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The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

Turkish Opposition parties are right , Turkey should not get directly involved in the war . Actually the longer this was goes the better for Turkey as Iran will be wasting more money subsidizing Assad forces fuel , salaries and weapons supply.

who do you think will rebuild syria after all the destruction that has happened ? no one will pay a penny for them except the Gulf countries and in return Turkish construction companies will make billion out of Syria reconstruction in addition to imports of millions of Steel Tons , cement and other construction material , Just like what happened with KRG .

Any Future Syrian state will be forced to join the Western/Gulf camp to rebuild its destroyed Infrastructure , Economy and receive any loans from the IMF , the Iranians barely feed themselves and Russians have not even helped their salvic brothers in Serbia or Ukraine to start thinking about helping out rebuilding a muslim country Economy , they did not even rebuild chechenya till today .

Mashalah,a Malaysian who claims to be a half Arab hoping for more blood and destruction of Syria in a prolonged war, so GCC and Arabs lose more money and eventually Turkish companies benefit from this all. What kind of an Arab you are?
Mashalah,a Malaysian who claims to be a half Arab hoping for more blood and destruction of Syria in a prolonged war, so GCC and Arabs lose more money and eventually Turkish companies benefit from this all. What kind of an Arab you are?

He said that iran would lose more money as long as the civil war goes on.

And that after the war gcc would fund and Turkey would rebuild Syria.

I think you misread it.
He said that iran would lose more money as long as the civil war goes on.

And that after the war gcc would fund and Turkey would rebuild Syria.

I think you misread it.

I don't give a $hit about Iran, one drop of blood of a Syrian worth more than Iran. If he wanted to suck up to Turkey, he can do so on his country expense not on Arabs expense.
He said that iran would lose more money as long as the civil war goes on.

And that after the war gcc would fund and Turkey would rebuild Syria.

I think you misread it.

No, dude he read it right.

Giving fund for building infrastructure is not a profitable investment. Only the builder will profit not the funder.
No, dude he read it right.

Giving fund for building infrastructure is not a profitable investment. Only the builder will profit not the funder.

This is not only my point, he hoped for more bloodshed among Syrians in exchange of drying up Iranian economy and boosting the Turkish one, like Syrian blood is cheaper than water. And people wonder why we contempt Ummah and the ones who call for it.
Mashalah,a Malaysian who claims to be a half Arab hoping for more blood and destruction of Syria in a prolonged war, so GCC and Arabs lose more money and eventually Turkish companies benefit from this all. What kind of an Arab you are?

Bro, don't rage on Mahatir. He has a pragmatic approach and your approach is humanistic. Both acceptable from neutral stance.
I agree, that's what would happen between Iran and Turkey and that's exactly why, as you're saying it yourself it would not be in Iran's interests, I don't think Iran would attack Turkey if Turkey made the mistake of invading Syria.

But seriously, if Iran did decide to attack Turkey how would they go about it? The reason I'm insisting on an answer is because the land border is so small and undeveloped that I can't see any major land conflict going on which would have been a more balancing theater between the two countries. Otherwise wouldn't it just be Iranian missiles flying one way and the Turkish airforce decimating Iranian targets on the ground?

Iran attacking Turkey would be the last time Iran would be whole as a country. There are very big minorities in Iran who wouldnot put a weapon against Turks. At least 40% of Iranian army would step over to Turkish side in case of war. Iran already used all cards against Turkey, PKK against Turkey, Shia against Arabia. All these countries would give Iran a taste of the same and we all know the result.
Bro, don't rage on Mahatir. He has a pragmatic approach and your approach is humanistic. Both acceptable from neutral stance.

This is not pragmatic, it's a base twisted approach, what a joke, he is so generous on Arabs expense, why doesn't he just make his point on his country expense? He has no idea how bad he makes us look. He is selling us by pretending to be one of us. No excuse of what he said, no excuse.
Well it's not that i agree with him.

