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The ambitious proposal to counter India's water blackmailing games

At present there isn't a tangible solution to deal with the problem with India looking to divert the natural flow of the indus river and potentially withdraw from the IWT entirely.

With a little ingenuity and cocaine, a potential out of the box solution may be the only route for the sake of the natural environment.

Designated the Big Lulli Pipeline the idea is to essentially import water from China, a massive transboundary pipeline similar to those that transport natural gas, here, instead for water.
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(demo route, alternative more likely after actual terrain study and geographical surveying)
Harvesting water from the Brahma's origin in China, the pipeline would follow a path over 1000km of mountainous terrain feeding into the Indus' natural basin in Pakistan.
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Cool, I support this solution.
Even China has diverted water by similar means so it is feasible to some extent but not all tributaries originate from china but merge along the way in Indian occupied kashmir and then enter Pakistan. It is not that easy to divert water on such a massive scale as it will requires billions of dollars. My point is India has not made any aggressive move yet on IWT and is merely restricted it to their political rhetorics. With CAA and NRC in play BJP govt has created enough caos to divert attention from their economic woes so they have no need for any new chutiyapa for now. If they are going to make such a move it will be near next federal election.
No need since we have guts to make you people scary....otherwise few dams will be blown in case any water treaty withdrawn by Gangadesh.
If the discussion was about PA's might and capability, then yes, it does have the destructive power to destroy dams.

We're talking about a pipeline here.
If the discussion was about PA's might and capability, then yes, it does have the destructive power to destroy dams.

We're talking about a pipeline here.
Yes we are talking about pipeline which is not feasible at many levels but i am talking about no need of pipeline or any other alternatives since we have agreements hence if India tries to withdraw than we have power and muscles to teach them lesson.
Are you ok? You do realize how gas and oil are pumped through pipe lines?

u need go double chevk some facts, the amount of energy required to create potential energy in water by pumping it against gravity is huge and yherefore not practical ..
please make sure to think of sane statements
Don't think there's any need to ho that far. Their potential dams are within our reach...just bust em open with precision guided munitions & take what is ours. they won't dare retaliating after the busted nose they got on Feb 27th.

not a bad idea if you don't have dams .
And every few months someone wants to blow up the Indian dams not realizing that the water will wash away everything downstream.
Diversion of glacier water going from Gilgit-Baltistan to IOK .. Its simple and more water will flow in indus.
More water storage i.e diamer,basha,bunji,kalabagh.
Investment around alternative rivers i.e kabul river.
Siphons to distribute water to rivers in danger of diversion by india.

Use of better agricultural method for less water usage.
Sugar cane farming should be minimized
Introduction if rice that use less water
Introduction of saltwater rice.

There are tons of methods to counter the rising tensions and danger of global warming.
We only need a national consensus and a government competent and willing to do it.
Relax. We are an agricultural country. Our ecomomy mainly depends on water. India is not that stupid that it would abrograte the IWT as it would been collapse of Pakistan and we will go full suicide mode on India
Yes we are talking about pipeline which is not feasible at many levels but i am talking about no need of pipeline or any other alternatives since we have agreements hence if India tries to withdraw than we have power and muscles to teach them lesson.

where was that muscle in 1971 , 1998 ?
why don't you use that muscle to take kashmir ?

The experts can definitely make it work

experts can make house in sea , but it requires lot of money which pakistan does not have .

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