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Tehreek-e-Taliban say no peace talks anytime soon

Here comes another , eh ? :D

Rest assured , we pay the taxes , work honestly and abide by the law . So , there wont be no need for this ' you shouldn't be concerned ' part unless one sympathizes with the Taliban .

Doesn't matter .

There's a whole interpretation for that , you should look into !

Meray kehnay ka matlab ye ta key aik serious jang jari hey taliban aur fauj may, and then i see comment "nah man they are just attention seekers"...isko koi video game samaj raka hey?..ye jo taliban apney apko urra rahain hain aur fauji apna jaan ka nazrana paish kar rahain hain....ye tumay mazaq lagta hey? Aank macholi lagta hey? Playstation ka game lagta hey?
Doesn't matter .

There's a whole interpretation for that , you should look into !

What do you mean a whole interpretation?

They are fighting my country and killing my women and children.

Why would I listen to them?

Only a Ghadar would give them any sort of backing.

I want ISI to spread across Pakistan, time to root out the TTP sympathizers and fighters. Trial them and then hang them.

This is the only solution if they do not want peace.
Seeking attention as usual , religious psychopaths ?

The last time the so called peace offer from these dimwits got refused by the Govt , they issued a statement calling people to ' respect ' them .

The Govt needs to understand that we can never find a ' common ground ' with them .

don't worry sir say what ever you want say but government will talk to them and on their terms sir @AZADPAKISTAN2009 they look clean because they are fighting with local support and they don't lack things

Meray kehnay ka matlab ye ta key aik serious jang jari hey taliban aur fauj may, and then i see comment "nah man they are just attention seekers"...isko koi video game samaj raka hey?..ye jo taliban apney apko urra rahain hain aur fauji apna jaan ka nazrana paish kar rahain hain....ye tumay mazaq lagta hey? Aank macholi lagta hey? Playstation ka game lagta hey?

puppets off USA think this is a PlayStation game but soon would face most unfortunate brutal reality
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Meray kehnay ka matlab ye ta key aik serious jang jari hey taliban aur fauj may, and then i see comment "nah man they are just attention seekers"...isko koi video game samaj raka hey?..ye jo taliban apney apko urra rahain hain aur fauji apna jaan ka nazrana paish kar rahain hain....ye tumay mazaq lagta hey? Aank macholi lagta hey? Playstation ka game lagta hey?

No need for any explanation . Your attempts at generalizing people and trying to provoke them are well known already . :D

We know there's a serious war of ideologies going on in the country , do you not follow me on every thread related to the War on Terror ? I salute the brave army soldiers who are fighting these religious psychopaths who want to impose their barbarism everywhere like Swat .

These statements are issued from time to time by Taliban , even if at times the Govt or the Army isn't even interested , the last time there was a warning for people to ' fear ' them . Now go check the meaning of ' attention seeking ' and apply the criteria . Remember just yesterday , I asked you to work on comprehension skills .

No need to pretend to be ' emotional ' . I know it just too well , Alas !

don't worry sir say what ever you want say but government will talk to them and on their terms sir @AZADPAKISTAN2009 they look clean because they are fighting with local support and they don't lack things

I would advise you to do the same because your beloved Taliban do not allow that in the areas they control . :azn: Maybe Govt will talk to them after they drop weapons . Otherwise the army operations will suffice in the long run . Already cleaned a lot of areas from these people , haven't we ? They look clean and well equipped because they are getting help from outside . A group which is scattered and cornered by the security forces and limited to North Waziristan mostly is in no position to dictate any terms .
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What do you mean a whole interpretation?

A whole interpretation of the religion to radicalize the society and raise new recruits to go to ' heaven ' .

A whole ideology to make the people intolerant , barbaric and psychopathic .
The theory of outside sponsorship might not be a far fetched idea after all

Besides the outside factor , The Govt strictly needs to check where the donations on which ' Mullahs ' live are going to .

never seen these genglemen in my life, I swear. :cheers:

Well , there's a famous book called ' The Mask of Sanity ' which explains a lot about psychopath and their behavior .

Look into that :D
What do you mean a whole interpretation?

They are fighting my country and killing my women and children.

Why would I listen to them?

Only a Ghadar would give them any sort of backing.

I want ISI to spread across Pakistan, time to root out the TTP sympathizers and fighters. Trial them and then hang them.

This is the only solution if they do not want peace.

We pakhtuns of KPK from all walks of life, from all kind of backgrounds, want peace with taliban....we are getting affected by this war between taliban and pak army...the thousands of people that were blown by TTP, were from our province...still we want peace talks.
When you pray 5 times and ghusal o taharat then you dont look dirty.

You are more ignorant than the Taliban you sympathize with.

They pray five times a day and yet they have killed nearly 50,000 innocent Pakistani citizens including women , children and elders. They shoot 15 year old girls like Malala just because they want to get an education.
We all know this that as far as the demand is to lay down their arms they won't and our governments don't want to solve the issue so they are also to be blamed. Their main demand is to disengage from this war on terror and once we disengage they lose this glorious incentive of Jihad that they have used to attract people towards them as far as imposing Islamic law is concerned honestly without any prejudice they had never imposed any law or even suggested that before this war began so this is not their main stance anyway and it certainly doesn't drive and strengthen them. They are strengthened by the desire to fight against a foreign army and in the process kill innocent Pakistanis because Pakistani government is an ally to this US sponsored good for nothing war. The moment we disengage they would lose their stance and their popular support.
They shoot 15 year girls like Malala just because they want to get an education.

Later , they called and threatened the media not to be ' judgmental ' on the attack on a girl who just wanted to seek education . Even then , people think these people can be reasoned or negotiated with .

kill innocent Pakistanis because Pakistani government is an ally to this US sponsored

I have well quoted your post from a specific line but is this some sort of justification for attacks even remotely ? Why not just say that it is wrong , barbaric and unacceptable ?
We pakhtuns of KPK from all walks of life, from all kind of backgrounds, want peace with taliban....we are getting affected by this war between taliban and pak army...the thousands of people that were blown by TTP, were from our province...still we want peace talks.

Do you welcome the ' Taliban Sharia ' like the Swatis in such case * assuming that really the whole Pashtuns of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from well all walks of life want peace talks * ?

Aware of the sacrifices of the people of that province and we salute their bravery . All the reason to not talk with these militants because face it there's nothing that one can talk on .

So abolish democracy , tear apart the constitution , get isolated Internationally by cutting links with China and U.S , get the Taliban leader in his utopian ' one man ' rule selected by his designated pious people , impose the barbaric and intolerant interpretation of the religion , curb freedom to every last extent and become another Afghanistan because that is their wishlist ? Is this your choice really ?

@Armstrong Can you add more to that ?
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Later , they called and threatened the media not to be ' judgmental ' on the attack on a girl who just wanted to seek education . Even then , people think these people can be reasoned or negotiated with .

Is this some sort of justification for attacks even remotely ? Why not just say that it is wrong , barbaric and unacceptable ?

Because in areas such as North Waziristan people are being further marginalized by droning. Naming a problem is one thing but addressing the root cause of the problem ultimately helps to eliminate it. We can't weaken them ever if they hold a stance as powerful as Jihad and include the Pakistani government in the process because they support a foreign army. Without officially disengaging from this war they would continue attacking Pakistani people its only when Pakistani government refuses to let its own people be droned and attacked by a foreign power would we truly able to achieve peace.

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