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The atrocities in the 1971 civil war

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I see some more strawman , more non-sequitur, and more attempt at evasion, deflection and ducking.
Sticking to facts works better.
And yet you stick to speculation and shady research works.
Unfounded speculation. First you have to agree upon how many were killed. There are speculations from 30,000 all the way up to 3 million. The truth of it was the first casualty of this war since it made sense for East Pakistanis back then and also for the Indian propaganda machinery to talk up the casualties to get support and sympathy from the world.
Just word salad. But I see that you have nicely set up your strawman of ‘3 million deaths’, and then defeated it. Well, congratulations. The book that I had recommended earlier, Death By Government, pegs the amount at a much lower figure, actually half of that, and yet it surpasses everyone else, except Hitler and Pol Pot. If you had not rushed to reply and actually made an attempt to get hold of the R.J. Rummel’s work on these figures, you would have saved yourself a lot of typing. And me a headache.

I made a claim. I supported it. I never claimed ‘3 million deaths’ and therefore it is not my burden to either prove or disprove it. Trying to turn this debate into a number game, is a pretty lame attempt at deflection. Duly noted, with much, much amusement.

Just so you know, you haven’t said anything that I haven’t already heard.

Then on second thought, the following passage deserves some attention.
In order to kill three million the Pakistan Army would have had to kill 11,494 persons a day, non-stop from March 26 onwards. If, on the other hand, they were to kill one million people, their daily killing would come to 3,831. Seen in another way, for 60,000 Pakistan Army to kill three million and rape three hundred thousand women, each and every one of them had to kill 50 persons and rape 5 women.
These kind of argument is called argument from incredulity. Anyway, you have highlighted the entire passage, but unfortunately didn’t pay attention to the part which I have now highlighted. How improbable is that figure? Lets assume, only 50% of those 60,000 actually indulged in atrocities. It would mean that they would have to kill 100 persons and rape 10 women in a span of 260 days. In other words, each member of only half the deployed army had to kill just 1 person in 2.5 days and rape 1 woman in 25 days, to achieve that magic number. How incredible is that figure? If we consider all were involved, it results in an even more feasible condition. Each member of PA had to kill 1 person in 5 days, and rape 1 woman in 50 days in a span of 260 days.

Please note, I am not trying to defend the numbers, but trying to make a point, that mathematics of genocide can be tricky.
Pay attention to the points about Mujib wanting to reconcile and considering a lose federation with West Pakistan. All was not about people hating each others guts as much as some here would like to believe and constantly propose to drive a wedge.
This is an attempt at ducking at best, or sloppiness at worst. You should remember what I had said. Let me quote myself once again.

‘The ‘differences of policies’ became personal issues after 25/26 March, 1971…’

I do have the FRUS (Foreign Relations of United States) documents, and I do know exactly what they reveal. That is why I was careful to note the exact date. Next time, please pay attention.
It would be good for all to understand that it was never a desire or the goal of the West Pakistani side to kill East Pakistanis for being East Pakistanis. International writers are outside observers whose comments should be considered while keeping in mind their distant proximity to the conflict and also the fact that they do not understand what us West Pakistanis were thinking. The military action was indeed heavy handed against some civilians and East Pakistani intellectuals and students, yet this in no way was an indication that West Pakistan was out to crush East Pakistani nation.
So let me see if I got it right. Indians can’t be trusted. Bangladeshis can’t be trusted. International writers can’t be trusted. That is, unless they are all playing your favourite music. In which case, even Pinocchio can be trusted.

The West Pakistanis’ ‘goals’ or ‘desires’ are well recorded in the memoirs of the key players like Major General M.I.Karim, Brigadier A.R.Siddiqi, Lt. General Sahibzada Yaqub Khan, Brigadier F.B.Ali and not to mention A.K.Niazi. The infamous ‘Scorched Earth’ policy is not exactly a secret anymore.

The world, my friend, is not blind.
You must be living in your little world if you think that Kashmiri leaders have not been hunted down. Go back to 87 and start looking at how many leaders have been killed and how many have been detained without due process. In terms of Kashmiri refugees not jumping the border, that is hardly an excuse out of this "genocide" of the Kashmiris by India simply because they would be shot trying to go across the LoC. You do not even give them a chance to leave.

