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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

Bad foreign policy:
Neutral with Assad? Killer of half a million of his own people.
No objection to Sisi? Came to power in a Coup. Imprisoned and killed elected leader.
Who started Hostility with the UAE and Saudi?
We should be friend's with Israel?
Libya, we should take Haftar's side?
Please I would like you to explain the bad foreign policies.

No not friends more like NEUTRAL foreign policy, we don't need to pick sides, for the sake of others lol.

I give a shit about Haftar, Sisi and others. Turkish souvereignity is threatened we have to take measures that benefit Turkey if you like or not.

Watch out for Pakistans foreign policy before talking about ours.
Maybe Turkey should upgrade and refurbish their F 16 into F 16V configuration so that you still have capable air force until you reach 2030. In 2030 you can start replace those F 16 with better fighter since there will be many five generation fighters are in the market which is on par with F 35, including TFX.

US will not give permission to upgrade F-16. Btw, I am not Turkish.
What about Gripen NG.

Would love it however I don't think we can acquire anything made in the west these days simply because the US will try to intervene and f*ck it up for us.

We need to ramp up our efforts to build our own fighter.

In the meantime Russia has offered a quick delivery for SU-35s. Unfortunately SU-57s are still not ready.
Turkey needs nukes simple as that.
you can't use nuke to project power.
In all honesty I'd be happy if we get SU-57's. There's no point waiting for a reversal of the F-35 cancellation. The damage has been done. If we don't buy SU-57s as soon as possible then in a few years our enemies will have a much better air force than us.

Of course we should work on our own fighter. However it won't be ready for another decade. We should buy SU-57'S, and simultaneously work on our fighter and drone programs.

Don't forget that Russia stated that they would like to work with us on future fighter projects. So we could end up building the TFX with their help. Trust me they are our only hope. The west will only waste our time then cancel in the last minute.

The one thing that kinda disappoints me is the fact that we won't be getting F35-Bs for our LHDs. Hopefully we can find an alternative.
no one in west and east would share it's top techs with people who can't make it by themselves, look at Indians and how frenchs made fools of them, they didn't gave them snecma m-88 and they stuck with their tejas plane for 20 years and now they are buying more rafals. Russians prevented us from obtaining KH-31 from Ukraine because they know if we can't make it we will buy it from them. that goes for turkey and west too, RR would play the same game with you too, even Russians would do it, and to my opinion it's better for turkey to buy EF typhoons and participate in british tempest project.
you can't use nuke to project power.

no one in west and east would share it's top techs with people who can't make it by themselves, look at Indians and how frenchs made fools of them, they didn't gave them snecma m-88 and they stuck with their tejas plane for 20 years and now they are buying more rafals. Russians prevented us from obtaining KH-31 from Ukraine because they know if we can't make it we will buy it from them. that goes for turkey and west too, RR would play the same game with you too, even Russians would do it, and to my opinion it's better for turkey to buy EF typhoons and participate in british tempest project.

Bro RR already left the TFX project. They wasted our time for 2 years. I'm telling you right now the west won't sell us anything purely because we threaten their "interests".

Although Russia could theoretically play the same games it is much less likely purely because their interests are aligned with those of Turkey.
Bro RR already left the TFX project. They wasted our time for 2 years. I'm telling you right now the west won't sell us anything purely because we threaten their "interests".

Although Russia could theoretically play the same games it is much less likely purely because their interests are aligned with those of Turkey.

Did RR left all TF-X? I mean I belive they just left the engine part, but all jet still gonna be designed with british help except engine?
SU-57 serial production has been delayed until 2020, so realistically we could acquire them in the next few years. Both F35 and SU-57 do have issues. Many F-35s have fallen out of the sky. SU-57s design may need a more tweeks. Regardless, I'd personally prefer the SU-57 as it's built for a clear purpose (air superiority) while still maintaining the ability to hit ground and naval targets. Meanwhile the F35 is trying to do everything yet doesn't really excel at anything. It's not a good fighter or bomber. I admit. It looks sleek and I'd love for us to have the naval variant. However I'd say the SU-57 is a different league. It's supposed to complete with the F22, don't forget that.

