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Tejas scripts history in Bahrain with a Stunning Demo

Agreed, it's a very mature project where even the trainers have been flying for years. The good thing about the IAF is that they're very obsessed with what is needed to fight. So they beat the project into a pulp and got a lot of things done. Case in point, AESA. They didn't cut corners but got a good fighting machine and still want more.
I've been telling all of the (very vocal) LCA critics for a while now to wait until the fighter was in service before casting their doubts. I knew there would be a high level of revisionism not just to the LCA as a whole but, crucially, to the IAF's role. Many have desparaged the IAF for not simply inducting an inferior product earlier but the fruits of the IAF's high standards are for all to see. Now the LCA Mk.1 is a beast in its own right, the Mk.1A and Mk.2 will take the LCA to an enitrely different level (4.5+ gen). The foundations are solid and the only way is up, the proof of the pudding is always in the eating, and in this case it will be SWEET indeed.
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Just my opinion, it would have been nice if the naval LCA was on flight or static display as well. Would have given the LCA story a boost. Anyways, hoping BOTH of them can go for future prestigious international air shows in the future.
To be honest I think this is the way to have gone- yes it has hurt in the short term but long term the gains wlll be for all to see.

If a potential customer comes to HAL/GoI/ADA today looking for information with the potential of buying the LCA, they can sit down and have a comprehensive breif on the LCA's capabilites and the LCA will meet every requirement a customer looking for that a 4.5 gen lightweight fighter could possibly havel HMDS, EW systems, care free handling (full qaduruplex FBW), easy maintenence (carbon composite airframe), IFR probe etc etc- this is on offer from DAY ONE, not some point in the future, not after X amount of planes have been produced. Not to mention, there is a twin seat version (which, no matter what anyone tells you, is a HUGE deal if you want to get an export order).

And just for fun, they can show them the N-LCA taking off from the SBTF, anyone who doubts that this is a mature and capable aircraft will be silenced by that ;)

And then, the fact there is a very clear and well funded roadmap (MK.1A,MK.2, N-LCA etc etc).

She's a little beast and that is for all to see, it isn't a promise to be in the future at an unspecified date.

Eurofighter Tranche 2[edit]
Block 8
New hardware standard with new mission computer
Block 10
Enhanced Operational Capability (EOC) 1, improved DASS, IFF Mode 5, Rangeless ACMI
Air/Air - AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM, IRIS-T digital
Air/Ground - GBU-24, GPS-guided weapons, ALARM, Paveway III & IV, Rafael LITENING III
Block 15
Air/Air - METEOR,
Air/Ground - TAURUS, Storm Shadow, Brimstone
Block 20

This is what Saudi bought from the consortium.

This is how Eurofighter began its initial operation

Tranche 1[edit]
Block 1
Initial Operational Capability, Basic Air Defence Capability
Block 2
Air-to-air capabilities
Block 5
Air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities, Final Operational Capability (FOC) standard. All Tranche 1 aircraft are being upgraded to Block 5 capability through the Retrofit 2 (R2) programme.[6]

So it just nullifies your argument that customer only wants a complete package. No matter how much pot shot you take or try to show HAL/DRDO approch as mature. There is not a single country in world who has took approches like what HAL/DRDO trying to do.

This is how JF-17 program procedding in Blocks. Block-1 with basic air defence capability, Block-2 with enhanced capabilities. All similar to Tranches to of euro-fighter.
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I love navel tejas more aerodynamic than IAF tejas. It has come long way and yet to cover long distance.
I hope Government stay with this project and invest more into it without caring much about IAF and IN thought. Hal will be aur future ISRO....I can see that, don't know about other Indians....
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Without getting into a "mine is better than yours debate" but by simply looking at the LCA's video from Bahrain and JF17s video from Paris, it is obvious that JF17 is a more nimble aircraft. Keep in mind that both aircrafts were flying under very different rules in terms of ceiling, size of the box and airspeed so it is an apples and oranges comparison. Also JF17 was being flown by very young operational pilots while the LCA was being flown by senior test pilots from the Indian testing establishment. A few other takeaways from the Bahrain Airshow. It seems that LCA needs a very large service crew whereas JF17 needs only 3. Also it was funny to see how the pilot closed the LCA canopy manually and then pushed it back to check if it was locked. Then the ground crew member came over tapped the side of cockpit to tell the pilot that he is good to go. Kinda reminded me of Pakistani mini bus conductors. This is very weird procedure because at higher RPMs the ground crew could potentially be sucked into the engine.

Just my opinion, it would have been nice if the naval LCA was on flight or static display as well. Would have given the LCA story a boost. Anyways, hoping BOTH of them can go for future prestigious international air shows in the future.
Not many buyer for naval version plus naval version hasn't been tested on ship landing yet. On other hand trainer version would have been better.

@MastanKhan butt is on fire seeing tejas pulling out a marvelous show. Cool our baby has grown up. I am happy that it is produced from our money (tax payers money) and we did not take it from China. We took long but it is fair enough, we learnt a few things. We don't boast on someones achievement when the country producing a jet never inducted it in its arsenal lol and people boast on a jet which has Russian engine. You should be the last one to mock us on GE engine when your own fighter is relying on Russian engine. A car salesman analyzing fighter jets lmao.
No need to go personal attack on profession , every one has their opinion. Most here aren't from aeronautical/ air force background
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