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Tejas Needs to Cross 6 Milestones in 15 Months

N011M has a search range of 400 km and a tracking range of 200 km, with 60 km in the rear in the air to air mode. Detection range fighter type MIG-29 in area of review of over 300 sq. deg: - on towards course - up to 140 km; - in pursuit of - up to 60 km.

Tracking range is 105KM of KLJ 7.

Mig 29 RCS is 1m2 - 1.5m2. All 200km, 105km, 150km figures are for 5m2.

Tension mat lo, HAL isn't stupid. A K Antony is.

For 1m2, Zhuk-ME detection range is 80km

JF-17 has a detection range of 140 KM for 5m^2
JF-17 has a detection range of 140 KM for 5m^2

SORRY trolling is not allowed here
official links say max of 105 km for 5 m2

there is no link for ur claim so it cannot be taken as authentic
It is 50Km for 2 square meter target.
At 80+ for 2SqM,the range for 5SqM is 100+,which is decent.
SORRY trolling is not allowed here
official links say max of 105 km for 5 m2

there is no link for ur claim so it cannot be taken as authentic

So how often you have checked the updated stats of JF-17? last year and this year JF-17 Project director disclosed the latest stats of KLJ-7 for 5m^2 and for 2-3 M^2 targets respectively. If you are ignorant and then insist on your ignorance, then it's not my problem.
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MKI BARS has a detection range of 140-160km (I don't know exactly for what RCS,
could be 1m2 or 3m2.). It's search range is some 400km.

EL/M-2032 maximum range is 150km, it could be the detection range of certain
RCS targets (again, could be either 1m2 or 3m2) which is 80km.

Normally, Puls doppler radars like the EL 2032 or Zhuk ME, are evaluated against a 5m2 target, PESAs and AESAs like BARS, RBE 2 PESA or RBE 2 AESA against 3m2 targets.
zhuk gives only value for 5m2 and thats 120 km
i challenge u to post a source for 1 m2

but anyways even 120 km is a lowly range and 140 km for mki is very bad too

compare this to irbis e of su-35 which as 400 km range for 3 m2!!!

400KM detection range vs 5m2 for N011M

350-400KM with RCS 3m2 for Ibris-E

  • the same target up to 150 km (in pursuit of, in the area of 100 square degrees)
ELTA 2032 detection range 5m2 is 150km. LSP 3 flew with a hybrid model whose 150km range was confirmed by Vayu Magazine article (IAF's weekly).

So how often you have checked the updated stats of JF-17? last year and this year JF-17 Project director disclosed the latest stats of KLJ-7 for 5m^2 and for 2-3 M^2 targets respectively. If you are ignorant and then insisten on your ignorance, then it's not my problem.

Even with 130 km detection block 3 jf 17 radar falls far short of 150 km on elta 2032. We are currently expanding the operational range of radar.
400KM detection range vs 5m2 for N011M

350-400KM with RCS 3m2 for Ibris-E

  • the same target up to 150 km (in pursuit of, in the area of 100 square degrees)
ELTA 2032 detection range 5m2 is 150km. LSP 3 flew with a hybrid model whose 150km range was confirmed by Vayu Magazine article (IAF's weekly).

Even with 130 km detection block 3 jf 17 radar falls far short of 150 km on elta 2032. We are currently expanding the operational range of radar.

So what does it mean then? composite materials are causing problems for radar waves.

The nose cone radome of Tejas is another part that is expected to get a relook. “Now the radome is made of composite materials and we will change it to quartz. Today we are getting a radar range of 45-50 km and we need to improve the same to 80-plus km with the new material,” the official said.

P.S. FYI, the radar ranges I quoted are for Block-1, not for Block 3.
In the mean time, it seems it will use the radar data from AWACS and other powerful planes such as Su-30 and Mirage/Mig-29 for detection of long range threats.
That's pointless as there would be no direct radar lock-on and therefore BVR AIMs cannot be fired.
  • Tejas_PTI.jpg

    The indigenously built Light Combat Aircraft Tejas LCA Navy NP1 made its maiden flight in Bengaluru. (PTI Photo)
The Tejas fighter will have to cross six milestones in the next 15 months, before the aircraft is given the final operational clearance (FOC).

