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Tesco stops sourcing from a Bangladesh factory due to safety concerns

Not really..they're too nice for this kind of stuff. :sick:

No one can be as evil as the baniya!

All the water "you need" NOT all the water you want my friend..you're alive yes..and well too..anyone you know dying of thirst? NO, well then you've got all the water you need. :)

What goes around comes round, not today not tomorrow but one day for sure.
What goes around comes round, not today not tomorrow but one day for sure.

Yup..and I pity the people who don't prepare for that. We have though.:D

Honestly though..do you expect us to let you have half of teesta's flow after the mandatory run-off into the sea? Either you fellows think that we REALLY like you or that we are REALLY intimidated by you. Such demands are unreasonable. Just a small example that...but hey don't worry about it..and DO NOT stop sending over the Illish maach..I swear I'll dry out the rivers myself if you do...a bong must have his fish.
We could always just poison their waters..cheap and effective, no? :angel:

Sure that's what you charals will do for sure afterall this kind of things of are taught from your families. Now get lost from here and dont derail this thread anymore.

@Loki.. please cleanup this thread. It seems charals have again poisoned it with their venom.
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come on, just a few days ago, chinese mamas were having tent party in your land :omghaha: the message was strong ;)
training for that mate

I can't see the poles. You should train with Poles not cycles. You need the poles to jump the fence and invade india :P
Sure that's what you charals will do for sure afterall this kind of things of are taught from your families. Now get lost from here and dont derail this thread anymore.

@Loki.. please cleanup this thread. It seems charals have again poisoned it with their venom.
@Loki Why can't your compatriots take a joke? :frown: First it was Jimmie, then Razzi and now even this chap has gone dry. Wazza old chap, how are things hanging?
@Loki Btw is there any honest threat to the garment manufacturing sector from the unfortunate incident that occurred a while back? Could you clue me in on how much this said sector contributes to BD's economy and its details? How significant was Tesco? You know why I'm asking you..even BDf seems to be miffed at me atm..so only one choice was left...:smart:
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Yup..and I pity the people who don't prepare for that. We have though.:D

Honestly though..do you expect us to let you have half of teesta's flow after the mandatory run-off into the sea? Either you fellows think that we REALLY like you or that we are REALLY intimidated by you. Such demands are unreasonable. Just a small example that...but hey don't worry about it..and DO NOT stop sending over the Illish maach..I swear I'll dry out the rivers myself if you do...a bong must have his fish.

Every river has its natural course. If you disrupt natural order, there would serious natural consequences. I guessed a educated man like yourself who knows about unconventional poison are aware of it.
Every river has its natural course. If you disrupt natural order, there would serious natural consequences. I guessed a educated man like yourself who knows about unconventional poison are aware of it.

Consequences which we cannot avoid. We must do what we need to for our development..and we try to accommodate others to the best of OUR capability..NOT to the extent that they demand. That's all there is to it rather than some secret zionist-hindu agenda.
@Loki Why can't your compatriots take a joke? :frown: First it was Jimmie, then Razzi and now even this chap has gone dry. Wazza old chap, how are things hanging?
Maybe some people holds better personality than average Indians. Just leave the threads alone which has got nothing to do with India or indians. Every thread in BD section ultimately turns into a discussion of how bravely you have dammed our rivers or about your imaginary immigration issue. So, please discuss about your favourite topics in your indian section as much as you want but please dont come here.

And about Razpak or that Windjammer guy, they are the perfect match for shameless indians. They show the moral and social problems in indian psychology like rape fiesta that happens in varotmata round the clock without holding anything back and thats the language you indians understand. Problem is we cant go down to your level to fight with you and you indians know it. That's why you indians can keep on ranting here day after day.
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Maybe some people holds better personality than average Indians. Just leave the threads alone which has got nothing to do with India or indians. Every thread in BD section ultimately turns into a discussion of how bravely you have dammed our rivers or about your imaginary immigration issue. So, please discuss about your favourite topics in your indian section as much as you want but please dont come here.

And about Razpak or that Windjammer guy, they are the perfect match for shameless indians. They show the moral and social problems in indian psychology like rape fiesta that happens in varotmata round the clock without holding anything back and thats the language you indians understand. Problem is we cant go down to your level to fight with you and you indians know it. That's why you indians can keep on ranting here day after day.

you had worst posters who used to mouth the foulest language to describe their own country's citizen(let alone Indians), it was like some rickshaw pullers joining pdf.
They are not active now a days, and @Loki is Indian mod. :chilli:
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Maybe some people holds better personality than average Indians. Just leave the threads alone which has got nothing to do with India or indians. Every thread in BD section ultimately turns into a discussion of how bravely you have dammed our rivers or about your imaginary immigration issue. So, please discuss about your favourite topics in your indian section as much as you want but please dont come here.

And about Razpak or that Windjammer guy, they are the perfect match for shameless indians. They show the moral and social problems in indian psychology like rape fiesta that happens in varotmata round the clock without holding anything back and thats the language you indians understand. Problem is we cant go down to your level to fight with you and you indians know it. That's why you indians can keep on ranting here day after day.

