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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

KAAN is certainly gathering attention - people are now really paying attention - and Turkish Aerospace is now becoming a true global power for sure.
HURJET Documentary...

You can click on sub-titles and choose English to read it.. it really is a EYE OPENING documentary..

He does the best he can with the information he has....but yeah, confused the **** out of me.
there were so many mistakes there from RCS, which Turkey proved to Nato that with that paint it developed it can diminish rcs 1000 to 1, then he doesnt mention that with Turkish more powerful engine everything changes, he didnt say advantage of TFX with IRST and Gan AESA radar. typical bulshit guy

head of TAI said that one Chinese air force general wanted to visit them, as soon as he came and started to talk, the girl behind him take out big camera phone and take the photo of everything around, all small models of jets and so on.. He said they all were laughting inside because they knew that they will take pictures so they intentionally changed the models that they showed to them.
Chine you think people and dumb and you are the only one smart? )

he actually said other Nato countries members also try to take something but the Chinese were the most obvious one
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Hürjet Statik Test Merkezi | TUSAŞ'la Bir Soru Bir Cevap​


Mühendis Geliştirme Programı | TUSAŞ'la Bir Soru Bir Cevap​

Not sure of already posted … but since it is such a nice a no clear image :smitten:

Not sure of already posted … but since it is such a nice a no clear image :smitten:

View attachment 930424
The aircraft is really unbelievable in size as an fighter jet. Just look at the ailerons and the moving tail, almost the wing area of a small trainer. The aircraft's internal stations will have a capacity of up to 10 tons. And the target for the giant size is to have a 35,000-lbs engine that can be indigenized or produced domestically, because the basic requirement is to supercruise without burning afterburner. In fact, the aim is that it will be a flying headquarters for many other aircraft around it rather than a close engagement aircraft, it will be a platform that targets very ambitious specs and includes many new tactical approaches. If Turkish aviation can handle this program and advance to block-2/3, which will form the general framework of the concept, I will be sure that there is no project that this ecosystem cannot handle.
i think no way to carry 10ton in iwb s. it has 4 iwb s. tandem iwb at bottom and 2 side iwb s.

lets predict something, if each side bays can accommodate 2 missiles , which can be possible because of small fins of gokdogan and bozdogan, that would be incredibly great. i think it is.

forward bottom bay probably larger than the rear one. it can carry two Mark83s or 4 AA missiles.

rear one can carry at least 2 AA or 1 mark 83 , that makes the plane a real air superiority fighter.

if we consider latest f35 weapon bay improvement even bottom bays may have more AA missiles too.

lets see what the fighter will have
An animated presentation that attempts to describe the Turkish Air Force's 2023-2030 term platform assets, main ammunition groups and outline the concept of manned-unmanned teaming operations. I don't like these types of animations because they don't really represent a full representation of the operational environment. But I share them to show the ammunition groups and to give an idea about the carrier platforms.

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The aircraft is really unbelievable in size as an fighter jet. Just look at the ailerons and the moving tail, almost the wing area of a small trainer. The aircraft's internal stations will have a capacity of up to 10 tons. And the target for the giant size is to have a 35,000-lbs engine that can be indigenized or produced domestically, because the basic requirement is to supercruise without burning afterburner. In fact, the aim is that it will be a flying headquarters for many other aircraft around it rather than a close engagement aircraft, it will be a platform that targets very ambitious specs and includes many new tactical approaches. If Turkish aviation can handle this program and advance to block-2/3, which will form the general framework of the concept, I will be sure that there is no project that this ecosystem cannot handle.
Believe it or not, this is a to-scale comparison. The all moving elevator is almost as big as the wing of the F-16 - which is something that is joked about a lot.
Believe it or not, this is a to-scale comparison. The all moving elevator is almost as big as the wing of the F-16 - which is something that is joked about a lot.
View attachment 930466
Believe it or not, this is a to-scale comparison. The all moving elevator is almost as big as the wing of the F-16 - which is something that is joked about a lot.
Looking at its size, it's hard to believe it has the same MTOW as the F 35. Because the airframe is mostly made of composite. For this reason, despite its size, its radar signature can remain low. So why such a large airframe? Because we are not very good at miniaturization yet. Missiles are large, avionics require a large volume, etc.
Looking at its size, it's hard to believe it has the same MTOW as the F 35. Because the airframe is mostly made of composite. For this reason, despite its size, its radar signature can remain low. So why such a large airframe? Because we are not very good at miniaturization yet. Missiles are large, avionics require a large volume, etc.
Also, room for future expansion. The plans are constantly being evolved to include more and more things on future blocks. Even if half of those things become true, block 30 is going to be a very juicy plane.
Looking at its size, it's hard to believe it has the same MTOW as the F 35. Because the airframe is mostly made of composite. For this reason, despite its size, its radar signature can remain low. So why such a large airframe? Because we are not very good at miniaturization yet. Missiles are large, avionics require a large volume, etc.
none sense, Hvkk wants long flight time thats it. Kotil said 3-4 hours supercruise without afterburner. i think this was explanation.




contrary the early drawings new 3d model shows 2 front -bottom iwb s. i think they hide rear one , the aircraft designed for tandem iwb and no logical way to erase it. so my assumption is 4 AA missiles (2x2) at side iwb, 3x3=9 AA from bottom iwbs, this moster can carry 13 AA missiles in iwb if neded.
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TR Engine team, which developed KAAN's engine, visited the plane in the production hangar.

EN Motor: All our work for KAAN continues at full speed


"Air cadets toured the TAI national combat aircraft production facility to examine the KAAN."


The Air Superiority beasts - F-22 Raptor & KAAN


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