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Thailand Southern Muslim Insergencies

No-one ever dies dude unlike India where thousands die in a single riot sometimes.
Apart from riots in India,what about the Illegal Bangladeshis who come to India every year. Go & check the UN report.
Lastly if u r referring to the riots in Assam between Bodo tribals & Bangladeshi muslims,during the 1971 war,many Bangladeshis were forced to leave Bangladesh & settle in the border regions of Assam.At that time it was 7%,today it is 41% thereby threatening the language & the culture of the Bodo tribals. Will Bangladesh takes it people back.
I am not defending or justifying anything but we are showing the other side of the story...The side that never got acknowledged!
So your stand is if the govt oppresses you, neglects to develop your region after annexing it and sends army to do development work....the people should just keep quiet and take it in? Which area on the planet is doing what you are asking? Mind you asking the oppressed to hush down is very primitive and inhuman behavior!
You claim you are not defending slaughter targeted against innocent and uninvoled civilians then in the next sentence you defend it again as justified reponse to percieved "unfair treatment" or even just percieved "lack of development" by the legitimate government of the region. No one is holding the entire population at gunpoint or rolling up people into camps or enacting any other grave or even just harsh state sanctioned treatment, like you try to portray it..

Calling such behavior primitive and inhuman is only sane and human. The opposite can be said about your behavior.

The fact you don't even think or want to consider a different way than slaughtering uninvolved civilians as a response to so called "ill treatment" by the Thai governement tells much about you.
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You claim you are not defending slaughter targeted against innocent and uninvoled civilians then in the next sentence you defend it again as justified reponse to percieved "unfair treatment" or even just percieved "lack of development" by the legitimate government of the region. No one is holding the entire population at gunpoint or rolling up people into camps or enacting any other grave or even just harsh state sanctioned treatment, like you try to portray it..

Calling such behavior primitive and inhuman is only sane and human. The opposite can be said about your behavior.
Did I say it was justified? I am saying it is expected! Where did I use the word justified? Please stop dreaming!
All I portrayed was what started it!

Now give me 1 example of people where they were under this:
"unfair treatment" or even just percieved "lack of development" by the legitimate government of the region
and kept quiet forever? When you oppress after 1 point it bounces back! If truth hurts dont oppress!
Did I say it was justified? I am saying it is expected! Where did I use the word justified? Please stop dreaming!
All I portrayed was what started it!

I never said you "said it". You defend it as justified. You don't need to call it justified. Everyone can read between your lines making excuses for crimes..
You defend it as justified. You don't need to call it justified. Everyone can read between your lines making excuses for crimes..
That is your problem you see..You are quick to read between the lines instead of the lines and waking up to reality!

I quoted articles not opinions

I quoted events not opinions

So unless articles and events that lead to this justify it you cant blame another who should you the truth!

While it is your opinion based on reading between the lines that I justified it!

I only pointed out the inevitable based on what has been happening...

If you oppress and someone fights back that is the result of what you did not what I said!
Thanx @Indos ,@madokafc for reminding this. I feel like I should not have raise this issue here.
Both are ASEAN friends who soon be united with us into one single community.
I'm a bit surprised about your lack of knowledge about the burmese slave labor in the thai fishing boats, I guess the thai press doesn't talk much about that (for obvious reasons), don't you know that USA just blacklisted thailand (about a week ago) and place it at the highest level of people trafficking precisely because of the slave people in the thai fishing boats? I suggest you google search the issue and you'll find plenty of information. Never heard of any country where the navy and the immigration service capture migrants and sell them to traffickers as slave labor, that's unprecedented, Thailand has the honor of being number one on that practice.

There is nothing that you can say that can justify the issue of the fishing boats slave labor, you are avoiding the issue and avoiding responsibility, nothing can justify it or compensate for it, its an incredibly barbaric practice that has been going on for many years and as it is typical in thailand, they just avoid the issue and try to look the other way. "Mai pen rai" (never mind).

Just recently, an Australian published an article in a Pukhet newspaper about the role of the Thai navy in the slave labor trafficking and rather than investigating the issue, the navy sued the journalist for defamation, typical Thai response, just care about their image and to save face, fixing the problems, no need "mai pen rai".

For your information, in my country, Spain, as in Europe or other western countries, we get a lot of illegal immigrants, much more than in thailand, but we don't kill them or enslave them, actually, they get treated very well. They get the opportunity to apply for refuge status, many get accepted and if they are minors, or pregnant women, etc, etc, they are allowed to stay and work and they get put on welfare where they get good money until they are able to work. A little bit different than in Thailand, don't you think?

Again, Thailand has the honor of being the only one that does something like that. Stop the excuses and face the issue.

Some thai citizens do it does not represent Thailand. Thai government can represent Thailand. Those fishing boats are private entities, not the government. Therefore, the fact that some fishing boat does slave labor does not represent "Thai" people do it. There must be a statistics to show % of the boat that do slavery. If % is very low and chance of happening is very low, you know, its just another normal crime happening everywhere in the world.

