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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

ایران وزیر امور خارجه ظریف بعد از نشست برجام دیدار با اتحادیه اروپا در بروکسل

ظریف: اتحادیه اروپا آگاه است که ادامه پایبندی ایران به برجام مشروط به پایبندی کامل آمریکا ست محمدجواد ظریف ظهر روز پنچ‌شنبه بعد از شرکت در نشست مشترک با رییس سیاست خارجی اتحادیه اروپا و وزیران امور خارجه انگلیس، فرانسه و آلمان در مقر اتحادیه اروپا در بروکسل در توییتر خود به تشریح نتایج این نشست پرداخت.
به گزارش ایسنا، وزیر امور خارجه کشورمان در صفحه توییتر خود نوشت: امروز در نشست بروکسل اجماع قدرتمندی بود که 1- ایران به برجام پایبند است، 2- مردم ایران حق دارند از تمام منافع آن بهره‌مند شوند، 3- هر اقدامی که برجام را تضعیف کند غیرقابل قبول است.
این دیپلمات عالی رتبه کشورمان در ادامه توییت خود تاکید کرد: اتحادیه اروپا کاملا آگاه است که ادامه پایبندی ایران به برجام مشروط به پایبندی کامل آمریکا است.

Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif after JCPA meeting with European in Brussels: EU3 knows very well Iran adherence to JCPOA ( Iran nuclear deal ) is conditional to America full adherence commitment to JCPOA
Javad Zarif twitter
EU fully aware that Iran’s continued compliance conditioned on full compliance by the US.

ایران وزیر امور خارجه ظریف بعد از نشست برجام دیدار با اتحادیه اروپا در بروکسل

ظریف: اتحادیه اروپا آگاه است که ادامه پایبندی ایران به برجام مشروط به پایبندی کامل آمریکا ست محمدجواد ظریف ظهر روز پنچ‌شنبه بعد از شرکت در نشست مشترک با رییس سیاست خارجی اتحادیه اروپا و وزیران امور خارجه انگلیس، فرانسه و آلمان در مقر اتحادیه اروپا در بروکسل در توییتر خود به تشریح نتایج این نشست پرداخت.
به گزارش ایسنا، وزیر امور خارجه کشورمان در صفحه توییتر خود نوشت: امروز در نشست بروکسل اجماع قدرتمندی بود که 1- ایران به برجام پایبند است، 2- مردم ایران حق دارند از تمام منافع آن بهره‌مند شوند، 3- هر اقدامی که برجام را تضعیف کند غیرقابل قبول است.
این دیپلمات عالی رتبه کشورمان در ادامه توییت خود تاکید کرد: اتحادیه اروپا کاملا آگاه است که ادامه پایبندی ایران به برجام مشروط به پایبندی کامل آمریکا است.

Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif after JCPA meeting with European in Brussels: EU3 knows very well Iran adherence to JCPOA ( Iran nuclear deal ) is conditional to America full adherence commitment to JCPOA
Javad Zarif twitter
EU fully aware that Iran’s continued compliance conditioned on full compliance by the US.

They should make more it clear not through words but by policies that we are ready to abandon it.. so far and still Trump thinks renegotiation is possible and Iran loves JCPOA in a way that would accept anything to keep it functional.
They should make more it clear not through words but by policies that we are ready to abandon it.. so far and still Trump thinks renegotiation is possible and Iran loves JCPOA in a way that would accept anything to keep it functional.

There is a word Lawyers use called "Precedent" and the Trump administration would have to be filled with idiots if they think Iran is going to set such an absurd precedent by renegotiate the JCPOA!

So Iran couldn't renegotiate the JCPOA even if they secretly wanted too! Now normally you would think there is some kind of secret agenda & the U.S. has some kind of tactic behind asking Iran to agree to something so absurd that they know for a fact Iran couldn't possibly agree too but in Trumps case I think it's just pure idiocy!
ایرباس: تحویل هواپیما به ایران دیرتر از موعد مقرر انجام می‌شود

ه گزارش گروه بین‌الملل خبرگزاری فارس، مدیر فروش «ایرباس» روز دوشنبه پیش‌بینی کرد تحویل ده‌ها هواپیمای این شرکت هواپیماسازی به ایران انجام خواهد شد، اما انجام مبادلات مالی آن احتمالاً بیش از برنامه‌ریزی‌های قبلی زمان خواهد برد.

