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The clock is ticking for USA....

And I guess you didn't read the last page properly.

At the bottom of the last page I criticise a fellow poster for stereotyping against Americans.
Of course I saw it. But my comment regarding stereotyping was not for you. It is pretty pathetic that enough of the Chinese members here have to descend to that level considering how few ACTIVE Americans members are here. Scared of the few of US? :D
Teabaggers are a fringe movement and only a recent phenomenon.

I suppose the question is the chicken or the egg. Do many Americans support Republicans because of Republican propaganda, or do the Republicans exist because many Americans are wild west cowboy types who like living off the land and hate bloated government? Obviously I'm not going to convince you otherwise but I leave you with one food for thought: if it was just Republicans and teabaggers, this type of thinking would be easily decimated by Obama's political machine. It isn't, because the beliefs go far deeper than Republicans, worship of Reagan or xenophobia.

Oh by all means, I'd like you to share your views. I have often been convinced that I am wrong.

I suspect the answer to your first question is both. It is no secret that the Republican PR machine is more adept than the democrats, and also the Republican values also have base appeal to a lot of Americans.

f it was just Republicans and teabaggers, this type of thinking would be easily decimated by Obama's political machine. It isn't, because the beliefs go far deeper than Republicans, worship of Reagan or xenophobia

I am not quite sure what you mean here. Are democrats fundamentally less american? and you can't be serious about Obama's political machine... the more viciously you attack someone's view, the more likely they will dig their heels in and hold on to those views.

Obama by no means has the upper hand.
Of course I saw it. But my comment regarding stereotyping was not for you. It is pretty pathetic that enough of the Chinese members here have to descend to that level considering how few ACTIVE Americans members are here. Scared of the few of US? :D

LOL not particularly!

It's just the internet. Obama bows down to Hu Jintao anyway, and didn't even try to carry out naval exercises in the Yellow sea. What happened there?

I'm more worried about domestic issues in China and peace in the immediate region.

Neither of your two nations, Vietnam and the US, are high on the priority list right now. That might change in the future, when we sort out domestic/economic issues.
LOL not particularly!

It's just the internet. Obama bows down to Hu Jintao anyway, and didn't even try to carry out naval exercises in the Yellow sea.

I'm more worried about domestic issues in China and peace in the immediate region.

Neither of your two nations, Vietnam and the US, are high on the priority list right now. That might change in the future, when we sort out domestic/economic issues.

Obama is a wuss :D Bowing down to that stupid Saudi king was the worst thing imaginable.

America is infinitely superior to that stupid regressive monarchy
LOL not particularly!
Of course you are...:D...Why else the vicious near racist attacks against Americans here, especially when one of them is not white?

It's just the internet. Obama bows down to Hu Jintao anyway, and didn't even try to carry out naval exercises in the Yellow sea.
The regular regime changes in the US make US not as predictable as most people would like to believe. What Obama failed to do today may be accomplished by another regime tomorrow.

I'm more worried about domestic issues in China and peace in the immediate region.

Neither of your two nations, Vietnam and the US, are high on the priority list right now. That might change in the future, when we sort out domestic/economic issues.
Viet Nam is not my country of allegiance. Continuing to associate my political allegiance with Viet Nam is just another sign of the lack of credible counter-arguments against mine own.
Obama is a wuss :D Bowing down to that stupid Saudi king was the worst thing imaginable.

America is infinitely superior to that stupid regressive monarchy
Hear...hear...I have been to Saudi Arabia several times and in my opinion, there is NOTHING in that society worth emulating. Obama embarrassed US greatly and even his fawning Democrats realized that back then.
It is no secret that the Republican PR machine is more adept than the democrats,
It certainly is a secret to the Republicans...:lol:...considering all the pollsters in the US continually criticizes the Republicans for their failures to exploit the Internet for grass roots mobilization, fund raising and general ideological motivations. When you have Hollywood celebrities openly pining for Obama and the Democratic Party it pretty much rendered your comment utterly wrong in every ways regarding 'PR'.
The regular regime changes in the US make US not as predictable as most people would like to believe. What Obama failed to do today may be accomplished by another regime tomorrow.

Well let's wait for that one then!

(Although I don't see any credible Republican nominees that can beat him).

Until then, I don't see anything to be worried about. Look at the Yellow sea issue for example, just a small bit of pressure caused the administration to back off.

If you want below_freezing's opinion on the matter, you'll have to ask him.
Well let's wait for that one then!

(Although I don't see any credible Republican nominees that can beat him).