Let me speak for Thai feeling. We accept the study from famous institution like USA, Australia. I hope that our government go into details of the case and see if the report from the west is true or not. If it is the case, its normal that thai people will try to change it according to human rights.

Now let me speak for red shirts. I know what they are thinking. They think that USA is helping them bully Junta government with the human right on boat as an excuse. This can be confirmed by famous Thai political forum. The red shirts they are happy with that.


HOWEVER...... Back to topic. The fact that there are some finshing boat doing slavery (if proven??), is much different than killing innocent for its political goal. The later is much larger sin. I never heard any crime news about fishing boat kills Myanmese or Cambodian workers. Never. On the other hand, I hear so often, very often, that the southern insurgencies kills innocent people for their political goal. Statistically the later violates much much terrible human rights.

Do you agree? Do you also condemn those insurgencies for human right violation as well? @Carlosa

Thanks and believe you me there are many Muslims who work day and night to combat extremism. Sufis like myself also read about the inspirational life of the holy Buddah. So not everyone wants to kill, kill and kill.
I hope you read. Bhuddist teaching will give you a calm life.


What happened in 1971?
Some thai citizens do it does not represent Thailand. Thai government can represent Thailand. Those fishing boats are private entities, not the government. Therefore, the fact that some fishing boat does slave labor does not represent "Thai" people do it. There must be a statistics to show % of the boat that do slavery. If % is very low and chance of happening is very low, you know, its just another normal crime happening everywhere in the world.

Let me speak for Thai feeling. We accept the study from famous institution like USA, Australia. I hope that our government go into details of the case and see if the report from the west is true or not. If it is the case, its normal that thai people will try to change it according to human rights.

Now let me speak for red shirts. I know what they are thinking. They think that USA is helping them bully Junta government with the human right on boat as an excuse. This can be confirmed by famous Thai political forum. The red shirts they are happy with that.


HOWEVER...... Back to topic. The fact that there are some finshing boat doing slavery (if proven??), is much different than killing innocent for its political goal. The later is much larger sin. I never heard any crime news about fishing boat kills Myanmese or Cambodian workers. Never. On the other hand, I hear so often, very often, that the southern insurgencies kills innocent people for their political goal. Statistically the later violates much much terrible human rights.

Do you agree? Do you also condemn those insurgencies for human right violation as well? @Carlosa

I hope you read. Bhuddist teaching will give you a calm life.


What happened in 1971?

Lets see, the Thai Royal Navy, the Thai immigration service and the Thai police sell migrants as slave labor, but in your view that's just a normal crime and those 3 institutions don't represent thailand. Well, no need to say anymore, waste of time.

You never heard of those events because thailand hide that information, but USA made it very public just a week ago and if you bother to search in google or read the international press, it would be very easy to know about it, but obviously you don't want to hear about those events and prefer to keep denying them, well... that's very thai.

I condemn everything illegal of course.

I'm done wasting time with these thread!!!!
Lets see, the Thai Royal Navy, the Thai immigration service and the Thai police sell migrants as slave labor, but in your view that's just a normal crime and those 3 institutions don't represent thailand. Well, no need to say anymore, waste of time.
Yes. Its normal crime until you prove that it is Thailand policy to do so, or Thai court sentences that it is correct.
Suppose some Spanish police rape a custody. Does it make Spain as a whole violate human rights?
If you see a police selling migrants, just report to the police. If it happened that the judge sentences that this is correct action, then you're right. The court represent Thailand. If it happened that the judge sentence that guilty police to jail, its normal crime.

Now please answer my question.
Do you agree? Do you also condemn those insurgencies for human right violation as well? @Carlosa

What happened in 1971?[/quote]

Hello carlos,

In 1971,Bangaldesh(East Pakistan) got indipendence from West Pakistan. It was a bloody war,more 3 million East Pakistanis were tortured,murdered by the West Pakistan Army.The Bangladeshis were dominated,humilated,& were subjected to tyranny & oppression by the West Pakistani Army.Finally in 1971,the East Pakistanis picked up the gun when they had enough.It is a very long story,but mine is a very short one.

I further request u to analyze Reply No 5 by UK Bengali which is given below
"Coming from an Indian where millions starve to death every year:lol:
It is a fact Indian Hindus are very racist towards Mongoloids on India.
Hindu ethnic indians hate you anyways. They treat you like dirt in the cities of India.
In BD, there is almost no racism against Mongoloids."

I was really infuriated by this cheap reply.I know very well racism does exist in Bangladesh,there is no need to point a finger towards India,but first u clean the dirt in your country.Not only that every year millions of Bangladeshis migrate to neighbouring India ill-legally according to the UN report.If We Indians r racist,they why are Bangladeshis coming to India ill-legally in search of jobs & employment,let them stay there only.

I also like to point out that recently there were clashes between Bengali Muslims & Bihari Muslims.These Biharis Muslims r called West Pakistanis & they sided with the Pakistani Army against Bangladeshis.Bangladesh got indepence in 1971,Even after 34,these Bangladeshis(East Pakistanis) have not forgotten the bitterness & resentment towards them(West Pakistanis).

