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The Coming American Civil War -- Igor Panarin

Isn't that whats happening in Russia as well?:undecided:
From all reports -- worse. But that is why he needs to focus on the US and grossly exaggerate any societal flaws -- to escape the misery of his own country.
From all reports -- worse. But that is why he needs to focus on the US and grossly exaggerate any societal flaws -- to escape the misery of his own country.

He has flags of a non-existing political entity... as far as I'm concerned he has allegiance to no country.
Isn't that whats happening in Russia as well?:undecided:

no, both have quite different circumstances. i saw many Russians coming to sydney, who study from high rank universities, doing white collar jobs etc but the same thing is quite different among the local Aussies. sydney type western cities have hided their those 80% population who just work for few days and spend on weekends, and dream for the status of business class/high professionals on high paid jobs, who are the rest of 20%. for example, 'real' unemployed people of US is around 23mil, while around 40% population there is hardly working on living wage, for just around $8 to $15/hour jobs. and the main crimes come from this category of people in US. but the same is quite different in Russia. their people dont get this much welfare like US. too many migrants in Russia from other parts of former SU's states. the crime rate in russia before 1990 was very less as there was a stability but since 1991, things changed. but now it has improved considerably but still not enough till now. but the way things are getting proved, the crime rates are on down side and we hope to see much improved news in coming years. :tup:

but the same is quite opposite in US. you now have to build more jails from now onward :tdown:
the main thing in this news is as below. that is, 1 in 32 Americans there is either in jail or about to visit there :usflag:

i do remember, i was doing part time MBA in 2010 but i got too much disturbed due to the things, also too many attacks in Australia were going on that time. and at the same time too many from US used to come that university on the days I visit there, and then they used to start discussing something something. one day, I waited for the lecturers/foreigners to come to the main conference lounge and took a monitor of a computer which was put on the side, and then I threw that monitor to the main glasses of the main lounge with full force in front of them all, with my demand for police..... I then had to appear in the main "Downing Center" court of Sydney, but I was released with a warning, (as guided by western politicians, as I guessed.) there i saw, before me there was a woman who was caught with drugs '5th' times but she was also released without any punishment, just on around $300 punishment with warning like me, while drugs bring even death penalty in the country like Indonesia???? and its a surprise that still crime rates is so high in Western countries.....

According to a US Department of Justice report published in 2006, over 7.2 million people were at that time in prison, on probation, or on parole (released from prison with restrictions) :tsk:. That means roughly 1 in every 32 Americans are held by the justice system :usflag:.[8][9]

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He has flags of a non-existing political entity... as far as I'm concerned he has allegiance to no country.
Even so, he is living in the remnant of it and the flags revealed he is pining for what was truly an evil empire.

It is funny that he cited wiki but does not bother with the details...

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A major contributor to the high incarceration rates is the length of the prison sentences in the United States.

Even though there are other countries that commit more inmates to prison annually, the fact that the United States keeps their prisoners longer causes the total rate to become higher. To give an example, the average burglary sentence in the United States is 16 months, compared to 5 months in Canada and 7 months in England.
Details are killers...:lol:

Plus he did not perform 'due diligence' to the latest news...

FBI: Violent crime rates in the US drop, approach historic lows - U.S. News
Violent crime rates in the U.S. are reaching historic lows, according to new FBI data released Monday.