ایران بعد از توافق هسته‌ای با گروه موسوم به 1+5 از دو شرکت بزرگ هواپیماسازی بوئینگ و ایرباس سفارش خرید ده‌ها هواپیما را داده است.

«دونالد ترامپ»، رئیس‌جمهور آمریکا به شدت از توافق هسته‌ای برجام انتقاد کرده است. او روز جمعه از شریکان آمریکا در اروپا خواست آنچه به گفته وی «نقائص وحشتناک» برجام است را اصلاح کنند.

شرکت اروپایی «ایرباس» و رقیب آمریکایی‌اش، «بوئینگ» توافق کرده‌اند مجموعاً 180 هواپیمای مسافربری به شرکت هواپیمایی حامل پرچم ایران، «ایران‌ایر» تحویل دهند. ترامپ می‌تواند مجوز فروش این هواپیماها به ایران را باطل کند.

علی‌رغم این، «جان لیهی»، مدیر فروش ایرباس در مصاحبه با «رویترز» پیش‌بینی کرد که تحویل این هواپیماها به ایران انجام خواهد شد. وی گفت: «من فکر می‌کنم آن معاملات انجام خواهند شد، اما نه بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی زمانی اولیه.»

وی ادامه داد: «ما باید ساز و کارهای تأمین مالی آن را فراهم کنیم؛ آنها باید قبل از تحویل هواپیماها پرداخت بیعانه برای آن را در نظر بگیرند.»

ایرباس تا کنون سه فروند هواپیما به ایران تحویل داده است.

بانک‌های بین‌المللی گفته‌اند بی‌میلی نهادهای بین‌المللی غربی برای انجام تراکنش‌های مربوط به ایران تجارت با این کشور را علی‌رغم رفع برخی تحریم‌ها ذیل «برجام» دشوار کرده است.

شرکت ایرباس در دولت قبلی آمریکا موفق شد از وزارت خزانه‌داری این کشور مجوز صادرات هواپیما به ایران را بگیرد. این مجوزها اوایل دهه بعد باطل می‌شوند و ایرباس بایستی در آن زمان، بار دیگر مجوزهای خود را تمدید کند.

دیپلمات‌ها به رویترز گفته‌اند فرایند صدور یا تمدید مجوزها، به دلیل ابهام‌ها در سیاست آمریکا در قبال ایران روال کندتری داشته است.

«لیهی» که قرار است ماه آینده از سمتش بازنشسته شود خاطرنشان کرد ایرباس درباره ساخت هواپیما برای ایران قبل از دریافت بیعانه، محتاط عمل خواهد کرد. منابع آگاه به رویترز گفته‌اند «بوئینگ» هم ساخت هواپیما برای ایران قبل از دریافت پیش‌پرداخت را متوقف کرده است.

مدیر فروش ایرباس تصریح کرد: «لازم است پیش‌پرداخت انجام شود و از آنجا به بعد است که تولید آغاز شود؛ بنابراین، ما داریم کار را دشوارتر از آنچه انتظار داشتیم پیش‌ می‌بریم، اما هنوز معتقدیم که مسائل حل خواهند شد.»

منابع آگاه گفته‌اند ایران به دلیل عدم تأمین فاینانس خارجی برای خرید این هواپیماها مجبور شده هزینه هواپیماهایی که تا کنون دریافت کرده را از طریق بانک مرکزی خود و به صورت نقد پرداخت کند.​
There is a word Lawyers use called "Precedent" and the Trump administration would have to be filled with idiots if they think Iran is going to set such an absurd precedent by renegotiate the JCPOA!

So Iran couldn't renegotiate the JCPOA even if they secretly wanted too! Now normally you would think there is some kind of secret agenda & the U.S. has some kind of tactic behind asking Iran to agree to something so absurd that they know for a fact Iran couldn't possibly agree too but in Trumps case I think it's just pure idiocy!

