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Tehreek-e-Taliban say no peace talks anytime soon

And strangely the schools blown up in Peshawar, Swabi, Charsadda, Bannu, Nowshera, Pishta Khara etc etc had no army presence in schools rather never entered in those schools, but they were still blown up.

And if Army guys are in them, i wonder how come the school is blown up but no army guys get killed or injured.

Let this war end you will know the reality behind these Taliban are involved in very very few of them mostly it is thakay dar mafia which also bribed ANP guys and have made billions out of it
On the contrary, Pray more.. And astaghfar as much as you can.. If even 50.0000001% of Pakistan's population starts Astaghfar(and not the veena malik variety) just once a day.. you will see conditions in this country improve. However, those that do demonize Islam are those of little faith in the first place.. you should be glad that you are being pointed out the Munafiqeen without any effort.
That being said.. WE should not generalize every one who questions the ideology that the Taliban bring as demonizing Islam because certain quarters simply want to ask questions but are unsure of the knowledge themselves(which is their own fault).

Hindostani Muslims may have been divided in Aligarh and Deoband but there were other narratives as well and generally a higher degree of Tasawwuf was present in their beliefs as it is today. Thank that Saudi's for that but they werent alone in this effort to undermine teachings that were developed in line with the people and culture over hundreds of years. People such as Maududi were also hand in hand. As for the current "Deobandi's".. who arent even close to what the thought of Deoband was.. or who claim to follow the current Deoband.. but in the words of a gentlemen who was part of the original scholars of Deoband.."Deoband to 1947 mein Azaad hogaya.. tu ye kaun sa Deoband hai?".

Difference in interpretation.. whether you say an Ameen loud or Ameen soft.. is your personal preference based on the Shiekh you follow. Most of us subcontinent folks(Sunni that is) follow Imam Abu Hanifa... and by and large are common in those interpretations and acts of prayer. However, these do not translate into radical thought unless there is a distortion in the teachings of any of the Imam's(be it Hanafi, Hanbli, Shafi etc). Where did this distortion come from? How did such strains of radical thought that goes beyond heated discussions to murderous ideals come in? To look at that we need to identify the origins of these thought trains and the people with their history behind them.

Tell me, would you still follow a "scholar" after you find out that he has the full support of the US state department? I would not.
There are many such people in the recent history of Islam who have ravaged interpretations or come up with their own. They justify it as pure interpretations or direct translation... but disregard that the Quran was revealed not in a single sitting but at different points in time in different situations. The same goes for Hadiath..

And so the mirror image of these people who distort Islam to send 12 year kids to blow up women and children are those people who critique Islam using half quoted or misinterpreted verses and sayings. The only solution to that is to go on a Jihad.. read three verses of the Quran daily with meanings.. and tafseer of those established scholars who were respected the world over without controversy.
Three hadiath a day .. and a section of the life of the prophet. Only then can one listen to all these narratives.. say astaghfar.. and try to counter them.

As for Pakistan.. the best narrative is that Pakistan was a gift to the Muslims of the subcontinent like the Camel of Prophet Saleh..
As long as we take care of it, we would be in prosperity.. but like the people of Saleh we have not.. and like them.. we are to suffer.
because there is very little that can tell what turns the heart of a man who was as much as a Kafir could be.. drinking and consuming pork.. into a man who single handedly.. single handedly changed the destiny of millions of Muslims...other than the idea that God goes his work from the most unlikely of humans.

Sir what we need to do is to extensively study Quran Tafseers Hadees and Fiqh without bias and than judge the thoughts of Fiqhs I also do this I was born in a barelvi family at least my mother was but my father he is a secular person but I studied Islam and now I call my self a salafi although a Muslim but if some one forces me to tell sect or school of thought than I say salafi because what ever salafi teaches you can find them in Quran and Hadees but I have asked several bralevis and sufis about different issues but they never quote Quran or Hadees
Yes they are fighting on Army pressure and money Sir that is why they are not able to stand against Talibans Sir

How much money does the Pakistan Army have when it is having trouble paying for upgrades and new procurements to pay to the tribal chiefs if I may ask ? They are providing a helping hand and maintaining peace in the their respective areas mostly and not on the front lines to fight . Do you think at all ?

