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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

Guys please pray for injured in today's prayer.
idk, i asked the same question, Chinese ones can be bought as cheap as Rs 600, you can pick up Magnum Dms (used) in 1500rs , why the **** go for Cheetah that retails at 2300rs :confused:

Interesting, maybe you are right. I think, there is something special about white shoes that these rats can look down at feets and wink winks communications aside from civilians and society around...I guess, that's assumption.
CONFIRMED - I analyzed the TTP propaganda video. The attack was planned by Umer Mansoor, the same monster who planned and executed the APS massacre. He is being sheltered by NDS and RAW in Afghanistan. A phone call was made from Afghan carrier service to claim responsibility for this massacre.
A very sad day indeed. It takes one incident like this to create bitterness. We must be vigilant and we cannot take all of this casually. As long as mosques like kal masjid are still around who support terror activities and pledge allegiance to terrorists then we will see such incidents keep taking shape. The intelligence forces can't stop them all thus we mist cut the roots. The Afghans mist be sent back and we must do vigilant operation against these terror breeding mosques while shutting down any goriegn funded mosques.. Its just too risky especially with Saudi Arabia also supporting sect violence.
Considering how inept Afghanistan is we must solve the Afghan problem quickly. Sealing or mining the border and using drones to target Taliban hideouts in Afghanistan... We can't allow this to continue especially with Afghanistan sheltering ttp.
CONFIRMED - I analyzed the TTP propaganda video. The attack was planned by Umer Mansoor, the same monster who planned and executed the APS massacre. He is being sheltered by NDS and RAW in Afghanistan. A phone call was made from Afghan carrier service to claim responsibility for this massacre.
i have been following their posts on their website but couldn't watch the video, its blocked here with me, but you are correct, as per the title, He was the master mind behind this
You just admitted yourself that RAW is exploiting the situation in Pakistan. There is nothing left to quarrel about here. To us Pakistanis, obviously anyone helping out the enemy is also our enemy. RAW is also an enemy of Pakistan sponsoring terrorism.
I didn't "admit" anything, I indulged Abu Namr when I responded to his accusation.

I'm just a civvie, how would I know about RAW etc anyway ?


@Horus, any idea who are the guys with blurred out faces???
I would say , with out any potential air targets on the base , the fact the intruders went for mosque perhaps signifies they might have been hoping some high profile target was praying there. Perhaps they were expecting someone high profile.
Army did not elaborate if it was a circumstantial move to mosque or their intended target.

The response from the Pakistani units to counter them was good , however it is still some what concerning that
13 members managed to get into the base.

I think if Pakistan had armed APC/ Vehicle close to entrance points. It would have made entrance a bit more harder.
Also alarms , triggered by lasers on ground , which really should be active around (any base) , only turned off in mornings when sufficient soldiers are awake.

PS: I have always stated annexing Afghanistan is a permanent solution to problem of terrorist coming in from there into Pakistan
A small question.

If "success " of reduction of terrorist incidents goes to COAS, why the failure to prevent this kind of incidence will not go to him?

If he wants to get all praise for antiterrorism effort eventually being done at the cost of citizen's money (rightly spent though), why he will not be answerable to your nation for such failure ? This is not a stray attack on the road. This is a planned attack in army camp/base. Its a sad incident of intelligence failure and under preparedness from establishment's side.

Pakistanis should learn to make accountable all Govt servants (like politicians) for their failure too instead of hero worship to uniformed people unnecessarily.
CONFIRMED - I analyzed the TTP propaganda video. The attack was planned by Umer Mansoor, the same monster who planned and executed the APS massacre. He is being sheltered by NDS and RAW in Afghanistan. A phone call was made from Afghan carrier service to claim responsibility for this massacre.

Says it all. These dogs are very desperate. We need to destroy each one of them. Close the border with Afghanistan immediately. Keep a close watch on movement. Use every means to monitor the border area.
I would say , with out any potential air targets on the base , the fact the intruders went for mosque perhaps signifies they might have been hoping some high profile target was praying there. Perhaps they were expecting someone high profile.
Army did not elaborate if it was a circumstantial move to mosque or their intended target.

The response from the Pakistani units to counter them was good , however it is still some what concerning that
13 members managed to get into the base.

I think if Pakistan had armed APC/ Vehicle close to entrance points. It would have made entrance a bit more harder.
Also alarms , triggered by lasers on ground , which really should be active around (any base) , only turned off in mornings when sufficient soldiers are awake.

Higher watch towers armed and manned by snipers, equipped with 12.7mm AA Gun, and search light, dog patrolls with food Soldiers, and a heavy amoured M-113, better security checks of all Persons who leave and enter the base,would be enough..... we have no funds for lasers and such stuff ! Why Army is not closing all the shops which are selling military uniforms ! ?
A small question.

If "success " of reduction of terrorist incidents goes to COAS, why the failure to prevent this kind of incidence will not go to him?

If he wants to get all praise for antiterrorism effort eventually being done at the cost of citizen's money (rightly spent though), why he will not be answerable to your nation for such failure ? This is not a stray attack on the road. This is a planned attack in army camp/base. Its a sad incident of intelligence failure and under preparedness from establishment's side.

Pakistanis should learn to make accountable all Govt servants (like politicians) for their failure too instead of hero worship to uniformed people unnecessarily.
because unlike other countries we have respect for our Forces, they have foiled many attacks, and if one out of hundreds gets away, that requires us to stand firm and still support them rather than criticizing them ----
idk, i asked the same question, Chinese ones can be bought as cheap as Rs 600, you can pick up Magnum Dms (used) in 1500rs , why the **** go for Cheetah that retails at 2300rs :confused:
I heard they love cheetah brand, Dove soap, davidoff fragrance,Honda 125 bike etc.
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