Maximizing the education level has to be a full-blown no-holds-barred state policy and strategy. Our literacy rate is a measly, shameful, pathetic 50%. Education IS important and always will be for a wide range of problems. To a large extent, it is the Pak establishment's shortcoming in itself that they haven't been able to give serious consideration to this glaring issue by not allocating enough resources to it, whether purposefully or not. It seems as if they want to do just enough so Pakistan can keep it's neck above the water, but not much more than that. The terrorists or enemies of state will keep exploiting the various vulnerabilities and weakness that lie in a society to their advantage, until those weaknesses themselves are properly dealt with and redressed.
Absolutely, education is THE ONLY KEY to open the locks, our kids and also ourselves need education. But what can you do about the guys who right in front of you have the gun and want to kill everybody? That is my point!! Do you try to educate him or do something to stop him killing you?