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Tejas far behind competitors, not enough to protect Indian skies: IAF

Tajes is more than enough for our stone age rivals military. Tajes can easily deal with countries whose best squadron is filled with jets that's can't compete with Soviet era migs

So is Indian rival Maldives, Nepal or Bhutan ? Definitely you are not even talking about Sre Lanka or Bangladesh as their planes are more advanced than Tejas.

Tejas is a failed project that is kept alive. So the result is going to fail. India has money to burn as it wasted so much for a failed result. That is how Dassault and LM and Saab would look it.
Tajes is more than enough for our stone age rivals military. Tajes can easily deal with countries whose best squadron is filled with jets that's can't compete with Soviet era migs
Yeah right !
Off topic : Stone age Rivals ? do you remember what our stone age pilots like MM Alam and Sarfaraz Rafique did to your Advance Air force ?

:D Tejas is more than enough ? Even after 35 years 5 Tejunks are inducted . Beta ja jab aik squadron complete hojae na Tejunk ka jab baat karna ...
After Indian navy , IAF is also not interested in this piece of shit .... :disagree:

Tajes is more than enough for our stone age rivals military. Tajes can easily deal with countries whose best squadron is filled with jets that's can't compete with Soviet era migs
Wtf is Tajes btw ? It's Tejas * .
Apne he jet kae name ke spelling nahi pata . :pop:
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India has no rivals in this sub continent only few delusional countries in the this sub continent calls themselves as our rival .

SAF barley operate Chinese jets from the 50s
Bangladesh operates literally mig 29, the one tajes is going to be replacing

But even the mig relics can one shot relics like f16 & j17. Apart from india no country in this region even has a indigenous fighter , hell not most of our neighbouring"threat" operate tech from the 70s
Okay Okay we get it Taajes is the best .

Khush ? :cheers:
Yeah right !
Off topic : Stone age Rivals ? do you remember what our stone age pilots like MM Alam and Sarfaraz Rafique did to your Advance Air force ?
Nope I have no interest in some nobodies , soilders live, fight & die on the battlefield that's what they are paid to do. Doubt you care to remember our marshals names who crushed a military in 14 days
:D Tejas is more than enough ?
Even after 35 years 5 Tejunks are inducted .
Tejus was inducted 2 years ago , you sound pretty clueless for a guy who claims to be a expert on tajus. Building anything from scratch & limited funds take this long.

Beta ja jab aik squadron complete hojae na Tejunk ka jab baat karna ...
After Indian navy , IAF is also not interested in this piece of shit .... :disagree:
It took decades & 1.7 trillion dollars to make f35, even then it was a strategic failure. Not because it lacked tech its basic quality over quality. Tajus has a similar problem , it can't take on current 4th gen which it was supposed to. But it more than fits the bill for any regional "threats"
What is Tajes btw ? It's Tejas * .
Apne he jet kae name ke spelling nahi pata . :pop:

tometo tomato , tejus is interchangeable depending on how you pronounce in Indian languages.
While evaluating F16 and F15, they had said that those aircrafts had no future and rejected them in MMRCA in technical evaluation. Even Eurofighter or PAKFA is unable to impress them. So how can they accept Tejas? May be F22 can impress them and that itself is also doubtful.

Can we pitch jf 17??

Nope I have no interest in some nobodies , soilders live, fight & die on the battlefield that's what they are paid to do. Doubt you care to remember our marshals names who crushed a military in 14 days


Tejus was inducted 2 years ago , you sound pretty clueless for a guy who claims to be a expert on tajus. Building anything from scratch & limited funds take this long.

It took decades & 1.7 trillion dollars to make f35, even then it was a strategic failure. Not because it lacked tech its basic quality over quality. Tajus has a similar problem , it can't take on current 4th gen which it was supposed to. But it more than fits the bill for any regional "threats"

tometo tomato , tejus is interchangeable depending on how you pronounce in Indian languages.

Bhai tu so ja tuj sy nai ho paye ga.. you are embarrassing yourself.. :sarcastic:
well ever heared of I Derby ER & Derby or Python 5 missiles or EL 2032 MMR (the combo on F16 SUFA) well sames on Tejas MK1 and on MK1A its gonna be GaN AESA based EL 2052 so get ready cause there aready rafales , MKIs , Mig29s and M2Ks and jaguars nd bisons ... LCA wont be coming alone ;) :D :sarcastic:

Do you see us give a flying fk?? Question is will the LCA ever come? The article is clear, it will be resting in peace.

I was educating your comrade who was obviously ignorant.
Do you see us give a flying fk?? Question is will the LCA ever come? The article is clear, it will be resting in peace.

I was educating your comrade who was obviously ignorant.
Already 123 LCA is on order :-)
Already 123 LCA is on order :-)

We will see when they come into service. Three decades and counting.

Btw, now I hope you are educated on the payload of Jf17s. Any confusion?
please contact indian army they may need it as navy and airfoce reject it .
We will see when they come into service. Three decades and counting.

Btw, now I hope you are educated on the payload of Jf17s. Any confusion?

compare the specs of IOC LCA and your inducted thunder.
its a junk fighter that Pakistanis and Chinese have laughed at for years

First it was Indian Navy and now IAF even knows the fighter is a disaster
Apart from AESA what other improvement will the Mk2 have ? how many Hps etc .

I am asking cause JF-17 Block 3 will have 10 Hard points , Increased wing size , Composite material will also be used , Along with AESA and modified or new engine and many more things . :-)
Please don't compare JF-17 with Tejunk !
Around 85-90 JF-17s are inducted , In Sha Allah by 2019 we will have JF-17 Block 3 which will be a true 4.5 gen Aircraft .... 3 Countries have already placed orders for Thunders , While many countries are in negotiation process .

Tejas has 8 Hps and is already made of composite materials and further,more powerful engine F414 engine will be used.

Pls tell me,what more capabilities jf-17 have wrt Tejas(with FOC) apart from numbers built, as Tejas is not india's front line fighter and will never be in future ?

its a junk fighter that Pakistanis and Chinese have laughed at for years

First it was Indian Navy and now IAF even knows the fighter is a disaster

Pakistan laughed at ? A country which dont have any basic R&D infrastructure for aerospace industry is laughing at others. For how much time, you will rely on china and paint their weapons as yours ?
Pakistan laughed at ? A country which dont have any basic R&D infrastructure for aerospace industry is laughing at others. For how much time, you will rely on china and paint their weapons as yours ?
Yawn.... Pakistan is making everything of the Jf17 except the engine.

cry me a river mate, even your own armed forces are calling Tejas a junk figther yet you orange saffron internet warriors just cant except the Tejas faith, that it is a junk figther no Air force wants in its inventory.

whereas jf17 already has 3/4 international customers.
Yawn.... Pakistan is making everything of the Jf17 except the engine.
abanother fanboy claim without any proof.
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