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'Remotely Detonated Device' Blew Up Iran's Natanz Nuke Site

The attack on Iran's key Natanz nuclear site Sunday was caused by an explosive device that was smuggled into the plant and detonated remotely, the New York Times reported Tuesday.

Citing an unnamed intelligence official, the report said that the explosion, which has been attributed by foreign media to Israel, damaged Natanz's primary and backup electrical systems. Behrouz Kamalvandi, a spokesperson for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, said that the attack blew a hole so big that he managed to fall into it, and suffered injuries.

It also quotes Fereydoun Abbasi, the head of the Iranian Parliament's energy committee, who told state television Monday that "The enemy's plot was very beautiful" from a scientific standpoint. "They thought about this and used their experts and planned the explosion so both the central power and the emergency power cable would be damaged."

Also on Tuesday, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the Ynet news website that "what happened two days ago in Natanz wasn't caused by someone who broke in there in the middle of the night. The explosives were planted there in advance, maybe 10 or 15 years ago."

He added, "I can think of operations that were carried out in the past to plant devices."

This story not only keeps on changing,but is literally getting more outlandish with every retelling.
Plus I`d take anything that zionist media says with not just a grain of sodium chloride,but an entire mining facilities worth of the stuff.
Highly unlikely IR-9 is ready to deploy.

Not to mention standard version IR-9 is too tall for underground hallway of Natanz. Also IR-9 requires higher grade material of carbon fiber than I believe Iran mass produces.

So I am skeptical of this claim. IR-5 (10 SWU) should be able to be mass produced using same grade material as IR-2/4

IR-9 is not ready but IR-6 is ready
Technical explanation As per Abbasi for people who do not speak Farsi.

Natanza underground centrifuge area receives its primary power from outside (above ground). The back up battery power is also fed to the underground site via a cable from outside.
The explosion at above ground damaged the primary power line and also cut off the back up battery power.

Some of the old version centrifuges stopped spinning and were damaged due to lack of power.
Power is now restored...all old and damaged machines will be replaced with more advanced version and that process has already started.

PS: 1-interesting info..The first explosion in natanz about 9 months ago was done by placing a bomb inside a solid calibration table (The ones I am familiar with are made of granite stone in one piece)...plant inspectors thinking it is a solid piece did not think it could be rigged to hide a bomb and let it to come in and the rest is well know..
PS: 2 My interpretation is that They do have backup Generators but the time lag between main power cut off and generators coming online is where you use the battery back up..which in their case battery power was cut off also by the explosion...the time lag where the battery back up was not available will cause the rotors spinning to crash.
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عراقچی از آغاز غنی‌سازی ۶۰درصدی خبر داد/ افزایش سانتریفیوژها در نطنز

PS: 1-interesting info..The first explosion in natanz about 9 months ago was done by placing a bomb inside a solid calibration table (The ones I am familiar with are made of granite stone in one piece)...plant inspectors thinking it is a solid piece did not think it could be rigged to hide a bomb and let it to come in and the rest is well know..

Iran makes large X-Ray devices for cars (detecting car bombs) and other items. So I don’t believe it. A simple x Ray machine would have shown the explosives.
Highly unlikely IR-9 is ready to deploy.

Not to mention standard version IR-9 is too tall for underground hallway of Natanz. Also IR-9 requires higher grade material of carbon fiber than I believe Iran mass produces.

So I am skeptical of this claim. IR-5 (10 SWU) should be able to be mass produced using same grade material as IR-2/4

totally wrong analysis,
don't ask me how, but if necessary
IR-** will be put out
If you remember, what you challenged was the entirely plausible number of $7 billion for the iranian nuclear program for the last 30 years e.g. since 1991, which would obviously not include expenditures made during the Shah era.

Maybe you get up to $11 billion if you highball the full cost of both Siemens reactors, inflation adjust it and add it to the cost for the Russian design reactor, but the fact that due to the vicissitudes of history the investment in the original Bushehr reactors unfortunately has to be considered mostly lost is not relevant to the question at hand.

Stop the nonsense, the budget for Iran’s nuclear energy association alone is $300M dollars a year.

There is no way you build Iran’s entire nuclear facilities (of which over 20+ exist known) and R&D to cost 7 billion.
Iran makes large X-Ray devices for cars (detecting car bombs) and other items. So I don’t believe it. A simple x Ray machine would have shown the explosives.

Xplosives detector,

عراقچی از آغاز غنی‌سازی ۶۰درصدی خبر داد/ افزایش سانتریفیوژها در نطنز

Raqchi announced the beginning of 60% enrichment /
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