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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Lol, arrogance ? The only arrogance I have noticed is the one from you and other GCC fanboys. I have no reason to be arrogant at all - I am just stating the facts.

It is well-known that several Arab countries with their air forces does not have high combat readiness - and they are massively dependent on Western assistance.

You shouldn't worry about AAF at all. Your air force should rather worry about Israel - which can rape your air force in a couple of days (as always, no matter what fighters Egypt might have).

haha lol, look who's talking the one who's country suffered an arms embargo by the WEST, even when they didn't' sell you weapons anyway, and made the Algerian military go back to the dark ages lol

BTW you are ignorant, the S-300 VM is much better than the PMU-2 , the VM missiles are much faster, the VM's jamming resistance and electronics are much better than the old 90's PMU-2 , the superior Israeli airforce you are talking about jammed the S-300 PMU system in an exercise with Cyprus.

BTW, the Egyptian pilots train more than the Israeli pilots, and much more than the Algerian pilots !! tell me about the Algerian pilots flying hours?! Egypt in 2012 had more than 80 pilots who reached 1000+ flying hours on F-16 , and Israel had less than 20,...... But Algeria?? you will not even find any statistics for them... their pilots are not on the map...

haha keep trolling and show us the hate loool, the loser always tries to talk sht about the one stronger than him, so you can feel good about yourself lol, typical , about raping haha Algeria airforce wouldn't last few hours in combat with Israel, because your military never fought a real large scale war, and has no experience at all in combat, whe did Algeria AF ever shoot an enemy plane down ? lol , don't try to compare yourself with your stronger big brother (Egypt) you look like an ant next to them.

I still ask ,
how many aircrafts should we have to donot be considerer as small air force ?!!!!!.?
300, 600 or maybe 2000 like US air force ....
I repeat
1- spain : 82 f18 + 43 typhoon =125
2- italy : 80 tornado + 72 typhoon = 150
3- germany : 80 tonado + 120 typhoon = 200

4 - algeria: 44 Su30 + 40 mig29 + 22 Nig25 + 32 Su24 ( + 36 Su30 + 32 Su34 ordred) =140
we are almost equal to italy and spain ; so why we are considred small?
and for your information if AAF considers mig21 and mig23 in its inventory we will have almost 440 air craft

All your information is wrong, there's no proof that Algeria orderd Su-34 and Algeria didn't order any Su30's !! they just have 44 Su-30 , 13 Mig-25 , 23 Su-24 , 32 Mig-29 , total = 112 aircraft. those are the real numbers, and no proof for any new orders of Su-30 or Su-34..... so all they have is 44 modern Su-30 and the rest are old soviet aircraft even the Mig-29 was old and used when Algeria bought it from another country that was operating it... i don't need to mention how many Mig-29's were shot down by F-16's and F-15's ... it will shock you lol

Source for aircraft numbers :



Algerian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
haha lol,
BTW you are ignorant, the S-300 VM is much better than the PMU-2 ,

Source for aircraft numbers :

Algerian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, look who's back from the ban - "Wasteland". Changed from "Italian" to "UK/U.S." flagg - nice one. The talking however and your reliance on Wiki on the other hand is the same.

Really, so VM is "better" than PMU2 ? That's why Iran said no to VM and still insists to get PMU1 version which is older than PMU2. But they are still "negotiating" around whether Iran will get PMU1 finally or accept the offer for VM.

S-400 is called S-300PMU3 for a reason, since it's made and upgraded from the best SAM available, which was PMU2, before the PMU3/S-400 was ready, and that's the next SAM going into Algeria's inventory. That kind of SAM, you can just forget about getting for a very LONG time :)

And no, I am not "your brother", and I will never be a "brother" with a country that is dependent on U.S. military aid, while at the same time being dependent on GCC to fund it's weapons purchases, while you're babling about how "strooonnkkk! you are against Israel - which we all know is a BS.