As far as holding political rallies, lets get real here. Every other month people are shot dead in demonstrations. Put under indefinite curfew and what not. And this has been going on since 1987.
How many political leaders, advocating democratic process have been killed? Your reasoning for why the Kashmiris are not jumping the border doesn’t fly at all. Fear of death didn’t stop the East Berliners to jump the barb wires and high walls. Fear of death didn’t stop 10 million BDs to cross over to India. Fear of death didn’t stop some of the Kashmiri youths to cross over to Pakistan to take lessons in terrorism.

Regarding shooting people dead in demonstrations, which part of ‘peacefully’ did you not understand?
Then I must be crazy wondering why 3 Indian Army Corps are based in IoK. It is typical Indian delusion to deny that a military solution has been implemented to keep the Kashmiris in line. The brunt of excesses in the beginning from 1987 were committed by the IA, unfamiliar with how to deal with the situation. When the public opinion and foreign opinion came down hard, then the paramilitaries (RR) were given the charge to execute on the military solution of sorting out the Kashmiris with IA on the back-end. Those who have watched the IA and RR actions and operations know full well that it was a military campaign as any other to put down an insurgency (like the one Pakistan undertook in East Pakistan).
On the contrary, it is another evidence of the usual confused state of mind that Pakistanis continuously suffer from. You are indeed crazy to think that presence of army, in large number implies ‘military solution’. As long as there exists, a political process which is sustained by participation of civil society, or their elected representatives, it can’t be called ‘military solution’. Military presence, in an insurgency situation, is only meant to supplement this political process, by complementing the civil defense. The civil defense is structured to handle the general law and order problem, and not to handle insurgencies which require an entirely different approach. That is exactly what is been done in Kashmir. Compare that to the situation which existed in East Pakistan, during those tumultuous months of 1971. The political process was completely suspended. In fact the whole thing blew up because of this suspension. The core group of intelligentsia was eliminated within the first week of crackdown. The political leaders were either imprisoned, and awaited gallows, or had to operate from foreign land. The supporters of the biggest political party in that region, were being hunted down like mad dogs.

You are comparing Bangladesh of 1971 to Kashmir because of superficial similarities, which you will invariably find in almost every insurgency situation, for example large deployment and presence of army or human rights violation by army. But one of the basic and major differences between the two is existence of political process and a will to engage the separatists politically. None was present in East Pakistan during 1971.

Basically this argument itself is a non-sequitur.
I don't approve of it. We are discussing history here and specifically what the situation was on the ground prior to the invasion of EP by India. If there is any duplicity then its on your side since you have no qualms about complaining about the wrongs of the Pakistani side, while you hide your own atrocities against Kashmiris with less than factual points.
You perceive, quite wrongly of course, what India is doing in Kashmir is implementation of ‘military solution’. You imply that this is wrong. Yet, you use the example of Kashmir to bolster your argument that BD could have been solved, by doing what you perceive as India is doing in Kashmir. Why? If it is wrong in Kashmir, why would it have been right in BD? Or, if it would have been right in BD, why is then wrong in Kashmir?

My acknowledgement, or lack of it, of ‘atrocities’ by IA in Kashmir is inconsequential to this debate, because I am not the one who is using Kashmir as a model to any solution.
Secondly, why are you bringing your moral judgments here and then claiming my stance is immature? Think a little about the title of the topic and my very first post here. The idea was not to talk about the morality of it, as war is never moral. It was just to discuss the situation on the ground (specifically prior to the Indian invasion of East Pakistan). Lets leave the emotions for the other 50 or so threads that have fallen victim to this exact same back and forth.
Another attempt to duck. I didn't question morality. I questioned your assertion that BD could be solved militarily. This is the the issue of the thread.
Not sure why we would not? Something that you may not be able to understand is that Pakistanis have no issues with Bangladeshis. The bone of contention is with regards to a political disagreement 40 years ago which was mistakenly tackled by force. It certainly is not at a personal level.
You still want to cling to that fatuous logic of yours. Whether Pakistanis today have or don’t have any issue with Bangladeshis is irrelevant. Today, Pakistanis do not have to administer a hostile group of people to their east. Today, Pakistanis and BDs engage as nationals of two sovereign nations, and not as oppressor and oppressed or rulers and subjects or victors and unsuccessful rebels.

