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The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

That R not true ma frend, 2/3 of Bajour population R still there.
The whole agency wont have terrorists there right. 250,000 out of 600,000 have left. Thats a lot of empty space to try and get less cautious.
I disagree, our Military's a professional military. I like to think we're better than the Americans and wont waste bombs just because we can. I'm sure the Pakistan military is glad that the risk to civilians has been greatly reduced thanks to the exodus. But still given how important hearts and minds are, there is no point taking any unneeded risk. Our military is strong enough to rumble through without having to bomb them to hell first. Besides the people who have gone will come back soon enough, and they wont be very happy if they see their village has been turned into a parking lot.
Besides, its not like the 250,000 are from one place in Bajour, the situation is mixed. So if you bomb anything you are still likely to kill. Also I for one think this war will be won based on what we built, not what we destroy. When people come back they should say "wow this is great! Look at the new high ways and mosques and houses! We should have more operations!" as compared to "WTF where is ma house". Dun you think so bro?
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I still hold my opinion.

Pakistani territory should become hostile territory for militants and anyone remotely considering that path. We have pussyfooted around the hearts and minds issue for long now.

The thing is if we stop then the Taliban will continue and so will all the different factions that are being remote controlled by India. Pakistan is a definite loser by not scrubbing this region clean of militants now.
I agree with your post so I dont see what we are disagreeing on. I dun think these rebels deserve to be anything but terminated too.
Repatriation of 5000 Afghan refugees from Bajaur
Updated at: 2224 PST, Saturday, October 04, 2008
Repatriation of 5000 Afghan refugees from Bajaur KHAR: The repatriation of Afghan has begun from Bajaur Agency after the administration announced a ban on their entry in the area and warned them to leave the agency within three days.:tup:

More than 5000 Afghan refugees along with their livestock left the area and headed for Afghanistan.:wave:

National Lashkr comprising thousands of tribesmen of Salarzai tribes in Bajaur Agency continued to hunt down militants, sources said.

The Lashkr set on fire eight houses of militants in different tribal areas.

The government writ has been established in 90 per cent area of Tehsil Khar as a result of security forces’ operation.:police:
I still hold my opinion.

Pakistani territory should become hostile territory for militants and anyone remotely considering that path. We have pussyfooted around the hearts and minds issue for long now.

The thing is if we stop then the Taliban will continue and so will all the different factions that are being remote controlled by India. Pakistan is a definite loser by not scrubbing this region clean of militants now.

Agreed and trust me we are almost there. Had almost eleminated them in Bajaur thats why we are hearing too much echos of old crap once agains started by US and its stooges.
I don't see why we have to defend Pakistan for supporting groups in Afghanistan, the Afghans started it first. have we forgotten the Afghan-Soviet incursions on our tribal areas, like the incursions we have today? how many villages were attacked? how many of our pashtuns were killed by afghan raids and chain(s) of suicide bombings?

so much for this Afghanistan-pashtun sympathy, Afghanistan has been much more worse for Pashtuns. they lay claims on the tribal areas and pashtuns on this side of the durand line, but they attack and kill villagers through coalition forces. the only thing afghan pashtuns have left, is to be ruled by their tajik and farsi rulers.
We can't bring ourselves to the level of Afghanistan.

We did it, when it was a dire necessity, and we'll do it again if that necessity arises once more. But today we FIRST need to defeat the Taliban or at least have them shoved out of Pakistan.

The Taliban's natural enemy is the Nato. They both should be fighting without putting Pakistan into the mix.
I don't see why we have to defend Pakistan for supporting groups in Afghanistan, the Afghans started it first. have we forgotten the Afghan-Soviet incursions on our tribal areas, like the incursions we have today? how many villages were attacked? how many of our pashtuns were killed by afghan raids and chain(s) of suicide bombings?

