U.S. standards was losing its effect is because under sanctions Iran's enrichment activities had gone from a few hundred centrifuges to almost 20,000 with a breakout capabilities of weeks with a facility that could hold tens of thousands of more centrifuges at Natanz alone and another facility that was so deep underground that it couldn't be harmed with Iran going full speed at both facilities and that's why they say sanctions was loosing it's effect where as today we haven't responded to U.S. sanctions properly for them to loos their effects by their standards and their cost benefit analysis.
And using N.Korea as an example that sanction don't have an effect in the long run and we can adapt is absurd because N.Korea today has a GDP of well under $20 Billion USD with a population of +25 Million PPL (That's an average of less than $800USD a year for every N.Korean) so using them as an example of a working model is absurd! And Oil revenues only make up ~30% of Iran's government budget and only 10% of our GDP so they are not enough to make a difference for Iran. And you have to realize that the N.Korea responded to U.S. sanctions by building ICBM's & Nukes that can directly threaten U.S. soil with Nuclear Weapons.
limiting of nuclear activities was the goal of sanctions, not their effect, their effect was on our economy.
when Obama said sanctions were loosing their effect, he meant countries were bypassing the trade sanctions, this is exactly what Trita Parsi has confirmed in his book "LOSING AN ENEMY".
حق غنی‌سازی ایران چگونه تضمین شد/ اوباما مذاکره کرد چون تحریم‌ها داشت از هم می‌پاشید

And when U.S. sanctions Iran and Iran doesn't respond then why would their sanctions loose their usefulness in their cost benefit annalists?
Your answer is in your question, U.S will continue the sanctions cause it has no cost for them, our trade partners feel the cost and that's why they secretly bypass the sanctions.
If Trump gets re-elected there isn't really anymore room for Iranian 'moderates' to maneuver since the US will be taking a war-stance by that time in full and Iran would need to have a president willing to do the necessary actions to keep Iran independent, respected on the world stage. Sadly there will not be any peace with the US anytime soon, let's get that perfectly clear here guys. US wants Iran to be a vassal state through and through. No independence, no internal weapons development, no free and independent nuclear energy program, no truly independent Iranian system of governance, Western supplied food, entertainment and cultural norms: you guys get the gist of what I'm saying.

The so called Iranian 'special representative' Brian Hook (what a hollow position he fills lol, doesn't represent jack-shit) is touting claims of three countries cutting oil-imports from Iran to Zero causing upwards of $10-billion dollars is lost revenue. What is the logical response to this other than Zarif' saying economic-terrorism (which I do agree that the US is indeed trying to kill Iran by starving Iranians out). Quite frankly Iran needs to adopt a harsher footing, one that implements CONCRETE reciprocal actions in restoring and expanding what Iran currently has ( and possibly what it so naively conceded in the JCPOA). Whatever concessions Iran made simply didn't pay off and you guys look weaker as a nation because of it (even me being someone who doesn't like the current government in Iran and how it has conducted itself ever since the revolution can see reality for what it is). JCPOA has turned out to be one big national disaster for Rouhani and extension the Iranian nation since Iran simply can't trust spineless Euro's in standing up to the bully US and defying unilateral sanctions from world self-proclaimed police man USA. How much benefit was Iran denied this past year? How many Iranians are suffering from lack of aid due to sanctions? Hell Brian Hook even brought up the support IRGC had in killing US troops in Iraq during US occupation: so certainly US policy is becoming ferociously more provocative.

Obviously we can post here venting about our frustrations about the US but what is happening on the ground in Iran? Can someone please enlighten me and throw some good news?
Well, Et tu brute? The sanctions were already strangling us before we got into the JCPOA negotiations...so how bad is it now compared to what Ahmadinejad got us into? Also, now we have a lot of countries siding with us vs before, the U.S. is being shunned all over the world. Remember what happened in Poland just a few months ago?
Side note listen to this character above you going on about traitor this and traitor that..as usual. Here we are in 2019 and this guy is telling us the 85 yr old supreme leader wanted something else. God dammit man, listen to yourself supreme leader??? What is this crap, is this a country or a comic book? These people need an 85 yr old geriatric telling them what to do..So we got rid of the Shah for a supreme leader? I swear what a bunch of idiots..I wish could laugh but it's too damn sad to hear this level of naivete.
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Well, Et to brute? The sanctions were already strangling us before we got into the JCPOA negotiations...so how bad is it now compared to what Ahmadinejad got us into? Also, now we have a lot of countries siding with us vs before, the U.S. is being shunned all over the world. Remember what happened in Poland just a few months ago?
Side note listen to this character above you going on about traitor this and traitor that..as usual. Here we are in 2019 and this guy is telling us the 85 yr old supreme leader wanted something else. God dammit man, listen to yourself supreme leader??? What is this crap, is this a countey or a comic book? These people need an 85 yr old geriatric telling them what to do..So we got rid of the Shah for a supreme leader? I swear what a bunch of idiots..I wish could laugh but it's too damn sad to hear this level of naivete.

