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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

Guys can someone explain us what orko says here ?..

View attachment 42544

He says Selection of design alternatives will depend on engine manufacturer and Orko gave avarage take off weight of three concepts.

Eurojet pressing because It is EJ-200 motors which is being negotiated over but EJ-200 can only be integrated on twin engine fighter concept which is coded as FX-1. Integration of Eurojet EJ-200 to other concepts with single motor requires additional modifications so Eurojet motor means FX-1 model selection.

He says Selection of design alternatives will depend on engine manufacturer and Orko gave avarage take off weight of three concepts.

Eurojet pressing because Eurojet offered EJ-200 motors for only twin engine fighter concept which is coded as FX-1. Integration of Eurojet EJ-200 to other concepts with single motor requires additional modifications so Eurojet motor means FX-1 model selection.


Cabatli can you make these different option's code names clear...

Twin engine is FX-1 what about 2 others ?..


Also another question... We can use any kind of engine and it will not effect our jet's stealthiness ?.. I mean, are there special engines for 'stealth' jets ?...

Do stealth jets need things like engine which has reduced noise, heat, vibration ?..

Maybe i am talking just BS... Dunno... :-)
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Cabatli can you make these different option's code names clear...

Twin engine is FX-1 what about 2 others ?..


Also another question... We can use any kind of engine and it will not effect our jet's stealthiness ?.. I mean, are there special engines for 'stealth' jets ?...

I think Names are what orko's twitter post have.
The motors have only options of activate/deactivate after-burner in terms of being stealth.
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I think Names are what orko's twitter post have.
The motors have only options of activate/deactivate after-burner in terms of being stealth.


And about names... There are 2 single engined options.... So i think FX-6 is the one which has delta canard... Because the one with delta canard is bigger and needs more lb...
FX-1 will have a MTOW around 60,000lb and 70,000lb. 70000lb is the max limit, not optimum and certain one...

EJ-200: 20250lbf
EJ-230: 23500lbf

Consider FX-1 as 65000lb for example...

FX-1 with EJ-200 T/W ratio : 40500lbf/29,4 tonnes: 1377,5lbf/tonnes
FX-1 with EJ-235 T/W ratio: 47000lbf/29,4 tonnes: 1598,5lbf/tonnes

F-16 Block-50+ T/W ratio: 28000lbf/19,2 tonnes: 1458,3 lbf/tonnes
Eurofighter T/W ratio: 40500lbf/23,5tonnes: 1723,5lbf/tonnes
F-35 T/W ratio: 43000lbf/31,8tonnes: 1352,2 lbf/tonnes
F-22 T/W ratio: 70000lbf/38 tonnes: 1842,5 lbf/tonnes
Firstly i'm glad we are starting to read concrete and detailed issues about T/F-X...

@ last S&H(162) there is an article about T/F-X and main subject is Eurojet EJ200...

I was expecting that engine will be a big problem for us but i clearly see that Eurojet is willing to sell us engine so much... Another thing is, as you know our guys are insisting on increasing domestic industry about our deals... According to article we have localizetion circumstance about engine issue also... And when i read Eurojet's official's interview they accept this circumstance without any objection and i can say they are willing to do it... Also their official say if we choose their engine it will be so good also for exporting T/F-X... He is talking about ITAR (The International Traffic in Arms Regulations) (BTW i don't know any details about this, hope someone explain this ITAR to us)

Well... They offer us EJ200 and they say "Without any hardware change, we can increase EJ200's power" but they are also ok with EJ230 for us but they say they didn't offer EJ230 to us because it didn't porduced yet and they add "We can offer EJ230 but we want to understand in which way T/F-X program will go on..."

EJ230: 30% more powerful then EJ200, afterburner deactivated 78kN, afterburner activated 120kN

Some specs of EJ200

-20.000lbf(90kN) class leading engine
-'0' problem... No problem occured about this engine
-Engine changing time is less then 45 minutes
-Maximum readiness for duty
-Minimum operating cost
-It's modular and gives minimum return time... For example when a module breaks down immideately you remove it and you install reserve module by this way you gain 2-3 weeks
-Smaller and purer then it's rivals
-Lower fuel use then it's rivals
-Unprecedented power-weight ratio (activated afterburner 90kN/20.000lbf)
-Fan design that doesn't need inlet guide vanes
-6.000 flying hours lifetime, means 30 years

:pleasantry: Guys i got tired and i can not translate all of it... It is a bit hard for me... I hope who has this S&H magazine will translate other infos also...


It's T/F-X(FX-1) expected to have 60.000lb-70.000lb Maximum takeoff weight...
After choosing engine so the concept(Most probably we will get this EJ200 or EJ230 and concept will be FX-1) next step will be 'Sistem Geliştirme ve Demonstrasyon Safhası" which will cost some $ Billions and it's expected to start at the end of this year or at the beginnig of 2015...

It will be stealth, will have inner stations, it will pass sound velocity without activating afterburner(super cruise capability), indigenous advanced avionics for sure(including AESA radar and electronic warfare self defence) one manned fighter jet... 100-150 expected to be produced and after 2025 they will start to enter inventory of TurAF...

I tried my best... This is it by now...

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FX-1 will have a MTOW around 60,000lb and 70,000lb. 70000lb is the max limit, not optimum and certain one...

EJ-200: 20250lbf
EJ-230: 23500lbf

Consider FX-1 as 65000lb for example...

FX-1 with EJ-200 T/W ratio : 40500lbf/29,4 tonnes: 1377,5lbf/tonnes
FX-1 with EJ-235 T/W ratio: 47000lbf/29,4 tonnes: 1598,5lbf/tonnes

F-16 Block-50+ T/W ratio: 28000lbf/19,2 tonnes: 1458,3 lbf/tonnes
Eurofighter T/W ratio: 40500lbf/23,5tonnes: 1723,5lbf/tonnes
F-35 T/W ratio: 43000lbf/31,8tonnes: 1352,2 lbf/tonnes
F-22 T/W ratio: 70000lbf/38 tonnes: 1842,5 lbf/tonnes
So,what other choices do we have then,when the EJ-235 is not suitable?

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