He is trying to force Iran to come back to the table by threatening to destroy the deal. Look at his past speeches, he genuinely thinks that Iran is extremely desperate for the deal and that Iran is celebrating the deal, and that Iran robbed the U.S, while infact I think Iran got robbed by the U.S. Absolutely despicable what we did to Arak reactor. We gave up our reactors, and our program and got nothing!. He is a fool. Their are many in Iran that despise this deal, but he doesn't know that. He doesn't know that Iran will not come back because many in Iran do not even want this deal. It will backfire. Iran should've been working on nuclear torpedoes, DU armor, DU rounds, as we speak but we have nothing.
He is trying to force Iran to come back to the table by threatening to destroy the deal. Look at his past speeches, he genuinely thinks that Iran is extremely desperate for the deal and that Iran is celebrating the deal, and that Iran robbed the U.S, while infact I think Iran got robbed by the U.S. Absolutely despicable what we did to Arak reactor. We gave up our reactors, and our program and got nothing!. He is a fool. Their are many in Iran that despise this deal, but he doesn't know that. He doesn't know that Iran will not come back because many in Iran do not even want this deal. It will backfire. Iran should've been working on nuclear torpedoes, DU armor, DU rounds, as we speak but we have nothing.

It doesn't matter if the deal is good for Iran or bad for Iran the precedent or example renegotiating the JCPOA sets is unacceptable to Iran!
If Iran agrees to renegotiate the JCPOA because a US president throws a hissy fit and agrees to add even a single clause to that deal then every time a new U.S. president comes to power they would also want to add a new clause to the deal and not just that every country on the planet that has a deal with Iran would want to constantly get more as a result because that's the example your setting and you would be allowing the use of hissy fits & the language of insults to be used as a credible tactic for future US presidents to use against Iran!

It's diplomacy 101 and any country with two bit of sense wouldn't allow such behavior to be used as a credible tactic!

BUT the example Iran is going to want to set with the Trump administration is that any U.S. administration that behaves like Trump and doesn't approach Iran with mutual respect we will NOT negotiate with or even have back channel talks with anyone in that administration as a result!
. . .
گفتگویی متفاوت با عراقچی درباره برجام/ ماجرای بتون در قلب راکتور اراک/ علت عدم حضور در مناظره با منتقدان/ لغو نشدن تمام تحریم ها/ چرا ترامپ از برجام خارج نمی شود

سید عباس عراقچی معاون سیاسی وزیر امور خارجه جمهوری اسلامی ایران و رئیس ستاد پیگیری اجرای برجام امشب در برنامه «جهان آرا» شبکه افق در خصوص «آینده برجام» سخن گفت.

به گزارش فارس، عراقچی در گفت‌وگو با وحید یامین‌پور بیان کرد: تجدید ساختاری که در وزارت خارجه صورت گرفته به این خاطر است که این وزارتخانه به صورت چابک‌تری حرکت کند. وی افزود: در ساختار جدید وزارت خارجه تخصصی‌تر و معاونت‌های منطقه‌ای حذف شده و به جای آن اداره کل‌های منطقه‌ای ایجاد شده است.

عضو ارشد تیم مذاکره کننده هسته‌ای در ادامه بیان کرد: برنامه جهان آرا برنامه شناخته شده‌ای است، بحث ما هم چالشی خواهد بود شما جزو مجریان و منتقدان هم هستید. امیدوارم امشب یک بحث و برنامه با تقوا داشته باشیم و هدفمان این باشد که به ابهامات و سوالات پاسخ داده شود و صادقانه به بحث گذاشته شود و هدف مچ گیری نیست. هدف این است که شما سوالات دقیقی را مطرح و هم توقع این است که من صادقانه پاسخ دهم و هم هدف این است که آنهایی که گوش می‌دهند صادقانه گوش بدهند.

یامین پور هم گفت که من در این برنامه به عنوان منتقد حضور ندارم به عنوان مجری هستم، ولی این اجازه را به من داده‌اید که به نمایندگی از مردم سوالاتی که در افکار عمومی از شما مطرح است صادقانه بپرسیم.

Poll: Most Iranians support missile tests and Hezbollah, critical of nuke deal

74.8% of respondents said the nuclear 2015 deal has not improved living conditions in the Islamic Republic.

A staggering 90.7% believe the US did not lift sanctions it committed to lift, or is indirectly frustrating the benefits of lifting sanctions, and 86.4% have low confidence or are not confident at all that the US will live up to its obligations to reduce sanctions under the nuclear agreement.

