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The 15 countries with the highest military expenditure in 2011

U seem to have been bitten by CPC bug or think u are on stage giving sermons.. pardon us if don't buy your assertions ( they are not arguments ). Either give some circumstantial logic behind your inferences or stop trolling..

What makes you think we feel insecured ? in '71 when super power US threatened us along with the possibility of Chinese threat on northern frontier, we still managed to capture over 90,000 PoWs. We can claim to be the only country to have crossed national borders and scored 100% victory (once).

While US got butchered several times, USSR had to backtrack from Afganistan and China got a bloody nose in vietnam..

thats the spirit :tup:. what i meant to say, your batalians like Gorakha rifles/ Rajputana rifles can win over any military by just 2-3 arms on their hands, you dont always need very good arms but the people, who may win any war and you do have ..........

now please make your comment on my todays post as below. i started this thread since then as I wanted to show that India has people as welll as heavy defense budget to think out of South Asia. even if you spend 33% of your defence budget on Navy to double its strength from its current level, it will only add to your strength. but having defense budget while concerning pakistan only, is now an old idea? please give us your view on my advice as below:

How exactly was Iran the first super power?

You are forgetting the Chinese, Egyptians, Carthage and besides Persia attacked Greece and was defeated and then Alexander the Great defeated you guys.

So lets see how many other countries defeated Iran (Persia):

1 - Greece
2 - Macedonia
3 - Romans
4 - Byzantine
5 - Arabs
6 - The Mongols
7 - Britain
8 - Russia
9 - Stalemate with Iraq
10- Naval defeat against USA

Stop exaggerating your civilization. Persian civilization was great but it was not above anyone.
persia was the first empire to extend more than two continents, at it's zenith it had 45-48% of worlds known population under it. name me another country which come even close to that. The achemenids were the largest empire in the ancient world, they had 7.5-8 million Km squared land under their rule.

where was america,russia,britain,mongols in 500BC you moron?
we were defeated by greeks at marathon and raped them in Battle of Thermopylae and burned their athens to the ground, you're a clear retard that believes hollywood films. when did romans defeat Persian you dumb ****? last time I checked we chopped their emperors head of whilst they were begging our kings for mercy, Persian won Roman most out of all roman-persian wars.

I say we were the first superpower and this imbecile starts talking about we stalemated against Iraq in the 80's. Iraq invaded us and we stopped them taking over our land by kicking them out and you say it was a draw?

arabs only won against the saasanid because they were exhausted and bankrupt after decades of battles with the romans. other wise those lizard eaters would had been fed to persian lions.
when the acheamenids rose up, no other country had anything even close to it before or at present time. there is a reason why Cyrus the great was the first king to gain the title the great.
I can, don't live life to the rules or to your communist regime. ;)

Have you decided which city you to teach English?

8.7% spending for Saudi, that's pretty deep.

As to China, I feel China should cut number of land troops, it is very unlikely for any country to attack China from land. The saved money could be spent on R&D instead. And China is also in shortage of labor.

I'm glad we spend very little for the military. The money has better usa to improve the life of our people.

PPP makes much better sense, after all our 1.2 million armed forces are paid salaries in rupees and not in dollars, Imports constitute only 20% of our defence budget.

20 % of 46 billion is around 9.2 billion for import of foreign weapons and you can be sure they want nominal exchange rate.
Götterdämmerung;3060130 said:
I'm glad we spend very little for the military. The money has better usa to improve the life of our people.

20 % of 46 billion is around 9.2 billion for import of foreign weapons and you can be sure they want nominal exchange rate.

Averaging 5-7% dear over the last decade. check your figures. (Last year was 3.3 billion.. and it was an abnormally high year. Only 911 million in 2000).

95% is spent at domestic prices.

Arms industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Out of the top 5, we spend the least as a percentage of GDP.

However, there are also a lot of R&D costs that are not included. :devil:

Assuming your official figures are correct. In most cases it is thought to be much lower that what it exactly is. So it could be that your correct defence spending (% of GDP) is in a similar range to the US?
thats the spirit :tup:. what i meant to say, your batalians like Gorakha rifles/ Rajputana rifles can win over any military by just 2-3 arms on their hands, you dont always need very good arms but the people, who may win any war and you do have ..........

now please make your comment on my todays post as below. i started this thread since then as I wanted to show that India has people as welll as heavy defense budget to think out of South Asia. even if you spend 33% of your defence budget on Navy to double its strength from its current level, it will only add to your strength. but having defense budget while concerning pakistan only, is now an old idea? please give us your view on my advice as below:


The main problem right now is that most of the money is used to buy replacement for our aging systems. Once we get all the old crap replaced we can look into expansion. All those MKI's and Rafale's are just replacement for old MiGs, same goes for Navy. We need atleast a decade for this, only after that would you see us coming out of South Asia. Oh, and above all.. We need some leaders with balls and vision.
The main problem right now is that most of the money is used to buy replacement for our aging systems. Once we get all the old crap replaced we can look into expansion. All those MKI's and Rafale's are just replacement for old MiGs, same goes for Navy. We need atleast a decade for this, only after that would you see us coming out of South Asia. Oh, and above all.. We need some leaders with balls and vision.

