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Chinese Government allowed only those kids to appear in PISA test who comes from the families affording high cost on tuitions and committed to education. When the result came out Chinese government forced PISA to declare scores only of Shanghai, rest of the results of rural China wasn't allowed to be published.

you must be extremely dumb, because it's said many many time that it is NOT which govt allows but what PISA randomly chooses.

PISA descides where, which school which class and whom to test, randomly, at the test day, not govt.

That' why there was no room for cheating for any govt, since no one knew where and which students PISA gonna choose to test.

That' why even in the 2 regions of India tested in 2009, the students included some of the smartest and the richest of India of some privalidged private schools, due to statistical nature of PISA sampling. Saying "becasue they were all poor and couldn't afford education" is just a pathetic excuse of lying Indians. What a surprise, NO!
you must be extremely dumb, because it's said many many time that it is NOT which govt allows but what PISA randomly chooses.

PISA descides where, which school which class and whom to test, randomly, at the test day, not govt.

That' why there was no room for cheating for any govt, since no one knew where and which students PISA gonna choose to test.

That' why even in the 2 regions of India tested in 2009, the students included some of the smatest and the richest of India, due to statistical nature of PISA sampling. Saying "there were all poor" is just a pathetic excuse of lying Indians. What a surprise, NO!

Chinese kids appearing in PISA test were screened and approved by CCP to create artificial image of China. Rural education in China is in very pathetic state.
Richard Lynn's claims have been debunked by several other equally well known academics . I can give you their names with details of their work .

And it does not take a rocket scientist to point out major flaws in both "IQ and wealth of Nations 1 " and "IQ and wealth of Nations 2" . I refer to the two books he has penned down.

Richard Lynn is not favorably viewed in any part of the world. He owes his publicity due to the IQ controversy he sparked.

In his first book he takes the mean GDP of Iran and Bangladesh .Calculates their average and assigns a figure of 81 to India.

In his second book , he selects 5 of the most backward Indian Tribes , computes their IQ based on a flawed general knowledge test
and again gets the same score.

Hence we ( Indians at least) discard his data as trash and BS. Of course , he has his fanboys amongst loads of

Richard Lynn's research are taught in psychology class in international university. His research is highly cited. His research findings did not go down well with many people because it touches on the sensitive issue of race and intelligent. There are many criticisms but no scientist could debunk the validity of his research. They could only offer counterargument. It's the same as Charles Darwin evolution theory. All religious minded criticize it, but no one country debunk his research.

Case in point. Lynn was badly criticized for putting Africans in a bad light, but it doesn't take an idiot to know how Africans stack up against others. Those who argued social and political conditions were to blame, they just to look at African American in the US.

You are simply sore that India was given a low IQ score. But we all know the reality in India. Your upper caste might be well educated and smart, but they made up less than 5% of your population. Researchers always take the mean score, not the outlier.

I know it's hard for you to swallow, but facts are facts.
Provided that student appearing for PISA test and selective result aren't approved by CCP. LOL

Jealous Low IQ Indian only know how to lie. But facts are facts.

Who takes the PISA tests?

Schools in each country are randomly selected by the international contractor for participation in PISA. At these schools, the test is given to students who are between age 15 years 3 months and age 16 years 2 months at the time of the test, rather than to students in a specific year of school. This average age of 15 was chosen because at this age young people in most OECD countries are nearing the end of compulsory education. The selection of schools and students is kept as inclusive as possible, so that the sample of students comes from a broad range of backgrounds and abilities.
you must be extremely dumb, because it's said many many time that it is NOT which govt allows but what PISA randomly chooses.

PISA descides where, which school which class and whom to test, randomly, at the test day, not govt.

That' why there was no room for cheating for any govt, since no one knew where and which students PISA gonna choose to test.

That' why even in the 2 regions of India tested in 2009, the students included some of the smartest and the richest of India of some privalidged private schools, due to statistical nature of PISA sampling. Saying "becasue they were all poor and couldn't afford education" is just a pathetic excuse of lying Indians. What a surprise, NO!

Here is the reality of high scores of Chinese PISA test. @Urbanized Greyhound you can read this too.

According to the Rural Education Action Program (REAP) at Stanford University, high school attendance rates are as low as 40 percent in poor, rural areas of China. The dropout rate runs as high as 25 percent in middle schools. The schools are often run down and poorly staffed. Classrooms packed with 130 students have been reported. Children must often work to help provide for their families, and secondary school fees (high schools charge tuition) are too high for many parents. It is clear that the student sample sitting for PISA is not representative of rural Chinese youth as a whole, but hails only from families strongly committed to formal education and able to afford the tuitions and fees of high school.