I never said that Algerian Air Force is stronger than Israel or even have chance against Israel. If you read what I wrote, I said that Algerian Air Force is for protecting it's border from terrorist and keeping an edge over Morocco. Also, Algeria is building up its navy too, to have an edge over Morocco, and to make any possible attack from other countries as hard as possible.

Never did I say anywhere that Algeria would win, but that it has to be careful and build up its arsenal, to avoid the same fate as Iraq, Libya, Mali, Yemen, Palestine, Western Sahara and Syria.

Israel is YOUR main enemy - not Algeria's. That's just another fact, and there is absolutely nothing you can do against Israel, "dear big brother", since a country of 8 million can whoop you big time - the HARD way, as ALWAYS ! Not the first time, and it wouldn't be the last time either.

The fact that a country that barely has currency reserves, is recepient of U.S. military aid, AND dependent on GCC to fund it current weapons purchases, while it had to wait for the U.S. to finally deliver another batch of Apaches, is way too funny to even call anything close to "strong".

If you look back at the pages, I never "attacked" Egypt - I just said "it's not as some countries in the Middle East" that has 200 "shiny toys" - and they "Frogman" came and "felt embarrassed or whatever", and started calling me "arrogant", when I am stating the facts.

Here is the current ranking which is pretty accurate - maybe a couple of small things are wrong further down the list, but there is no doubt that top 5-6 list is pretty accurate.

Most Powerful Militaries In The Middle East - Business Insider

Who's on TOP ? Oh, I guess it's Israel, yup.

Who's number two ? Oh, not even an Arab country, but Turkey, yup

Then you have Saudi-Arabia as third, and UAE at 4th place, before Iran is at 5th place.

Egypt on the other hand gets 6th place when it comes to combined military power.

Let me be extra nice with Egypt and even put you on 4th or 5th place, you are still nowhere
close to Israel, and it would be a massacre as always of course.

Saudi-Arabia and even Turkey are totally dependent on the West, and once again, no Western country
would ever take side with Saudi-Arabia or Turkey against Israel.

Militarily speaking, Israel which is your main enemy is totally superior, and all your shiny toys that are dependent on Western militaries, supplies and training would be useless.

You are only allowed to use your toys where the U.S. and the West feels it should be used. Try to use them against Israel or Western interests, and we will see how that goes - just ask Iran, Venezuela and Pakistan, as they all three have experience with when they try to do something independent with their military or the air force, and what kind of sanctions U.S. puts on them afterwards.

Just keep dreaming that you're "strong" with all your Made in USA/West toys. I couldn't care less - but I know this much for sure - Israel is laughing all the way to the "bank". (while you wait for your money from GCC to fund MiG-29SMT/MiG-35 and S-300VM, lol).
Really, so VM is "better" than PMU2 ? That's why Iran said no to VM and still insists to get PMU1 version which is older than PMU2. But they are still "negotiating" around whether Iran will get PMU1 finally or accept the offer for VM.

S-400 is called S-300PMU3 for a reason, since it's made and upgraded from the best SAM available, which was PMU2, before the PMU3/S-400 was ready, and that's the next SAM going into Algeria's inventory. That kind of SAM, you can just forget about getting for a very LONG time :)

Iran isn't getting anything whilst its under blanket sanctions, it's trying to sue Russia for not delivering.

Fact is there are only minor differences between the VM and PMU2 and they're used for completely different things otherwise there would be no need for two variations of the same system.

The VM is primarily an anti-ballistic missile system which is capable of engaging a BM launched from 2500km hence its designation. Its performance against aerodynamic targets is the same if not better than the PMU2.

But here is the real difference, the PMU2 is generally used as a point defence system while the VM being tracked is meant to accompany armoured or mechanised formations providing air cover.

And no, I am not "your brother", and I will never be a "brother" with a country that is dependent on U.S. military aid, while at the same time being dependent on GCC to fund it's weapons purchases, while you're babling about how "strooonnkkk! you are against Israel - which we all know is a BS.