. .
Poll: Most Iranians support missile tests and Hezbollah, critical of nuke deal

74.8% of respondents said the nuclear 2015 deal has not improved living conditions in the Islamic Republic.

A staggering 90.7% believe the US did not lift sanctions it committed to lift, or is indirectly frustrating the benefits of lifting sanctions, and 86.4% have low confidence or are not confident at all that the US will live up to its obligations to reduce sanctions under the nuclear agreement.

Wow!,that is a literally damning indictment on the jcpoa,I wonder how rouhani feels after reading this,of course I`ve always had my doubts that the jcpoa really had any further value to him apart from just helping him clinch his election victory and after that it didnt really matter much if anything else came from it.
Could this possibly wind up being irans version of the infamous Agreed Framework deal between the us/dprk.
It would also be very interesting to see whether there were the same results among the other jcpoa countries populations.I also wonder if there would be enough support among iranian politicians to push for a iranian renegotiation of the jcpoa in order to fix its flaws,in irans favor of course....lol!,wouldnt that be one in the eye for the trumpists and their talk of renegotiating the deal.

It may be that conditions would have not become better, but for sure conditions would have become worse if the sanctions would have continued.

Fundamentalists failed in bringing even a single President (after the revolution) which could have made the country corruption free and brought that progress which fundamentalists claim to have under the revolution.
Wow!,that is a literally damning indictment on the jcpoa,I wonder how rouhani feels after reading this,of course I`ve always had my doubts that the jcpoa really had any further value to him apart from just helping him clinch his election victory and after that it didnt really matter much if anything else came from it.
Could this possibly wind up being irans version of the infamous Agreed Framework deal between the us/dprk.
It would also be very interesting to see whether there were the same results among the other jcpoa countries populations.I also wonder if there would be enough support among iranian politicians to push for a iranian renegotiation of the jcpoa in order to fix its flaws,in irans favor of course....lol!,wouldnt that be one in the eye for the trumpists and their talk of renegotiating the deal.

He is busy to bankrupt Iran and force us to accept USA and the west demands ...

It may be that conditions would have not become better, but for sure conditions would have become worse if the sanctions would have continued.

Fundamentalists failed in bringing even a single President (after the revolution) which could have made the country corruption free and brought that progress which fundamentalists claim to have under the revolution.
and the funny part is that 4 of 5 president were from Reformist and the most funny part is that Reformists act as they didn't have hand in current situation of Iran ...
some of Araqchi confessions in British Royal think tank (Chatham House):

As far as Iran is concerned, JCPOA is not a successful story. why? because Iran is not benefiting from sanctions lifting in full,... we are fully complying to our obligations, we want to fully enjoy the dividends of the deal, dividends of sanctions lifting, which is not the case right today, for a very simple reason.(yeah, because of a bunch of traitor Iranian negotiators)

the U.S is not complying it's obligations in the JCPOA, they are even violating the JCPOA in daily basis almost. (thanks to you)

it's not more than a year that president trump has announced that he wants to destroy the deal, tear it off, fix it, change it, end it, whatever.
first of all, all of these statements by president trump and other officials in administration are violation of the deal.
(and yet you don't announce it in the JCPOA Joint Commissions)

violation of the letter and text of the deal, and not the spirit, JCPOA is not a spiritual deal! (funny it was Zarif and Arqchi themselves who invented this spirit when they wanted to justify U.S violations for Iranian!)

we are not talking about the spirit of the deal, although the spirit is also violated by the U.S, but even the text, letters of the deal is violated...

full speech here:
Iran's Foreign Policy Priorities | Chatham House

and if you were wondering what this guy was doing in U.K, the answer is that he was negotiating on JCPOA2 !


پشت پرده سخنان انقلابی عراقچی در لندن چیست؟
گِرای بعیدی‌نژاد برای اثبات ادعای دروغین انگلیس درباره دخالت ایران در امور داخلی یمن:
تهران و لندن تصمیمات مهمی درباره بحران یمن اتخاذ کردند !/ گروه‌های انقلابیِ یمن تکلیف بحران را مشخص می‌کنند؛ نه شما آقای بعیدی‌نژاد
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