Instances of murder declined overall by 1.9 percent from 2010 figures, while rape, robbery and aggravated assault declined by 4 percent nationwide, according to records from more than 14,000 law-enforcement agencies around the country, FBI spokesman Bill Carter told msnbc.com.
Russia will experience another revolution and will revert back to dictatorship in our lifetime.
Doubt there will be a war but one thing I noticed about America is the destruction of social capital. Americans are morally bankrupt and they know it, their double standards and lies have affected their social fabric where its all about me, myself and I (and bankrupting the nation 20t debt). They care not about each other because they don't believe in community, they only believe in independency, autonomy and how one person should go and get what he wants even if he has to crush the hopes and dreams of a dozen others. Americans don't understand what interdependence is and have no idea of this concept so they will always think of life from their perspective and no one elses. Sadly when a nation does not have a sense of community and interdependency then that nation will fall. America is already a nation divided among race, religion, liberal vs conservative, rich vs poor etc and worst of all they believe in all the lies they tell themselves that they are fine, doing the right things etc etc. Feel sorry for Americans especially the poor folks on government payments. I couldn't believe it when I heard Americans get can get paid less then $8 an hour. The Minimum wage by law in Australia is $20 no lower and professionals here easily get packages of 80k an annum and America calls itself a first world country....yeah in the cold war days maybe.
Doubt there will be a war but one thing I noticed about America is the destruction of social capital. Americans are morally bankrupt and they know it, their double standards and lies have affected their social fabric where its all about me, myself and I (and bankrupting the nation 20t debt). They care not about each other because they don't believe in community, they only believe in independency, autonomy and how one person should go and get what he wants even if he has to crush the hopes and dreams of a dozen others. Americans don't understand what interdependence is and have no idea of this concept so they will always think of life from their perspective and no one elses. Sadly when a nation does not have a sense of community and interdependency then that nation will fall. America is already a nation divided among race, religion, liberal vs conservative, rich vs poor etc and worst of all they believe in all the lies they tell themselves that they are fine, doing the right things etc etc. Feel sorry for Americans especially the poor folks on government payments. I couldn't believe it when I heard Americans get can get paid less then $8 an hour. The Minimum wage by law in Australia is $20 no lower and professionals here easily get packages of 80k an annum and America calls itself a first world country....yeah in the cold war days maybe.

thats what mistake we generally do. most of the professionals are on 100k+, my friends have 5-6 years experience and many of them are on even 200k+ also. but you would then go to Sydney's small shops and see how things are. backpackers are filled with 6 bed shares, where Europeans are working for hardly $15 to $22/ hour, almost all of them have steel cap boots, mainly in construction works. but when you again go to the small shops, things are quite different. people there are for hardly $8 to $14/hour jobs, depending on the type of jobs. many Aussie citizens i saw working for hardly $13/hour to $17/hour in 7-11 type shops? and if you go to Chinese shops then you will see many on hardly $8 to $10/hour on general hands jobs in those shops, like go to chicken shops/ Chinese general stores etc. or, just go to Lakemba/Auburn areas and you will find the range hardly varying from $7 to $10/hour in those Lebanese shops. getting even a petrol pump job for hardly $10/hour to $12/hour is hard for the international students I saw and car wash is also an option for them for below $10/hour...... :meeting:

dont just compare all the items equal. we see half of the BMW, MCD on the roads of sydney to be owed by Chinese but also the cheapest food/cheapest shops are also of Chinese and all cheap products and people working there, except those families who run shops by themselves. you find many labors going to mine site and are on $60k+ with free food also, true. but just go to Tip Top bakery type factories, people there are half Lebanese and Half Aussie and their salaries for permanent jobs are varying from hardly $38k to $45k, if you dont include overtime. too many refugees I saw doing kitchen hands jobs for the least they get, below $8/hour, most of this category are in 'cash in hand'.....
he's much more optimistic than i am.

i predict that the US collapses in 2030. i still don't think 2010 is the time for US to go down. maybe 2020 if we're lucky.

United States could collapse economically, yes true, but it would never be divided. I have never heard an American citizen wishing for his state to be independent of the United States Government...

So Gentlemen, please allow me to disagree with your predictions
United States could collapse economically, yes true, but it would never be divided. I have never heard an American citizen wishing for his state to be independent of the United States Government...

So Gentlemen, please allow me to disagree with your predictions

look, just wait for few more years and then make a comment. you will find many things will have been completely changed within few years from now :wave:

on the top of that, we always find US's leaders lying about key economic data's of US, like 'Unemployment Rate' etc. check this website again, it shows that 'official' unemployment data of US is around 12mil while actual is around 22.7mil :meeting:

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

like the news as below, one of these two US's contesters is lying, find out who???? :meeting:

Romney said the real unemployment rate would be closer to 11%
October 5, 2012

Mitt Romney today released the following statement on the September unemployment report: “This is not what a real recovery looks like. We created fewer jobs in September than in August, and fewer jobs in August than in July, and we’ve lost over 600,000 manufacturing jobs since President Obama took office. If not for all the people who have simply dropped out of the labor force, the real unemployment rate would be closer to 11%. The results of President Obama's failed policies are staggering – 23 million Americans struggling for work, nearly one in six living in poverty and 47 million people dependent on food stamps to feed themselves and their families. The choice in this election is clear. Under President Obama, we’ll get another four years like the last four years. If I’m elected, we will have a real recovery with pro-growth policies that will create 12 million new jobs and rising incomes for everyone.”The U.S. unemployment rate "fell" in September to 7.8% last month from 8.1% in August.