I understand your confusion. You can’t quite rationalize how a bunch of people who were treated as inferior ‘lowly’ people and constantly denied of their rights, could be treated as equal after their fight for equality had been labeled as ‘treason’ and then brutally quelled. To think it would have been all hunky dory, just as it is today between the two separate nations, requires a gigantic leap of faith and a complete denial of the issues that actually lead to the rebellion.

I understand, you don’t have an answer. I will leave you at that.
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Whatever the issues between East and West Pakistan prevailed was none other than Pakistan's internal matter, however India's hegemonic designs were exposed by the pathetic statement of Mrs. Gandhi in claiming that "Indian forces have entered East Pakistan in self defense"???. Her taste for misadventures brought the reality home and cost her life.
Whatever the issues between East and West Pakistan prevailed was none other than Pakistan's internal matter, however India's hegemonic designs were exposed by the pathetic statement of Mrs. Gandhi in claiming that "Indian forces have entered East Pakistan in self defense"???. Her taste for misadventures brought the reality home and cost her life.
Your usual tripe aside, Ms Gandhi had never said any such thing. At least I am not aware of it. Feel free to provide evidence. Or not.

On the other hand, Indian officials did mention of such thing, something in the lines of, 'India would enter East Pakistan in self-defense'. Its called 'offensive-defensive'. Reference to 'self defense' was with regard to complete destruction of border economy, change in demography due to the deluge of refugees, huge outflow of funds in feeding and maintaining them and potential law and order problem associated with the refugee camps. Since Yahya was refusing to stop butchering his fellow countrymen resulting in perpetuation of such refugee problem, a swift kick in his nuts was thought to be the only way to knock some sense into his dense skull.

The comment encapsulated that strategy.
I made a claim. I supported it. I never claimed ‘3 million deaths’ and therefore it is not my burden to either prove or disprove it. Trying to turn this debate into a number game, is a pretty lame attempt at deflection. Duly noted, with much, much amusement.
You made a claim indeed, yet have offered no support for it. Do you even understand what the definition of genocide is?

Here it is, since you and so many others love throwing the term around to devise a false justification for Indian intervention and Bangladeshi independence.

"Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group."

Nothing you have provided substantiates the killing of 3 million, 1.5 million, or 300,000 Bengalis deliberately as part of a process to 'exterminate an ethnic group'. You don't want to make this a 'numbers game', great, but as of right now you have no case justifying your allegation of genocide.

Pictures and videos of dozens of dead people lying in a ditch or being put in front of a firing squad for being supporters of violent insurgents attacking non-combatants (terrorism in today's parlance) and treason is not evidence of genocide nor XYZ million killed.

In any case, read the thread topic again. Your disingenuous and lying rants are way off topic. Whether the PA killed X number or not is irrelevant to the fact that the insurgency had been largely controlled militarily and there was little chance of East Pakistan's independence had India not intervened covertly and overtly.
Reference to 'self defense' was with regard to complete destruction of border economy, change in demography due to the deluge of refugees, huge outflow of funds in feeding and maintaining them and potential law and order problem associated with the refugee camps. Since Yahya was refusing to stop butchering his fellow countrymen resulting in perpetuation of such refugee problem, a swift kick in his nuts was thought to be the only way to knock some sense into his dense skull.

The comment encapsulated that strategy.

Nonsense, Manekshaw's comments, and other accounts by retired Indian bureaucrats etc. indicate covert Indian involvement preceding Operation Searchlight and that Gandhi had decided to go to war long before the refugee issue.

As pointed out to you before, the Indian excuse is absurd given that it tries to justify covert and overt violent intervention in another sovereign nation on the basis of instability, when that intervention itself was part of the cause of the original instability and a major reason behind the escalation in violence and instability in the aftermath of intervention.

