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The country with Muslims but no mosque

All this doesnt matter in my ideology. Weak countries deserve to be crushed, exploited and harvested.

You see, and Slovakia is holy land as well. No mosque there.

Im sure you agree that its ok that the populations of those countries vote facist governments into power who kick all migrants out. The question is, what will your migrants do, once their party is over?

Of course

Buddy i predicted this for years when most people were busy pretending to live in a fluffy PC paradise

The only reason Europe is the way it is today is because of the azz rape it went through WW1 and WW2 millions dead, millions of women humiliated, raped and turned into prostitutes, utter degradation
The people were shell shocked, facism had bought humiliation and destruction to the European people

They were only lucky that they lived in a period of history where The U.S and Russia were the world powers because although they used Europe they did not change it

Can you imagine this happening in a period of history where a strong Ottoman Empire or Arab empires existed they would have raped and cut Europe to its very bones.

The humanity, democratic, equality, social responsible etc movement began in the ashes of WW2
The threat of the Cold War kept it growing and kept facism and uber nationalism under control

Now we live in a post Cold war, post 9/11 era

And facism, racism, tribalism is rising across the world, extremism and fundamentalism is in the rise

The liberalism that acted as a counter to these extremes is dying and as it gets hammered in the west it gets ground away everywhere else

Its a vicious cycle
The modern world and economy is built on open world business the heights of which have been reached because liberalism was the norm and encouraged open free and fair trade alongside treating workers regardless of race or colour, status or wealth as equals with rights

As tribalism and facism increase then trade gets curtailed as the threat of violence or unfair treatment restricts free trade

In a multi polar world with numerous powers simply stealing resources from a country is difficult especially with easy availability of weapons and fighters

As the economy goes down then old facist trick of blaming the immigrant comes out

You cant go down the German jew route of saying you are German and saying everything will be ok, because we all know how that turned out
Not that I give a fcuk about 6 million of that filth

So understand that tribalism will come back in Europe
It will fcuk up Europe and world economy
Attacks on minorities will increase
It will be reflected across the world as minorities there are attacked
Pakistan for example has a few million christians if they are attacked where do they run to if the west is racist as well

So if your smart dont pretend to be British or French or Italian, even though we are born here we are not
So use as much resources, get as much money, education or anything else you can

Let these countries turn facist and destroy the rights, rules and everything else they have built in the post WW2 era
Then go to your home countries

Those who are smart are already building homes in the "home" country and sending and buying resources
Of course

Buddy i predicted this for years when most people were busy pretending to live in a fluffy PC paradise

The only reason Europe is the way it is today is because of the azz rape it went through WW1 and WW2 millions dead, millions of women humiliated, raped and turned into prostitutes, utter degradation
The people were shell shocked, facism had bought humiliation and destruction to the European people

They were only lucky that they lived in a period of history where The U.S and Russia were the world powers because although they used Europe they did not change it

Can you imagine this happening in a period of history where a strong Ottoman Empire or Arab empires existed they would have raped and cut Europe to its very bones.

The humanity, democratic, equality, social responsible etc movement began in the ashes of WW2
The threat of the Cold War kept it growing and kept facism and uber nationalism under control

Now we live in a post Cold war, post 9/11 era

And facism, racism, tribalism is rising across the world, extremism and fundamentalism is in the rise

The liberalism that acted as a counter to these extremes is dying and as it gets hammered in the west it gets ground away everywhere else

Its a vicious cycle
The modern world and economy is built on open world business the heights of which have been reached because liberalism was the norm and encouraged open free and fair trade alongside treating workers regardless of race or colour, status or wealth as equals with rights

As tribalism and facism increase then trade gets curtailed as the threat of violence or unfair treatment restricts free trade

In a multi polar world with numerous powers simply stealing resources from a country is difficult especially with easy availability of weapons and fighters

As the economy goes down then old facist trick of blaming the immigrant comes out

You cant go down the German jew route of saying you are German and saying everything will be ok, because we all know how that turned out
Not that I give a fcuk about 6 million of that filth