Stability in syria will be the most profitable for Turkey. As soon as the war ends and the prick is kicked of his throne, the syrians can go back to their country. as soon as th economy get's back on it's leg in syria, Turkey will probably benefit most from that in terms of trade and investment.
Mashalah,a Malaysian who claims to be a half Arab hoping for more blood and destruction of Syria in a prolonged war, so GCC and Arabs lose more money and eventually Turkish companies benefit from this all. What kind of an Arab you are?

My point is whether the war ends now or takes longer in both ways Turkey will benefit and Iran will lose.

Our discussion here is on whether Iran will benefit out of the syrian conflict or not .
This is not pragmatic, it's a base twisted approach, what a joke, he is so generous on Arabs expense, why doesn't he just make his point on his country expense? He has no idea how bad he makes us look. He is selling us by pretending to be one of us. No excuse of what he said, no excuse.

Mahatir is not selling anybody. He is a respectable man and a friend of Turks. Because he is not so tight lip like you doesn't mean he sells his own people, or Arab people.
This is not pragmatic, it's a base twisted approach, what a joke, he is so generous on Arabs expense, why doesn't he just make his point on his country expense? He has no idea how bad he makes us look. He is selling us by pretending to be one of us. No excuse of what he said, no excuse.

I get you and i would be probably been mad if i were in your shoes. He just pointed Turkey's gain, like it or not this is just human history that we saw countless times. Countries should act for their interest not for another countries interest.

Most of the Muslim countries acts emotional where West being pragmatic, you see the difference.
This is not pragmatic, it's a base twisted approach, what a joke, he is so generous on Arabs expense, why doesn't he just make his point on his country expense? He has no idea how bad he makes us look. He is selling us by pretending to be one of us. No excuse of what he said, no excuse.

I am not the one bombing Syrian cities and supplying Assad forces with weapons , this conflict is taking longer because of Iran nothing else but again they are wasting money over something they will lose at the end.

This is a war of attritution and the opposition wount stop unless Assad steps down or at least takes his alawi clan and move to the syrian coast.
I get you and i would be probably been mad if i were in your shoes. He just pointed Turkey's gain, like it or not this is just human history that we saw countless times. Countries should act for their interest not for another countries interest.

Most of the Muslim countries acts emotional where West being pragmatic, you see the difference.

This is True and you will not find a pragmatic country more than Iran , they play the palestine card yet they supported Russians against chechen muslims and Armenians against azeris

Iran helped American invasion in Iraq through sending in their Alquds and badr militia to fight along side the Americans against Saddam and the same happened in Afghanistan.

I Just do not buy Iran propaganda about fighting " zionists and freemasons ", you know the typical conspiracy theories propaganda.

Turkey is also working on its own interests , but part of it is to see the middle east stable which is something makes me supportive of such a country.

Turkey has ambitions in 2023 one of it to be a 2 trillion dollar economy , open 3 nuclear power plants and become one of the top 15 economies " currently 17th " .

Well I find these goals really wonderful and at least if we have one proper country in the middle east our reputation around the world might improve a little , after all when Turkey grows its neighbors will also benefit from it be it syria , iraq , bulgaria , georgia etc .
Mahatir is not selling anybody. He is a respectable man and a friend of Turks. Because he is not so tight lip like you doesn't mean he sells his own people, or Arab people.

There is also another civil war looming in the region " Iraq "

13 iraqi military men killed and 10 police men captured .
Thirteen killed, 10 police kidnapped in Iraq violence | Reuters

over the past 4 days 140 people in Iraq killed in sectarian violence between sunnis and shiah

Iraq death toll stirs fears of civil war - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Anyway a civil war in Iraq wount harm Turkey , KRG is a buffer zone between Turkey and the rest of Iraq and refugees would fill KRG region.

Something else how will the Iranian elections work out in June and will there be protests again like 2009 ?

The next few month will be interesting to watch , but the Iraq civil war will take place, all the weapons in syria that fell in rebel hands will make their way there , Just like the libyan war , after it some rebels ended up controlling northern Mali and France had to intervene with the back up of Americans .

The same scenario will occur in Iraq to , Malki is losing control of central Iraq and Mosul/ninawa .
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