Etelat Sepah, Qods forces by them self apart from intelligence ministery have had ***
successful operation, targeted assuenation outside Iran ( caseworkers , field officers, MKO & Israeli Operational centers, logistic personals, people wanted for curring out terrorist acts inside Iran ex.....) I cant put names here
arresting and returning wanted people ( Zam ++++ ex ) , successful bombing campaign (in place which i can not even say words)
what MP Nabavian talking about it is 100% correct and if you followed my previous posts everytime in National Security Council Rouhani as head of National Security Council and intelligence minister Alavi as repesentive intelligence ministey and FM Zarif as foreign office , and ................ when it comes to voting they always vote against any retaltory action,
حضور خامنهای در جلسه شورای امنیت ملی ایران
آیت الله خامنهای در پی ترور قاسم سلیمانی برای اولین بار در جلسه اضطرای شورای امنیت ملی این کشور که در پی ترور قاسم سلیمانی تشکیل شده، شرکت کرده است.
آیت الله خامنهای در پی ترور قاسم سلیمانی برای اولین بار در جلسه اضطرای شورای امنیت ملی این کشور که در پی ترور قاسم سلیمانی تشکیل شده، شرکت کرده است. - Anadolu Ajansı
that why in Ain Al-Assad strike Leader Aytolalah Khameni him self partesipated in that destion making in National Security Council vote
so MP Nabavian talking about it is 100% correct we are losing deterrence, and the other side is getting embolden