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The atrocities in the 1971 civil war

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Pakistan - 25 thousand.
Bangladesh - 30 Lakh
actually both are nationalistic verson of history...
Actual death count is around 2-3 lakh..
In wars killings are committed by both sides and yes army did kill many Bangalis who were involved in Anti Pak activities but on the other hand Muktis also killed lot of Biharis and Pakistanis so when you talk about genocide why people dont mentioned crimes by Muktis ?
This 3 million genocide number is far beyond reality . Actual number is much less than that.
In wars killings are committed by both sides and yes army did kill many Bangalis who were involved in Anti Pak activities but on the other hand Muktis also killed lot of Biharis and Pakistanis so when you talk about genocide why people dont mentioned crimes by Muktis ?
This 3 million genocide number is far beyond reality . Actual number is much less than that.

After 16th december UNHCR declared some safe zones across the country, where Biharis took shelter... Those are still known as Jeneva camp which were controlled by UN.... So if anyone knows better about Biharis it is UN as they were in direct contact with biharis. According to them Bihari death count is 1 thousand.....
Bangladesh is what happens when you start killing your own citizens. I sincerely hope you would learn from your mistakes and not repeat it in Baluchistan.

Why the trolling? Why bring Baluchistan into this when its clearly off topic? Is it because deep down inside you tiny brain cell you are praying and having a wet dream about Baluchistan creating an issue for our nation? Don't give me your "sincerely" - you are not sincere and are simply trolling. Why cant you simply respect the site you are on by being on topic? THe obsession gets even deeper.

As Asim says above its noticeable at the relation between Bangladesh and Pakistan today is great - unlike India with Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is what happens when you start killing your own citizens. I sincerely hope you would learn from your mistakes and not repeat it in Baluchistan.

Standing atop mass graves, I say you are in an ideal position to deliver the cheap banter.
Why the trolling? Why bring Baluchistan into this when its clearly off topic? Is it because deep down inside you tiny brain cell you are praying and having a wet dream about Baluchistan creating an issue for our nation? Don't give me your "sincerely" - you are not sincere and are simply trolling. Why cant you simply respect the site you are on by being on topic? THe obsession gets even deeper.

As Asim says above its noticeable at the relation between Bangladesh and Pakistan today is great - unlike India with Bangladesh.

Hes an indian... and his name is white "nelson"........... :rofl: nough said... dnt pay attention to ...... just report these low life trolls.
Hes an indian... and his name is white "nelson"........... :rofl: nough said... dnt pay attention to ...... just report these low life trolls.

I hear you and understand. I am on this site because i love my nation and want to learn more about our issues. I try to be respectful to our neighbors yet troll fools like this make it difficult. I dont understand what the obsession is yaar. They have some incredible issues yet want to talk about Baluchistan - what a loser??

From Bangaldesh issues to Baluchistan???

Wish JonAsad was around to comment!!! lolzzz
Why the trolling? Why bring Baluchistan into this when its clearly off topic? Is it because deep down inside you tiny brain cell you are praying and having a wet dream about Baluchistan creating an issue for our nation? Don't give me your "sincerely" - you are not sincere and are simply trolling. Why cant you simply respect the site you are on by being on topic? THe obsession gets even deeper.

As Asim says above its noticeable at the relation between Bangladesh and Pakistan today is great - unlike India with Bangladesh.

My Kind SK SIR ! you are write why troll by bringing in baluchistan in this thread but then why should a person of your stature ignore bringing 1984 riots & Kashmeer into this thread , Kindly Explain .SIR .
This is getting better , chalo ji

Yahan Se

The number was around 20,000 or so... 3 million makes us look like Nazis... i mean a large scale genocide and the world didnt even notice
Yahan Tak to pahunche

]There were actually 300,000 deaths as have been revised by Bangladeshi historians.

Different people different opinions. I am speaking from experience of actually having this debate 100 times before :).

I have neither counted, the figures of 20,000, 300,000 nor 3 million - It is my opinion that there isn't a list of the dead either. These are best guesses by studies done by historians.

The 300,000 figure was revised disputing the 3 million figure by Bangladeshis which is the number of total dead.

Now if you do hissay bakray of this figure, give some to us, some to your own country, some to Bangladeshis, some to the actual war... The numbers that come to Pakistan would be less than the other groups. Our real mistake was only not accepting Awami Leagues democratic win.