I am all onboard for nations shunning US actions in reneging multiple different accords the world over but shunning really only is superficial overtures that probably will not translate into policies that actually help ease Iranian anguish (INSTEX is active right? has it shown any meaningful level of efficacy?), or at least this is what I believe is the case. Zarif recently lambasted the E3 (as he called it) for not standing up to blatant US bullying in regards to sanctions and sticking to the JCPOA. So logically something seems to be off here even according to Zarif who has been getting on Europe's case recently (thank god, some accountability is sorely needed here...).

Here's the tweet:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A year after US&#39; unlawful abrogation of JCPOA, Europe can&#39;t muster political will to defy US&#39; <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/EconomicTERRORISM?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#EconomicTERRORISM</a>. Not even by setting up a single banking channel for humanitarian aid.<br><br>E3 are instead busy appeasing <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> by pressuring UN over our defensive capabilities <a href="https://t.co/o12KpUqZZM">pic.twitter.com/o12KpUqZZM</a></p>&mdash; Javad Zarif (@JZarif) <a href=" ">April 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

"Et to brute?" No lol, I'm just a little emotional due to the floods, sanctions and overall general level of UBER unfairness that Iranians have to go through. The saying "Stuck between a Rock and a hard place" doesn't even remotely describe the situations Iranian have found themselves in: especially as of late....

Yes you're correct in saying that Iranians have been going through struggles for awhile now but idk Kastor, it truly does get tiring you know?

I will ad that if I'm wrong and or over exaggerating about some details or events then my apologies, these sort of things unfortunately tend to get the best of me since my own attitude will cause me to show great ignorance from time to time due to my inherent biases.
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Yes, Zarif (or Rouhani) doesn't make policy and his job was to follow the policies, yet, he betrayed and abused his authority by crossing the red lines set by supreme leader.
Khamenei didn't void the deal which his representative accepted, yet showed his disagreement by publicizing the violation of his red lines, by this, Khamenei exposed the Zarif's false testimony in Parliament that he has kept all of the leader's red lines.

Also Khameni defined several conditions for executing the deal and ordered Rouhani to implement these conditions, yet Rouhani betrayed again and violated all of leader's conditions.

This forced the supreme leader to despite all of his supports which he has given to all of governments, conservative or reformists, to express regret for letting these weak creatures to negotiate with U.S!

And yes I know, people who accuse Iran as a dictatorship want Khamenei to remove Rouhani!
They can go to hell as well!

Many believe that the dispute between Rouhani and Zarif is just a show to shift all of the blames to just Rouhani (and save the reformists for the next election), in reality we can't find any subject for their so called dispute as well, personally I don't give a f@ck about none of them or disputes, Rouhani and Zarif (and all of Reformists) can go to eternal hell and stay in different part of it!

Space agency and all of space activities are under president supervision. are you suggesting that our armed forces go viral?!

limiting of nuclear activities was the goal of sanctions, not their effect, their effect was on our economy.
when Obama said sanctions were loosing their effect, he meant countries were bypassing the trade sanctions, this is exactly what Trita Parsi has confirmed in his book "LOSING AN ENEMY".
حق غنی‌سازی ایران چگونه تضمین شد/ اوباما مذاکره کرد چون تحریم‌ها داشت از هم می‌پاشید

Your answer is in your question, U.S will continue the sanctions cause it has no cost for them, our trade partners feel the cost and that's why they secretly bypass the sanctions.

Again Zarif doesn't have that kind of power because if he did the negotiations with the JCPOA would of only lasted weeks and I'm sure the original redlines of the Supreme leader was pushed back but it wasn't pushed back without his knowledge and consent. And I'm sure Iran's supreme leader advised them against the path they were taking but Iran's supreme leader is not Iran's dictator and Iranian administrations have the power to take their own path within the redlines set for them.

As for the Reformist, the day Principalist weak up and stop supporting absurd policies like Hejab by force will be the day the vast Majority of so called Reformist will come on their side till then I'll only listen to whomever makes more sense regardless of the party they are in!
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey,.... these are all Majority Muslim countries but NONE of them hold such absurdly outdated policies like Hejab by force and for me that one outdated and absurd policy principalists like promoting overshadows everything else.

