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The Arab civilisation then and now


The Nabataeans, also Nabateans (Arabic: الأنباط‎ al-ʾAnbāṭ), were ancient peoples of North Arabia, whose oasis settlements in the time of Josephus (AD 37 – c. 100), gave the name of Nabatene to the borderland between Arabia and Syria, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea. Their loosely-controlled trading network, which centered on strings of oases that they controlled, where agriculture was intensively practiced in limited areas, and on the routes that linked them, had no securely defined boundaries in the surrounding desert. Trajan conquered the Nabataean kingdom, annexing it to the Roman Empire, where their individual culture, easily identified by their characteristic finely-potted painted ceramics, became dispersed in the general Greco-Roman culture and was eventually lost.


Many examples of graffiti and inscriptions—largely of names and greetings—document the area of Nabataean culture, which extended as far north as the north end of the Dead Sea, and testify to widespread literacy; but no Nabataean literature has survived, nor was any noted in antiquity, and the temples bear no inscriptions. Onomastic analysis has suggested[2] that Nabataean culture may have had multiple influences. Classical references to the Nabataeans begin with Diodorus Siculus; they suggest that the Nabataeans' trade routes and the origins of their goods were regarded as trade secrets, and disguised in tales that should have strained outsiders' credulity. Diodorus Siculus (book ii) described them as a strong tribe of some 10,000 warriors, pre-eminent among the nomads of Arabia, eschewing agriculture, fixed houses, and the use of wine, but adding to pastoral pursuits a profitable trade with the seaports in frankincense, myrrh and spices from Arabia Felix (today's Yemen), as well as a trade with Egypt in bitumen from the Dead Sea. Their arid country was their best safeguard, for the bottle-shaped cisterns for rain-water which they excavated in the rocky or clay-rich soil were carefully concealed from invaders.
The extent of Nabataean trade resulted in cross-cultural influences that reached as far as the Red Sea coast of southern Arabia. The gods worshipped at Petra were notably Dushara and al-‘Uzzá.


The brief Babylonian captivity of the Hebrews that began in 586 BC opened a minor power vacuum in Judah (prior to the Israelites' return under the Persian King, Cyrus), and as Edomites moved into open Judaean grazing lands, Nabataean inscriptions began to be left in Edomite territory. The first definite appearance was in 312/311 BC, when they were attacked at Sela or perhaps Petra without success by Antigonus I's officer Athenaeus as part of the Third War of the Diadochi; at that time Hieronymus of Cardia, a Seleucid officer, mentioned the Nabataeans in a battle report. About 50 BC, the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus cited Hieronymus in his report,[clarification needed] and added the following: "Just as the Seleucids had tried to subdue them, so the Romans made several attempts to get their hands on that lucrative trade."[citation needed]
Sela was the ancient capital of Edom; the Nabataeans must have occupied the old Edomite country, and succeeded to its commerce, after the Edomites took advantage of the Babylonian captivity to press forward into southern Judaea. This migration, the date of which cannot be determined, also made them masters of the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba and the important harbor of Elath. Here, according to Agatharchides, they became, as wreckers and pirates, very troublesome to the reopened commerce between Egypt and the East, until they were chastised by the Ptolemaic rulers of Alexandria.[citation needed]
The Nabataeans had already some tincture of foreign culture when they first appear in history. That culture was Aramaic; they wrote a letter to Antigonus in Syriac letters, and Aramaic continued to be the language of their coins and inscriptions when the tribe grew into a kingdom, and profited by the decay of the Seleucids to extend its borders northward over the more fertile country east of the Jordan. They occupied Hauran, and in about 85 BC their king Aretas III became lord of Damascus and Coele-Syria. Nabataeans became the Arabic name for Aramaeans, whether in Syria or Iraq, a fact which has been incorrectly held to prove that the Nabataeans were originally Aramaean immigrants from Babylonia. Proper names on their inscriptions suggest that they were true Arabs who had come under Aramaic influence. Starcky identifies the Nabatu of southern Arabia (Pre-Khalan migration) as their ancestors. However different groups amongst the Nabataeans wrote their names in slightly different ways, consequently archeologists are reluctant to say that they were all the same tribe, or that any one group is the original Nabataeans.


The language of the Nabataean inscriptions, attested from the 2nd century BCE, shows a local development of the Aramaic language, which had ceased to have super-regional importance after the collapse of the Achaemenid Empire (330 BC). The Nabataean alphabet itself also developed out of the Aramaic alphabet.
This Aramaic dialect was increasingly affected by the Arabic dialect of the local population. From the 4th century AD, the Arabic influence becomes overwhelming, in a way that it may be said the Nabataean language shifted seamlessly from Aramaic to Arabic. The Arabic alphabet itself developed out of cursive variants of the Nabataean script in the 5th century.
Ibn Wahshiyya claimed to have translated from this language in his Nabataean corpus.


