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Terror groups developing 'dirty bomb', say security chiefs


Oct 7, 2007
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Terror groups developing 'dirty bomb', say security chiefsIslamist terrorists have stepped up their efforts to develop a 'dirty' bomb for use against Western targets, senior Western security sources have told The Daily Telegraph.
By Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 9:46PM BST 07 Sep 2008

They are exploiting the political chaos in Pakistan in a bid to acquire nuclear material for a 'spectacular' attack.

At least one plot has been uncovered involving Pakistani-based terrorists planning to use nuclear material against a major European target.

Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda terror group, whose terrorist infrastructure is based in the province of Waziristan in northwest Pakistan, is known to be trying to acquire nuclear technology to use in terror attacks against the West.

Other militant Islamist groups in Pakistan, such as the newly formed Pakistani Taliban, have also shown an interest in developing weapons with a nuclear capability, according to Western security officials.

Security chiefs fear the mounting political instability in Pakistan will make it easier for militant Islamist groups to develop a primitive nuclear device.

Pakistan is the world's only Muslim country with a nuclear weapons arsenal, which was developed during the 1990s by the rogue Pakistani nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadir (AQ) Khan.

Dr Khan was placed under house arrest after he was accused of selling the blueprint for Pakistan's atom bomb to rogue states such as Libya, North Korea and Iran. But the restrictions on Dr Khan's detention have been eased since President Pervez Musharraf was forced from power.

Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is subject to stringent security safeguards put in place with the help of the American military when Mr Musharraf was in office. But there is mounting concern within Western security circles that Islamic terror groups will gain access to Pakistan's expertise in developing terrorist weapons containing nuclear material.

"Islamist militant groups want to carry out terror attacks on a massive scale, and there is no better way for them to achieve that objective than to develop some form of primitive nuclear device," said a senior U.S. security official.

The most likely terror device using nuclear material is a "dirty bomb", where conventional explosives are fitted with radioactive material.

Security experts believe the detonation of such a device in a city like London would provoke widespread panic and chaos, even though the area of contamination would be relatively small.

Western security officials say they have uncovered evidence that a Pakistani based group was planning to attack a European target with such a device, although details of the planned attack have not been made public.

The sweeping victory of Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of murdered Pakistani leader Benazir Bhutto, in the presidential election at the weekend, has done little to reassure Western diplomats that the security situation in Pakistan is about to improve. Mr Zardari was jailed for nine years on corruption charges, and Western diplomats have little confidence in his ability to provide strong leadership.

"Pakistan is in danger of becoming a failed state, and Mr Zardari's election victory is unlikely to improve the situation," said a Western diplomat.

Tensions grew last week when American special forces staged a cross-border incursion from Afghanistan into Pakistan's lawless tribal regions.

They were targeting suspected al-Qaeda operatives, signalling a possible intensification of US efforts to disrupt militant safe havens in Pakistan.

Despite fury in Pakistan, US defence officials have said that the number of cross-border missions might grow in coming months in response to the growing militancy.

But there are fears this could but this could provoke an Islamist backlash throughout Pakistam that could play into the terrorists' hands.

Most of the recent Islamist terror plots against Britain – including the July 7 attacks in London in 2005 – had links with Pakistan, and British security officials say groups based in Pakistan continue to pose the greatest terrorist threat to Britain.

British security officials recently confirmed that they were investigating at least 30 terror plots that originated in Pakistan. "In the past many of the plots have been fairly primitive, but we are seeing a growing level of sophistication. We fear it is only a question of time before the groups based in Pakistan develop some form of nuclear capability."

Terror groups developing 'dirty bomb', say security chiefs - Telegraph
what is this?

"Pakistan is in danger of becoming a failed state, and Mr Zardari's election victory is unlikely to improve the situation," said a Western diplomat
A broken nation babbling blame?
I was surprised by seeing this statement, but I think the terrorists getting hands on nukes may not be totally ruled out. As some nuclear scientist with jehadi mentality can support them in getting there hands on. But overall chances looks remote.
I was surprised by seeing this statement, but I think the terrorists getting hands on nukes may not be totally ruled out. As some nuclear scientist with jehadi mentality can support them in getting there hands on. But overall chances looks remote.
We don't have any nuclear scientist with a Jihadi mentality.