Just pure nonsense and lies.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Whether they hold any weight in the real world is a totally different argument.

:disagree: I do not agree, it was not an Insurgency, even after all these years it seems, we have not reconciled with the past, we do not want to admit the disastrous mistakes our own hands committed against our own brethren. :disagree:
The violent aspect of the political movement in East Pakistan was what? Insurgency? Terrorism perhaps would be a better word.

Per the Hamood-ur-Rehman commission.

Let it not be forgotten that the initiative in resorting to violence and cruelty was taken by the militants of the Awami League, during the month of March, 1971, following General Yahya Khan's announcement of the 1st of March regarding the postponement of the session of the National Assembly scheduled for the 3rd of March 1971. It will be recalled that from the 1st of March to the 3rd of March 1971, the Awami League had taken complete control of East Pakistan, paralysing the authority of the federal government. There is reliable evidence to show that during this period the miscreants indulged in large scale massacres and rape against pro-Pakistan elements, in the towns of Dacca, Narayanganj, Chittagong, Chandraghona, Rangamati, Khulna, Dinajpur, Ghafargaoa, Kushtia, Ishurdi, Noakhali, Sylhet, Maulvi Bazaar, Rangpur, Saidpur, Jessore, Barisal, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Pabna, Sirajgonj, Comilla, Brahman Baria, Bogra, Naugaon, Santahar, and several other smaller places.

3. Harrowing tales of these atrocities were narrated by the large number of West Pakistanis and Biharis who were able to escape from these places and reach the safety of West Pakistan. For days on end, all through the troubled month of March 1971, swarms of terrorised non-Bengalis lay at the Army-controlled Dacca airport awaiting their turn to be taken to the safety of West Pakistan. Families of West Pakistani officers and other ranks serving with East Bengal units were subjected to inhuman treatment, and a large number of West Pakistani officers were butchered by the erstwhile Bengali colleagues.

4. These atrocities were completely blacked out at the time by the Government of Pakistan for fear of retaliation by the Bengalis living in West Pakistan. The Federal Government did issue a White Paper in this behalf in August 1971, but unfortunately it did not create much impact for the reason that it was highly belated, and adequate publicity was not given to it in the national and international press.

5. However, recently, a renowned journalist of high-standing, Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, has taken pains to marshal the evidence in a publication called "Blood and Tears." The book contains the harrowing tales of inhuman crimes committed on the helpless Biharis, West Pakistanis and patriotic Bengalis living in East Pakistan during that period. According to various estimates mentioned by Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, between 100,000 and 500,000 persons were slaughtered during this period by the Awami League militants.

6. As far as we can judge, Mr Qutubuddin Aziz has made use of authentic personal accounts furnished by the repatriates whose families, have actually suffered at the hands of the Awami League militants. He has also extensively referred to the contemporary accounts of foreign correspondents then stationed in East Pakistan. The plight of the non-Bengali elements still living in Bangladesh and the insistence of that Government on their large-scale repatriation to Pakistan, are factors which appear to confirm the correctness of the allegations made against the Awami League in this behalf.

Hamoodur Rehman

An "Honest question", Who was more Pakistani?

The West who neither founded the Muslim League, nor was fore front in its Pakistan minded resolutions, or the East? For how many years of its Pre-Pakistan history, was the All India Muslim League mainly a work of the struggle and effort of the East Pakistanis (Bengalis)? :disagree:

I totally agree, to summarize it all in my own words (please take the time to go through it):

The East Pakistanis created the All India Muslim League from scratch, served as its bastion for years, many of the revolutionary leaders were from there, but when Pakistan came into being, we ditched most of them.

Ignored of basic development and need for decades, we made sure in that time to make them realize how poor and ungrateful they were, how their short stature and dark color didnt look good on us! (the common West Pakistani never felt or said this, for them the Bengalis were true brethren but the elite sure did, and external powers made sure the elite did it for countless years to come)

After being treated like that, they had to liberate themselves from this tyranny, their intent in the beginning was NOT Separation :disagree: (Sheikh Mujeeb's statements and Bhutto's are a testament to that) it was political rights and freedom.

