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Tejas far behind competitors, not enough to protect Indian skies: IAF

Windy is a good friend of mine, but not my source of information. Buddy, JF17 has put the F15s in their place over foreign airspace , where does your MKI stands? let alone your tin pot tejas!!

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And I am supposed to take you seriously when you dont know a jack about JF17 payload , making tall claims!

as i said you guys can claim whatever you want in your forum.
F-15 or not.. Pls prove your statement of jf-17 nailing MKI.

Afaik, Windjammer was the first and second is you. I too have sources in IAF and i have my theories too ? Do you want to listen them ?

Your MKIs were put to sword in recent standoff. First your IAF was hiding in its holes, its only when profanities got louder and more intense from Pakistani side, they decided to show up but then then again ran away with their tails firmly between their legs when their RWRs starting to go off.

And no my source is not windy. I can check on my own.



Lets see your "sources" in IAF.

as i said you guys can claim whatever you want in your forum.

I am not claiming, I am telling you facts here. I am not into story telling. Get your credibility up first by doing your homework about JF17s capability before being taken seriously.
India trying hard to force IAF to induct Tejas but they are refusing it continuously,
When first I heard about Tejas (I was student at that time probably in school) I was expecting some 4+ gen fighter but what they produce is featherless / tailless chicken a bird can't fly after 35 years of work.

I must say DRDO and HAL all weather friends of Pakistan....:enjoy:
The points raised on endurance and payload are obfuscation,because tejas is not meant for those roles its a affordable short range point defence fighter and can perform that role well.Its meant to counter large numbers of chinese 4th gen and older jets and pak jf17s and older jets over friendly airspace ,not go head to head with 4 plus plus gen fighters.

No thanks, I'll wait for IAF to officially come out and say all this non sense.:coffee:
There are more Pakistani and Chinese members commenting as if Tejas was offered to them! OK, there is only one way to prove its mettle. :D

Plus these lobby is worried, when not if Kaveri becomes successful(2018 will be trial year), then game is over. So time is running out and they are showing desperation through paid journalists.
Well you must understand IAF is that air force that is also refusing Russian PAK-FA calling it inferior not true 5th gen and has found a whole host of flaws in it but GOI is forcing it . The problem with IAF is that it is pampered it requires only the best in the world so poor tejas vs F-16 blk70 so we all know the obvious answers.

Which SINGLE ENGINE non stealth aircraft has features equal to F-16 blk70 , the answer is none not Tejas , not Mirages , not J-10s certainly not J-f 17s etc . So the IAF requires only the best in the world second best doesn't matter.
BTW during MMRCA evaluation IAF rejected F-16 blk60 , Jas-39 Gripens , F-18s in the first round itself after extensively testing them.

If you have 20 + billion dollars for this project and you need 150+ single engine aircraft which one will you choose Tejas , JF-17 , J-10s , F-16 blk70 or Jas-39 Gripens you have to choose only one of them . The answer is obviously between F-16 blk70 and JAS-39 Gripens rest all are inferior to them. So what seems to be the problem
pls go ahead and counter my claim otherwise with some proof?

facts remain jf17 is a successful fighter jet made in Pakistan with international export orders, where as the Tejas is being called junk by Indian navy as well as IAF now :omghaha:
And, the best part is - it is by PAF, of PAF, for PAF!!!!! I am pretty sure ground crews can service it blind-folded, and the pilots can fix it on-the-fly!!!! And, they can produce them at the back garages in tons at the price of tin pots!!!! Now beat that....

India trying hard to force IAF to induct Tejas but they are refusing it continuously,
When first I heard about Tejas (I was student at that time probably in school) I was expecting some 4+ gen fighter but what they produce is featherless / tailless chicken a bird can't fly after 35 years of work.

I must say DRDO and HAL all weather friends of Pakistan....:enjoy:
DRDO/HAL/BJP/RSS etc. are the best staffs since Prithviraj...

post reported for going off topic and time wasting

pakistan is making jf17 in pakistan. dont end up getting yourself banned buddy with this low level indian style trolling
What can they do when it's like - Tejunky Tejunky TOO, where are you???????

Ignorance of indians is amazing ..
Ignorance is bliss though....
What can they do when it's like - Tejunky Tejunky TOO, where are you???????

What has your country made ?? Any aircraft from ground up .

And, the best part is - it is by PAF, of PAF, for PAF!!!!! I am pretty sure ground crews can service it blind-folded, and the pilots can fix it on-the-fly!!!! And, they can produce them at the back garages in tons at the price of tin pots!!!! Now beat that....

No , the Jf-17 was designed and made by CAC (Chengdu aircraft corporation) now it is being assembled in PAC Kamra , it is mostly for countries who cannot afford Western aircraft in large numbers. Best part is PLAAF hasn't even inducted even a single Jf-17 even after the aircraft being designed in China , says a lot about the aircraft isn't it instead it went with J-10s in large numbers .

The thing is If you have 20 + billion dollars for this project and you need 150+ single engine aircraft which one will you choose Tejas , JF-17 , J-10s , F-16 blk70 or Jas-39 Gripens you have to choose only one of them . The answer is obviously between F-16 blk70 and JAS-39 Gripens rest all are inferior to them. So what seems to be your problem
Deep down I know Tejas is tin pot firing practice drone for JF17. Thunder has stared down your MKIs is recent stand off, tejas is no where in the pic. JFs are now deployed on ADA duties in north west and western front. Block 3 is now being developed to counter the future IAF procurement like Rafael.