As for Iran's Space Agency I know it is a civil organization under the president but so what? just like how the U.S. has NASA and the U.S. Airforce has it's space program and space launches the IRGC Aerospace forces separate from the Space Agency can have it's own space program and its own space launches as well.

Iran's supreme leader is the commander in chief of Iranian armed forces so it's well within his power to order the IRGC to start it's own space program and there needs to be a direct response to the U.S. designating Iran's IRGC Qods forces which basically means all Iranian Armed Forces as a terrorist organization.

As for the effect of sanction one only has to look at the lack of proper growth in Iran's GDP (Nominal) over the past decade and the decline of Iranian currency to see it
All thing is going as predicated plan of USA ... nothing to be amazed from it ..... I remember that I predicated these days in talks in military.ir , and and pro deal group really insulted me for many times .... but there is so logic behind USA action .... they made a deal which they didn't passed it in their congress so , next president wasn't obligate to honor it and he didn't and resume sanctions which were Suspended not removed or lifted !!!

even if you want buy a used car , you will stroke a deal and signed it , so there won't be any problem but I.R. fools in power put us in serious disadvantage .... ( did you except clever stand from 70-80 years old men , their body is on decline , so their mind )

when some idiots are running the country and their children are living in Canada , USA , London , Australia , then every deal will be in opposite side favor because these guys just look at Iran as some sort of gold min that they should extract all of its gold for themselves before their time run out .... they don't have tiniest bit of nationality ...

Well, Et to brute? The sanctions were already strangling us before we got into the JCPOA negotiations...so how bad is it now compared to what Ahmadinejad got us into? Also, now we have a lot of countries siding with us vs before, the U.S. is being shunned all over the world. Remember what happened in Poland just a few months ago?
Side note listen to this character above you going on about traitor this and traitor that..as usual. Here we are in 2019 and this guy is telling us the 85 yr old supreme leader wanted something else. God dammit man, listen to yourself supreme leader??? What is this crap, is this a countey or a comic book? These people need an 85 yr old geriatric telling them what to do..So we got rid of the Shah for a supreme leader? I swear what a bunch of idiots..I wish could laugh but it's too damn sad to hear this level of naivete.

back then thanks to Ahmadi nejad hard stands , some countries didn't obligate themselves to cooperate with USA sanction but due that pro-USA stand of Rouhani ( which I'm believing is either a fool or MI6 agent ) , others didn't trust Iran ....
they put all of their eggs in USA basket ....
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Again Zarif doesn't have that kind of power because if he did the negotiations with the JCPOA would of only lasted weeks and I'm sure the original redlines of the Supreme leader was pushed back but it wasn't pushed back without his knowledge and consent. And I'm sure Iran's supreme leader advised them against the path they were taking but Iran's supreme leader is not Iran's dictator and Iranian administrations have the power to take their own path within the redlines set for them.
Khamenei accepted the deal, cause Rouhani, Zarif and the rest of Reformists and their media were dividing the society and provoking people against the resistance policies. they used public pressure against supreme leader to achieve their goal, so it was their sole plan and they are solely responsible for it as well.

As for the Reformist, the day Principalist weak up and stop supporting absurd policies like Hejab by force will be the day the vast Majority of so called Reformist will come on their side till then I'll only listen to whomever makes more sense regardless of the party they are in!
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey,.... these are all Majority Muslim countries but NONE of them hold such absurdly outdated policies like Hejab by force and for me that one outdated and absurd policy principalists like promoting overshadows everything else.
We are an Islamic country and we practice Islamic laws, we don't care about the rest of puppet countries which implement atheist ideologies but call themselves Muslim!

Whatever you call yourself, in the end, reformists want to turn Iran into a U.S puppet while conservatives stand against them.

As for Iran's Space Agency I know it is a civil organization under the president but so what? just like how the U.S. has NASA and the U.S. Airforce has it's space program and space launches the IRGC Aerospace forces separate from the Space Agency can have it's own space program and its own space launches as well.
What U.S does is according to their laws, but you may ask the Reformists in Parliament to change the law, if you think they would listen.

Iran's supreme leader is the commander in chief of Iranian armed forces so it's well within his power to order the IRGC to start it's own space program and there needs to be a direct response to the U.S. designating Iran's IRGC Qods forces which basically means all Iranian Armed Forces as a terrorist organization.
Yes, Iranian leader as the commander in chief of the armed forces can order the IRGC to take over the government as well!