Why SHOULD we be having to defend Pakistan for supporting the Afghan Taliban back then? Everyone who was anyone supported someone in Afghanistan like the Indians and the Americans fully backed and supported the Northern Alliance, the Iranians supported the Hazaras and Pakistan has very legitimate security conerns in Afghanistan. Besides the Afghans are just bitter, EVERYONE knows that if the Taliban were not popular (atleast not initially) they would never have managed to rule that warlord/drug lord ridden piece of blasted land. By helping Taliban Pakistan favoured the Afghans just like we did with the Soviets. I'm pretty sure that the Taliban would STILL have captured most of Afghanistan without Pakistani advisors helping them but the war would have been more protracted and much more bloody. As far as I'm concerned they are the ones who should be thanking us for being good neighbors (and not nuking them for pumping opium into our streets 24/7), is all...
As far as I'm concerned they are the ones who should be thanking us for being good neighbors (and not nuking them for pumping opium into our streets 24/7), is all...

During the rule of Talibans, there was no opium production in Afghanistan. After US invaded, drug production started again under CIA umbrella.
Correction: Drug production not only started but increased by as much as 300% !

BTW NEWS JUST IN= US: Hamid Karzai's own brother has been discovered to be a major drug smuggler !!!

so dude what do you expect?
Date Posted: 02-Oct-2008

Jane's Defence Weekly

Pakistan army captures Taliban base

Farhan Bokhari JDW Correspondent - Islamabad

Pakistan has destroyed one of the Taliban's few major strongholds in the remote Bajaur region along the Afghan border, the military claimed at a briefing on 29 September.

A senior Pakistani security official described the Bajaur facility as one of the Taliban's key operational headquarters.

Images of the destroyed, mainly underground structures shown during the briefing - which was attended by select news organisations including Jane's - revealed an elaborate network of tunnels and rooms used for planning operations and storing weapons and ammunition.

Western military officials hailed the operation as being precisely the kind of action they wanted to see from Pakistan in its tribal areas.

"What we found could easily be characterised as equivalent to an operational HQ of any military," a senior Pakistani security official told Jane's . Pakistani troops also found manuals and other written material that appeared to have been used for training militants.

The capture of the Bajaur base was "a significant achievement", according to one Western official, because it was the first time that the Pakistani military had seized a facility known to have been used by high-profile militants.

The operation also came at an opportune time for Pakistan: just when the country is battling mounting Western criticism over its failure to do more in clamping down on Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Such successes could also help Pakistan to persuade the US to end its tactic of using unmanned aerial vehicles to attack militant targets on Pakistani soil: an approach that has hardened public opinion against the US-led 'war on terror'.

However, local Pakistani security officials accused the US of conducting another UAV attack inside Pakistan in the early hours of 1 October, when up to eight foreign militants were reported killed in an attack on a house in North Waziristan. This followed a statement released by the US State Department the day before asserting "its support for Pakistan's sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity".

© 2008 Jane's Information Group

* Security forces kill five Taliban, arrest 27 in Darra Adam Khel
* 22, including important commanders, arrested in Kabal​

KHAR/KOHAT/PESHAWAR: At least 20 Taliban were killed on Wednesday when helicopter gunships hit their hideouts in Badaan area of Mamoond tehsil in Bajaur Agency, Frontier Corps sources said.

The official sources said that on observing Taliban movement in Bandano, Maulvi Faqir Muhammad’s village, the combat aviation carried out a ‘highly successful’ action in which eight foreigners and 12 local Taliban were killed. The sources said Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s (TTP) spokesman Maulvi Omar’s house was also destroyed in the action. All government offices and educational institutions in the area remained closed.

Meanwhile, political administration officials said Taliban blew up three houses with explosives in Tauheed area of Khar. The officials said they had registered a first information report and had started investigation.

Separately, the Utmankhel and Mandal tribes of Bajaur Agency have convened jirgas today (Thursday) to make decisions regarding law and order in the agency. Elders of the two tribes have announced support for the security forces’ strict action against the Taliban.