Again, I ask you, do you have any confusion in your mind about the JF17 payload after watching the video? That is what my original post was about.
I don't know why but JF17s are to me like those fast moving and light Afgan horsemen at the flanks - at the clarion call of Vezir Veli Han ("For Din, for Din") - cutting the French trained Maratha forces with big guns into pieces during the 3rd battle of Panipat!!!!

Personally for me the saga of JF17s isn't complete till they incorporate the Turkish EW-Pods, AESA, BVR/WVR missiles etc.!!!! Folks from the top Turkish universities - including my alma mater - have been putting tremendous amount of efforts into them. I believe PAF would give them an opportunity....

Tejas – the indigenously made Light-Combat single engine fighter – isn’t enough to protect Indian skies, the India Air Force (IAF) has told the government. The response came after the South Block asked the IAF to scrap its plans of acquiring single-engine fighters from global, top sources told India Today.

The IAF said the Tejas is far behind its competitors like the JAS 39 Gripen manufactured by the Swedish aerospace company Saab and the US made F-16 manufactured by Lockheed Martin, sources said.
National Security Adviser Ajit Doval is understood to have raised the issue after the government asked the IAF to scrap its plans to acquire foreign made single engine fighters and go for the Indian made fighters only. Recently, the IAF made a presentation to the government to explain why Tejas alone can’t meet India’s requirements.

Documents accessed by India Today reveal that the IAF has told the government that the “endurance” of Tejas in combat is just about 59 minutes as against 3 hours of Gripen and nearly 4 fours for the F-16. Also, Tejas can carry a pay-load of about three tons against nearly six tons and seven tons by the Gripen and F-16 respectively.

“In other words, for target that needs about 36 bombs to be destroyed, one will have to deploy six Tejas as against just three Gripen or F-16,” the IAF has told the government.The IAF has also said Tejas needs 20 hours of serving for every hour of flying as against six hours for Gripen and 3.5 hours for F-16.

The cost of maintaining the Tejas is much higher than the other fighters. Also, both the F-16 and Gripen has a life-span of 40 years against just 20 of Tejas. And, in some areas the vintage Russian made Mig-21 is better than Tejas, the IAF is understood to have told the government.

India is desperate for single-engine fighters to replace aging MiG-21s. The country needs at least 42 fighter squadrons to fight a two front war, but currently has only 33 squadrons. And, at least another 11 fighter squadrons of the IAF will have to be retired in the next two years.

So far, the IAF has ordered 123 Tejas fighters but wants a better single-engine fighter to make up for the huge-shortfall in the fighter strength. Of the 123 Tejas fighters, only 40 will be Tejas Mark-1 and the rest 83 will be an upgraded version.

Source:- India Today

I had a Good laugh at this ,What the hell now Indians saying it was a replacement for Mig-21's but its requirements were to be a multi-role Air superiority fighter.
Maybe Indians should concentrate making tomato soup.
On the other hand ,JF-17 is now a battle tested combat Jet deployed along various PAF requirements .

@Windjammer @Signalian

I was gonna open a new thread LoL

Great vid ,Thanks bro.

that pic.......seriously??? some babies cannot even be loved by the mother

I believe PAF would give them an opportunity

targeting pods are already integrated I understand and thanks for those
Their is a SERIOUS effort to sabotage the TEJAS programme

THE IAF IS the worst organisation of the 3 armed services

THEY NEEC TO LOOK AT INDIAN NAVY with its huge indengious ships

India is massive warships
sending satalites into space
all home made

BUT the air force will but foreign crap only
I think is a calculated move.

GOI wants f16 to tackle the China problem. IAF wants the rafale for the platform/kickbacks.

GOI needs IAF on its side. PAK and CHN folks won’t understand this concept.

This presentation was shown to GOI to display how the F16 and Tejas alone is not enough. They need more Rafale numbers.


Funny how PAK people are lapping up Indian media news when it fits their narrative. :disagree:
i saw 10 posts i could have responded to
BUT whats the point

Fellow Pakistani's we know the worth of the Tejas, so do the IAF and IN they desperately want to get rid of it but are being lumbered by the government for political reasons

The indian fanboys are delusional clowns the IN was involved and throwing money into the pit of the tejas programme for decade's before they got sick of all the delays and sub par performance
They then outrightly rejected the Tejas and changed the perimeters of their requirements so the Tejas couldn't be forced down their throats

IAF wasent so lucky and couldn't claim they didnt want a single engine fighter replacement for their old junk
They just didnt want to replace the old junk with the new tejas junk with its sub par performance, double service time, poor availability and numerous other faults

they have dropped numerous hints, tried their best to get the tejas monkey off their back but it haunts them like a ghost

The indian fanboys are jumping through hoops trying to make excuses for the programme but its becoming pathetic as they lie, make up rubbish, try to attack the JF 17 to justify the crap that is Tejas

indians have got themselves stuck
they have hundreds of fighters being retired by 2030 and nothing to replace them with
Raphael is expensive
Su 30s has its own problems

Pak FA is a dud
AMCA isnt even a realty just words
Tejas turned out to be useless

inducting 100+ single engine f16s or gripens will cost them 10-20 billion

5th gen is a distant dream

Yes, outside bravado india is stuck
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