what I wanted to say that even till 90s, Pakistan was very offensive on their stand on kashmir and has been supporting infiltration on kashmir, even had full phase war in kargil in late 90s also. but have a look on pakistan, during last over 10 years, their increase in defence budget is not even as much as inflation also? they simply have got as much problems in their other states that they just want a time to fix their internal conflicts first and bring their nation on the path of similar growth rate like E7 which would take at least 10 years for them. even pakistan's leader like Imran Khan straight says that forget kashmir for 20 years and first build the pakistan, whatever we have right now :meeting:

and here, even if you want to keep a reasonable number of troops on Siachen as you are scared of Kargil type experience then also, you have much to offer Pakistan by reducing number of 'unneccessary' troops deployed on Pakistan border by next 3-4 years? why keep 600,000 troops on pakistan border which make pakistan in the position to have at least 450,000 number on their side also, just for no reason? :disagree: while total number of marines you have is hardly around 50,000? :hitwall: just a question, why would you spend $40bn on defense every year whose half is spent while concerning pakistan only while total defense budget of pakistan is hardly $6bn? even on bangladesh side, if you keep 150,000 BSF people in response to 100,000 troops on bangladesh side as you are worried for illegal migrants, then its OK. otherwise if you keep 8 squadron of 4th gen aircrafts in north east while concerning CHina then they may do their work if something will be required on Bangladesh side also in future? the same is true on pakistan side also, that is, just dont keep so many numbers of aircrafts targeting pakistan to keep them in the position of always alert from India. as, even if you keep the 8 squadron of 4th gen aircrafts on chinese border in Tibet and other northern areas, say, they may do the work on Pakistan side also if it will be required in future? :meeting:

you have to help yourself to come out of the box of South Asia, as you no more want to be a South Asian champion. :no: even if you keep one aircraft carrier in Arabian sea with 32 fixed wing and 10 rotary wing aircrafts, INS Vikramaditya, then they will do their work on pakistan side also if it will ever be required isn't it? same, if you may have a full production line of Akula-2 type submarines and have them in over 6 in numbers, for example, then, will not they do your work if you will ever have conflicts with your neighbors also? India has to understand that now they need a military which would be for 'Global Purpose' and may do the regional works also if required. you need at least one aircraft carrer in Arabian sea, one on eastern side and the biggest one, the IAC-2, to be placed on Andaman Nicobar. you need at least 30 submarines in number and at least 6 of Akula-2 type among them and try to have its production line in India also, with 10 scorpean submarines, 10 Stealth type of 'Project 75I' and at least 25-25 frigates and destroyers by 2025 and double the number other naval ships and of marines to 100,000 by 2025, which will need our determination to reach defence expenditure on Navy by 33% by 2025 :tup:

India would simply start from this year that, Navy needs at least one new submarine like Akula-2 type or similar ones every year from now onwards, at least one frigate/ destroyer every year, something like this. Indian Military has to start with something like this...............
Have you decided which city you to teach English?

8.7% spending for Saudi, that's pretty deep.

As to China, I feel China should cut number of land troops, it is very unlikely for any country to attack China from land. The saved money could be spent on R&D instead. And China is also in shortage of labor.

There have been cuts in the last decade by nearly a million troops.

China may keep so many troops as it would want to have enough to fight a war cowith multiple untries at the same time.
The 15 countries with the highest military expenditure in 2011

Figures for military spending calculated using purchasing power parity (PPP), ($ b., PPP)

1. United States- $711bn
2. China- $228bn
3. India- $112bn
4. Russia- $93.7bn
5. Saudi Arabia- $58.8bn
6. United Kingdom- $57.5bn
7. France- $50.1bn
8. Japan- $44.7bn
9. South Korea- $42.1bn
10. Germany- $40.4bn
11. Brazil- $33.8bn
12. Italy- $28.5bn
13. Turkey- $25.2bn
14. Canada- $19.9bn
15. Australia- $16.6bn

The 15 countries with the highest military expenditure in 2011 (table) — www.sipri.org

a The figures for national military expenditure as a share of GDP are based on estimates for 2011
GDP from the IMF World Economic Outlook database, September 2011.

b The figures for military expenditure at PPP exchange rates are estimates based on the projected implied PPP conversion rates for each country from the IMF World Economic Outlook database, September 2011.

c The figures for Saudi Arabia include expenditure on public order and safety and might be slight overestimates.

Sources: SIPRI Military Expenditure Database, <http://www.sipri.org/databases/milex/>; and International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook database, Sep. 2011, <

India World&#8217;s Top Arms Importer &#8211; SIPRI

India has topped a rating of the world's largest heavy arms importers, released on Monday by the independent Stockholm-based International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), researching into conflicts, arms control and disarmament.

According to the report, India, the largest arms recipient, accounted for 10 percent of global arms imports between 2007 and 2011. Among the most significant contracts signed by India is the purchase of 120 Russian Su-30MK multirole combat aircraft, 29 Mig-29Ks and 20 British Jaguar fighters.

The top five arms importers include states in Asia and Oceania: India, South Korea, Pakistan, China and Singapore, which account for 30 per cent of all imports of major conventional weapons between 2007 and 2011, the report said.

SIPRI, which calls Russia &#8220;a minor importer of major conventional weapons,&#8221; mentioned Moscow's recent arms deals, which include the delivery of four French Mistral-class helicopter carriers, up to 2500 Italian 60 Lynx LMV armored vehicles and Israeli unmanned drones.

The United States and Russia were named the key arms suppliers that accounted for 30 and 24 percent of all exports respectively.

During 2011, the United States delivered 64 combat aircraft, including 11 F-15Es to South Korea, 7 F-15SGs to Singapore, 9 F/A-18Es to Australia, 12 F-16Cs to Turkey and 16 F-16Cs to Morocco, the think tank&#8217;s report said. &#8220;The most significant order placed in 2011, the largest arms deal for at least two decades, was Saudi Arabia&#8217;s order for 84 new F-15SG combat aircraft and upgrade of 70 existing F-15Es to the same standard,&#8221; SIPRI reported.

India World
^^^yeah atleast we don't make or buy those cheap 3rd class dirty chinese weapons....i would love to puke on that...thuuuuu..:drag:

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