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Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

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The security at Jinnah hospital was not satisfactory. Even a newspaper pointed it out.

The security at hospitals, except the Jinnah Hospital, was satisfactory and a significant contingent of security personnel was present at entry and exit points of the emergency wards where the injured and the dead were being brought.

The vehicles too were not allowed to be parked near the sensitive areas where the relatives of the injured and deceased had gathered along with the media persons.

The security measures at the Jinnah Hospital, however, were not satisfactory at all as all vehicles and people were allowed to enter the hospital unchecked. The space in front of the emergency ward where a large number of relatives of the injured had gathered had cars and motorbikes which had entered unchecked from the main gate of the hospital.

Moving scenes in hospitals after attacks

I wonder why?:what:


Someone is involved, I can tell someone important from the government or other institution is involved.

They are being fed orders by foreigners, the information is available for you to analyze,

- Hamid Mir's tape regarding Khwaja (ISI agent) being an Ahmadi.

- An Ahmadi network working against the terrorist and trying to open channels for negotiations to end WOT.

- Two Ahmadi mosque with important people (Army + others) within them is attacked.

- The statement says that Ahmadi run a country that belong to them (terrorists).

- Assassination attempt on the captured terrorist.
Not sure about foreign hand but it does suggest that people behind badly need this guy to be killed to avoid any leakage of information. It also suggest that next round of violence might be on the way.

IR : Talibs have previously attacked hospital's. But lets wait for some official response here. Its not yet clear if they indeed come in to rescue the injured terrorist or did they come in to kill him. Its unnatural & Dumb to risk so many cadets to release (or Kill) one arrested dumbwit.

Also suggest that people from within are involved, security kept low, information about location put in papers height of stupidity.
Nothing unusual here. That Bastard needed to be treated and once admitted the security needs to be raised around the perimeter. No way this can be kept a secret.
SMC: I'm surprised. In fact that's exactly is what the original member did .. as if he knew exactly what's going on.... and here you are, accusing me of same!

I have'nt made any suggestion's (if you read my post again). I'm the kind who wait for the official report to come out before opening my trap!

I was appalled as its not even 24 Hours .. and people have started raising the conspiracy flag?

He is suggesting that there's a good possibility of foreign involvement. OTOH, you were talking as if you know exactly what's going on. Now we can all agree or disagree but if you re-read your post that I quoted I don't think you can deny that your tone suggests you know exactly what's going on.

Well as far as official report goes, one doesn't need to see it to suggest foreign involvement particularly considering the nature of this incident.
dumbarse, how is discussion a consipracy theory?

get out of this thread, you have no shame, this is not about indian agenda, you have enough threads for that

You asked me to listen ... Didnt ya? ..Well i'm waiting for your debate. Shoot them bud.
He is suggesting that there's a good possibility of foreign involvement. OTOH, you were talking as if you know exactly what's going on.

Thats not fair. It was he who is assuming things. I did'nt take any side. Re-Read my original post.

Now we can all agree or disagree but if you re-read your post that I quoted I don't think you can deny that your tone suggests you know exactly what's going on.
My Tone? ..... Asking someone to stop dabbling in conspiracy theories (for gods sakes it not even 24 hours and you dont even have any official response from GoP) .. You call that WHAT?

Well as far as official report goes, one doesn't need to see it to suggest foreign involvement particularly considering the nature of this incident.
Mate, at best you can call it a attempt to free the arrested terrorist .. but to call it a Foreign Involvement so early , is stretching too far. Wait for some reaction from GoP, is all i say.
The security at Jinnah hospital was not satisfactory. Even a newspaper pointed it out.

The security at hospitals, except the Jinnah Hospital, was satisfactory and a significant contingent of security personnel was present at entry and exit points of the emergency wards where the injured and the dead were being brought.

The vehicles too were not allowed to be parked near the sensitive areas where the relatives of the injured and deceased had gathered along with the media persons.

The security measures at the Jinnah Hospital, however, were not satisfactory at all as all vehicles and people were allowed to enter the hospital unchecked. The space in front of the emergency ward where a large number of relatives of the injured had gathered had cars and motorbikes which had entered unchecked from the main gate of the hospital.

Moving scenes in hospitals after attacks

I wonder why?:what:

That **** of a journalist should have looked at the hospital's plan before vomiting. The parking space designated has always been there since the hospital was built back in 95. I know this because my mother is a proffessor at AIMC and I've been going to the place quite often since 92/93 when ammi was first posted there. I'm glad that my cuznz ok, the poor girl was assigned one of those 72 hour shifts and was crying on the phone 3 mins ago, not cause she was scared but at the inhumanity of these bastards.
And to make things worse, 2 of the assls may have hidden themselves in Aimc. That's friggin 140 acres to search. I'm not letting ammi go tommorrow morning thats it.
P.s instead of blaming Rehman Malik, if you people knew the people I know in Punjab govt, you'd realise that the ganjas always keep everything regarding terrorism in punjab to themselves. They want to deny as much to the fed as they can. Pooray dinoo k ****** hain yeh donoo bhai. Full time closet taliban sympathisers.
Nawaz Sharif's brother looked a bit too scared, wonder why, he is usually a bit cool in such moments.

You can tell from his nervous attitude and colorless face that he has something to do with this.

The Punjab grown young terrorist is very prominent now, Punjab needs to come out of it stupid Sunni Islamic mentality.
Thats not fair. It was he who is assuming things. I did'nt take any side. Re-Read my original post.

My Tone? ..... Asking someone to stop dabbling in conspiracy theories (for gods sakes it not even 24 hours and you dont even have any official response from GoP) .. You call that WHAT?

Mate, at best you can call it a attempt to free the arrested terrorist .. but to call it a Foreign Involvement so early , is stretching too far. Wait for some reaction from GoP, is all i say.