Until then, I don't see anything to be worried about. Look at the Yellow sea issue for example, just a small bit of pressure caused the administration to back off.
This is where most people are wrong about political campaigning and elections in the US, may be because they are 'sheeple' where they came from? :lol: Anyway...I have been among both Democrats and Republicans, meaning in the crowds at party conventions, and what I noticed is that it is not so much the person but the possibility of an alternative that motivate the party faithfuls. Yes...Charisma is very important but among the Democrats, there were/are no shortages of charismatic and genuine 'star' powers, such as Obama, both Clintons, Edwards and many more, vying for the majority of the base. So for the Republicans wishing to unseat Obama, it will not be so much about charisma but about core ideology that will remove him. A Republican face is just a focus for that desire for change. The Republican base will be more swiftly to rally around a figure than the Democrats did before the '08 election. It will be more about ideology than charisma that will make Obama a one-termer.
So for the Republicans wishing to unseat Obama, it will not be so much about charisma but about core ideology that will remove him. A Republican face is just a focus for that desire for change. The Republican base will be more swiftly to rally around a figure than the Democrats did before the '08 election. It will be more about ideology than charisma that will make Obama a one-termer.

You seem quite confident that he will be a one-termer.

Who is the leading Republican candidate?
LOL not particularly!

It's just the internet. Obama bows down to Hu Jintao anyway, and didn't even try to carry out naval exercises in the Yellow sea. What happened there?

I'm more worried about domestic issues in China and peace in the immediate region.

Neither of your two nations, Vietnam and the US, are high on the priority list right now. That might change in the future, when we sort out domestic/economic issues.

We are not at war. America would love to keep it that way. It's not bowing to anybody. It's just diplomacy. If America would have gone through with their exercise, you would have criticized it of its head strongness, hegemony in your part of the world. No matter what America does, it's portrayed as evil in certain part of the world.
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It is absolutely necessary to devalue your currency over time. First money gets destroyed through wear and tear so you absolutely have to print more money. Secondly, as your economy grows you need more money for more transactions. Perhaps the main indicator of a strong economy is not how much GDP a country has, but how much and how fast money is changing hands. Finally, it is impossible to tell exactly how much money an economy needs and if there is too little money it acts as a bottleneck for economic growth. But it is certainly possible to estimate a ballpark which is why the ideal is between 2-5% inflation.

You should print enough money so that it keeps up with inflation, but printing money to pay off DEBT IS BAD, every government that tried this has failed. Zimbabwe just tried to solve their debt problems by printing out money and it failed spectacularly

Debt fearmongering is BS. Yes, the USA has a trade deficit, but so what? Consumers can easily cut down consumption of luxury goods. Meanwhile, if your country totally depends on exports for well being whenever a recession or depression hits, many thousands of real jobs are lost when other countries institute protectionist controls or demand just dies. And of course, in terms of national security threat only external debt as percentage of GDP matters. And the USA is far behind other developed countries. For example the UK is at 416%. If you owe money to yourself, well it doesn't really count does it?

It does count, what do you think will happen when these American people wake up and find that the money that they put into the banks are worthless? that their social security money is gone? that their USA bonds are worthless? all because the government blew their money away? A Greece situation is going to happen people will be running through the streets throwing malatovs.

The trade deficit is bad because it shows that the USA is UNCOMPETITIVE they are producing goods and services that NO COUNTRY wants. As proof compare the USA in the 1950's to the USA of 2010. The USA used to have a car industry but it failed due to being uncompetitive now it belongs to Japan and Germany, The USA used to have a shipbuilding industry now today the ship building is done by South korea. The USA used to have an manufacturing industry, now everything is made in China. The USA used to have an electronics industry now it is owned by Japan. The trade deficit is a sign that the USA's industries are dying/going bankrupt en masse. Japan and Germany have high consumption but they are in good shape because they have good and services that are in high demand from other countries.

If this were any other country, France, Japan, UK, Germany, Italy people would not care. But because it's the USA, people make up extreme stories about debt and state statistics without even a tiny bit of understanding what it means. By the way, USA infrastructure is not ****. The USA still has the most nuclear power plants and nuclear power generation in the world by a huge margin, extremely dense urban centers and the most highly developed higher education in the world. It is the world's most stable economy.

Take a look at modern cities like New York and compare them to modern cities of Japan, China, France etc....

Electrical lines are still being held up on wooden poles rather than underground. Their are no high speed rail tracks. The roads and sidewalks are dirty and falling apart due to poor maintenance.

The USA still doesn't have SMARTGRID TECHNOLOGY so a lot of electricity is being wasted
Smart grid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

USA still doesn't have high speed telecommunications

Well let's wait for that one then!

(Although I don't see any credible Republican nominees that can beat him).

Until then, I don't see anything to be worried about. Look at the Yellow sea issue for example, just a small bit of pressure caused the administration to back off.

If you want below_freezing's opinion on the matter, you'll have to ask him.

Let's not over estimate ourselves. China is not even remotely comparable to US militarily. If hypothetically, a war broke out between US and China, we all know who would win it and how easily. So please stop ur chest pumping.

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