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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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Maximizing the education level has to be a full-blown no-holds-barred state policy and strategy. Our literacy rate is a measly, shameful, pathetic 50%. Education IS important and always will be for a wide range of problems. To a large extent, it is the Pak establishment's shortcoming in itself that they haven't been able to give serious consideration to this glaring issue by not allocating enough resources to it, whether purposefully or not. It seems as if they want to do just enough so Pakistan can keep it's neck above the water, but not much more than that. The terrorists or enemies of state will keep exploiting the various vulnerabilities and weakness that lie in a society to their advantage, until those weaknesses themselves are properly dealt with and redressed.

Absolutely, education is THE ONLY KEY to open the locks, our kids and also ourselves need education. But what can you do about the guys who right in front of you have the gun and want to kill everybody? That is my point!! Do you try to educate him or do something to stop him killing you?
Really sad and deplorable. RIP innocent souls who lost their lives.:cry:
This attack is a warning for us. This is perhaps the first attack on minorities by Taliban if i am not wrong. I wonder what's next? Temple or church. I totally blame Punjab Govt for this security lapse. They need to increase their intelligence and kill these bastards wherever they find them.

No, most to all the attacks have been on minorities.
How will you change the ideology of children without educating them?
Education can be in any form i.e religious, schooling etc

I do not like mullahs, many mullahs. I think that tribal culture should also be finished as it always had a negative impact on Pakistani internally. However, it is/was also a line of defence. I hope to visit Pakistan when you guys are done tackling terrorism etc

Why you want to visit? I think you have already disowned it but the problem is that Canadians will not own you either.
Please! i request you to never come back to Pakistan. We don't need opportunistic people like you. I wish you a healthy and happy life in Canada.
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Why you want to visit? I think you have already disowned it but the problem is that Canadians will not own you either.
Please! i request you to never come back to Pakistan. We don't need opportunistic people like you. I wish you a healthy and happy life in Canada.

^^^ Lets not get personal.
Some of my cousins who were in the area have been injured and are in very critical condition. They were trying to help and were fired upon.

Please pray for them.
May Allah Almighty heal the injured and peace for the fallen.Ameen
Either fully support or fully reject WoT, half heartness is not good. you can educate people if they are ready to be educated. you cant educate a man with a gun who is fully committed to kill himsefl as well as the others.

My relatives are not being killed so I don't care. It is the responsibility of the government to tackle the problem. If they are successful than I am happy if not that Pakistanis should face the consequences.
Why you want to visit? I think you have already disowned it but the problem is that Canadians will not own you either.
Please! i request you to never come back to Pakistan. We don't need opportunistic people like you. I wish you a healthy and happy life in Canada.

Thank you for praying. Well, I went to Pakistan in 2007 and now I will go back in 2011 to see how things are working. I bet that the things are the same. Pollution, rickshaws, wagons, beggars, load shedding, suicide attacks, corruption, injustice, inflation sky rocketing, POVERTY etc

And don't worry Canadians have already owned me.
My family has lost many for our nation, from the ones who fought in WW2 and stopped the Japanese in China to wars for our country, the question is how many can these people kill, there will always be more who will openly sacrifice their life for their country.
@ Qsaark and MODS + Admin

what a bad time to argue on Ahmedi's self belief. They are killed by the terrorists so instead of condemning you guyz arguing about their beliefs and name calling?

Grow up boys :rofl:

If we start killing just because our belief are different. I can guarantee there will be no man alive.

I dont like them as they abuse our prophet when i argue anyone of them but that doesn't mean i should feel happy when they die...That would be the most sick thing to do.
I remember many active speakers in this thread are those who defended the govt.'s action of banning you tube and face book over supposedly unseen cartoon.
Why they can't be moderate than and don't visit the site voluntarily and now they are jumping up and down in defending the rights of Qadian?
Remember Qadian are declared non Muslim by PPP and now we have seen them targeted once again after almost 2.5 decades.

On the incident i have no doubt in my mind that all this artificaly enginnered events are product of same brian and are facilitated by elements in govt. higher ups.

I hope people of world knows that both President and Prime minister belong to a minority religous sect. Even many key ministers belong to same minority sect.

There is no such thing in Pakistan as sect. divide or divide on religous basis it si just a gift of nature that some evil nations have evil design on Pakistan.
Pakistan cannot stop it while higher up in authorities are supporting evil covertly.

Pakistan is in a state of emergency and all cabinete needed to be sacked as they have almost sunk Pakistan.
Mr Taimi Khan, then by that logic, there werent any pakistani taliban some years ago. So does that mean Talibans creating havoc today have some linkage to some stupid conspiracy theory??

Everything good or bad that happens obviously happens at some point of time. Every event occuring n-th time definately has a one first time. If it never happened prior, so it must certainly be a conspiracy is a very lame argument.

There are many things happening in pakistan that never happened before so does it gives you authority to stopping short of blaming India (or any other country)??

As far as I know, there has not been an single peice of weed shown by pakistan as a proof of Indian involvement in pakistan. There have been tall claims but not a single proof of Indian involvemt has been found.

yet another genius :hitwall::hitwall:

What the hell is the problem with you people ?? Who the hell took the name of India or some Indian conspiracy or some other country conspiracy.

Are you people high on something or what ??

strange stupidity being shown by you guys.

I am not talking about Indians, I am talking about an incident in Pakistan, which involves a kidnapped then murdered former ISI official and a recent tape of an audio conversation between a known Pakistani current affairs program anchor and a Punjabi Taliban commander discussing the then captured former ISI official and his links with some person belonging to the Ahmadi group and the anchor accusing the Ahmadi group to be working against the Taliban.

I have already thrown out one, don't make me repeat the same action with you.

First understand what is being talked about, then open up your mouths, otherwise keep it shut.
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