Although not as dry as at present, the area occupied by the Nabataeans was still a desert and required special techniques for agriculture. One was to contour an area of land into a shallow funnel and to plant a single fruit tree in the middle. Before the 'rainy season' which could easily consist of only one or two rain events, the area around the tree was broken up. When the rain came, all the water which collected in the funnel would flow down toward the fruit tree and sink into the ground. The ground, which was largely loess, would seal up when it got wet and retain the water.
In the mid-1950s, a research team headed by M. Evenari set up a research station near Avdat (Evenari, Shenan and Tadmor 1971). He focused on the relevance of runoff rainwater management in explaining the mechanism of the ancient agricultural features, such as terraced wadis, channels for collecting runoff rainwater, and the enigmatic phenomenon of "Tuleilat el-Anab". Evenari showed that the runoff rainwater collection systems concentrate water from an area that is five times larger than the area in which the water actually drains.
Another study was conducted by Y. Kedar in 1957, which also focused on the mechanism of the agriculture systems, but he studied soil management, and claimed that the ancient agriculture systems were intended to increase the accumulation of loess in wadis and create an infrastructure for agricultural activity. This theory has also been explored by Prof. E. Mazor, of the Weizmann Institute of Science.






Just for you... With our language (language of the Holy Quran). Our civilization.


1001 Inventions and The Library of Secrets

I have seen this video before. Got to say one thing about it: many inventions made by Persians are presented as Arab inventions made by Arab inventors. It's one of the baddest movies I have seen on this subject. I'm out of here.
Just for you... With our language (language of the Holy Quran). Our great civilisation.


1001 Inventions and The Library of Secrets

Official link:

1001 Inventions - Discover The Muslim Heritage In Our World | 1001 Inventions

I have seen this video before. Got to say one thing about it: many inventions made by Persians are presented as Arab inventions made by Arab inventors. It's one of the baddest movies I have seen on this subject. I'm out of here.

Really? Buy the great book. You'll love it even more.

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Not all, but most are. You can see that also if you look at DNA in those countries. The J1 haplogroup (Arabian peninsula) dominates the J2 haplogroup (Mesopotamian) in the countries you mention:

European Y-DNA haplogroups frequencies by country - Eupedia

So most people in those countries are originally peninsula Arabs.

Have you even read your own source?! J1=Arabic/Mesopotamian/Semetic (Arab/Jews)... He thought I wouldn't scrutinize his link, but I did and he lied unfortunately.
I agree. Greeks founded the basics of many desciplines in use today. Democracy itself is owed to Greek philosophy. The number of Latin terms used in Law, business, science far exceeeds the Arab terms.

The Greco-Roman civilisation and its "science", were mere attempted copies of the Egyptian civilisation, including Architecture, Philosophy, Mathematics (the most advanced formulas are found in the Pyramids construction and are related to advanced astronomy with today's standards) and much more.
Since there was nothing called Arabia at the time of Mesopotamia and Egypt, occupying the area that was then called the fertile crescent, one has to assume that the Arabs of Islam, the descendants of the fertile crescent, have recovered they sciences from the Creco-Roman empire(not civilsation), and went ahead with them again.

For the people who are arguing too much about the fact that Persians and other Muslims produced more scientists than the Arabs, by any logic this had to be so, since the Arab Muslims while in small numbers have conquered the hearts of hundreds of millions who joined Islam from all quarters of earth.
So, there is nothing to argue about, it is shear numbers!
I can't stand if lies and unsubstantiated statements are being thrown here. But the only thing that drives my crazy is that I'm the only one who comes with sources. But you're right, I'll stop now.

Not all, but most are. You can see that also if you look at DNA in those countries. The J1 haplogroup (Arabian peninsula) dominates the J2 haplogroup (Mesopotamian) in the countries you mention:

European Y-DNA haplogroups frequencies by country - Eupedia

So most people in those countries are originally peninsula Arabs.
Yes, you are providing links and sources, but you write different things of what your links say.

Have you even read your own source?! J1=Arabic/Mesopotamian/Semetic (Arab/Jews)... He thought I wouldn't scrutinize his link, but I did and he lied unfortunately.
The Greco-Roman civilisation and its "science", were mere attempted copies of the Egyptian civilisation, including Architecture, Philosophy, Mathematics (the most advanced formulas are found in the Pyramids construction and are related to advanced astronomy with today's standards) and much more.
Since there was nothing called Arabia at the time of Mesopotamia and Egypt, occupying the area that was then called the fertile crescent, one has to assume that the Arabs of Islam, the descendants of the fertile crescent, have recovered they sciences from the Creco-Roman empire(not civilsation), and went ahead with them again.

For the people who are arguing too much about the fact that Persians and other Muslims produced more scientists than the Arabs, by any logic this had to be so, since the Arab Muslims while in small numbers have conquered the hearts of hundreds of millions who joined Islam from all quarters of earth.
So, there is nothing to argue about, it is shear numbers!