So understand that tribalism will come back in Europe
It will fcuk up Europe and world economy
Attacks on minorities will increase
It will be reflected across the world as minorities there are attacked
Pakistan for example has a few million christians if they are attacked where do they run to if the west is racist as well

So if your smart dont pretend to be British or French or Italian, even though we are born here we are not
So use as much resources, get as much money, education or anything else you can

Let these countries turn facist and destroy the rights, rules and everything else they have built in the post WW2 era
Then go to your home countries

Those who are smart are already building homes in the "home" country and sending and buying resources

I see it that way as well. Im Not a violent Person and Hope we can send the migrants Out in a calm way. But the ones who dont Go will face Horror.
I see it that way as well. Im Not a violent Person and Hope we can send the migrants Out in a calm way. But the ones who dont Go will face Horror.

There is no calm way!!!

Remember as well migrants you have people who have actually been born in these countries
Laws will need to be changed
Equality removed
Theft of former citizens resources or homes

If too much violence is created then everything is effected

Consider you or italy in general

You are some sort of mechanic think of the curtailing of business for your company if italy becomes extremist and starts murdering people or sending them to concentration camps

Italy is in economic doldrums with enourmous debt
One of your biggest industries is tourism, if violence spreads around italy think the utter destruction possible of this industry

Your going to Australia for a holiday soon, think about the route your taking

We live in a multi polar world and italy makes nothing that dosent have a alternative from somewhere else

Once again I propose being smart and getting as much resources as you can, why I have a multi story house in Pakistan as well as substantial savings and resources

Not every one can afford that but even a simple home is better then nothing
There is no calm way!!!

Remember as well migrants you have people who have actually been born in these countries
Laws will need to be changed
Equality removed
Theft of former citizens resources or homes

If too much violence is created then everything is effected

Consider you or italy in general

You are some sort of mechanic think of the curtailing of business for your company if italy becomes extremist and starts murdering people or sending them to concentration camps

Italy is in economic doldrums with enourmous debt
One of your biggest industries is tourism, if violence spreads around italy think the utter destruction possible of this industry

Your going to Australia for a holiday soon, think about the route your taking

We live in a multi polar world and italy makes nothing that dosent have a alternative from somewhere else

Once again I propose being smart and getting as much resources as you can, why I have a multi story house in Pakistan as well as substantial savings and resources

Not every one can afford that but even a simple home is better then nothing

I would accept a 50% downfall of economy to achieve that goal. Its for the greater good. Keep in mind that Italy has a very low number of migrants and its already happening here. Africans and middlee asterners get hunted in the streets, attacked and even shot. So far it has zero effect on economy.

Our role model is Orban in Hungary. For a strong and secure future. Strong leadership, zero rights for migrants.

What we see in Italy is, that migrants leave tehmself since condistions became horrible for them. If enough constant pressure is upheld, 90% of the problem solve itself.
Show me a Quran Ayah stating that. Don't f@RT your nonsense here.

I firmly believe in American values and I love this country, this doesn't mean I will support every wrong move of our govt. Do you know what are American values? Do your homework before commenting on my posts as you clearly seem a desperate hater with zero knowledge, you are just creating a fool out of yourself.

You are so confused exteremist.

@A.P. Richelieu

This is the mentality I was addressing. Unfortunately this is the mentality of several govts/politicians in the west. This is the reason of Middle East/African destruction resulting in migrations and refugees.

The current destruction in Syria is caused by a dictator which represses his own citizens, and islamists hi-jacking the rightful struggle to get rid of the dictator.
Overlayed over all this is the Sunni-Shia conflict between Iran and KSA.
The Russians and Iran has managed the recovery of Assad, causing more death and repression.
The Syrian War is HOMEGROWN, inspired by the Tunisian Arab Spring.

It is further affected by the turmoil in Iraq where the US overthrew the regime, and failed in rebuilding the state, partly again because of Sunni Islamists, partly because of Shia repression of their previous masters, the Sunni. The US did get support from the U.K. for the invasion, but not from anyone else in the EU, unlike Gulf War 1. Still You appear to blame all of Europe,
when most of the blame should fall straight upon the Iraqis themselves.
They have a responsibility for their actions, and they have screwed up their country royally.

