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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

there is no doubt that Turkey is pouring billions into its military and with opening of this mega engineering centre they will certainly bring forward the maiden flight of the TFX

and the record is proven, and I believe from ground up this fighter will have al lot of home made technologies

as a ,attributing of cat Turkey is building everything from missiles to software to hardware to electronics and getting all these things integrated and working is another milestone

by 2030 Turkish military industrial complex will be ahead of the likes of Spain, Italy and other advanced Western European nations

maybe not as advanced as UK but certainly in the Top Ten

the rising exports shows another milestone and the fact that now Eastern Europeans nations have started to buy big ticket items from Turkey shows the progress Turkey has made in the last 10 years

Turkey should recruit 1000s of Turkish engineers, metallurgist, scientists and technicians and master the turboshaft, turboprop and finally the turbofan technology

making high quality fan blades with aviation tolerances and having those fan blades spin so fast that even 0.01mm they are not out is not a easy task
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TAI continues to sign cooperation protocols with technical universities. As the latest example of this, a cooperation protocol was signed with Azerbaijan Technical University to provide students with internship opportunities, to offer opportunities for undergraduate graduation projects, and to carry out joint thesis and project studies for graduate education.
TUSAŞ General Manager Kotil said, "We aim to build 6-7 aircraft in the first year in the mass production process, and to produce 2 aircraft per month and 24 aircraft per year from the following year. So after 2025, 2 Hürjets will come out of the hangar and be delivered to the customer every month.

"In our youth, an organization had to have a history in order to make airplanes. It was necessary to have built airplanes before, and to have carried out productions and tests accordingly. This was the situation in the 1970s, it's been 50 years. Today, engineering software and tools much more capable, they have evolved over time. Things are easier with artificial intelligence, there is no need for history. Because when doing simulation on the computer, there are results that are very close to reality. These are being tested in the wind tunnel. Anyone can do it, but you have to want to do it. It takes acumen, funding, desire and young staff. We trust Hürjet. We can compete with everyone, we are present in every tender. We are also in the Malaysian tender. We go and tell our works to the authorities. I have been to Malaysia 3 times in this regard, now I will make my fourth trip and we believe in our product."

"The Malaysian tender also includes delivery in 2025." ... "If a plane was designed 10 years ago, if I design a rival plane for it 10 years later, my plane will be better than it. The approaches we use are the same, but there are materials and manufacturing techniques that have changed in 10 years. The last one should better than the previous one. Everyone should believe it. We are very assertive in the Malaysian tender. We are competitive in price, technology and delivery."

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TUSAŞ General Manager Kotil said, "We aim to build 6-7 aircraft in the first year in the mass production process, and to produce 2 aircraft per month and 24 aircraft per year from the following year. So after 2025, 2 Hürjets will come out of the hangar and be delivered to the customer every month.

What is the contingency regarding problems with acquiring General Electric F404/414, like say if congress blocks the transfer? like it did with the f-35 and other equipment?
What is the contingency regarding problems with acquiring General Electric F404/414, like say if congress blocks the transfer? like it did with the f-35 and other equipment?
Permissions for the supply of F404 engines for HÜRJET and F110 engines for National Combat Aircraft were issued. There is no problem with the supply of these engines. TAI Corporate Marketing and Communications head Serdar Demir said that all the necessary bureaucratic work on this issue has been completed in the past months and that engine sets have begun to be procured for both planes in the number to be used in the first phase works.

Can the USA unilaterally withdraw from an agreement that it has signed again, contrary to the law? Honestly, we can't say it's not possible. However, the Turkish side seems to be advancing on both Plan A and alternative strategies this time. The most important of these is the ongoing activities on alternative Ukrainian engines and works for how much they can be modernized and produced in TR. Especially in Hurjet, we can say that the aircraft has developed quite flexibly in terms of engine supply. The third pillar is to create domestic production alternatives in the medium-long term. I will share more detailed information about this soon. There is a much more serious and important resource transfer in TR than is thought. The first tender has already been announced, and as a result of the first tender, a union of forces will be created in the sector.

For the first phase of the project, when the eurojet was about to take over the engine contractor, GE possibly made an important bureaucratic effort and turned the project on itself. GE is the US aviation company with the largest fixed investment in TR. If the Senate tries to disrupt GE's business, one of the consequences could result in the company being forced to sell its JV shares and other Turkiye operations. JSF is basically a US project and fighting the consequences of exclusion from the project is based on this fact. However, if the US directly tries to sabotage Turkiye's domestic projects, different means of struggle will come into play.

There are important philosophical differences between Hurjet and MMU. The only ultimate goal in the MMU project is to ensure that this aircraft will fly with a domestic engine one day in the future; Hurjet will not be such a conservative project. In particular, the Hurjet advanced training jet variant will have very similar qualifications to, for example, a Gripen in terms of systems engineering. The main criteria for the system will be the cost/delivery factor and the cost/effective technology it offers. MMU will be a project that will become increasingly conservative, while Hurjet has the goal of increasing internationalization. If the US prevents its companies from getting a share of the work from this project, other countries will fill its place.
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Currently, there is a state-of-art aviation industry structuring in TR, from A to Z. In addition, experienced senior engineers from all over the world are being recalled to the country. However, we still cannot prevent aviation enthusiasts, who have stereotypical thoughts about Turkiye due to unawareness, from believing in the world of 20 years ago.

It may be that the delivery of this giant 3D printer was blocked at the last moment, the TFX project will still continue on its way.

Because the giant press machine using one piece mold was developed simultaneously in Konya, Turkey. It is now ready for production. This is plan B. Not two piece mold, attention! One piece mold is used. This is the innovative part!

We can produce the same titanium blocks with it.

We can produce titanium blocks without US technology, so why do we want to import this US 3D printer system? In my opinion, there are three reasons:

a) 3D Printer is a flexible thing, you can produce other things just by changing the software.
b) Despite everything, we refrain from completely severing commercial relations with the USA.
c) We want to gain further experience in 3D manufacturing technology.
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Muhsin Dere, Deputy Minister of National Defense: "Aselsan had approximately 5K employees, of whom 4 thousand were engineers in near past, It currently has 11K employees. TAI has around 11K employees. Most of them are engineers. The number of employees in the defense industry is now around 80,000, but these are not enough."

"We need at least 5 thousand more well-trained engineers for the National Combat Aircraft project."
Muhsin Dere, Deputy Minister of National Defense: "Aselsan had approximately 5K employees, of whom 4 thousand were engineers in near past, It currently has 11K employees. TAI has around 11K employees. Most of them are engineers. The number of employees in the defense industry is now around 80,000, but these are not enough."

"We need at least 5 thousand more well-trained engineers for the National Combat Aircraft project."

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