I never said that Algerian Air Force is stronger than Israel or even have chance against Israel. If you read what I wrote, I said that Algerian Air Force is for protecting it's border from terrorist and keeping an edge over Morocco. Also, Algeria is building up its navy too, to have an edge over Morocco, and to make any possible attack from other countries as hard as possible.

Never did I say anywhere that Algeria would win, but that it has to be careful and build up its arsenal, to avoid the same fate as Iraq, Libya, Mali, Yemen, Palestine, Western Sahara and Syria.

Israel is YOUR main enemy - not Algeria's. That's just another fact, and there is absolutely nothing you can do against Israel, "dear big brother", since a country of 8 million can whoop you big time - the HARD way, as ALWAYS ! Not the first time, and it wouldn't be the last time either.

The fact that a country that barely has currency reserves, is recepient of U.S. military aid, AND dependent on GCC to fund it current weapons purchases, while it had to wait for the U.S. to finally deliver another batch of Apaches, is way too funny to even call anything close to "strong".

If you look back at the pages, I never "attacked" Egypt - I just said "it's not as some countries in the Middle East" that has 200 "shiny toys" - and they "Frogman" came and "felt embarrassed or whatever", and started calling me "arrogant", when I am stating the facts.

Here is the current ranking which is pretty accurate - maybe a couple of small things are wrong further down the list, but there is no doubt that top 5-6 list is pretty accurate.

Most Powerful Militaries In The Middle East - Business Insider

Who's on TOP ? Oh, I guess it's Israel, yup.

Who's number two ? Oh, not even an Arab country, but Turkey, yup

Then you have Saudi-Arabia as third, and UAE at 4th place, before Iran is at 5th place.

Egypt on the other hand gets 6th place when it comes to combined military power.

Let me be extra nice with Egypt and even put you on 4th or 5th place, you are still nowhere
close to Israel, and it would be a massacre as always of course.

Saudi-Arabia and even Turkey are totally dependent on the West, and once again, no Western country
would ever take side with Saudi-Arabia or Turkey against Israel.

Militarily speaking, Israel which is your main enemy is totally superior, and all your shiny toys that are dependent on Western militaries, supplies and training would be useless.

You are only allowed to use your toys where the U.S. and the West feels it should be used. Try to use them against Israel or Western interests, and we will see how that goes - just ask Iran, Venezuela and Pakistan, as they all three have experience with when they try to do something independent with their military or the air force, and what kind of sanctions U.S. puts on them afterwards.

Just keep dreaming that you're "strong" with all your Made in USA/West toys. I couldn't care less - but I know this much for sure - Israel is laughing all the way to the "bank". (while you wait for your money from GCC to fund MiG-29SMT/MiG-35 and S-300VM, lol).

No Egyptian on this forum has claimed that we are technically or technologically superior to the Israelis nor do we believe our Armed Forces is stronk! There are obvious capability gaps in the Armed Forces and I am the first to admit that. This isn't a comparative thing, and I'm not sure what Israel has to do with this, but you should be more open to criticism, ones own national Army does not need to be superior to yours in order to point that out. Plus Business Insider really!? Might as well of pulled out Global Fire Power.

At least the "west" never gave Egypt a middle finger in any military deals, unlike the middle finger that Russia gave to Algeria in your out-dated MIG-29 deal haha, it was a huge slap in the face and disrespect to Algerian military, but Algeria still had to count on Russia... because they can't get advanced weapons from the west, not because Algeria doesn't want to !!

And i will say again, your military in any wars will be controlled by the west like they did before and enforced an arms embargo on Algeria and made the Algerian military kneel on its knees ! and as i remember Russia did not help you out! because Russia is controlled by the west ! haha

At least Egyptian military knows what they're doing, and manufactures most of their weapons and ammunition ! unlike a country that is totally dependent on Russia for everything even ammunition ! which will be cut off in case of any arms embargo forced by the WEST on Algeria, just like what happened to Iran and Syria (the allies of Russia), and Russia couldn't do sht !