More and more Greek mathematics is found have been known as far back as ancient Babylon.

The currently skewed version of history is due to Western dominance. As the East regains significance, the true history of civilization will be revealed more and more.
The Greco-Roman civilisation and its "science", were mere attempted copies of the Egyptian civilisation, including Architecture, Philosophy, Mathematics (the most advanced formulas are found in the Pyramids construction and are related to advanced astronomy with today's standards) and much more.
Since there was nothing called Arabia at the time of Mesopotamia and Egypt, occupying the area that was then called the fertile crescent, one has to assume that the Arabs of Islam, the descendants of the fertile crescent, have recovered they sciences from the Creco-Roman empire(not civilsation), and went ahead with them again.

The Greek civilization always learnt from other nations & adopted their good attributes, this does not make them a "copy". The Greek alphabet for example was derived from the ancient "Phoenician" alphabet & the Greeks gave the Phoenicians credit for it.

According to Herodotus's account:

The Phoenicians who came with Cadmus—amongst whom were the Gephyraei—introduced into Greece, after their settlement in the country, a number of accomplishments, of which the most important was writing, an art till then, I think, unknown to the Greeks. At first they used the same characters as all the other Phoenicians, but as time went on, and they changed their language, they also changed the shape of their letters. At that period most of the Greeks in the neighbourhood were Ionians; they were taught these letters by the Phoenicians and adopted them, with a few alterations, for their own use, continuing to refer to them as the Phoenician characters—as was only right, as the Phoenicians had introduced them.

A person must give credit where credit is due, & the Greeks deserve the glory they had at that time. Personally, I always liked Ancient Greek architecture more than the architecture of other civilizations.

The Arabs or the Ishmaelites that spread Islam lived in Arabia, not the fertile crescent. While the people of the fertile crescent are Semitic, they aren't primarily Ishmaelites although in modern times some of them are mixed with Ishmaelites.

For the people who are arguing too much about the fact that Persians and other Muslims produced more scientists than the Arabs, by any logic this had to be so, since the Arab Muslims while in small numbers have conquered the hearts of hundreds of millions who joined Islam from all quarters of earth.
So, there is nothing to argue about, it is shear numbers!

All ethnicities living in the Arab & Turkish caliphates made contributions to Islam. There is no need to have a competition over it because the different ethnicities still have the opportunity to further their contributions. By the way, people converted to Islam because of their belief in the one true God, not because they were impressed by a particular race.
So, from where came the people of the fertile crescent, in your opinion or based on facts?

Are you an Issaceean, or something like that?

So Arabs or semites like you like to call them were the Ismaelites from Abraham in your opinion, and Isaceens (mind you its a new word!) were the Aryans.
I do base my opinions around scientific facts, so I will stick to them, by referring you to the opening article.

So, from where came the people of the fertile crescent, in your opinion or based on facts.

Are you an Issaceean, or something like that.
So Arabs are aryans than since semites are from the fertile cressent. Were the Ismaelites from Abraham in your opinion, and Isaceens (mind you it's a new word!) from Abraham too were the Aryans, or the opposite or what have you!

I do base my opinions around scientific facts, so I will stick to them, by referring you to the opening 2 articles.
So, from where came the people of the fertile crescent, in your opinion or based on facts?

They originate from Semitic tribes of course, just like the Arabs of Arabia. Their ancient languages are also closely related.

Are you an Issaceean, or something like that?

I have no clue as to what that is.

So Arabs or semites like you like to call them were the Ismaelites from Abraham in your opinion, and Isaceens (mind you its a new word!) were the Aryans.
I do base my opinions around scientific facts, so I will stick to them, by referring you to the opening article.

I stick to scientific facts myself. Arabs are the people that speak Arabic today. This includes everyone from Arabia, all the way till Morocco. By the way, Ishmael is a part of Islamic traditions & is mentioned in the Quran. The Arabs of Arabia at the time of the last Prophet (may peace be upon him) were mostly Ishmaelites. The last Prophet himself descends from Ishmael.

By saying "Isaaceans" do you mean "Israelites"? They are Semitic too obviously, they are the genetic cousins of the Arabs.

So Arabs are aryans than since semites are from the fertile cressent. Were the Ismaelites from Abraham in your opinion, and Isaceens (mind you it's a new word!) from Abraham too were the Aryans, or the opposite or what have you!

What do you mean by "the opposite or what have you"? Where did the Aryans come from lol? Keep sticking to that Arabs being Aryans myth you came up with. I remember that even another Arab member refuted your "Arabs being Aryans" claim on another thread.
Did Abraham peace be upon him had a son called Israel?
Ismael was the son of Hagar, and Isaac was the son of Sarah .
Does Koran mention that Hagar was Black (automatically associated with a slave) or a blonde or another skin colour "slave", and that Sarah was a blonde "free" woman?
Obviously not.
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