There has been a large inflow of Syrian refugees / Muslims in Europe.
While many believe it is our duty to help out, there appears to be a problem that wherever there is a Muslim community, a subculture appears which is extremely violent.
This subculture does not have to be large to have significant effect.
Even if each and every Muslim is vetted, and only ”sane” individuals are accepted,
it appears that extremism can still grow in the offspring, to their parents despair.

East European countries do not want that subculture and are blocking refugees altogether.
They are hardly responsible for the situation in Syria/Iraq but still you appear to blame them
for Muslims killing Muslims.

Muslims now have a reputation as ”disturbers of the peace”.
Fair or Unfair, Only they can change that, and thousands of Fatwas have much less influence on perception than a single terrorist attack.
Oh really? So you want Italy or other european nations to be soft, give stuff for free to africa and middle east dirt holes and ignore our own people?

Is it ok for you If we say, that we wont take rescources anymore but also cut trade and contact down to Zero? No more delivery of aid or meds.

You are the ones who destroyed their countries and colonize and looted Africa, Asia, Middle East. Not the other way around. And you continue to do so.
You are the ones who destroyed their countries and colonize and looted Africa, Asia, Middle East. Not the other way around. And you continue to do so.

Africa, Asia and the Middle East has been invaded by most empires throughout history.
Now, when they are left alone, there is more killing than ever.
The current destruction in Syria is caused by a dictator which represses his own citizens, and islamists hi-jacking the rightful struggle to get rid of the dictator.
Overlayed over all this is the Sunni-Shia conflict between Iran and KSA.
The Russians and Iran has managed the recovery of Assad, causing more death and repression.
The Syrian War is HOMEGROWN, inspired by the Tunisian Arab Spring.

It is further affected by the turmoil in Iraq where the US overthrew the regime, and failed in rebuilding the state, partly again because of Sunni Islamists, partly because of Shia repression of their previous masters, the Sunni. The US did get support from the U.K. for the invasion, but not from anyone else in the EU, unlike Gulf War 1. Still You appear to blame all of Europe,
when most of the blame should fall straight upon the Iraqis themselves.
They have a responsibility for their actions, and they have screwed up their country royally.

There has been a large inflow of Syrian refugees / Muslims in Europe.
While many believe it is our duty to help out, there appears to be a problem that wherever there is a Muslim community, a subculture appears which is extremely violent.
This subculture does not have to be large to have significant effect.
Even if each and every Muslim is vetted, and only ”sane” individuals are accepted,
it appears that extremism can still grow in the offspring, to their parents despair.

East European countries do not want that subculture and are blocking refugees altogether.
They are hardly responsible for the situation in Syria/Iraq but still you appear to blame them
for Muslims killing Muslims.

Muslims now have a reputation as ”disturbers of the peace”.
Fair or Unfair, Only they can change that, and thousands of Fatwas have much less influence on perception than a single terrorist attack.

All these uprisings started after continuous propaganda by some western govts.

Syrian crises started as a result of many western govts creating isis. This is similar to Afghanistan crises when terrorists were trained to destroy ussr. Till now Pakistan is facing the heat as many refugees from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan flooded Pakistan. Not to mention terrorism Pakistan faced from 2007 to 2014 and still few incidents. At minimal Pakistan lost 123Billion $ and almost 90,000 lives. All for some western ungrateful govts who now miss no chance to accuse Pakistan. What did Pakistan got in return of help? Pakistan has learned it's lesson the hard way.

The refugees from Syria doesn't want to go to Eastern Europe but to the Western one, East is as poor as Middle East but it is in the way.

It is easier to blame Muslims, but do you blame those govts who destroyed their countries and created terrorists?

Africa, Asia and the Middle East has been invaded by most empires throughout history.
Now, when they are left alone, there is more killing than ever.

There is more killings because some western govts are creating troubles. When some fascists in the west doesn't like the govt, they try to create proxy groups who are supplied weapons and trained to fight govt forces. They later become terrorists once the objectives of destruction is acheived.

You are the ones who destroyed their countries and colonize and looted Africa, Asia, Middle East. Not the other way around. And you continue to do so.