After his stunning defeat by Romney, Obama is trying to deceive us all with his "cooked" unemployment figures. Given a $6 trillion spending sprees with which to purchase some kind of economic activity, there is essentially no new infrastructure worth mentioning, the lowest rate of adult employment in 30 years. This news is Obama's "economics on steroids" A deficit of $1.2 trillion a year could be used to pay 24 million people for a salary of $50,000 per year.

I could not be happier for the 114,000 that found jobs. However, what is being done about the 23,000,000 Americans still looking for work. It will take a lifetime for Americans to find a job at this 114,000 jobs rate.

Keeping pace with population growth required 12 million jobs over four years. The U.S. payrolls, obtained in a separate survey of employers, increased by a seasonally adjusted 114,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department said Friday.

Only 114,000 jobs gain and the rate went down? The President Obama keeps saying that things are getting better but if you live in the real world you know that they are not.

If the U.S. economy had gained 500,000 jobs, I would not find as much skepticism. It is widely accepted that the economy must add 300,000 jobs just to break even and keeping pace with population growth . So when you have only 114, 000 jobs added, and a .3% drop in unemployed . Those two numbers do not add up.

That .3% drop should have translated into roughly 500k jobs created. So the difference between 500k and 114k is mostly likely people dropping out of the workforce. Not a good thing.

Labor participation rate continues its slide and many of the jobs added last month were part time. The number of people with part-time jobs who wanted full-time work rose 7.5 percent to 8.6 million.

Continued anemic job growth is the bottom line. In order for unemployment to fall by 0.3% when only 114,000 jobs are added has to mean more people are dropping out of the workforce than expected.

The broader measure they point to of 14.7% understates the magnitude of the unemployment/underemployment because it omits drop outs from the labor pool. We need to add 500,000 jobs a month to pull out of this stall. How about a consistent presentation of data that reflects total workforce, total participation rate, drop outs, underemployed and the employed? (Is it that hard to do?)

How many of those no longer unemployed went to state welfare rolls, Social Security disability, or only have a twice-a-week part time jobs? Will the Obama-friendly media look into that? not quite.

How many of those "new" jobs were jobs were the original employee retired, died, or left the job under legitimate circumstance (woman leaving to raise families, for instance) , and where a "new" employee was hired? That's not a "new job," but just someone taking someone else place. :tdown:

The U.S economy is poised on the edge of a fiscal cliff leading from unsustainable debt accumulation. The 2012 election will be determined by the economy, US economic conditions are getting worse. President Obama's actions have let down a country. The greatest country in the world. He has failed to lead, to unite and to take this economy back to greatness. He says one thing and has done another constantly. He is a divisive figure who has done absolutely nothing to bring the country together as he promised.

Obama's desire by actions and words is to punish those who either are trying to achieve or have achieved this. The people of this great country deserve better.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan vision represents concepts of liberty, freedom, self-reliance, and responsibility. Clear choice for Americans in 2012 election.

Liberty vs dependence, opportunity vs entitlement. Mitt Romney's strength derives from his solid experience in understanding economy, free enterprise and having the vision to help businesses succeed and create jobs.
Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation

Mitt Romney's plan:
1. Energy independence
2. Improve education/School choice
3. Make trade work for America
4. Cut the deficit / Balance the budget
5. Champion small businesses and reduce regulations.

President Obama vision for the last four years has basically been to spend more, lots more, and kick the tax bill down the road or claim that the rich people will be forced to pay for it later. This isn't working and the problem is getting worse.

President Obama has a record high poverty rate, record high food-stamp recipients, record high accumulation of National debt, record high foreclosures and record high loss of median family income. Food prices are up 15% . The gas prices has doubled under Obama.

President Obama said if he was elected president, the average American family's yearly health insurance premiums would go down by $2,500. Yearly health insurance premiums have gone UP by more than $2,700 since Obama was elected.