Now to address your distrust of Russia. If Ataturk lived another 10 years then I am confident that we would have had our own fighter jets today. We would be a fully independent superpower. However as we know Menderes had made us reliant on the USA and closed down our plane factories.

Now I'm not a diehard fan of Russia. However we need to work with them for several key reasons.
  • America is literally funding and protecting our enemies in Syria
  • Russia needs allies. We are in a second cold war. Russia knows that it needs allies in order to stand up against western aggression. Because of this they would make for much better partners than America.
  • Partnership with Russia means that our Turkic brothers both in Russia and in central Asia are better off. The west is powerful because they have made peace with each other and therefore can focus on working together for their own benefits. If you are at war with your neighbors then you are doomed. A Eurasian union would be a game changer.
  • If we want to speed up our defense projects then cooperation with Russia would be beneficial because of they are willing and able to provide technology transfers. Trust me they won't waste our time like the west.

This is just my unbiased opinion. You talk about how we had wars with Russia. That is true. However we need to work with them if we are to succeed. Don't forget that a large portion of Russia's population is Turkic and even their Defense ministry is a Tuvan Turk. Together we work for our mutual benefit instead of being treated like shit by the same people who want tl establish k*rdistan.

Russia needs us and we need them.

When people think of warrior nations they always think of Russians and Turks. Imagine what an alliance between the two can achieve.

Edit: Okay I might be wrong about serial production. SU-57s might take ages...

Edit 2: Russia just offered us SU-35s. Russia is eagar to pull us in just as I said. They're desperate for new allies. Thag being said SU-35s aren't an alternative to F35s....

You forget a few things. It was exactly the Russians that created and prompted the PKK during the Cold War as a weapon against Turkey. The YPG opened their international offices in Moscow a few years back and Russia also protects them and Assad whose ideology is based largely on anti-Turkey rhetoric. Russia won’t be happy even a bit if we get closer to our Turkic brothers in Central Asia and Russia itself because that’s a threat to them. On the other hand they are viewing themselves as protectors of all Slavs and Orthodoxy which makes them have an appetite for Constantinople and the Straits etc.

We have clashing interests not only in Central Asia but in Syria, the Caucasus, the Balkans, Crimea, Libya and many other issues. Russian and Turkey are archenemies with the only thing that connects them being their current problems with the West.

Another thing you forget is that Russia is also a country where the Jews have a very strong lobby and hold a huge political and financial power. Our problems with America are mostly due to Erdogan’s attempts to mess with Israel, to build up his image as protector of the Palestinians and leader of the Muslim world. Believe me that if he didn’t go to this path 10 years ago and if Turkey stayed neutral towards Israel now the F-35s would already be in Turkish hands and there wouldn’t be a coalition between Greeks- Israelis- Egyptians and others against us in the East Mediterranean now etc.

Turkey is now reaping the fruits of the disastrous Foreign Policy it’s Government is doing in the last 10 years. Russia will never be good alternative to the West in neither technology nor trade just because we are way too dependent and connected to the West for good or bad.
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What about Gripen NG.

Grippens use American engines. Look into it they use General Electric engines.

Deliorman is right the West= Americans, Europeans or white people in general have Turkey by the balls.

There you go white people alongside the jews run the world through the economy, politics and the military.

Basically white people conquered the world what were Muslims, Africans you name it non westerners were doing all this time??

We were basically sleeping even today we are still sleeping.

I hope the best for Turkey as long as white people run this world with their systems and institutions they have a made a system where we are all dependant on them in everything.
Bro RR already left the TFX project. They wasted our time for 2 years. I'm telling you right now the west won't sell us anything purely because we threaten their "interests".

Although Russia could theoretically play the same games it is much less likely purely because their interests are aligned with those of Turkey.
Turkey is now reaping the fruits of the disastrous Foreign Policy it’s Government is doing in the last 10 years.
the most important thing for turkey to my opinion is picking a side, either Russia or NATO and west. randomly switching side gonna hurt turkey even further, because nether Russia would trust you nor west.
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