Oh really? Last time i checked China fucks Africa up as well. Do you also blame us for arabs capturing africans as slaves?

Do you also blame us for africans inability to not get 40 kids and cant feed them? Or their primitive witch religions?

All these uprisings started after continuous propaganda by some western govts.

Syrian crises started as a result of many western govts creating isis. This is similar to Afghanistan crises when terrorists were trained to destroy ussr. Till now Pakistan is facing the heat as many refugees from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan flooded Pakistan. Not to mention terrorism Pakistan faced from 2007 to 2014 and still few incidents. At minimal Pakistan lost 123Billion $ and almost 90,000 lives. All for some western ungrateful govts who now miss no chance to accuse Pakistan. What did Pakistan got in return of help? Pakistan has learned it's lesson the hard way.

The refugees from Syria doesn't want to go to Eastern Europe but to the Western one, East is as poor as Middle East but it is in the way.

It is easier to blame Muslims, but do you blame those govts who destroyed their countries and created terrorists?

There is more killings because some western govts are creating troubles. When some fascists in the west doesn't like the govt, they try to create proxy groups who are supplied weapons and trained to fight govt forces. They later become terrorists once the objectives of destruction is acheived.


Syrias population grew by 150% within last 40 years. Meanwhile climate changed and became drier. Harvests became sparce.

Anthropologists say thats a big factor in uprisisings starting. Families get multiple sons and only the 1st born gets land. The rest is treated like trash.

The west is responsible for that as well?
Oh really? Last time i checked China fucks Africa up as well. Do you also blame us for arabs capturing africans as slaves?

Do you also blame us for africans inability to not get 40 kids and cant feed them? Or their primitive witch religions?

Are you in your mind or have you completely lost it? What propaganda are you following lately? China is doing investments, helping the govts there not occupying them militarily and colonizing them or sending slaves back to China.

After Islam, the slavery ended in Muslim nations, cuz Islam declared every human equal.

Syrias population grew by 150% within last 40 years. Meanwhile climate changed and became drier. Harvests became sparce.

Anthropologists say thats a big factor in uprisisings starting. Families get multiple sons and only the 1st born gets land. The rest is treated like trash.

The west is responsible for that as well?

Don't be a smart@z. I clearly explained everything, I can't help if you continue to be a thick head.
Are you in your mind or have you completely lost it? What propaganda are you following lately? China is doing investments, helping the govts there not occupying them militarily and colonizing them or sending slaves back to China.

After Islam, the slavery ended in Muslim nations, cuz Islam declared every human equal.

Don't be a smart@z. I clearly explained everything, I can't help if you continue to be a thick head.

Then why do africans protest China?

China gives a shit about africa. It exploits like evryone else.

And what the **** are you talking about? Slave trade exploded with Islam.

Simple question you will answer with yes or no. Were the arab slavers that captured the salaves and sold them muslim or not?

Do you claim arab slave trade never happened?


And nothing about thick head.

Do you say the west forced Syrians to multiply by 150%? Did teh west force Assad to kill Sunni?

Did the west force Syrians to treat only 1st born son as sucessor in their families?

Do you say Syrians and others are not human beings who can change things and depend only on outside factors? Yes or no?

Why are asian nations like Vietnam able to build functional societies after colonialism but middle eastern countries stay shitholes? Whats the reason for that in your opinion?

What about Iran?

Iran does countless water waste projects. Corrupt elites pump more water than allowed and the rivers dry up. People start demeonstrations because lack of water. Thats the wests fault as well?
For the sake of justice, it should be noted that Negroes from the coastal tribes took an active part in the slave trade and were the main force supplying the white slave traders in the ports with their compatriots from the internal countries.
Then why do africans protest China?

China gives a shit about africa. It exploits like evryone else.

And what the **** are you talking about? Slave trade exploded with Islam.

Simple question you will answer with yes or no. Were the arab slavers that captured the salaves and sold them muslim or not?

Do you claim arab slave trade never happened?


And nothing about thick head.

Do you say the west forced Syrians to multiply by 150%? Did teh west force Assad to kill Sunni?

Did the west force Syrians to treat only 1st born son as sucessor in their families?