And this report is crap. There's nothing to develop in a dirty bomb. If you have U and some explosives you can do it anyway.

So either they have the U or they don't. Now Pakistan's U is secure, and since when was Pakistan's U up for grabs?
Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda terror group, whose terrorist infrastructure is based in the province of Waziristan in northwest Pakistan, is known to be trying to acquire nuclear technology to use in terror attacks against the West.


lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzz there is no province with the name of Waziristan in my area atleast.

Guys if you have any information about creation of the Province of Waziristan pleeeeeeeeeeeeeas let me know.

A person who dosnt know the demography of Pakisatan can never be authentic. Just a crap
Just two words for the propagandist and the speader of such propaganda crap

LAY OFF morrons
We don't have any nuclear scientist with a Jihadi mentality.

And this report is crap. There's nothing to develop in a dirty bomb. If you have U and some explosives you can do it anyway.

So either they have the U or they don't. Now Pakistan's U is secure, and since when was Pakistan's U up for grabs?

I agree to some extent, but with so much insurgency around, and because of mr. Khan network some info can be leaked out and it may help. But chances are slim.
And this report is crap. There's nothing to develop in a dirty bomb. If you have U and some explosives you can do it anyway.

I agree with that. Also:

Coughlin has been criticized for writing highly controversial unsubstantiated articles that provide justification for British foreign policy, which have subsequently been proven false. He has a history of accepting phoney stories from MI6 and then publishing articles in the name of fabricated sources. He has been accused of being a conduit for Black propaganda.

Coughlin has a been criticized for writing various allegations against Iran, using unknown and untraceable sources, many of which have turned out to be false.[citation needed] Coughlin has made various allegations in recent years, including that Iran is producing nerve gas and chemical weapons.

Con Coughlin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I agree to some extent, but with so much insurgency around, and because of mr. Khan network some info can be leaked out and it may help. But chances are slim.
Dr. Khan wasn't selling nukes nor U nor to terrorists.

And security has been super tight ever since then.
I agree with that. Also:

Coughlin has been criticized for writing highly controversial unsubstantiated articles that provide justification for British foreign policy, which have subsequently been proven false. He has a history of accepting phoney stories from MI6 and then publishing articles in the name of fabricated sources. He has been accused of being a conduit for Black propaganda.

Coughlin has a been criticized for writing various allegations against Iran, using unknown and untraceable sources, many of which have turned out to be false.[citation needed] Coughlin has made various allegations in recent years, including that Iran is producing nerve gas and chemical weapons.

Con Coughlin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:) yes i can see that as he came up with brand new province within Pakistan.

BTW if you knew that then moral high ground should have been taken by not posting pack of lies and fake stuff.
:) yes i can see that as he came up with brand new province within Pakistan.

BTW if you knew that then moral high ground should have been taken by not posting pack of lies and fake stuff.

Oh bravo...stop complaining...you really shouldn't be doing that considering the kind of stuff you post on a regular basis.
Oh bravo...stop complaining...you really shouldn't be doing that considering the kind of stuff you post on a regular basis.

:) the stuff i post is mostlyh from Indian sources and even if not, no writer of that stuff is proven false and fake like Coughlin, whome you also accepted being guilty of fake writing.
Dr. Khan wasn't selling nukes nor U nor to terrorists.

And security has been super tight ever since then.

The claim of security is ok but what is the ground situation? I am repeating my self again the chances of falling in there hands is remote but still there is a possibility
The claim of security is ok but what is the ground situation? I am repeating my self again the chances of falling in there hands is remote but still there is a possibility

Dear nitesh sir,
the ground situation in pakistan is not up to the standrds but, still pakistan had proved to have enough power to protect its nukes. the story you had been trying to put on, is very old propaganda stuff, which can be took as a good theory to next( JAMES BOND 007) movie, in which AMITABH & his son can act togther.:lol::agree::enjoy:
It's incredibly amazing as how Indians try to portray Pakistan's Nuclear assets as unsafe etc.Do you Indians honestly think that Talibans etc can reach nuclear installations?They will be killed on sight if they try to enter into nuclear facilities.(And Talibans don't know where these facilities are..) and America Media is bullshit.They claim BB was savior of Pakistan.Complete Nonsense.
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