The U.S. lost its perfect AAA credit rating and the U.S slips to number 7 in global competitiveness for business environment under Obama.The U.S Nation's National Security is facing traumatic repercussions from Obama' policies. The U.S Southern border is a sieve, open as a gateway to the most violent criminals.

The US is under siege by terrorist fanatical groups of anarchists across the globe. The attacks on U.S. embassies have escalated across the world. American's and U.S. ambassador killed in Libya

The US economic crisis is rooted in deep government debt and lavishes of government unaffordable and unsustainable basket of social programs on its citizen without regard to there economic or social consequences.

Romney said the real unemployment rate would be closer to 11% - New York economy and politics | Examiner.com
I find even if Mr B.Obama has got 50% votes, the chances are at least 50% that Mr B.Obama would emerge as a leader of one of these militia gorups by end 2016, as below: :meeting:

Writers warn of new American CIVIL WAR staged by 'Tea Party militia' in 2016
13 August 2012

=> Writers detail shocking civil war resulting from 'Tea Party militia' taking over South Carolina town - and the U.S. military's response

=> They prophesize that unrest will result from the the economy's failure to improve from 'Great Recession'

A duo of writers have ignited an uproar with their foretelling of an insurrection that will plunge America into a new civil war, courtesy of a 'Tea Party militia.' :meeting:

Written in disturbing detail by a retired colonel and the academic, the article describes events leading up to a full-blown civil war on American soil, like the one that is currently gripping Syria.

The article also describes the plan of the American military to quash the rebellion orchestrated by its own citizens.

The Small Wars Journal article, entitled 'Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A "Vision" of the Future,' was written by retired U.S. Army Col Kevin Benson and Jennifer Weber.

So when does such a civil war begin? According to Benson and Weber, the seeds of their vision have already been planted. :meeting:

They write that the Great Recession will have lasted longer than anyone could know, sparking massive unemployment and political unrest.

Benson and Weber write that despite a ‘change in control of the White House and Congress in 2012,’ the economy’s downward smile will continue, with the percentage of jobless Americans near double digits.


Benson and Weber describe in shocking detail the insurrection that would leave the U.S. plummeting into a civil war, like the one currently gripping Syria

But the authors say it won’t be until 2016 when things start to take a bad turn.

The write: 'In May 2016 an extremist militia motivated by the goals of the "tea party" movement takes over the government of Darlington, South Carolina, occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council, and placing the mayor under house arrest.'

According to their story, the movement will spread from Darlington and into various checkpoints on travel routes like I-95 and the commercial and passenger rail lines.

Benson and Weber prophesize that the Tea Partiers will join forces with groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the Minutemen, bringing a racist and anti-immigrant element into the controversy.

On the Small Wars site, were quick to blast the authors for the piece

One called Benson a 'traitor in waiting.'

Another said that their story was 'quite disturbing and not well thought out.'

In an editorial published last week, the Washington Times called the story 'a choppy patchwork of doctrinal jargon and liberal nightmare.'

Benson is now a seminar leader at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

Weber is currently an associate professor of history at the University of Kansas, but has also toured the country speaking about President Lincoln and the Civil War. :meeting:

Writers warn of new American CIVIL WAR that staged by 'Tea Party militia' in 2016 | Mail Online
I find even if Mr B.Obama has got 50% votes, the chances are at least 50% that Mr B.Obama would emerge as a leader of one of these militia gorups by end 2016, as below: :meeting:

Dream on Sir, dream on! :D
look, check this news as below and think, when these rest of 33% will start visiting for Welfare, who neither have job nor they need 'right now', then how will US's government feed them? I mean, 8% people neither have job nor they may feed themselves by their own so they are listed as 'unemployed' and hence visit for pay check. but what about the other 33% who neither have job nor they need 'right now' as they are financially capable to feed themselves by their pocket, 'right now'. even right now, total Welfare program of US is over $1.5trillions, as per this Debt Clock, with including social Security+Medical both. :meeting:

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

the people, equipped with guns but no food would finally bring Obama lead them one day :wave:

The real jobs numbers: 41% of America unemployed, 1 in 3 doesn't want work at all
19 October, 2012

33% percent of Americans don't have a job and don't want one

Even if the US Labor Department has determined that the unemployment level has finally plateaued after months of staggering jobs statistics, the truth behind the numbers isn’t all that nice. Only four out of every 10 adults in the US is employed.