Do you say Syrians and others are not human beings who can change things and depend only on outside factors? Yes or no?

Why are asian nations like Vietnam able to build functional societies after colonialism but middle eastern countries stay shitholes? Whats the reason for that in your opinion?

What about Iran?

Iran does countless water waste projects. Corrupt elites pump more water than allowed and the rivers dry up. People start demeonstrations because lack of water. Thats the wests fault as well?

If China is doing something wrong, their govts are involved in it. China haven't occupied them and enslaved their people like you did.

As for Arab slavery, yes it might have happened but way lower than what you did. Obviously drinking is a no no in Islam but people does it, sex before marriage is prohibited but people does it, corruption is forbidden but many muslims does it.

It says in a hadeeth qudsi: “Allah, may He be exalted, said: ‘There are three whose opponent I will be on the Day of Resurrection, and whomever I oppose, I will defeat … A man who sold a free man and consumed his price.’” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2227).

It is worth pointing out that you do not find any text in the Qur’aan or Sunnah which enjoins taking others as slaves, whereas there are dozens of texts in the Qur’aan and the ahaadeeth of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) which call for manumitting slaves and freeing them.

I don't wanna go in detail about Islam cuz it is against the forum rules.

Remember how Vietnam was being slaughtered but Asians had China to thrash any western govt so Asians were saved. Another main reason is that they didn't had oil. You were not interested in East Asia cuz it had no oil and China was there to crush your proxies.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that Negroes from the coastal tribes took an active part in the slave trade and were the main force supplying the white slave traders in the ports with their compatriots from the internal countries.

Agreed, the Africans were involved too.
If China is doing something wrong, their govts are involved in it. China haven't occupied them and enslaved their people like you did.

As for Arab slavery, yes it might have happened but way lower than what you did. Obviously drinking is a no no in Islam but people does it, sex before marriage is prohibited but people does it, corruption is forbidden but many muslims does it.

I don't wanna go in detail about Islam cuz it is against the forum rules.

Remember how Vietnam was being slaughtered but Asians had China to thrash any western govt so Asians were saved. Another main reason is that they didn't had oil. You were not interested in East Asia cuz it had no oil and China was there to crush your proxies.

Agreed, the Africans were involved too.

Way lower?

Entire italian coast cities were empty. Historians say up to 2 million euroepans from spain, france and italy and even up to iceland got captured and sold on slave markets.

If you say thats no big deal, then i tell you i give a shit about colonialism.

You did not answer my question.

Like Syria, Iran destroyes its own nature. Corrupt officials use water in irrigation projects and the rivers dry up. People start protesting, uprisisngs start.

You blame us for that as well?

Do you think those people are not real human beings, responsible for their doings but always others are too blame?

No wonder your countreis stay on low level. You have zero capability for self criticism.

You know what? Southern Italy is poor and never catchs up to North Italy. So far i said its because we Italians have too much corruption and waste money on wrong thing.

Your way of thinking is better. Its the arabs fault. They raided southern italian coastal cities for 300 years and the areas suffer even today from this.
Way lower?

Entire italian coast cities were empty. Historians say up to 2 million euroepans from spain, france and italy and even up to iceland got captured and sold on slave markets.

If you say thats no big deal, then i tell you i give a shit about colonialism.

You did not answer my question.

Like Syria, Iran destroyes its own nature. Corrupt officials use water in irrigation projects and the rivers dry up. People start protesting, uprisisngs start.

You blame us for that as well?

Do you think those people are not real human beings, responsible for their doings but always others are too blame?

No wonder your countreis stay on low level. You have zero capability for self criticism.

You know what? Southern Italy is poor and never catchs up to North Italy. So far i said its because we Italians have too much corruption and waste money on wrong thing.

Your way of thinking is better. Its the arabs fault. They raided southern italian coastal cities for 300 years and the areas suffer even today from this.

Enough of your trolling, you keep dragging issues of Iran, environment, slave, China, etc.

I have nothing more to say to someone who keep going back to square one after repeatedly educated with facts instead of what his fascists groups tells him. Go kill some Muslim and feel satisfied, if that is what your nation has taught you.
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