And we all know what happened between Egypt and Israel in 1973 war which like was the only real large scale war between Egypt and Israel, Egypt fought with out dated weapons against the far technologically superior IDF, and Egypt still managed to whoop their azz and get the invader out in few years!! mission accomplished.... and now you will try to make fun and twist the truth about this war to what suits you and not with evidence which is typical, or worse you will try to claim the Algerians fought in this war, which never happened and there's not one single military historian or high ranked military leader (not Israeli, not Egyptian, not Algerian) mentions anything about any action by Algerian forces against Israel in 1973 war. You can't prove your claims and i dare you to prove it.

oh btw, let me remind you that the Egyptians are the ones who built your army... your country would have been a French colony to this day if it wasn't for the Egyptians

Ohh and btw, Iran never received any offer for S-300VM from Russia to reject it !! Iran was offered the Tor-M1 short - medium range air defence system, and they rejected that ! but they didn't reject the VM !! and again, the VM is much more advanced than PMU-2, VM has much faster missiles, better electronic warfare immunity, better radars and electronics, and it entered service in 2013... while the PMU-2 is from the 90's ! the only thing the PMU-2 beats the VM in, is that PMU-2 can intercept 36 targets at once, while the VM intercepts 24 targets but of course with better jamming immunity, and much faster missiles to reach its target and more accurate than the 90's PMU-2 system!

And Algeria never ordered any S-400, and the source you provided about service centers doesn't mention anything about it being service center for S-400 ! it just says service centers for the systems that Algeria alreday has ! and you too keep dreaming about getting it, it will never happen soon because your military has ran out of money and will stop purchasing weapons by 2016! and will stay like that until "at least" beyond 2023 or something lol

Btw, can you be a man for once and stop your cherry-picking fallacies and reply to everything i wrote? not like the last time, hiding my other source of the quote and claiming i used wiki as source, which you are too ignorant to open and check the sources in the wiki page, you ignorant kid ! haha, you don't even know what Wiki is used for? LOL typical Barbarian
Why does Algeria even want to have a military edge over Morocco ?! there's no use of that... we all know the result anyway... did you forget how Morocco raped the Algerian military in the sand war?! Morocco got out with minimum casualties and POWs, and Algeria suffered 10x more casualties and POWs than Morocco loool
kilo class
Why does Algeria even want to have a military edge over Morocco ?! there's no use of that... we all know the result anyway... did you forget how Morocco raped the Algerian military in the sand war?! Morocco got out with minimum casualties and POWs, and Algeria suffered 10x more casualties and POWs than Morocco loool

the sand war was 1963-algerian independence was 1962
so, after 7 intensive years of war with french and nato forces, algeria wasn't in her best to fight vs morocco..
but the funniest part about the sand war was why did morocco did it and did they took what they want ...
their objective was to take the east sahara from algeria ..and guess what east sahara is part of algeria now !! so did morocco really won ?

to be honest morocco should not be proud about what they did in the sand war they should be ashamed.
anyway, algeria and morocco should not be compare cuz it's not fair
algeria has the advantage in everything
geography, resources, war experiences, and army!
it's a shame to say that Morocco won the hhhh Morocco was the dog french, we were made ona Algerian war and was liberated our country, a great country, Morocco and crying because small, allah only not reward for his betrayal, Morocco lost 2 area during the war of sand while Algeria just out of a war with France and had not even the national army.

the Moroccan are loose, the big mouth nothing more ... the spanish On 1 teritoire in Moroccan ground and he is afraid of the recovered gone shame to see sabta and Melila hhhh it's like I was saying to my brother Iran bandar abbas that Iranian teritoire will belong to the british ...
Moroccan vrament he is ashamed of nothing ..

the Algerian army and 100 faith more powerful than the Moroccan army, you have not compared them and torchant

poluer stop this ... the Algerian army is only at the half-of modernisaiton, that am the helicopter air tank underwater vessel AD ... the army and away the DEVANS Morocco ....