And, once again, do not forget that the provinces with PISA test scores were not selected randomly; they were those approved for participation by the Chinese government.
All of these elements undermine the representativeness of the PISA scores.

According to deputy principal and director of the International Division at Peking University High School, Jiang Xuegin:

Shanghai parents will annually spend on average of 6,000 yuan on English and math tutors and 9,600 yuan on weekend activities, such as tennis and piano. During the high school years, annual tutoring costs shoot up to 30,000 yuan and the cost of activities doubles to 19,200 yuan.

The typical Chinese worker cannot afford such vast sums. Consider this: at the high school level, the total expenses for tutoring and weekend activities in Shanghai exceed what the average Chinese worker makes in a year (about 42,000 yuan or $6,861).

Jealous Low IQ Indian only know how to lie. But facts are facts.

Who takes the PISA tests?

Schools in each country are randomly selected by the international contractor for participation in PISA. At these schools, the test is given to students who are between age 15 years 3 months and age 16 years 2 months at the time of the test, rather than to students in a specific year of school. This average age of 15 was chosen because at this age young people in most OECD countries are nearing the end of compulsory education. The selection of schools and students is kept as inclusive as possible, so that the sample of students comes from a broad range of backgrounds and abilities.

Those random students were approved by CCP. I already provided you the proof, don't expose you skyrocketing high IQ.
Chinese kids appearing in PISA test were screened and approved by CCP to create artificial image of China. Rural education in China is in very pathetic state.

you liar!

can't you read? do you under stand what does random mean? no matter you Indians scored the lowest?

PISA tested China in 1000s of schools in 12 provinces including shanghai. it is impossible for Chinese govt to cheat even if it wants to, because there are 10s of millions of stduents. China must prove them 1 by 1?

Plus it 's not China decides whom go to test , but PISA.

Futhremore, scores of China's other 11 provinces are leaked. several of them are extremely close to Shanghai, all being able to enter global top 10. The students chosen by PISA in those provinces were about 80% from rural villiages and 20% from cities.

the conclusion of PISA director Schneider is that "what Shanghai achieved is stunning, but what're even more stunning are those poorer inland provinces...even in some very poor villiages, their scores were about the same as OECD avarage." ( BTW, the US, France, Russia were about the OECD average)

it seems that I am talking to a cow...
you liar!

can't you read? do you under stand what does random mean? no matter you Indians scored the lowest?

PISA tested China in 1000s of schools in 12 provinces including shanghai. it is impossible for Chinese govt to cheat even if it wants to, because there are 10s of millions of stduents. China must prove them 1 by 1?

Plus it 's not China decides whom go to test , but PISA.

Futhremore, scores of China's other 11 provinces are leaked. several of them are extremely close to Shanghai, all being able to enter global top 10. The students chosen by PISA in those provinces were about 80% from rural villiages and 20% from cities.

the conclusion of PISA director Schneider is that "what Shanghai achieved is stunning, but what're even more stunning are those poorer inland provinces...even in some very poor villiages, their scores were about the same as OECD avarage." ( BTW, the US, France, Russia were about the OECD average)

it seems that I am talking to a cow...

Why is China not in the list.

If Shanghai were included on its own, it would rank third on this list. If the scores in China as a whole were even near the international average, the country as a whole would rank first, given the sheer size of the population.

#15 Hong Kong On average, 6.00% scored at elite levels
429,300 brilliant people estimated
If Shanghai were included on its own, it would rank third on this list. If the scores in China as a whole were even near the international average, the country as a whole would rank first, given the sheer size of the population.

#15 Hong Kong On average, 6.00% scored at elite levels
429,300 brilliant people estimated

Where is entire China. Does that mean people not living under communism performs better.
Those random students were approved by CCP. I already provided you the proof, don't expose you skyrocketing high IQ.

You did not provide any proof. You only posted an article by an American who is jealous about Chinese success.
The real proof is here:

Who takes the PISA tests?

Schools in each country are randomly selected by the international contractor for participation in PISA. At these schools, the test is given to students who are between age 15 years 3 months and age 16 years 2 months at the time of the test, rather than to students in a specific year of school. This average age of 15 was chosen because at this age young people in most OECD countries are nearing the end of compulsory education. The selection of schools and students is kept as inclusive as possible, so that the sample of students comes from a broad range of backgrounds and abilities.
If Shanghai were included on its own, it would rank third on this list. If the scores in China as a whole were even near the international average, the country as a whole would rank first, given the sheer size of the population.

#15 Hong Kong On average, 6.00% scored at elite levels
429,300 brilliant people estimated

Tamil Nadu , one of best Indian state for education with 100% enrollment in primary education, could not even score close to OECD average. It came in second last, LOL!
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