I have asked several bralevis and sufis about different issues but they never quote Quran or Hadees

Lets begin , right ? :D @Dillinger You see the pattern ?

Only I am right , because I am right and you are wrong . That is my unshakable belief that is not open for discussion .

And strangely the schools blown up in Peshawar, Swabi, Charsadda, Bannu, Nowshera, Pishta Khara etc etc had no army presence in schools rather never entered in those schools, but they were still blown up.

You will never ever have a shortage of people willing to believe more in conspiracy theories than fact , General !
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How much money does the Pakistan Army have when it is having trouble paying for upgrades and new procurements to pay to the tribal chiefs if I may ask ? They are providing a helping hand and maintaining peace in the their respective areas mostly and not on the front lines to fight . Do you think at all ?

Lets begin , right ? :D @Dillinger You see the pattern ?

Tell Zarvi sahib that while casualties might bring tears to Pakistan's eyes..as far as strategic objectives are concerned they should not be cause for happiness for the talibs..only when they can form their own talib govt over the whole of Pakistan can they start spouting about demolishing the PA or whatever else..till then they are part of an active conflict which is no where near over.

Why are you even responding to this anymore? :hitwall:
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Let this war end you will know the reality behind these Taliban are involved in very very few of them mostly it is thakay dar mafia which also bribed ANP guys and have made billions out of it

Again, when these bombings are blamed on TTP guys, they never reject the notion, thus it implies they are the ones behind it.

I wonder how much a thekedar will earn in blowing up a school, that he has to go that far to blow up a school.

You & Pak-1 do have a wonderful mind of imagining things, which aren't there.
Again, when these bombings are blamed on TTP guys, they never reject the notion, thus it implies they are the ones behind it.

I wonder how much a thekedar will earn in blowing up a school, that he has to go that far to blow up a school.

You & Pak-1 do have a wonderful mind of imagining things, which aren't there.
Sir let this war end thing which will come out you guys I mean those who support this operation will be surprised and unfortunately ashamed the most Sir 400 schools Sir if every thakay dar gets 30 schools to construct that would give him lot of millions Sir

How much money does the Pakistan Army have when it is having trouble paying for upgrades and new procurements to pay to the tribal chiefs if I may ask ? They are providing a helping hand and maintaining peace in the their respective areas mostly and not on the front lines to fight . Do you think at all ?

Lets begin , right ? :D @Dillinger You see the pattern ?

Only I am right , because I am right and you are wrong . That is my unshakable belief that is not open for discussion .

You will never ever have a shortage of people willing to believe more in conspiracy theories than fact , General !

Sir if that would have been the case I wouldn't have shifted from Barelvism to Salafi Sir this funding also comes from USA and Pakistan Army has lot of money Sir and they are paying them
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Tell Zarvi sahib that while casualties might bring tears to Pakistan's eyes..as far as strategic objectives are concerned they should not be cause for happiness for the talibs..only when they can form their own talib govt over the whole of Pakistan can they start spouting about demolishing the PA or whatever else..till then they are part of an active conflict which is no where near over.

Why are you even responding to this anymore? :hitwall:

For every causality , we sustain , it results only in the awareness of more and more people of the real enemy dreaming to take away their freedom and turn ' Pakistan ' into ' Afghanistan ' and rule the country with a God's viceroy . The psychopaths think short term , Dillinger and these religious dimwits being one aren't different . What advantage is there for Taliban who are concentrated only and I say only in North Waziristan now ? Being dispersed and doing a few ' hit and runs ' doesn't count .