If u have any clarifications,please feel free to write the same.

Islamofascist shoot themselves on their own feet then blame Thailand. Western media then put kerosene to oil and accuse Thailand persecute Muslim.

The fact is Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat Malay Muslim deserve their misery.

On the West coast of Thailand in Satun province, there are fully of Malay Muslims there as well, around 70% and the place used to be ruled by Malaysia Sultan.

Satun people obey the law and do not give trouble. No one claim discrimination.

And also in Betong Yala, the town is booming right among the worst Islamic terrorist insurgent. Thanks for Malayan communist Party.

POLITICS-THAILAND: Border Town Enjoys Peace Amid Insurgency | Inter Press Service

One reason is there are a lot of Chinese in Betong. And Chinese do not claim Thai discriminate them, unlike Muslim who think they are big victim of everybody.

Then Chin Peng the leader of MCP indoctrinate the Muslims there with so many good communist idea that the Muslim there support socialism instead of Islamofascism.

MCP itself an insurgent group even fought the Islamic terrorist because Islamic terrorist are very bad people.


In Chinese.

Above is how the MCP Malayan communist party help fight the Islamic terrorist and keep Yala with Thailand.

The MCP contributed a lot to humanity for this act.
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Muslims in China and Thailand are the same, they require everyone to respect them but they never respect others. They are trouble makers for those two peaceful countries. In Chinese culture, we can not imagine the terrorist activities recently happened in china. Not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslms. sorry for this, but it's truth. this is a culture/religion issue

He must suffer alot. That's trill history!!!.
Everyone know racism is bad. So please stop batching people based on race. Modern countries treat any of its citizen equal. People should be lifted high or looked down based on what he did to the social & country, not by race or religous.

The Chief of Staff of Royal Thai Army during the worst Islamic shitt insurgent in past 20 years is a Muslim. Sonthi Boonyaratglin is a Thai Muslim and Thai people put him in charge of the army even though the Muslims were murdering many people with cold blood and congratulating themselves that Allah will be pleased.

So much about Thai discrimination against Muslims.

The Southern Thai Muslim in Yala, Pattanni and Narathiwat are loser and crackpot. Behaving like a lot of Muslims, they never stop complaining they are victim of the majority race despite they are among the most wicked people, and adherent of gangsterism.

The Thai government must double their effort in taking down these terrorist or more innocent people will suffer.
Thailand south has separatist, insurgencies.
They are very terrible people. They kill innocent people one by one.
It is suspect that they want to separate from Thailand on excuse of ancient kingdom of Pattani.
Pattani used to be Siamese protectorate who later annexed by Siam into modern Thai.

In fact, Thailand as you know it today is an annexation of Siamese protectorates. Lanna in the North, Lao numerous kindoms in the North East, and Pattani in the south. This annexation is done on the disguise of "change to absolute monachy" done 100 years ago. None of this annexation has any problem today exept Pattani. This is because the different race+religion.

Pattani are predominantly Muslims. They do as common in the news. Kill the innocents, Bomb the publics. It seems like they want to chase us out by killing one body at a time.

The do this in our northern state of Jammu & Kashmir. India understands your pain, friend. Some of us who dwelled deep into the concerns and terrorism in Thailand, have understood that this separatism is following the same trend as it has in other countries.

As a country experienced in dealing with religious terrorism, we would suggest you to be as ruthless and forceful as you can against these terrorists. Do not let their pets in media and other influential agencies get to soften Thai military's stand. You know they are against your country and culture; go against them with full force. Tanks, helicopters, jets... do whatever it takes.

India supports your efforts.

The Pattani people are Malay, not Thai, they don't want to be Thai, they want to speak Malay, not Thai. Thailand annexed them by force. They asked for autonomy, Thailand refused, so........ they fight.

If Thailand wants to end the fighting and the problems, give them independence as they deserve, otherwise the killing will go on. Thailand created the problem, now Thailand gets the Karma, simple as that. By the way, the Thai army is not shy at all when it comes to killing civilians.

Instead of complaining about the consequences, I suggest you look at the causes of the conflict.

Contrary to what you said, most Lanna people see themselves as Lanna first, Thai second and most people in the northeast see themselves as Lao first since they know very well that they are treated as second class citizens by most Bangkok people. That's why there are many calls lately for separatism from those regions. There is a big political divide between the north / northeast people and the Bangkok / South establishment and I think you know that very well.

Come on mate. Jihadi terrorism is taking a huge toll of lives needlessly. Look around you.

The Thai army must go in with full force to get rid of terrorists and develop those areas for their people.

Muslims in China and Thailand are the same, they require everyone to respect them but they never respect others. They are trouble makers for those two peaceful countries. In Chinese culture, we can not imagine the terrorist activities recently happened in china. Not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslms. sorry for this, but it's truth. this is a culture/religion issue

Not just you guys. If you study the global trend you will find the same problem in 15+ countries.

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