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Terror attack in Sinai,200+ killed

Are those terrorist are Islamic terrorist?

Before asking such question, do you even understand that it is Masjid/Mosque under attack do definitely no Muslim would do so. These kind of attacks are very similar that what Pakistan has been facing in past. Truly, these terrorists are nowhere to be called or even close to be Human let alone Muslims.

Very saddening to see and we stand with Egypt in these tragic times. Rest in peace who lost their lives and may the injured recover sooner. Whosoever accepts the responsibility, the very quick and rapid action should be, a mass attack on such terrorist without any mercy and break until & unless the last one is dispatched to hell.
Ok, where from these guys are getting weapons? Next door is Israel. And ISIS known to have acquired weapons western countries in Syria and Libya.
Ok, where from these guys are getting weapons? Next door is Israel. And ISIS known to have acquired weapons western countries in Syria and Libya.
Quite an interesting amount of weapons have passed via the Libyan Border since the Arab Spring...
As for mass shooting unarmed ppl... you don't need much... I think the past terro attack make us see that...
rip .... such a organized crime ... who is the sponsor ????????????????
RIP .... some are saying this is a Sufi Mosque, and Sufi is same thing as Sunni or like 99% the same. Some saying it is because people of this city rejected IS. Whatever the case horrible attack. I am suspicious of these IS people nevertheless, I don't believe there is organized group in Sinai and rather cells , each acting on their own for whatever ulterior motives. Are these people just fanatics or thugs or what, I'm not taking anything seriously about them wanting to establish Islam. There are also reports that other militants are fighting IS affiliated ones in Sinai....
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎‎
RIP :(

Arabs slaughtering other Arabs because they believe in a different sect of the same religion and you want to call me that Atatürk did a bad thing by separating state and mosque? The current Egypt regime as far as l understand is not liked by the conservative Muslims.

This is just sad.
RIP .... some are saying this is a Sufi Mosque, and Sufi is same thing as Sunni or like 99% the same. Some saying it is because people of this city rejected IS. Whatever the case horrible attack. I am suspicious of these IS people nevertheless,

Well, Since Egypt don't have many shia, terrorists will target Sufis to create sectarian war so they can get out of their holes and destroy whole country, they target coptic, shia, sufis bcoz it make breaking news aka impact,

anyways as far as i know Sufis. they will be like WTF.. and calm down.
It's very horrible to target people in their place of worship. These people have done the same to Christians in Egypt as well. RIP to all those killed
At least 235 killed in attack on Egypt mosque during Friday prayers: state media

Armed attackers on Friday killed at least 235 worshippers in a bomb and gun assault on a packed mosque in Egypt's restive North Sinai province, state media reported, the country's deadliest attack in recent memory.

A bomb explosion ripped through the Rawda mosque frequented by Sufis roughly 40 kilometres west of the North Sinai capital of El-Arish before gunmen opened fire on those gathered for weekly Friday prayers, officials said.

Witnesses said the assailants had surrounded the mosque with all-terrain vehicles and then planted a bomb outside.

The gunmen then mowed down the panicked worshippers as they attempted to flee and used the congregants' vehicles they had set alight to block routes to the mosque.

State television reported at least 235 people were killed and 109 wounded in the attack, the scale of which is unprecedented in a four-year insurgency by Islamist extremist groups.

Egypt's presidency declared three days of mourning, state television reported, as President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met his security ministers to follow developments.

UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson condemned the “barbaric attack” in a post on Twitter, while his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian expressed his condolences to the families of victims of the “despicable attack”.

Ahmed Abul Gheit, head of the Arab League, which is based in Cairo, condemned the “terrifying crime which again shows that Islam is innocent of those who follow extremist terrorist ideology,” his spokesman said in a statement.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

IS targeting Sufis

The militant Islamic State group's Egypt branch has killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers, and also civilians accused of working with the authorities, in attacks in the north of the Sinai peninsula.

They have also targeted followers of the mystical Sufi branch of Sunni Islam as well as Christians.

The victims of Friday's attack included civilians and conscripts praying at the mosque.

A tribal leader and head of a Bedouin militia that fights IS told AFP that the mosque is known as a place of gathering for Sufis.

IS militants had previously kidnapped and beheaded an elderly Sufi leader, accusing him of practising magic, which Islam forbids, and abducted Sufi practitioners who were later released after “repenting.”

An IS propaganda outlet had published an interview earlier with the commander of its “morality police” in Sinai who said their “first priority was to combat the manifestations of polytheism including Sufism.”

The group has also killed more than 100 Christians in church bombings and shootings in Sinai and other parts of Egypt, forcing many to flee the peninsula.

Aside from IS, Egypt also faces a threat from Al-Qaeda-aligned jihadists who operate out of neighbouring Libya.

A group calling itself Ansar al-Islam — 'Supporters of Islam' in Arabic — claimed an October ambush in Egypt's Western Desert that killed at least 16 policemen.

Many of those killed belonged to the interior ministry's secretive National Security Service.

The military later conducted air strikes on the attackers, killing their leader Emad al-Din Abdel Hamid, a most wanted jihadist who was a military officer before joining an Al-Qaeda-affiliated group in Libya's militant stronghold of Derna.

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