Its fun at times , my friend :D
Sir if that would have been the case I wouldn't have shifted from Barelvism to Salafi Sir this funding also comes from USA and Pakistan Army has lot of money Sir and they are paying them

Why would I give a darn what sect you currently owe your allegiance to ? The transformation happens once , we do not deny the obvious and radicals start to think that they have achieved Nirvana , basic psychology .

But there's no funding coming from U.S at all which goes to the army . What are you talking about ? Will someone pay me for taking care of my home ? Do you think ?
Why would I give a darn what sect you currently owe your allegiance to ? The transformation happens once , we do not deny the obvious and radicals start to think that they have achieved Nirvana , basic psychology .

But there's no funding coming from U.S at all which goes to the army . What are you talking about ? Will someone pay me for taking care of my home ? Do you think ?
Funding is coming sir and they also have lot of money themselves which they are giving to lashkars to fight and these lashkars are failing every time and Taliban are not only in North Wazristan Sir they are almost in every agency Army clears only main cities and town that too because most Taliban just simply leave the area without the fight other wise they are sitting in mountains and other parts of all the agencies and even are returning to swat Sir and in nights they easily roam around Peshawar with Pickups Machine guns on them and neither police or Army fights them Sir
in nights they easily roam around Peshawar with Pickups Machine guns on them and neither police or Army fights them Sir

Nice joke ! :D

Remind me when Taliban return to Swat and do think yourself , why are they waiting for the army to go back to attempt a coup ? The Swat people have had enough experience with Taliban Sharia and they would never allow any episode like that again .

The administrative divisions of Kurram , Orakzai , South Waziristan , Mohmand , Bajaur , Khyber Agency have been cleared and no parallel Govt's are running , so wake up from the ' fantasy stories ' from the local Mullah , you are told .

Why do your so called brave friends escape to Afghanistan when an operation begins , ask yourself ? Think why ?
Nice joke ! :D

Remind me when Taliban return to Swat and do think yourself , why are they waiting for the army to go back to attempt a coup ? The Swat people have had enough experience with Taliban Sharia and they would never allow any episode like that again .

The administrative divisions of Kurram , Orakzai , South Waziristan , Mohmand , Bajaur , Khyber Agency have been cleared and no parallel Govt's are running , so wake up from the ' fantasy stories ' , you are told .

Why do your so called brave friends escape to Afghanistan when an operation begins , ask yourself ? Think why ?
Sir keep denying you will see it soon Sir Parallel government are running and expanding but if you want to live in a denial mode please go ahead you will see soon Sir
you will see it soon

you will see soon Sir

Ok , Ok . :D

The day when army enters North Waziristan , the last conflict zone and religious psychopaths start running to Afghanistan like usual , I can hardly wait .
We should make an Auschwitz for this scum!

These are no Jews, who yield to authority. These are the most battle hardened warriors that exist in the world today. I have my doubts they can ever be controlled.
It is glaringly obvious the US is playing a game with us.

TTP are funded and armed by US/India/Saudi.

Afghan Taliban have said to take on TTP from the news I have been reading. If that is the case then a huge can of worms will be unleashed upon TTP because they want to return to Pakistan from Afghanistan.... But once NATO led cronies leave they will melt like salt in water and we can wait that long.

Anyone who believes that the TTP is being supported by the U.S. and NATO is simply siding with conspiracy theories. The truth is that they see our nations as a common threat to their criminal objectives. Please let me remind you what the Taliban spokesman, Ehsanullah Ahsan, said after the attack on the U.S. convoy in Peshawar in 2011: "The diplomatic staff of all NATO countries are our targets. We will continue such attacks. Pakistan is our first target, and America is our second." Furthermore, this is what the TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan, told the media after the Boston Marathon explosions: “We believe in attacking US and its allies but we are not involved in this attack. We have no connection to this bombing but we will continue to target them wherever possible.” I hope you are able to see that we are fighting a common war against our common enemies.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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