In the jirgas, the tribesmen will also form local peace committees to monitor the activities of the Taliban. The committees will take action against the Taliban through armed tribal lashkars.

Darra Adam Khel: Meanwhile, five Taliban were killed and 27 arrested by security forces during an operation in Darra Adam Khel on Wednesday, security officials said, according to APP.

They said that the security forces pounded suspected Taliban hideouts in Tor Chapar, Akhurwal and Peerwal Khel areas, killing five and arresting 27 others. Separately, three security personnel were injured when security forces clashed with Taliban in Sheen Dhand area of Kohat district. The injured personnel were identified as Noor Shah Gul, Gul Rasool and Nisar. They were taken to Kohat Combined Military Hospital. A security convoy was also targeted with a remote-controlled bomb in Abbas area of Darra Adam Khel. However, no casualty was reported.

Kabal: Meanwhile, the security forces arrested 22 Taliban including several important commanders in an operation at Gul Jabba in Swat’s Kabal tehsil, according to a Media Information Centre Swat press release. A large quantity of arms and ammunition was recovered from their possession. Several Taliban hideouts were also destroyed in the operation, it said. In another incident, Taliban blew up the house of Union Council Nazim Jamshid Ali. However, no casualties were reported. Meanwhile, Taliban cut off the water supply to the security forces’ camp in Pacific, Totano Bandai areas in Kabal tehsil, Online reported. staff report/agencies
I have got a little bit of confusion here, Karzai has started negotiating with the talibans or atleast he wish for that, Saudi Arabia will help facilitate that, US who was barking once at the top of its voice when Pakistan was trying to do the same, is now backing it up, UK already said that the war in Afghanistan cannot be win without bringing the talibans in the political process, my question is what are we trying to prove here or our we again in a mood to completely negate our influence in Afghanistan, let them(Karzai,US) be the good guys while we become the bad guys, turn taliban against us and flush down any chance what so ever to neutralize the growing influence inside Afghanistan.

We will have to be very careful in what we do, because this is the last bet. If we loose that, then God knows what will happen of Pakistan. How come what Pakistan wanted to do all along was either criticised or perhaps a missile strike from the US made the deal felt apart and now the same is happening actually, words of praise for Karzai for such bold initiatives are being sounded everywhere while we are hearing the do more thing with Obama actually thinking about attacking Pakistan if we are unable to act. IMO the situation should now be very visible to Pakistanis(apart from the government since i dont really consider them Pakistanis) as to what is happening all around them and Pakistan is deliberately being driven into chaos and a war type situation while the other side is enjoying whiskies with soda.

However with said that i do not mean that we should stop our operation against the so called taliban(difference between the real and self proclaimed ones has to be made), taliban like mehsud and his ilks. They are not the real taliban and therefore should not be reffered that as well. They are terrorists with one purpose in mind and that is to cause violence and terrorism inside Pakistan.
I am a civilian, socalled, civilian dog. Military has not taken the nation into confidence. CIVILIANS THINK THAT army can only bombard unarmed innocent people as they did in 1971. Same story is being repeated after 27 years.We acannot fight outsiders.iN 1971, WE COULD NOT FIGHT Indians. Today Americans come and kill our innocent children and women and army kills their men.
What is true. We need to tell the nation.
Can some one bother to tell the nation?
Or are we too busy to look for DHA plots?
I hope i am wrong.

one thing is for sure that you are an idiot living in the complexity! as for 71. it was not just the army but the civilians and the politians too! in fact it was our west pakistan's fault! we forced them to do our way.
- forced Urdu as their main language
- did not divide fair budget with them
- we were racists aganist them
- the politicians did not respect them
- as a last resort the army was told to crack down bangladeshi independent movement.
just an example of how much we respected them.. first we demanded them to do something and if your demand were not met then they were called PIGS!
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