The December 20 initial operational clearance event, ahead of the expected induction of the first series production aircraft into the Indian Air Force by March 2014, would pave way for the IAF pilots to undertake independent flight evaluation of Tejas.

Dr K Tamil Mani, Director-General (Aeronautical Systems), DRDO, and Chief Executive, Centre for Military Airworthiness and Certification, told Express that the integration of new missiles identified by the IAF will top the agenda in the FOC phase.

“The aerodynamics, structures and the integration of missiles with the radar are important events for Tejas now. We need to evolve the algorithm,” Tamil Mani said. The beyond visual range missiles from Israel -- Derby and Python with a range of 70 km and each weighing 150 kg -- have been identified for Tejas.

The Russian-made 23 mm GSH gun is the next in line to be integrated to the aircraft. Capable of firing at 3,600 to 4,000 rpm, the integration of this gun is seen as a challenge considering the vibrations involved during action.

“Lots of surrounding LRUs need to be certified again for higher level of vibration. Ground firing or butt firing needs to be done initially before getting the gun onboard Tejas. The projectile speed of the gun is around 750 meter per second,” he said.

Tejas will also have an air-to-air refuelling probe (Cobham, UK) in the FOC configuration. “We have started the integration work. Similar work was done on Jaguar and AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning and Control) platform. We have the expertise now,” Tamil Mani saidhere.

The Tejas will also increase the angle of attack from 22 to 24 degrees enabling the pilot to go for care-free manoeuvring.

The braking system of Tejas will also need to be improved. “The heat capacity needs to be increased. Else we will have to put a better cooling mechanism for the brakes, similar to the fans in the MiGs,” Tamil Mani said.

The nose cone radome of Tejas is another part that is expected to get a relook. “Now the radome is made of composite materials and we will change it to quartz. Today we are getting a radar range of 45-50 km and we need to improve the same to 80-plus km with the new material,” the official said.

Tejas Needs to Cross 6 Milestones in 15 Months -The New Indian Express

There is no problem with the radar. Even the known specs of 120 km for 2m2 target is true because LCA with 650mm diameter nose cone and 10KW of peak power can't have radar range less than that of Grippen which has 600mm dianeter nose cone and geberates 8KW power.

It is very clearly mentioned in the article that the problem is with radome. It is made up of Composite material which are known for absorbing radar waves, thus it needs a cone made up of quartz.
I don't know from where you people get your figures from. BARS radar range is officially confidential, except for the baseline version. The baseline N-011M version has a detection range of 140KM for 5m2 target operating with a peak power of 4-5kw and an average power of 1-1.2kw. The manufacturer NIIP specifically in their website claim this is the basic version and if the customer wants he can have the output power upgraded to an average power of 5kw!!!!! As much as Irbis! That's a peak power of 19kw to 20kw. However MKI's engines cannot power such a monstrous radar. Lets assume it can power an average power of 3kw. While IRBIS has a range of 425km for 5m2 target with a 5kw average power. So the range of a 3kw powered BARS would be around 300km.

JF-17's radar is a hard pill PAF had to swallow because the french, like they are ripping us off on the rafale deal, tried to rip off the already poor PAF with costly radar and missile package. the KLJ-7 is a scaled down version of the KLJ-10 which was quickly put together to match the range of the PL-12(SD-10)(also confirmed by the recent Combat aircraft magazine article) which is about 70km. Janes reports the detection range of that radar to be 75km for 3m2 target(85km for 5m2). Prasun Chor Gupta in his blog released what he claims to be a brochure which says its range is 105km for 5m2 target. No one takes that figure seriously except PAF fanboys. For 85km the tracking will be around 60-70km matching the range of the missile. The next iteration of the KLJ-7 radar has a range of 130km for a "fighter sized target". Given the chinese track record of propaganda which over inflates their ego that too with substandard products, the 130km could very well by the detection range for a fully loaded flanker neatly packaged for the press interview. That's the story of the KLJ-7 radar till now.