---------- Post added at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------

I would like to add, that this same article is rehashed every year... Google the keywords: Bangladesh, Forgotten Genocide.

You'll find one article for every year with a few things changed up and down.
Different people different opinions. I am speaking from experience of actually having this debate 100 times before :).

I have neither counted, the figures of 20,000, 300,000 nor 3 million - It is my opinion that there isn't a list of the dead either. These are best guesses by studies done by historians.

The 300,000 figure was revised disputing the 3 million figure by Bangladeshis which is the number of total dead.

Now if you do hissay bakray of this figure, give some to us, some to your own country, some to Bangladeshis, some to the actual war... The numbers that come to Pakistan would be less than the other groups. Our real mistake was only not accepting Awami Leagues democratic win.

So True Sir , but why should the generals of PA drag there feet into this , bengalies were the only people who really wanted pakistan as most of the landlords were Hindu in this part & most of theworkers were muslims +situation was rewerse on the western part , but my point is why did millitary was so baised against bengalies that it had to go for Oparation Searchlight & such kindly explain .
^ i read once -When Pakistani soldiers were being arrested by indian soldiers, a mukti cried.. When he was asked about it by other Muktis, he replied '' i can't tolerate it that muslims are taken pows by hindus'' . This is common mentality in Bangladesh.... They will support pakistan always against india on religious background.... Anyway this doesnt prove genocide false.. Pakistan took the strategy of killing everyone who opposes military (even innocent doctors ).... But it backfired. The more they killed, the more people joined Mukti out of conscience or avenging mentality..... Yes they killed many in reply but it is nowhere near Pakistani genocide.......

It was a different time - given the choice now majority in Pakistan would side with the democratic process. I'm sure many things were done that were wrong by Pakistan, starting from the cause of the fight.
So True Sir , but why should the generals of PA drag there feet into this , bengalies were the only people who really wanted pakistan as most of the landlords were Hindu in this part & most of theworkers were muslims +situation was rewerse on the western part , but my point is why did millitary was so baised against bengalies that it had to go for Oparation Searchlight & such kindly explain .

Before throwing the blame to the PA, let's put things into perspective. The first person who disagreed with Awami's win was ZAB. He came with a formula - you govern that side, I govern this side. Sounds BS, and it was. He lost, so he should have stepped aside.

The general in charge, Ayub Khan who ZAB deposed, was no longer the one who could call this shot. Yahya Khan acted poorly, but ZAB played one more game where he start back channel talks with Mujib saying "You become PM, oust Yahya out of Presidency and make me President". This caused friction which led to army action and rest is history.
Before throwing the blame to the PA, let's put things into perspective. The first person who disagreed with Awami's win was ZAB. He came with a formula - you govern that side, I govern this side. Sounds BS, and it was. He lost, so he should have stepped aside.

The general in charge, Ayub Khan who ZAB deposed, was no longer the one who could call this shot. Yahya Khan acted poorly, but ZAB played one more game where he start back channel talks with Mujib saying "You become PM, oust Yahya out of Presidency and make me President". This caused friction which led to army action and rest is history.

So the fact of the matter is it was ZAB who was responsible for what happened in 1971...are you sure ? cause if that was so then why is ZAB still considered a hero , it means Zia was write ? so the bottemline is that Pakistanies are still in love with there traitor & the person who gave you the biggest open wound is still a hero & army after all is what should i say OK ...man this is so confeusing .no wonder why Pakistanies love Conspiracy Theories , anyway Thanks SIR AA .
So the fact of the matter is it was ZAB who was responsible for what happened in 1971...are you sure ? cause if that was so then why is ZAB still considered a hero , it means Zia was write ? so the bottemline is that Pakistanies are still in love with there traitor & the person who gave you the biggest open wound is still a hero & army after all is what should i say OK ...man this is so confeusing .no wonder why Pakistanies love Conspiracy Theories , anyway Thanks SIR AA .

ZAB's Bhutto family is a big land owner in Pakistan. Through a mix of fraudulent elections, enforcing people who live on Bhutto lands to vote for him and being an excellent orator, his charisma lives on.
ZAB's Bhutto family is a big land owner in Pakistan. Through a mix of fraudulent elections, enforcing people who live on Bhutto lands to vote for him and being an excellent orator, his charisma lives on.

wasnt the land given to his father or grandfather by the british for being a traitor to his own people
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