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terror attack in china. 01.24

Borders need to be more secure, also my opinion it would be better if the US stayed in Afghanistan until 2024. The radicalism threat comes from Afghanistan.

I dunno brother, whether the Americans do or do not stay this radicalization that has gripped the Muslim World from North Africa to Xinjiang isn't going to go away any time soon ! :(
No it it isn't kurds have been fighting for independence for 30 years in fact the sevres treaty would have given them their own homeland. East Turkistan was a puppet state created with the aid of the Soviet Union, they were defeated by the Republic of China's Muslim army.

You don't like separatists when it's against your country hence the hypocrisy, funny Kurds seem to feel the way you describe it, Most Uighurs want to stay with China the rather than join religious radical ETIM separatists. By 2020 the problem will be gone due to demographic and economic changes.

Your knowledge and assasments are poor. I have no intention to go in to a flame war.

Hava a nice day.
Your knowledge and assasments are poor. I have no intention to go in to a flame war.

Hava a nice day.

Couldn't the same be said for your poor knowledge on Xinjiang ? You commented on something you had no idea of I merely replied to fix your errors. Have you been to Xinjiang ? or understand radical terrorists there ? I have. But I agree with your final statement we aren't going to change each others mind so leave it at that.

I dunno brother, whether the Americans do or do not stay this radicalization that has gripped the Muslim World from North Africa to Xinjiang isn't going to go away any time soon ! :(

2020 for Xinjiang our economic development radicalism will be gone.
2020 for Xinjiang.

I hope so but I don't share your optimism; as long as Afghanistan remains radicalized parts of Pakistan will remain radicalized & Terrorists will enter Xinjiang either via Pakistan or via Central Asian States !
Couldn't the same be said for your poor knowledge on Xinjiang ?
You commented on something you had no idea of I merely replied to fix your errors.
I only said "Chinese should leave leave Uygurs alone" (still standing beside my words)
And post a pic about chinese soldiers preventing Uygur muslims from doing their prayers. (Fact).

I never commented on Xinjiang or suggested i have great knowledge about the subject.

Have you been to Xinjiang ?

or understand radical terrorists there ?

I have. But I agree with your final statement we aren't going to change each others mind so leave it at that.

Okay, have a nice day. :wave:
I only said "Chinese should leave leave Uygurs alone" (still standing beside my words)
And post a pic about chinese soldiers preventing Uygur muslims from doing their prayers. (Fact).

That image you posted was during the terror attacks in Kashgar, Chinese security didn't stop anyone from prayers for religious reasons it was closed for security reasons, There are several other images like that when security was high with terror groups operating.

I never commented on Xinjiang or suggested i have great knowledge about the subject.

You did when you mention this, let me give you your quote.

I don't like seperatist at all but invasion of a whole country and submitting it's citizens is a different issue.

This statement proves otherwise to your comment.



Okay, have a nice day. :wave:

Same to you.

I hope so but I don't share your optimism; as long as Afghanistan remains radicalized parts of Pakistan will remain radicalized & Terrorists will enter Xinjiang either via Pakistan or via Central Asian States !

Central Asia is better prepared against terrorism, Kyrgyzstan recently killed 11 Uighur militants. SCO has been training constantly in anti terror. Afghanistan stabilizes rest of the region will follow.
Central Asia is better prepared against terrorism, Kyrgyzstan recently killed 11 Uighur militants. SCO has been training constantly in anti terror. Afghanistan stabilizes rest of the region will follow.

Bro, Afghanistan isn't going to stabilize any time soon; even our war with the TTP is projected by those who are fighting it to have a 2-3 decade long horizon before it dies out !

I think in the meantime it could be worthwhile if Joint Patrols of the Sino-Pak Border & perhaps even some jointly managed Sino-Pak Border Management Authority should be looked at because I don't think we should let ourselves be hijacked by these elements who fight in the name of Islam but go against everything that Islam teaches which would not only adversely effect Sino-Pak Relations but may even cause some Anti-Muslim Sentiments within China !
unemployed people with no jobs. You don't know what lengths some people would go to when they are desperate. I guarantee you that the Hui, Salar, and Dongxiang are much more fanatical and devout than Uyghurs, go to Ningxia or Qinghai and see. They have no problems and aren't joining any terrorist groups. They don't do drugs, they pray all the time etc. even though some of them are poorer than Uyghurs.
that is very hard to change.
even we creat many jobs in xingjiang in future,it doesnt mean the uygurs can get the jobs. they have in average limited working skill compare to the others
employer are capitalist, they will hire skilled worker. that means more other people will come to xingjing.

in my opinion, the solution should be.: more special social security for the uygurs. so even all of them dont work at all. they can still get enough money to survive.
China's internal issue, and my opinion would be provide them with as much opportunities as possible. The thing is terrorism breeds from unemployment and just poor socio-economic fabric of the society. If they fail to assimilate well then their fault.
China's internal issue, and my opinion would be provide them with as much opportunities as possible. The thing is terrorism breeds from unemployment and just poor socio-economic fabric of the society. If they fail to assimilate well then their fault.
True. Combine that with religion and you have a recipe for disaster.
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