Some of our friends (guess for your self) made sure the Army and Elite in the West would make rebels and criminals out of the Bengalis and ..... they did :disagree:

and our oldest and dearest friend (India) made sure they make this political rights movement into a strong armed resistance if the need be. (I dont blame the Indians at all, and I dont hate them for it or any other act attributed to them, just answer my question all blind patriots and blind India Haters: If you call them enemy, what else did you expect? ........But the real sad thing is... even after knowing that, did any West Pakistani do anything at all to counter it, to help his Bengali brethren? tend to their pain, their misery, their needs? .........NO :disagree:

When due rights are not appreciated, brotherhood changes into contempt, contempt to anger and anger to hatred :frown:

and in times of need, the Bengalis found themselves high and dry under the cold sky ......... and smiling demon looking at them ...... with open arms......


that demon (pakfanboys would love this terminology) gave them arms, ammo and everything that makes war.

The result : A brotherhood broken, a country divided and history separated.......... But what did the West Pakistanis gain out of it?

the elite who always serve their own power

the people who stood silent while their Bengali brothers suffered.....

its a story written in Blood.

and I find only one criminal in it, the West Pakistani people, Us !!!

I have come to this conclusion after studying a great deal about it
, and I ask my Bengali brothers only this:

Please forgive us for the sins that the generations before us committed, those crimes against you, Please find in your hearts the forgiveness, Please forgive us for we were weak, we stood by while you suffered, Please forgive us!

Completely irrelevant. The question posed by the thread is clear, 'did the PA have the EP insurgency under control?'.

Every thread on events in 1971 does not have to turn into a Pakistan bashing thread, and every thread on events in EP does not need a regurgitation of what went wrong politically and 'rona dhona' by Pakistanis lamenting this and that.

Stick to the topic next time please, all of you.

Bangladesh charges different amounts for Visa's from many nations. There are nations on the Embassy list that require no Visa or are charged similarly low amounts.

Embassy of Bangladesh, Washington, DC

South Africa - no fee

Seychelles - no visa required

Mauritania - no visa required

Kenya - no visa required

Japan - no fee

and the list goes on ..

In any case, I fail to see the relevance here.
Death by writing is not my penchant. Sticking to facts works better.

Unfounded speculation. First you have to agree upon how many were killed. There are speculations from 30,000 all the way up to 3 million.

Brother don't you think even a single killing is condemnable.

Moreover the Pakistan which was created claiming to be for Muslims, a heaven for Muslim. The same Muslim army have butchered fellow Muslim citizens.

You said it is not possible for Pakistani army to alone killed so many Bengali Muslims.

Here you have forget that the density of population.

Also the most importnt role in the kiling along with Pakistani Army

The Razakars / Al-Shams / Al-Badr

Don't distort the facts, even if you realize and ask for forgiveness big hearted Bangladeshi people can forgive you.
Brother don't you think even a single killing is condemnable.

Moreover the Pakistan which was created claiming to be for Muslims, a heaven for Muslim. The same Muslim army have butchered fellow Muslim citizens.

You said it is not possible for Pakistani army to alone killed so many Bengali Muslims.

Here you have forget that the density of population.

Also the most importnt role in the kiling along with Pakistani Army

The Razakars / Al-Shams / Al-Badr

Don't distort the facts, even if you realize and ask for forgiveness big hearted Bangladeshi people can forgive you.
Insurgencies are nasty and bloody.

How many innocents were killed by the US military and allies in Vietnam?

How many innocents were massacred by Indian security forces in Punjab? We already know the tens of thousands murdered, tortured and raped in Kashmir.

And while you are pontificating about 'even a single killing is condemnable' ponder this excerpt from the Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report:

The book contains the harrowing tales of inhuman crimes committed on the helpless Biharis, West Pakistanis and patriotic Bengalis living in East Pakistan during that period. According to various estimates mentioned by Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, between 100,000 and 500,000 persons were slaughtered during this period by the Awami League militants.

