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Tesco stops sourcing from a Bangladesh factory due to safety concerns

It was good business for both Bangladesh and corporates untill the recent tragedy occurred and International news channel around the world especially BBC created a huge fuss about it . Naturally the companies are under pressure to provide good quality working conditions and staff in the factories and hence they are finding alternatives . As it is their main market is the West and Australia .
Frankly speaking India has a very good opportunity here. If they are wise enough they will grab this chance . End of matter
On the contrary, all this media coverage have given Bangladesh some free branding (Bangladesh, a country from where you can get garments product at inhuman price and compensation for accidents is next to nothing.) Furthermore, there is a three stage investment security. If accidents happens, the government of Bangladesh will take care of it. If its very hard to cover there are some scrap goat(Garments owner:butcher:) who will take the fall for you, the foreign buys can always play the innocence card "We didn't know :angel:". Finally, if the first two option doesn't work you can leave with dignity saying "we are leaving because the garment owners haven't make our safety requirements".

Capitalism is a synonyms for maximizing profit(at any cost). The phrase "There is no such thing as bad publicity" is originated and used mostly in west. So, in conclusion what we can say there is a possibility for a second boom in the garments industry of Bangladesh.

Please don't try to label the factory-owners as scapegoats, it was criminal to make money without caring for poor workers safety, as far as I know workers complained about the building's safety.

And though capitalism is synonymous with profit, there is something like bad publicity. Many US & European customers are sensitive and won't buy a product if it is known that the product is associated with some bad human-rights or exploitation issues. Take the case of blood-diamonds, in western world either you have to get certification that the diamonds are not blood-diamonds, or you have to sell them cheap.

@Chinese-Dragon Many of the Indian members in BD section of PDF are Bengalis, either from this side or from that side, and mostly Hindus. :)
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no one likes made in India crap :lol: even the lowest of Chinese quality stuffs are way better then Bharoti mal

hehehe now i know why they call you roygoat. makes sense
we don't have jewels like bangladesh.. :cray:
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