As for Tejas radar, it suffers from the same Chinese ego syndrome... only difference being the truth will be out sooner or later, while in the case of the Chinese, whose airforce has not done any major multinational air exercises till date and has almost ZERO war fighting experience, its and it's fighter's capabilities will only get exposed for the junks they are, in case of an actual war. Let a year go by.. only then the fog will clear to know Tejas radar's real specs.
I don't know from where you people get your figures from. BARS radar range is officially confidential, except for the baseline version. The baseline N-011M version has a detection range of 140KM for 5m2 target operating with a peak power of 4-5kw and an average power of 1-1.2kw. The manufacturer NIIP specifically in their website claim this is the basic version and if the customer wants he can have the output power upgraded to an average power of 5kw!!!!! As much as Irbis! That's a peak power of 19kw to 20kw. However MKI's engines cannot power such a monstrous radar. Lets assume it can power an average power of 3kw. While IRBIS has a range of 425km for 5m2 target with a 5kw average power. So the range of a 3kw powered BARS would be around 300km.

JF-17's radar is a hard pill PAF had to swallow because the french, like they are ripping us off on the rafale deal, tried to rip off the already poor PAF with costly radar and missile package. the KLJ-7 is a scaled down version of the KLJ-10 which was quickly put together to match the range of the PL-12(SD-10)(also confirmed by the recent Combat aircraft magazine article) which is about 70km. Janes reports the detection range of that radar to be 75km for 3m2 target(85km for 5m2). Prasun Chor Gupta in his blog released what he claims to be a brochure which says its range is 105km for 5m2 target. No one takes that figure seriously except PAF fanboys. For 85km the tracking will be around 60-70km matching the range of the missile. The next iteration of the KLJ-7 radar has a range of 130km for a "fighter sized target". Given the chinese track record of propaganda which over inflates their ego that too with substandard products, the 130km could very well by the detection range for a fully loaded flanker neatly packaged for the press interview. That's the story of the KLJ-7 radar till now.

As for Tejas radar, it suffers from the same Chinese ego syndrome... only difference being the truth will be out sooner or later, while in the case of the Chinese, whose airforce has not done any major multinational air exercises till date and has almost ZERO war fighting experience, its and it's fighter's capabilities will only get exposed for the junks they are, in case of an actual war. Let a year go by.. only then the fog will clear to know Tejas radar's real specs.

Backup your half-arsed claims with proper facts. A lot of bull and cock story you posted w.r.t KLJ-7. What matter is JF-17 project director. Not Persuna Joker, not your old brochure data.

KLJ-7 Radar in current block 1 has 130-140 for m^2. 3 M^2 is quoted at 60 NM (111.2 KM).

Good day.


AVM Javaid Ahmed interview of last year where he stated the range. We invite you to JF-17 Info thread to find translation of this article and further info and updated stats
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@Ping The ranges for the KlJ-7 radar being quoted as 135 KM for a target with a radar cross section of 5m2 aren't sourced from any Indian blog , but from an interview of senior PAF personnel . @mafiya Post the source .
Backup your half-arsed claims with proper facts. A lot of bull and cock story you posted w.r.t KLJ-7. What matter is JF-17 project director. Not Persuna Joker, not your old brochure data.

KLJ-7 Radar in current block 1 has 130-140 for m^2. 3 M^2 is quoted at 60 NM (111.2 KM).

Good day.
Then post the damn source! Where does it say it?
I want a proper source(not some fanboy's word of mouth!) with Cross section accompanying the ranges.

Here is the much publicized fake brochure posted by a known liar and plagiarist Chor Gupta-
TRISHUL: Airborne Multi-Mode Radar Data

Jane's Source -
KLJ-7/10 Fire Control Radar (FCR) (China) - Jane's Avionics
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