6-SOUS kilo marine 636m
1000 char Does 90/72 modernize
2 frigate Meko A-200
8 to 12 S-300 battalion
Pantsir-S1 ....
....... short the Morocco does not moitier this arsenal ...

c'est une honte de dire que le maroc a gagné hhhh le maroc etait le chien des francais , nous on algerien ona fait la guerre et on a liberé notre pays , un grand pays, le maroc pleur car il et tout petit , allah ne la pas récompenser pour sa trahison, le maroc a perdu 2 région pendant la guerre des sable alors que l'algerie venez de sortie d'une guerre avec la france et n'avais meme pas d'armée national.

les marocain sont des lache ,des grosse bouche rien de plus...les espagnol on 1 teritoire dans la terre marocaine et il on peur de les récuperé la honte allé voir sabta et melila hhhh c'est comme si je disait a mes frere iranien que bandar abbas en teritoire iranien appartiendrai au britanique...
vrament les marocain il on honte de rien..

l'armée algerienne et 100 foi plus puissante que l'armée marocaine , il faut pas, comparé les torchant et les

stop de poluer ce sujet ... l'armée algerienne n'est qu'a la moitier de la modernisaiton ,que ce sois les char hélico avion sous marin navire AD...l'armée et loin devans le maroc....

6-SOUS marin kilo 636m
1000 char t-90/72 moderniser
2 fregate Meko A-200
8 a 12 bataillon S-300
pantsir S-1....
.......bref le maroc n'a pas la moitier de cette arsenal...
Last edited:
haha lol, look who's talking the one who's country suffered an arms embargo by the WEST, even when they didn't' sell you weapons anyway, and made the Algerian military go back to the dark ages lol

BTW you are ignorant, the S-300 VM is much better than the PMU-2 , the VM missiles are much faster, the VM's jamming resistance and electronics are much better than the old 90's PMU-2 , the superior Israeli airforce you are talking about jammed the S-300 PMU system in an exercise with Cyprus.

BTW, the Egyptian pilots train more than the Israeli pilots, and much more than the Algerian pilots !! tell me about the Algerian pilots flying hours?! Egypt in 2012 had more than 80 pilots who reached 1000+ flying hours on F-16 , and Israel had less than 20,...... But Algeria?? you will not even find any statistics for them... their pilots are not on the map...

haha keep trolling and show us the hate loool, the loser always tries to talk sht about the one stronger than him, so you can feel good about yourself lol, typical , about raping haha Algeria airforce wouldn't last few hours in combat with Israel, because your military never fought a real large scale war, and has no experience at all in combat, whe did Algeria AF ever shoot an enemy plane down ? lol , don't try to compare yourself with your stronger big brother (Egypt) you look like an ant next to them.

All your information is wrong, there's no proof that Algeria orderd Su-34 and Algeria didn't order any Su30's !! they just have 44 Su-30 , 13 Mig-25 , 23 Su-24 , 32 Mig-29 , total = 112 aircraft. those are the real numbers, and no proof for any new orders of Su-30 or Su-34..... so all they have is 44 modern Su-30 and the rest are old soviet aircraft even the Mig-29 was old and used when Algeria bought it from another country that was operating it... i don't need to mention how many Mig-29's were shot down by F-16's and F-15's ... it will shock you lol

Source for aircraft numbers :



Algerian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the only ignoring here is you !!!!
f16 what you talking about? F-16 degradé? hhhhh the Egyptian Air Force has beaucouyp aircraft but little weight against the Algerian su-30, S-300 Algerian easily annihilate the Egyptian F-16.

S-300 PUM (2) is not less than the VM not tell anything.

you know nothing of algrerie so arete of poluer it.

you ment Algeria has no mig-23 in service, there are mig-25, Su-24, Mig-29 All modernize and su-30 so there are 44 but the su-30 and the F comaprable -15 F-16 and lower, not in the same category.

modernization in the Algerian army is not yet out of mig-25/29 and Su-24 will be removed from service and rempalcer by su-30, Su-34 and other aircraft ...