While the percentage of Americans filing jobless benefit claims isn’t what it was during an unemployment epidemic that ravaged the country throughout the majority of US President Barack Obama’s administration, the Labor Department’s numbers are largely inflated on account of how they determine what actually constitutes looking for work.

Officially, the unemployment rate in America for the month of September was only 7.8 per cent, but that statistic stems from only the number of citizens who have been actively searching for a paycheck.:meeting: In reality, only around 5 per cent of the adult population in the US is unemployed in the eyes of the government, because they have been handing in applications during the four weeks before the Labor Department conducted their research. Additionally, another 3 per cent are interested in work, but haven’t actively engaged in a job hunting during that span, creating an unemployment figure of just under 8 per cent.

The real figures, however, reveal a much scarier statistic.

"The employment-to-population ratio is the best measure of labor market conditions and it currently shows that there has been almost no improvement whatsoever over the past three years," Paul Ashworth, chief North American economist for Capital Economics, writes in a note to clients obtained by CNN. That figure, which accounts for the proportion of working Americans compared with the number of adults in the country, is a lot higher than 8 per cent.

For now, 58.7 per cent of American adults are working if the actual employment-population ratio is taken into consideration, leaving about 82 million, or almost 41 per cent of people unemployed. Only 8 per cent, however, are even interested in work, leaving 33 per cent of Americans not only jobless — but with no desire for work.

"The ratio expresses more clearly how many people find working to be a 'good or attractive deal,'" Tyler Cowen, economist and director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, adds to CNN.

If the numbers seem drastic, it’s because they are. So rampant in fact is the country’s seeming disregard for work that other just-released statistics show that funding welfare programs for the American population was the most expensive endeavor undertaken in all of Fiscal Year 2011.

Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee released findings this week showing that the government spent roughly $1.03 trillion on welfare programs last year, funding 83 separate efforts to provide assistance to Americans. Days earlier, a separate study out of Capitol Hill revealed that the number of people enrolled to receive federal assistance by way of food stamps has hit a new record high with roughly 47 million US residents. :hang3: :tsk:

“These astounding figures demonstrate that the United States spends more on federal welfare than any other program in the federal budget,” Alabama Sen. Jeff Session writes in a letter provided to The Daily Caller this week. “It is time to restore — not retreat from — the moral principles of the 1996 welfare reform. Such reforms, combined with measures to promote growth, will help both the recipient and the Treasury.”

“No longer should we measure compassion by how much money the government spends, but by how many people we help to rise out of poverty,” Sessions adds. “Welfare assistance should be seen as temporary whenever possible, and the goal must be to help more of our fellow citizens attain gainful employment and financial independence. This is about more than rescuing our finances. It’s about creating a more optimistic future for millions of struggling Americans.”

The real jobs numbers: 41% of America unemployed, 1 in 3 doesn't want work at all — RT
look, check this news as below and think, when these rest of 33% will start visiting for Welfare, who neither have job nor they need 'right now', then how will US's government feed them? I mean, 8% people neither have job nor they may feed themselves by their own so they are listed as 'unemployed' and hence visit for pay check. but what about the other 33% who neither have job nor they need 'right now' as they are financially capable to feed themselves by their pocket, 'right now'. even right now, total Welfare program of US is over $1.5trillions, as per this Debt Clock, with including social Security+Medical both. :meeting:..........

the people, equipped with guns but no food would finally bring Obama lead them one day :wave:

Like I said, dream on buddy, dream on! :D
look, check this news as below and think, when these rest of 33% will start visiting for Welfare, who neither have job nor they need 'right now', then how will US's government feed them? I mean, 8% people neither have job nor they may feed themselves by their own so they are listed as 'unemployed' and hence visit for pay check. but what about the other 33% who neither have job nor they need 'right now' as they are financially capable to feed themselves by their pocket, 'right now'. even right now, total Welfare program of US is over $1.5trillions, as per this Debt Clock, with including social Security+Medical both. :meeting:

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

the people, equipped with guns but no food would finally bring Obama lead them one day :wave:

Your man Igor didn't work out, so now you're grabbing wherever you can? :D pathetic :sick:
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