As for the effect of sanction one only has to look at the lack of proper growth in Iran's GDP (Nominal) over the past decade and the decline of Iranian currency to see it
What you said is called chicane! I didn't say sanctions have no effect, I said they will loose their effect gradually.
And as I said, this process was interrupted by the election of Rouhani, second wave of Rial fall almost had nothing to do with sanctions, it was traitor's mismanagement.
All thing is going as predicated plan of USA ... nothing to be amazed from it ..... I remember that I predicated these days in talks in military.ir , and and pro deal group really insulted me for many times .... but there is so logic behind USA action .... they made a deal which they didn't passed it in their congress so , next president wasn't obligate to honor it and he didn't and resume sanctions which were Suspended not removed or lifted !!!

even if you want buy a used car , you will stroke a deal and signed it , so there won't be any problem but I.R. fools in power put us in serious disadvantage .... ( did you except clever stand from 70-80 years old men , their body is on decline , so their mind )

when some idiots are running the country and their children are living in Canada , USA , London , Australia , then every deal will be in opposite side favor because these guys just look at Iran as some sort of gold min that they should extract all of its gold for themselves before their time run out .... they don't have tiniest bit of nationality ...

back then thanks to Ahmadi nejad hard stands , some countries didn't obligate themselves to cooperate with USA sanction but due that pro-USA stand of Rouhani ( which I'm believing is either a fool or MI6 agent ) , others didn't trust Iran ....
they put all of their eggs in USA basket ....
Well the JCPOA was endorsed by the UNSCR 2231 therefore all countries regardless passing it through their legislature or not must implement it in good faith ..

Underscoring that Member States are obligated under Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations to accept and carry out the Security Council’s decisions,
1. Endorses the JCPOA, and urges its full implementation on the timetable established in the JCPOA;
2. Calls upon all Members States, regional organizations and international organizations to take such actions as may be appropriate to support the implementation of the JCPOA, including by taking actions commensurate with the implementation plan set out in the JCPOA and this resolution and by refraining from actions that undermine implementation of commitments under the JCPOA;
Chapter V — The Security Council Article 25

“The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter.”

Regardless whom be in office now or then all American presidents are obligate to honor it. the point is there is nothing above the UNSCR base upon international law therefore congress isn't even important.
The whole story is these people look at the the world as their property, follow it whenever suits them.

And I think deal benefited Iran while we could have performed much more better or even a better deal.
I no longer talk about what happened in JCPOA and who was responsible (water under the bridge, we know who f***ed up). However years ago I read that Iran spent $16 BILLION dollars over the years to develop and implement the nuclear fuel cycle. Now considering that revolutionary leadership in Iran (not talking about this government) is not stupid or short sighted then the question is why would a country spend that kind of money just to claim it has so many kilos of enriched uranium... I think the real story of Iran's nuclear project is something else and we will not know the answer until something dramatic happens...all I can say is that I remember the Leader recently mentioned some thing that made me wonder..he said.. JCPOA was not our goal but means to allow us to reach to our goals...!!!..so what are those goals!!..
Khamenei accepted the deal, cause Rouhani, Zarif and the rest of Reformists and their media were dividing the society and provoking people against the resistance policies. they used public pressure against supreme leader to achieve their goal, so it was their sole plan and they are solely responsible for it as well.

We are an Islamic country and we practice Islamic laws, we don't care about the rest of puppet countries which implement atheist ideologies but call themselves Muslim!

Whatever you call yourself, in the end, reformists want to turn Iran into a U.S puppet while conservatives stand against them.

What U.S does is according to their laws, but you may ask the Reformists in Parliament to change the law, if you think they would listen.

Yes, Iranian leader as the commander in chief of the armed forces can order the IRGC to take over the government as well!

What you said is called chicane! I didn't say sanctions have no effect, I said they will loose their effect gradually.
And as I said, this process was interrupted by the election of Rouhani, second wave of Rial fall almost had nothing to do with sanctions, it was traitor's mismanagement.

1st off Quran specifically say's "La Ekraha fed deen" which mean under true Islamic Law you are NOT allowed to force Islamic Ideology on others 2ndly Quran say's NOTHING about women's hair! and even if it did a true Islamic Government can't simply ignore the fact that the Quran say's La Ekraha fed deen. So the Truth is that the governments that don't enforce such policies are far more Islamic than our government. So we are NOT a country of Islamic Law because forcing your Ideology on others is against Islamic Law and that is directly in the Quran unlike your absurd delusions about women's hair!

And Iran's Supreme leader doesn't need the permission of the Parliament to order IRGC Aerospace forces to start space activities especially since they are call Nirou e Hava Faza e Sepah!

And the problem with Pricipalists is not their foreign policy, military policy, economic policy,.... their problem is that they against the written words of the Quran want to constantly enforce their ideology on the entire country regardless of what it's doing to our economy.
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