Algeria posede 6 sub, how owns egypt? ;).

israel will not risk an attack on Algeria because there will be a response.

what mig-29? the export version of the low country invaded by 50 countries ??? 50 and 50 F-16 F-15 with AWACS against 10 mig-29? lool I will like to see the F-16 Turkish and Egyptian Pakistan against the Russian MIG-29 full option

Algeria will study before parler.nous was not afraid to make war israel contriement has a lot of countries in the region ....
Iran isn't getting anything whilst its under blanket sanctions, it's trying to sue Russia for not delivering.

Fact is there are only minor differences between the VM and PMU2 and they're used for completely different things otherwise there would be no need for two variations of the same system.

The VM is primarily an anti-ballistic missile system which is capable of engaging a BM launched from 2500km hence its designation. Its performance against aerodynamic targets is the same if not better than the PMU2.

But here is the real difference, the PMU2 is generally used as a point defence system while the VM being tracked is meant to accompany armoured or mechanised formations providing air cover.

No Egyptian on this forum has claimed that we are technically or technologically superior to the Israelis nor do we believe our Armed Forces is stronk! There are obvious capability gaps in the Armed Forces and I am the first to admit that. This isn't a comparative thing, and I'm not sure what Israel has to do with this, but you should be more open to criticism, ones own national Army does not need to be superior to yours in order to point that out. Plus Business Insider really!? Might as well of pulled out Global Fire Power.

I'll reply to you, and not to the other "Wasteland" troll with so many lies and mistakes, that's even not funny.

First of all, Russia did offer Iran S-300VM in June 2013.

Russia Offers Iran New Replacement for S-300 – Paper / Sputnik International

But Iran insists on getting PMU-version. I don't want to argue about which S-300 is "better" - the PMU-2 or the upgraded VM-versions. The point is that Algeria and now Egypt - along with Azerbaijan are the only "Muslim" countries that have these advances SAMs from Russia.

Now the next SAM, called PMU-3 or S-400 as we know it, is heading most likely to Algeria first, regarding "Muslim" countries. So Algeria will most likely be the first customer of S-400, if we compare between Algeria and Egypt. Azerbaijan will never get any S-400, that's for sure, because of the whole situation with Armenia, which in Russian ally through CSTO and Customs Union. Russia has also military forces in Armenia.

Now back to the question regarding Iran. I know that Iran has sued Russia, therefore Russia was offering Iran VM-version in June 2013, to "smooth" things out. However, in the meantime, Iran was developing their own S-300, which is called Bavar-373. I don't know how good that version is, but Iran isn't just sitting and "waiting for something to be delivered". They are "pro-active".

Furthermore, regarding Russian contracts to Syria and Iran; we all know that Israel and the U.S. applied massive pressure on Russia, between 2008 - 2013 regarding possible weapons deliveries to Syria and Iran. I was not just the pressure, but the U.S. and Israel were threatening to arm Georgia and Azerbaijan to counter Russian possible deliveries to Syria and Iran.

However, Russia decided to neutralize that "threat", so Russia started selling a lot of weapons to Azerbaijan themselves, thus making Azerbaijan rather dependent on Russian arms deliveries. It's a very delicate situation regarding Armenia and NK Republic, which is an pro-Armenian area inside Azerbaijan that is governing itself independently from Baku.

The same way Tiraspol is governing itself away from Moldova. The same way Abkhazia and South Ossetia are governing themselves away from Georgia and the same way Crimea now is part of Russia, while Donbass-area/Novorossija is an area which Kiev/Ukraine, does not control.

So you see, there are several areas around Russian borders that have delicate situations and "frozen conflicts". We are talking about four countries here, which Russia has some kind of armed clashes with since the early 1990s.

Now the West is again threatening to arm this time the Kiev-regime, the same way the West threatened to arm Georgia and Azerbaijan if Russia had delivered certain weapons systems to Syria and Iran.

Regarding Algeria however, there has been NO serious complaining from Israel regarding Russian weapons deliveries to Algeria. On the contrary, Algeria is the one that was concerned whether or not Su-30MKA had any Israeli-made components.