There was this nifty panorama of rapes in BD too..oddly most of them, in BD at least, are done by the maulvis..:blink: I posted some of them but then stopped out of decency. Jimmie and Razzi are old hands..its just that they're no fun to poke anymore.

Now now..don't get so angry..such is life. As in the real world here too we shall act upon our whims.:wave:

Your whole nation is an investment for us..obviously we worry about it and keep tabs on it. We baniyas are very keen about our ROI. You on the other hand can keep bellyaching. :)
what is the relation between "Tesco stops sourcing from a Bangladesh factory' and the defence concern :coffee: . day by day bangladesh defence pdf become like jawanikijala.com .so much random topics baised nothing
LONDON (Reuters) - Tesco , the world's No. 3 retailer, has stopped sourcing clothes from a factory in Bangladesh after discovering serious problems with the safety of a building, the conmpany said on Saturday.

The move follows a survey the British-based supermarket chain conducted in the wake of the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory complex in Dhaka in April that killed 1,129 people..

"A structural survey of a site we source from in Bangladesh, owned by Liberty Fashions, has revealed serious problems with the safety of one of the buildings," Tesco said in a statement.

"We immediately made the owners aware of our findings, and tried to find an alternative to ceasing production of Tesco products on this site. We are disappointed that this was not possible...

"Our concerns about the structure of this building are so serious that we decided our only option was to stop taking clothes from this site with immediate effect."

Tesco, which has promised to conduct structural surveys of all the factories it sources from, said it had urged the owners of the site to stop all production and to evacuate the premises to ensure the safety of its workers.

It had also informed the relevant authorities, other customers of the site and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BMGEA) of the survey results and its decision to stop sourcing from the site.

The retailer said it had stopped using 15 factories of concern in Bangladesh in the past 12 months.

Bangladesh has pledged to improve safety in the garment industry after the Rana Plaza collapse but has not pledged any new money to relocate dangerous buildings.

The collapse of Rana Plaza, a factory built on swampy ground outside Dhaka with several illegal floors, on April 24 ranks amongst the world's worst industrial accidents and has galvanised brands to look more closely at their suppliers.

Very low labour costs and, critics say, shortcuts on safety, makes the country of 160 million the cheapest place to make large quantities of clothing.

Companies are split over how to improve conditions. Big European names have signed an accord that would make them legally responsible for safety at Bangladesh factories. U.S. firms like Wal-Mart Stores Inc have broken ties with non-compliant factories.

Tesco stops sourcing from a Bangladesh factory due to safety concerns

60 percent of Bangladesh garment factories 'vulnerable to collapse', says survey

London, June 4 (ANI): A majority of garment factories in Bangladesh are in danger of collapse, according to a survey by engineers in the country.

The survey comes following the last month collapse of the Dhaka factory, in which more than 1000 people, mainly young women, making clothes for UK retailers such as Primark, were killed in one of the world's worst industrial accidents, the Guardian reports.

According to the report, the survey is the work of a team of engineers from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), who have surveyed so far a sixth of 600 buildings that house more than 3,000 clothes factories, as well as examining soil tests and original plans.

The report further said that the survey's revelations that three-fifths or 60 percent of garment factories in Bangladesh are vulnerable to collapse putting in risk the lives of millions of Bangladeshi workers, will concern western retailers which are now moving to improve security and conditions in the Bangladesh factories that supply their shops.

According to the report, two different agreements among western firms such as Primark, Walmart, Carrefour, HandM, Gap, Tesco are being negotiated to improve working conditions, under which, retailers can be theoretically committed to take measures that would prevent another tragedy, as well as providing funds for improvements.

Bangladesh is the world's second biggest supplier of clothes, of which more than 80 percent are exported to Europe or the US.

The 13 billion-pound industry employs about 3.5 million people, mainly young women, and is a major foreign currency earner for Bangladesh, the report added. (ANI)
60 percent of Bangladesh garment factories 'vulnerable to collapse', says survey
what is the relation between "Tesco stops sourcing from a Bangladesh factory' and the defence concern :coffee: . day by day bangladesh defence pdf become like jawanikijala.com .so much random topics baised nothing

Ask your brothers, they will tell you what is the relation.
my brothers are not interested in rmg trading , you tell if you know .well tesco stops taking one factory .not a big deal.i'm waiting for your answer what is the relation between tesco and bd defence force ? strait answer
Ask your brothers, they will tell you what is the relation.
my brothers are not interested in rmg trading , you tell if you know .well tesco stops taking one factory .not a big deal.i'm waiting for your answer what is the relation between tesco and bd defence force ? strait answer

Ask your brothers and mods. They will tell you. As far as thread is concerned you can see 7 pages of comment.
are you disable ?if you dont have the answer then don't reply!i will ask those who knows better than you
Ask your brothers and mods. They will tell you. As far as thread is concerned you can see 7 pages of comment.
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