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The 23 FC fallen soldiers. watch and decide

A general amnesty should be offered to the Talibaan on the following ground:

1. Every TTP/Terrorist who wants amnesty must kill 3 TTP/Terrorists and provide proof.
2. Those who surrender after killing atleast 3 terrorists and provide information on other TTP/Terrorists will be given safe passage to India where they can continue their war.

A a rule of iteration, we will not be left with any who will qualify for amnesty in any case, furthermore, no TTP/Terrorist would actually be given any safe passage to India or any other country.

P.S. Weren't the drone strikes a better alternative, especially if they were being committed with local input and permission? I mean, how expensive these air strikes are, we cannot afford this......what we must do is send in foot soldiers with air support (by attack Helos).

In any case, the TTP must be eradicated, their existence limited only to the tales of bravery of our soldiers in history books.
Shit, man!!!! These fuckers suck!! Inhuman bastards!! :fie:

And they call themselves 'Allah's soldiers'???
2. Those who surrender after killing atleast 3 terrorists and provide information on other TTP/Terrorists will be given safe passage to India where they can continue their war.
I'm sure they are smart enough to know what awaits them if they try to enter India.:guns:
If only you had bothered to read the next line of my post.
I did. I was simply continuing the joke, by saying that the Talibs won't fall for such an offer, because they know there is no such thing as a free passage to India for them.

One cannot explain a joke without destroying it. That's what I had to do here.

If only you had understood the joke, without the need for an explanation.:(
take all the talibitches in jails take them to cites and skin and burn these bastards so they know how serious we r
on what 23 FC deaths I pray ALLAH reward them heaven and bless them Jannah and TTP should use brain this will not solve any problem only war will get longer
So you in principal don't want to condemn TTP's (alias JI/JUI) heinous acts. You are saying that they should use their brain because these horrific and disgusting acts of their's will only lead to a prolonged war? If these acts would not prolong the war then they were acceptable?

You know what, time has come to let go your confusion and stop making use of ifs and buts. It is enough now and we Pakistanis have had enough of it. Either you openly declare your association with the TTP (alias JI/JUI) or abandon them and come on Pakistan's side. As the proverb goes, one foot cannot stand on two boats.
So you in principal don't want to condemn TTP's (alias JI/JUI) heinous acts. You are saying that they should use their brain because these horrific and disgusting acts of their's will only lead to a prolonged war? If these acts would not prolong the war then they were acceptable?

You know what, time has come to let go your confusion and stop making use of ifs and buts. It is enough now and we Pakistanis have had enough of it. Either you openly declare your association with the TTP (alias JI/JUI) or abandon them and come on Pakistan's side. As the proverb goes, one foot cannot stand on two boats.
Mr their was no TTP until our Army went in and bombarded Tribal areas which led to creation of TTP so the thing which started this thing was Army operations so the thing which started the cancer is not going to solve it no matter how much you try the same option so better first get rid of the reason which resulted in eruption of whole problem
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