Recall the earlier definition of genocide - what fits the definition better here: The massacring of West Pakistanis and Biharis by Bengalis primarily for being 'non-Bengali' (and remember this occurred before Op. Searchlight) or the killing of Bengalis in an attempt to control an insurgency?

Where are the demands for apologies to Pakistanis for the atrocities committed upon them? Where are the demands of apologies from India for supporting such murderous hordes and terrorists?

Look to your own sins sir, and stop lying and distorting history. I think in this thread it has been clearly established that no genocide occurred in EP and that the numbers killed were nowhere close to what Indians and some Bangladeshis claim.
You made a claim indeed, yet have offered no support for it. Do you even understand what the definition of genocide is?

Here it is, since you and so many others love throwing the term around to devise a false justification for Indian intervention and Bangladeshi independence.

"Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group."

Nothing you have provided substantiates the killing of 3 million, 1.5 million, or 300,000 Bengalis deliberately as part of a process to 'exterminate an ethnic group'. You don't want to make this a 'numbers game', great, but as of right now you have no case justifying your allegation of genocide.

Pictures and videos of dozens of dead people lying in a ditch or being put in front of a firing squad for being supporters of violent insurgents attacking non-combatants (terrorism in today's parlance) and treason is not evidence of genocide nor XYZ million killed.

In any case, read the thread topic again. Your disingenuous and lying rants are way off topic. Whether the PA killed X number or not is irrelevant to the fact that the insurgency had been largely controlled militarily and there was little chance of East Pakistan's independence had India not intervened covertly and overtly.

Weren't the people being killed Bangladeshi

That was pretty much what the killing was about, Kill all those Bangladeshi people.

Technically it is genocide, because you targeted a people of a certain nationality, and killed both Non Combatants and Combatants.

east Pakistan Had elected AL to power, then west sent it the army.
East Pakistan declared independence to form the Independent nation of Bangladesh.

Then the Pak Army started Killing all supporters.
And all supporters Were technically No longer Pakistani but Bangladeshi.

It was systematic Genocide.

Here are your so called terrorists.

Bangladeshi Major Gyass training the Bengali freedom fighters to drive out Pakistani occupation force from Bangladesh.
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Weren't the people being killed Bangladeshi

That was pretty much what the killing was about, Kill all those Bangladeshi people.

Technically it is genocide, because you targeted a people of a certain nationality, and killed both Non Combatants and Combatants.

east Pakistan Had elected AL to power, When west sent it the army.
East Pakistan declared independence to form the Independent nation of Bangladesh.

Then the Pak Army started Killing all supporters.
And all supporters Were technically No longer Pakistani but Bangladeshi.

It was systematic Genocide.

'Technically' it is not genocide and it is obvious you did not bother to actually comprehend the definition posted.

Since the violent insurgency was primarily Bengali, it is rather obvious that any crackdown against the insurgency would involve largely Bengali deaths, just as in Vietnam it was mostly Vietnamese who were killed, in Indian Punjab it was mostly Punjabis who were killed etc.

Now if the PA was killing Bengalis to exterminate them as an ethnic group (note what Hitler's goals were), then you could argue genocide. That allegation has no evidence backing it up.

By the way, since no one actually wants to comment on the topic, it would appear the assertion is largely correct, that the PA did indeed have the East Pakistan insurgency under control for the most part, and the situation in East Pakistan would not have deteriorated and EP would not have gained independence without Indian intervention.
Here are your so called terrorists.

YouTube - 1971 Bangladesh Freedom fight

If they did this:

"There is reliable evidence to show that during this period the miscreants indulged in large scale massacres and rape against pro-Pakistan elements, in the towns of Dacca, Narayanganj, Chittagong, Chandraghona, Rangamati, Khulna, Dinajpur, Ghafargaoa, Kushtia, Ishurdi, Noakhali, Sylhet, Maulvi Bazaar, Rangpur, Saidpur, Jessore, Barisal, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Pabna, Sirajgonj, Comilla, Brahman Baria, Bogra, Naugaon, Santahar, and several other smaller places.

