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Terror attack in Sinai,200+ killed

Reading some of the comments from palestinians on Ramallah news facebook page, they seem to really hate Sisi.

Many Arabs are celebrating this attack they simply hate Egyptians and want everyone one if them dead .

Thanks to you Saudis for the export of terrorism.
Don't forget Iran ; turkey and Qatar . Turkey and Qatar especially provided arms ; financing and logistic support for terrorists in Egypt . All Major mb channels are now broadcasting from Turkey and 2 days ago egypt discovered major Turkish spy network that financed and supported terrorist organizations in Egypt .

These animals are the scum of the earth. They've been failing against military targets and personnel so they've reached out their filthy tentacles to the innocent civilian pops. These people need to be skinned one by one and face the ultimate painful death. This IS lowlife vermin cretin are worst than fecal matter. They need to be eradicated in the worst way possible.
This is a lone wolf attack by armed terrorists on a small town . They have lost their capacity to attack military and police installations and lost many fighters in their attempt to conduct such attacks ; now they shifted their attack on soft targets out of depression .

1)The recent agreement between Cyprus ; Greece and Egypt to build gas pipe to Egypt and export liquified gas through Egyptian lng plants .

2) recent reconciliation deal between fatah and hamas brokered by egypt in Gaza without turkey and Qatar .

3) egypt discovered and dismantled the largest turkey spy network supporting mb in Egypt and financing terrorism .
4) failure of terrorist organizations to step up a stronghold in Egypt especially their failure to carry out sophisticated attacks in Sinai against military bases .

All these events push Qatar and turkey to revenge from the Egyptian civilians after their failure in Libya and Egypt and losing their influence over the Palestinian issue .
whattttttttttt 155 ?????? its mass killing man

It's mass killing for us but they must be enjoying that they killed so many people in one attack. Humanity has to pay the price for seeds of religious fundamentalism sawn by some people and others silently watching it.
Wow !

LOL at Islamic Army :lol:

250+ innocents gunned down and not a single shred of comment ! Sad state of muslims. Sad state indeed.
The military has to look at how Turkey was secularised. Destroy these violent vermin.
The military has to look at how Turkey was secularised. Destroy these violent vermin.

lt wasn't forced upon the people, Turks were never under foreign control so we don't hold grudges against Westerners but for other Muslim countries that might be hard and l don't blame them...We just united the religious institutions under state control and banned other fanatic & extremist ones....So l don't really think Turkey is %100 secular but the state and the mosque is just separated.
Shut the fcuk up and stop talking about shit u know nothing about morsi was a dictator in the making (he unconstitutionally changed the Constitution giving himself god like authority to do whatever he wants even if unconstitutional removing the power from any court of the law to rule against him (Mubarak btw never had that authority) and that's when people started demonstrating against him)
Democracy was never just about voting (unlike what Islamist like to believe) so stop mentioning democratic because morsi was not democratic just like Mubarak (who was elected) was not democratic.
We removed morsi and agreed to face the backlash of the Islamists (and like they promised they killed the innocent attacked police ,army and civilians to punish us but all they did was proving that we were right in removing the Vermont from power we the civilians removed them just like we removed Mubarak )
Ur opinion about Egypt is worthless at best.
Finally I will leave u with this


Anyone who wants us to believe that Morsi was a bigger dictator than Sisi? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Dude, you and your citizens can continue to believe in fairy tales and keep fooling themselves. We don't have to accept your illusions because we don't live in Egypt.

Egypt is a shitty state governed by a military autocrat. Just like Mubarak.

We both know it, move along...

Anyone who wants us to believe that Morsi was a bigger dictator than Sisi? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Dude, you and your citizens can continue to believe in fairy tales and keep fooling themselves. We don't have to accept your illusions because we don't live in Egypt.

Egypt is a shitty state governed by a military autocrat. Just like Mubarak.

We both know it, move along...
U haven't replied to any of the points I made.
Face it you know nothing about Egypt or/and democracy and you have no come back or logical reply other than(u know it I know it trump style bullshit)
Again ur opinion is worthless at best. unless u have some facts or logical conclusions built on facts/knowledge shut the fcuk up.
Very sad to hear.

I'm with our Egyptian brothers & sisters in this time of grief.

May Allah grant patience to the families of victims and grant peace to the souls of victims in hereafter.
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These bastard terrorists reached unprecedented level by targeting mosques where innocent people worship Allah and look only for a moment of peace.