But Israel on the other hand never complained about Algeria as they do with Syria and Iran and since Egypt also borders with Israel, then Israel is definitely "your problem" - it's not Algeria's problem.

So I don't mind receiving criticism, but it has to be constructive, and based on facts. I myself don't have any reason to "hype up" any military.

On the contrary, even though I despise Israeli politics and occupation, I definitely do not "diss down" their military capacity. Again, on the contrary, I have pointed out their superiority over all other Arab countries, which is just a fact. No Western weapon in Arab arsenal can or will defeat Israel in any way, EVER. Those are the hard facts any Arab country, and even Turkey with Western shiny toys has to accept.

We saw what happened to the Turkish boat heading for Gaza in 2010. Israel killed whatever they wanted to kill, and couldn't care less. Turkey couldn't do squat. And Israel is never alone either. They have fanatical support base in the U.S., so no Arab country can defeat that - and they have technology, which Arabs usually don't.

Oil can NEVER defeat technology, no matter how much Saudi-Arabia thinks that "oil is a weapon" - it's not.

And then, there are always nukes. The fact that Israel alone can flatten whole UAE, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi-Arabia, while the latter countries again cannot do a squat about it.

So defeating Israel at any point in the future is useless. So the question is why does some Arab countries have such huge arsenals of shiny toys when they know they will never be able to make nuclear weapons, and they know that Western and Israeli technology is way about any Arab technology. So that's why I can this arsenal for "shiny toys", because they for the most part are.

In reality Saudi-Arabia and UAE can only wage a war in Yemen and their own "turf" with those kind of weapons, but never against Israel.

Same goes for Egypt. If you want to do some kind of "warfare" in Libya against terrorists, that is something you can do. If you want to attack Sudan or Ethiopia, then of course, those shiny F-16 toys will beat Sudan and Ethiopia and the terrorists in eastern Libya. But try against Israel, and you know what happens.

As mentioned, Turkey experienced that already in 2010, regarding Israel.

And the same goes for Turkish arsenal. Unless they wanna be tough against Israel or NATO and the EU member Greece, I don't see why they have that weapons arsenal they have. Unless they are so afraid of PKK/YPG - but you don't need that kind of arsenal to defeat PKK.

Or if Erdogan gets crazy and want to attack Armenia, then he will be de facto in a war against Russia and the CSTO.

Algeria on the other hand has to worry only about terrorism and Morocco, and try to have an edge over its neighbours in order to try to avoid ending up as Western Sahara, South Sudan, Mali, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine and Yemen.

So I know that Algerian military has several gaps in their capabilities, but regarding their objective so far with the arsenal and geographical position Algeria has, then so far Algeria is doing very well.

As you can see, due to falling oil prices, it was very nice to have almost 200 billion USD in reserves. So that's very nice to have on the account :)

Also, in order to build up a military, one needs to have economy and reliable partners. Russia is an reliable partner, and they know perfectly well now after the so-called "Arab Spring" - or as I call it, the Arab Massacre and Arab Proxy Warfare (which involves GCC, the West, Turkey, Russia and Iran), they the last thing Russia wants is to lose an ally as Algeria.

Therefore Algeria is without doubt the most important weapons customer and strategic partner or Russia regarding "Muslim" countries.

We are talking about S-400 that will most likely be exported from 2016 and onwards, with Algeria being one of the first customers. Another two Improved Kilos are on order from Russia, and a lot of helicopters. In addition to all this, Algeria have had deliveries of corvettes from China, frigates from Germany and LPD from Italy.

However, regarding the air force, Russia has the 100% weapons deliveries here regarding Su-30MKA, Yak-130 advanced trainers and other possible aircraft.

I believe there is no point for Algeria to have 200+ 4th gen fighters in 2015 and onwards because we are looking at 5th gen aircraft "era" now. So by 2019-2020 we will have U.S., Chinese and Russian 5th gen aircraft operational. Therefore I really don't see the point to order, let's say another 150 4th/4.5th gen aircraft this year and then sit and wait for them well into early 2020s.