3. Harrowing tales of these atrocities were narrated by the large number of West Pakistanis and Biharis who were able to escape from these places and reach the safety of West Pakistan. For days on end, all through the troubled month of March 1971, swarms of terrorised non-Bengalis lay at the Army-controlled Dacca airport awaiting their turn to be taken to the safety of West Pakistan. Families of West Pakistani officers and other ranks serving with East Bengal units were subjected to inhuman treatment, and a large number of West Pakistani officers were butchered by the erstwhile Bengali colleagues.

4. These atrocities were completely blacked out at the time by the Government of Pakistan for fear of retaliation by the Bengalis living in West Pakistan. The Federal Government did issue a White Paper in this behalf in August 1971, but unfortunately it did not create much impact for the reason that it was highly belated, and adequate publicity was not given to it in the national and international press.

5. However, recently, a renowned journalist of high-standing, Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, has taken pains to marshal the evidence in a publication called "Blood and Tears." The book contains the harrowing tales of inhuman crimes committed on the helpless Biharis, West Pakistanis and patriotic Bengalis living in East Pakistan during that period. According to various estimates mentioned by Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, between 100,000 and 500,000 persons were slaughtered during this period by the Awami League militants."

Then yes, they were terrorists and barbarians.
'Technically' it is not genocide and it is obvious you did not bother to actually comprehend the definition posted.

Since the violent insurgency was primarily Bengali, it is rather obvious that any crackdown against the insurgency would involve largely Bengali deaths, just as in Vietnam it was mostly Vietnamese who were killed, in Indian Punjab it was mostly Punjabis who were killed etc.

Now if the PA was killing Bengalis to exterminate them as an ethnic group (note what Hitler's goals were), then you could argue genocide. That allegation has no evidence backing it up.

By the way, since no one actually wants to comment on the topic, it would appear the assertion is largely correct, that the PA did indeed have the East Pakistan insurgency under control for the most part, and the situation in East Pakistan would not have deteriorated and EP would not have gained independence without Indian intervention.

Its was not ethnic but National extermination.

You wanted all who saw themselves as Bangladesh people dead.
That's genocide

Yup we all know the kind of controls PA used
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If they did this:

"There is reliable evidence to show that during this period the miscreants indulged in large scale massacres and rape against pro-Pakistan elements, in the towns of Dacca, Narayanganj, Chittagong, Chandraghona, Rangamati, Khulna, Dinajpur, Ghafargaoa, Kushtia, Ishurdi, Noakhali, Sylhet, Maulvi Bazaar, Rangpur, Saidpur, Jessore, Barisal, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Pabna, Sirajgonj, Comilla, Brahman Baria, Bogra, Naugaon, Santahar, and several other smaller places.

3. Harrowing tales of these atrocities were narrated by the large number of West Pakistanis and Biharis who were able to escape from these places and reach the safety of West Pakistan. For days on end, all through the troubled month of March 1971, swarms of terrorised non-Bengalis lay at the Army-controlled Dacca airport awaiting their turn to be taken to the safety of West Pakistan. Families of West Pakistani officers and other ranks serving with East Bengal units were subjected to inhuman treatment, and a large number of West Pakistani officers were butchered by the erstwhile Bengali colleagues.

4. These atrocities were completely blacked out at the time by the Government of Pakistan for fear of retaliation by the Bengalis living in West Pakistan. The Federal Government did issue a White Paper in this behalf in August 1971, but unfortunately it did not create much impact for the reason that it was highly belated, and adequate publicity was not given to it in the national and international press.

5. However, recently, a renowned journalist of high-standing, Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, has taken pains to marshal the evidence in a publication called "Blood and Tears." The book contains the harrowing tales of inhuman crimes committed on the helpless Biharis, West Pakistanis and patriotic Bengalis living in East Pakistan during that period. According to various estimates mentioned by Mr. Qutubuddin Aziz, between 100,000 and 500,000 persons were slaughtered during this period by the Awami League militants."

Then yes, they were terrorists and barbarians.

So what your telling me is that Bangladesh was founded by Terrorists, Barbarians and Indian's :what:

Right, i will just leave it to the Bangladesh members of the forum to give you a far better reply then I ever can.

But i can still
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