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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Police helo at the makam echahid...



The AAF Mig29s ballet continues....Gorgeous and deadly air bad boy!



В 2015 году начнется строительство серии подводных лодок для ВМС Алжира
Moscow. December 30. Interfax-AVN - In 2015, the "Admiralty Shipyards" (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) will begin construction next series of submarines of Project 636 "Varshavyanka", this time for the Navy of Algeria, said Tuesday "Interfax-AVN" in the shipbuilding industry .
"It is expected the construction of two diesel-electric submarines (SSK) Project 636 for the Navy of Algeria," - said the official. According to him, their transfer to the customer will be held until 2018.
Currently, the "Admiralty Shipyards" perform contracts for the construction of six diesel-electric submarines of Project 636 for the Russian Black Sea Fleet and six submarines of the same project for the Navy in Vietnam.
It was reported earlier that the contract for the construction of two diesel-electric submarines Navy Algeria was signed in the past year. Its cost is estimated at more than $ 1.2 billion.

Algerian Navy SM at sea...


Algerian Navy SM, in a Russian port..


Первые поставки на экспорт модернизированных тяжелых вертолетов Ми-26Т2 начнутся в 2015 году
31.12.2014 11:51:58
Москва. 31 декабря. ИНТЕРФАКС-АВН - ОАО "Роствертол" (входит в холдинг "Вертолеты России") в 2015 году начинает поставки на экспорт глубоко модернизированного тяжелого транспортного вертолета в модификации Ми-26Т2, сообщил "Интерфаксу-АВН" источник в оборонно-промышленном комплексе.

The first export deliveries of upgraded heavy Mi-26T2 will begin in 2015
31.12.2014 11:51:58
Moscow. December 31st. Interfax-AVN - "Rostvertol" (part of the holding "Russian Helicopters") in 2015, starts export deliveries deeply modernized heavy transport helicopter Mi-26T2 modification, "Interfax-AVN" a source in the military-industrial complex.
"Rostvertol "put foreign customer in the first quarter of 2015 the first of the ordered batch of Mi-26T2" - a spokesman said.
According to him, the entire batch of Mi-26T2 foreign customer will be delivered before the end of March 2016.
The interviewee noted that in 2015 on "Rostvertol" will be issued in parallel Mi-26 in different versions for the Russian Air Force and foreign customers. In particular, China built helicopters Mi-26TC version. In total in 2015 will be released about 7-8 Mi-26 in various modifications , the spokesman said.
"Who is" Rostvertol "is going to the fourth Mi-26TC for China with the delivery, most likely in the third quarter of 2015. With several countries are negotiating the possibility of supplying additional Mi-26, the source said.
Earlier it was reported that the tests of the Mi-26T2 conducted in preparation for delivery to Algeria six helicopters of this type. Deliveries of the helicopters in the base versions of the Mi-26 Russian state arms program provided for the period up to 2020.
"The People’s National Army (PNA) is the armed forces of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. Algeria has a large and reasonably well-equipped military to counter foreign and domestic threats"
6 billion is a big number
what foreign threats does Algeria face???
"The People’s National Army (PNA) is the armed forces of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. Algeria has a large and reasonably well-equipped military to counter foreign and domestic threats"
6 billion is a big number
what foreign threats does Algeria face???
In reality Algeria doesn't have a known foe per say, but in the 90's we faced what Syria is facing now with the same actors on top of a world embargo. The last world events, ie in Libya, Mali and Tunisia has changed the area completely. In 7 borders that Algeria share , only one is safe all the others are unstable and with respective country unable to secure them...It is for the first time that Algerian forces are deployed in all the 7 borders.
The defence budget is more than twice the number you mentioned and is climbing gradually.
So how much you paid for the C28A if you know.

Start thinking that there is a big corruption in Algeria.
We may never know the cost of each C28A, the lid on what China signed on will be kept tight. Hard to say if there is corruption or not, since the contracts are state to state with no intermediaries. the same with Russia.
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