Oh because this is the first time right, they reached this level only now..

Anyone who wants us to believe that Morsi was a bigger dictator than Sisi? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Dude, you and your citizens can continue to believe in fairy tales and keep fooling themselves. We don't have to accept your illusions because we don't live in Egypt.

Egypt is a shitty state governed by a military autocrat. Just like Mubarak.

We both know it, move along...

Don't drop to his level, the troll has been reported, they have this thing "democracy isn't just about elections" when there own candidate doesn't get elected. Yet they all support military autocracy and monarchies lol. Have another free election in Egypt MB will come to power again.

These Egyptians keep blaming MB when the bombs going off in there country are planted by followers of the same ideology as there new sugar daddy the Saudis.
By toppling the democratically elected (faulty) government--and bringing back the VERY SAME Mubarak regime--

Even though it was undeniably a military coup, it saved the country from falling into an abyss that it might've never recovered from, or would take decades to recover from. You need to understand the bigger picture, or at least look at it objectively. These were very trying times, post revolution, where the county was tethering on the brink of collapse. So it's not as easy as 123.

And sure enough...Egypt went to shit afterwards. A shithole that nobody cares about anymore..

Actually the opposite happened. You should pay more attention to what's been going on if you wish to criticize Egypt and us Egyptians. We're open to criticism, just not ignorant criticism.

Egyptians are no Turks...

Nothing against Turks, but I'm glad for that. We are our own people, just like Pakistanis are no Indians and vice versa. Every country has its problems and has to deal with them, this happens to be ours and it will be dealt with. Why the comparison to Turkey and the sucking up to it? They're battling what they label terrorism in the Kurds as well, refugees from Syria and a major border issue so it's no cakewalk for them either. And many would say Erdogan is a bigger dictator than Sisi and is doing that by consolidating power through intimidation in pushing reforms. Sisi has actually gone against the Egyptian parliament's wishes to extend the presidential term from 4 to 6 years. Dictator, you say?

While dumb Egyptians brought their slave-masters back to power by their hands and are now pretty irrelevant.

Nice, again with the insults. You know what they say about people who can't make their point without insulting others, let alone an entire country and its people?

I'll tell you what, the only dumb thing us Egyptians did was elect Morsi in the first place. Wasted a revolution that spilled blood from thousands of people and created history only to allow an incompetent puppet to an organization that would've set back the country 150 years to be elected. That was the dumb thing we did.

Sadly, this news will make less rounds internationally than even Mugabee's topple over in Zimbawae

I guess you were wrong about that, ey? Turn on any news station in whatever state you're in and it's all over the news, never mind the news in the MENA region is talking about nothing but this. Not that that's something to be proud of anyway.

RIP .... some are saying this is a Sufi Mosque, and Sufi is same thing as Sunni or like 99% the same.

It's only that close when you exclude all the weird, so called mysitical things they do, which many of them actually don't practice but either way, Rawda Masjid is a big masjid open for everyone on a very busy street.

I am suspicious of these IS people nevertheless, I don't believe there is organized group in Sinai and rather cells , each acting on their own for whatever ulterior motives. Are these people just fanatics or thugs or what, I'm not taking anything seriously about them wanting to establish Islam. There are also reports that other militants are fighting IS affiliated ones in Sinai....

Which is why none of the insecticidal groups have taken any responsibility yet. They're either worried about severe retaliation (which they're gonna get anyway and it's already started) or this is something new and rogue. One thing for sure, it's not small, which is very problematic.

Reading some of the comments from palestinians on Ramallah news facebook page, they seem to really hate Sisi.

That's been happening for a while because of many reasons, the main one being the Rafah crossing but here's Sisi opening it much more often and allowing people to travel more so than Mubarak ever did. And not just that, but Sisi is responsible for the biggest improvement to a possible Palestinian state with his brokering of the reconciliation of Hamas and the PA, when everyone else was seeking to strictly alienate Hamas. But Palestinians and Egyptians are connected no matter what a few say.

I PRAY the Egyptian forces hit these kwarij devils with everything they have.

Oh, they will. They targeted and destroyed some of them hours after the terror attack.

Wow !

LOL at Islamic Army :lol:

250+ innocents gunned down and not a single shred of comment ! Sad state of muslims. Sad state indeed.

What does the Islamic Army have anything to do with this? And who said anything about Muslims either? These weren't Muslims. The Muslims were the unfortunate people who were attending the Friday prayers and were slaughtered by these feces. There's a huge distinction.

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