Look at the mess with India and their Rafale. They want 126 of them, and they are still arguing with France, three years after they "chose" France and the Rafale. Now India is threatening to cancel the whole deal and countinue to produce Su-30MKI.
Also another huge point here is that even if India decided right now while I am writing this, that they have finally agreed with France, the "last" Rafale - meaning the 126th Rafale will NOT be ready and operational before 2025 or even later. It's a massive waste of resources.

Therefore I don't see the point for Algeria to have 200 - 250 4th generation aircraft, by 2019-2020, since the 5th generation aircraft from Russia and China are getting ready, and S-400 SAM being offered most likely already from 2016 and onwards.

Money should be saved for hard times, which Algeria did (almost 200 billion USD), now that oil prices have suddenly plummeted. Furthermore, it is extremely expencive to replace 200 - 250 4th generation fighters with 100 - 150 5th generation fighters for countries such as Algeria, Egypt, and even Turkey.

Therefore having a few dozen well-prepared Su-30MKA along with Yak-130 and MiG-29s with the support of S-300PMU2 (soon S-400) + Improved Kilos, corvettes and frigates is more than sufficient for the next few years.

I am sure Algeria will order Su-34 to replace Su-24/MiG-25, and will most likely order Su-35 as well. But they won't be in huge numbers as there is no point. Money has to be kept for 5th gen fighters and generally for "hard times". Also, Algeria is spending 7 billion USD now on fighting terrorism out of the total "defense budget" of 20 billion USD. Which shows what is the huge focus on Algeria's part.

In percentages, Algeria is spending a lot more on fighting terrorism, than the U.S. do (7 out of 20 billion USD). U.S. actually spreads terrorism, while claiming they spend 64 out of total 585 billion USD on so-called "Overseas Operations". Algeria on the other hand, never asked nor hoped for Libya and Mali to collapse. That's something the West and Qatar among other wished for Libya.
Oh, look who's back from the ban - "Wasteland". Changed from "Italian" to "UK/U.S." flag.

Are you dumb bro? i'm not that stupid guy you are talking to... both of you are ignorant kids.

the sand war was 1963-algerian independence was 1962
so, after 7 intensive years of war with french and nato forces, algeria wasn't in her best to fight vs morocco..
but the funniest part about the sand war was why did morocco did it and did they took what they want ...
their objective was to take the east sahara from algeria ..and guess what east sahara is part of algeria now !! so did morocco really won ?

to be honest morocco should not be proud about what they did in the sand war they should be ashamed.
anyway, algeria and morocco should not be compare cuz it's not fair
algeria has the advantage in everything
geography, resources, war experiences, and army!

The sand war just proved the Moroccans are cowards, to attack a fellow country that went through hell and was in a weakness state. Would they dare to attack now?
I'll reply to you, and not to the other "Wasteland" troll with so many lies and mistakes, that's even not funny.

First of all, Russia did offer Iran S-300VM in June 2013.

Russia Offers Iran New Replacement for S-300 – Paper / Sputnik International

I just want to say a little thing, did you even read your source bro? and i quote from your source "Moscow has struggled to have the lawsuit dropped, including by offering the Tor anti-aircraft systems as replacement, media reported earlier this month, adding that the offer was rejected by Tehran."

So, until now no proof that Russia offered S-300vm to Iran, and in fact Iran rejected Tor not vm. the source is not to be trusted that Russia officially offered S-300vm to Iran, it just copies from another newspaper, and i quote ""The new offer on the table is Antei-2500, aka S-300VM, or SA-23 Gladiator in NATO nomenclature, the newspaper said, citing unnamed sources in the Russian arms trade industry.""...... yeah right "unnamed source", which means they were just using their imagination that vm might be a possible replacement.


btw, the S-400 before was called "PMU3" not because PMU is the best, but because the PMU-3 (S-400) is wheeled not tracked like the vm versions.
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