Fair enough. Actually right now I am not really in argument mode at all so I will not say much.
He is suggesting that there's a good possibility of foreign involvement. OTOH, you were talking as if you know exactly what's going on. Now we can all agree or disagree but if you re-read your post that I quoted I don't think you can deny that your tone suggests you know exactly what's going on.

Well as far as official report goes, one doesn't need to see it to suggest foreign involvement particularly considering the nature of this incident.

If you mean me, I am not suggesting that but saying there is something big this time. What that something is too early to comment. I do not like to speculate a lot.
Nawaz Sharif's brother looked a bit too scared, wonder why, he is usually a bit cool in such moments.

You can tell from his nervous attitude and colorless face that he has something to do with this.

T-Faz : Sorry .... but i dont understand ..... two brazen attack in 3 days ... is'nt he supposed to be nervous? .. Let us not presume him guilty. Lets wait for some reaction from GoP.
If you mean me, I am not suggesting that but saying there is something big this time. What that something is too early to comment. I do not like to speculate a lot.

He was not referring to you.
T-Faz : Sorry .... but i dont understand ..... two brazen attack in 3 days ... is'nt he supposed to be nervous? .. Let us not presume him guilty. Lets wait for some reaction from GoP.

Ummm, I do not know how I should put this but Nawaz Sharif struck a deal with USG some in 2008/9 to be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan, they had certain conditions that Nawaz should adhere to.

Even Times wrote about the deal being struck, they use their links with the extremists to make certain things happen that puts pressure on Pak to do things it would not otherwise.

From my communication with some people, I was told that things will play out in a certain way and unfortunately it all came true.

While the attack is yet another lapse in security, I'm amazed and horrified at the comments I've read above. Saddening and downright disturbing.

Terrorists being dressed in police uniforms doesn't mean that somebody from inside is involved, although that is highly likely as well. The attackers on GHQ were in military uniform. Uniforms have been available at military stores throughout the country since time immemorial. You could just go and buy one. After the GHQ attack, they tried to make sure that uniforms weren't sold without seeing ID but of course we know our middle class businessman and it is extremely easy to get hand on a uniform.

Now dressed in police uniform, nobody would have expected them to attack and that too in the middle of the night. I can clearly imagine the cops posted at the hospital to having imagined that it was just another duty to stand up and sit down day after day without any activity. Suddenly, they are taken by surprise and in the event of an attack, the initiative and the surprise lies with the terrorists. Nobody seems to have noticed that 5 police officers have embraced Shahadat or maybe like our media the word Shahahdat is reserved for the military only b/c whenever a cop lays down his life, it is hardly mentioned, and is labeled "janbahaq" for in our media's and people's terms there are three levels:- shaheed, janbahaq and then halak. Cops deserve the second one only.

It is entirely idiotic to blame Rehman Malik, that is of course based on hatred that spews from his association with AAZ. People cannot distinguish between provincial forces handling an event and a federal ministry handling one. Govt of Punjab did not request or perhaps even rejected MoI help in this regard. MoI had nothing to do with the event. You people would have loved had his name been been preceded by a Lt Gen(R). I cannot imagine how much lame people can get. Of course there should be a national CT policy but the NACTA set up to perform this function hasn't even started functioning thanks to institutional rivalries and certain people not willing to let go of their powers from their organizations in this regard. If you know anybody in NACTA, he can attest to the fact that high ups from certain organizations have created trouble for NACTA for they are unwilling to let go of their powers in this regard.

The Govt of Punjab having been hand in hand with LJ is now paying for playing fiddle. Besides it is you, me, and everybody else who is complacent of the attacks. For a dozen years the ultra-Sunnis provided support to the SSP and LJ to kill Shias. The ultra-Shias provided support to Sipah-e-Muhammad and Tehrik Nifaz-i-Fiqah Jafaria to counter the SSP and LJ attacks. In addition everybody amongst us silently stood or chipped in to the boxes of the "jihadi tanzeemen" that would flood the mosque gates after friday prayers throughout the '80s and the '90s. If you claim to have never seen JM, LJ, JuD, LT, LI, LO or any other organization outside your mosques collecting money and recruiting people; then you are lying, plain lying.

We stood still and watched our country getting grasped further into the jihadi problem. When around 1996, the state especially the Govt of Punjab resolved to get rid of sectarian terrorism, the people's will was with it (to some extent) and the Punjab Police was able to eliminate sectarian terrorism to a large extent by '98. It is considered one of PP's major achievements. But of course the non sectarian but Chechnya, Bosnia, Philippines, Burma and Kashmir jihad organizations remained free and in many cases were supported by our favourite mother of all intelligence agencies.

Our state is complacent of having supported these organizations. The menace outgrew by massive proportions and nobody can ever control militant organizations. As you sow, so shall you reap.
We stood still and watched our country getting grasped further into the jihadi problem

i dont believe pakistan ever supported home grown terrorists.

yes they helped the afghan taliban

yes they allowed saudi's to fund madrassa's

but never have they created a relentless well trained army of HOMEGROWN militants who are at will able to activate one of their cells and cause an event, this is something new, unheard of and unseen, something that has evolved not slowly but rapidly over the last few years.
you need to differentiate between two things

yes the damaging extremist ideology is damaging and exists to an extent in pakistan and has done over a period of time


there is a large disconnect between the idealogy and practical ability to cause the type of damage they have done, just because you have the idealogy does not automatically mean that is the main driver of all thi

think of the hundreds of IED bombs, the well trained death squads, the co-ordination and weapons these people have, the alarming success rate

listen up people, islamic extremism does not teach you how to execute the above, something or some else does, but who?
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